Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 894: Shameless than me

After hearing Lorraine's words, Deira couldn't help but was shocked, and immediately realized his failure to speak.

She looked at Lorraine’s piercing eyes, she turned her eyes around, and said to him, "Those, those are all small things. The main thing is to talk about you..."

While she was talking, she turned her pretty face away with a guilty conscience and turned her head to look away.

Lorraine snorted coldly, stretched out her hand, raised her delicate jaw, and slightly tightened her wrist.

Under his force, Deira exclaimed in a low voice and had to turn his head back. Seeing Lorraine's eyes, her long eyelashes blinked a few times, and then she showed the pitiful god.

Lorraine looked at her bright, star-like electric eyes, and immediately felt a strange feeling, as if he was about to be lost in her starry eyes, and couldn't help but feel softened. But then he snorted coldly and said, "Say. Who is there? What did you say? Believe me or not"

When he said this, he couldn't think of a way to punish him.

Seeing his hesitating god, Deira raised his chin slightly provocatively at this time, with a smile on his face, and said, "How are you?"

Seeing her faint and awe-inspiring, like a heroine scolding the bandit, Lorraine became angry for a moment: This woman is really a cat. It's really "no fight for three days, go to the house to reveal the tile. She actually dared to provoke. It's really upside down. God.

At this moment, Deira was even more unreasonable, even tǐng started his own sūng and pressed towards Lorraine.

Lorraine became angry for a while: This woman really wants to give a lesson n!

But then I feel the martial arts of the universe, the holy king makes the sacred king, the night kills the god, the **** seal, the throne seeks the devil, the nineth heaven is the strongest, abandons the young great Zhou royal family, the night kills the god, the seal, the throne seeks the devil Qiankun will kill the night god, **** seal throne, ask the devil, proud world, the strongest, abandon the king of Shao Da Zhou Amazing play. He immediately rolled his eyes, then stretched out his paws, shook in front of Deira's eyes, and said viciously, "How? How do you want to know? Dare to tell the truth, Sir Alex uses his hand Come to deal with you." Deira paused.

At this moment, Lorraine laughed hehe, squeezed his claws in the air twice, and then said, "I don't know why, I really hope you don't recruit so quickly. Hehehehehe"... ,

Said Xian, another burst of laughter.

Deira looked at him leaping and trying. "Rao is Bingxue, smart and wise, but at this time he can't help but feel his scalp numb.

Although in the sīxia, they did not do those strange things that were very violent and seldom inappropriate, but you should know that this is the hall and there are so many people sleeping next to it.

Those people are all elites of the Hundred Fighters." All of them are extremely alert, blinking even when sleeping.

Now the hall is so quiet again, in case the ruffian really starts, if I can't help but make a strange noise, it will wake them up. "My face is lost. I will never be able to lift my head for the rest of my life. Come.

At this moment, Lorraine had already stretched out his paw and grabbed it. She couldn't help but exclaimed in a low voice, and hurriedly covered her sūng with both hands. Then he whispered: "No, no more. I surrender..."

Listening to her begging for mercy, Lorraine couldn't help but stagnate, and then watched Deira's sūng "have been deformed under her squeezing force," he couldn't help but smack his tongue with some regret, and then asked unwillingly. : "Are you sure you want to surrender? Stop resisting for a while? Don't be so spineless, it will make people look down on it. Do you really stop thinking about it? "

Deira was embarrassed and angry, and the roots of his teeth were a little itchy. Then he nodded his head vigorously and said, "I'm sure. I surrendered, and I won't change it. Ask n!"

Saying that, as if out of anger, he sat down with his arms around.

Lorraine retracted his claws angrily, then blew his fingers, and glanced at Deira squintly," said proudly, "You are far from shameless than me. "

Deira rolled his eyes angrily: Is there anything worthy of pride in this kind of thing?

But as a defeated, it is really difficult for Wei to fight against each other, otherwise the ruffian would definitely take the opportunity to resort to some shameless trick.

Seeing her see through her provocation, Lorraine couldn't help sighing in disappointment. Then he coughed slightly, and then asked, "Who are they?"

Deira said softly, "Who else can? Of course it is everyone in our folder. Nicole, Del, Linna, Meier, Melina, Fina, Aling, Claudia, Lester, Aubach...


Deira is worthy of an intelligence background, and within a short while, he has already named a large number of people.

Lorraine heard this, dizzy involuntarily, and hurriedly said, "Stop, stop. I know."

He paused, then said, "That is to say, everyone except Vera had doubts, right?"

Deira stagnated for a while, and then the root was coated with cardamom, and the white spring onion-like index finger lightly tapped Sakura net, and muttered thoughtfully, "That's right, it seems that there are indeed other than Vera. , Everyone suspected it."

As he spoke, he turned his head involuntarily and looked in the direction of Vera.

But I saw that simple and naive girl was screaming and sleeping, with a sweet smile on her white and ruddy face, and she didn't know whether she was doing something like robbing a bank or a vault.

Seeing this, Deira couldn't help feeling sympathy for Vera.

She knew that Vera had been caught by an evil dragon and became a shì girl since she was a child. She was exhausted and could not eat enough to eat. This is not to be counted. Moreover, the evil dragon is also a black-eyed guy. All went to her netg to work.

At the same time, she may have also taught her some weird magic, but it also infected her with the dragon clan's greed for money and unable to walk when they saw gold coins.

Well, of course these were all told by Lorraine, and Vera would only stupidly say "whatever the master said".

However, even though Vera was asleep, she still had a sweet smile on her pretty face, but she couldn't help but shook her head with a bitter smile. Although this girl was pure and naive, she still did every day. Happily, the life is extremely happy.

No matter what kind of danger she was facing, she never seemed to care about it, and she didn't know if she was really bold, or she was so simple and heartless that she didn't know to be afraid.

"In comparison," I used to hide in the dark, and I was trembling every day, trying my best, and there was not a single moment to cheer up. Thinking about those days now makes people feel chilling.

Unfortunately, I met Lorraine and under his influence." This is the beginning of a normal life. I am in the sun, and my heart has no shadow.

It's better for people to live simpler.

Thinking of this, she looked at Lorraine, her eyes filled with affection, and the corners of her mouth could not help but bend slightly."

Can't help but smile.

Lorraine looked at the smile on her face and couldn't help but stagnate, and then he prepared a defense and said vigilantly, "You...what do you want to do?"

Deira stopped immediately and said, "Don't do anything."

Then he slowly turned his head and looked out the window, and sighed in his heart: This ruffian is sometimes smarter than a monkey." But sometimes he is an idiot with a paste in his head, and he doesn't understand the style at all. But I have long been used to it. And because of this, I will like him, right?

Lorington paused, seeing that Deira did not act dangerously, and then carefully dropped his hands, and then continued to ask: "By the way, you haven't told me yet, what do they say I am?"

Deira snorted, looked at the clouds passing by the window, and said: "What else? Leo said" You are possessed by a magical monkey spirit. "

Having said this, she couldn't help but calm down, and she was secretly strange: When Leo talked about monkey spirits, Feidan didn't hate and fear, but worshipped her face. "Want to put a little monkey mask on her face to express herself He is the determined little brother of the boss.

I don’t know why?

But she did not say it, but continued: "Like Master Lester, he thinks your craftsmanship should be true, but those novels and so on should be copied from others. It is very likely. It was your senior, who wrote it before. The result was shown by you and taken out."

Lorraine couldn't help but cried out: "Rely on n!"

Secretly said in his heart: These old guys, thieves and thieves, will stay away from them in the future.

Deira glanced at him, wondering how Lorraine's reaction was so big, and then continued: "And Rowrina, think that whether it's craftsmanship or those novels, it's all written by you, but it must be You had a serious illness at the beginning, and it was related to the burning of your brain.

In addition, when you are okay, you always smile inexplicably, or talk to yourself some strange things, so you suspect that you have a certain neurotic tendency.

And she also said that this is nothing strange, many geniuses in this world are crazy. "

Deira paused, then went on to say: "Yes, I forgot to remind you.

Luo Linna has already told everyone in advance that after you die, no one can ask for the remains, and they must be handed over to her.

She cut all the parts on your body, what did Ran'er say, yes. Anatomy n!

She wants to dissect you to see if she can find out what makes geniuses different from ordinary people, and whether they can be mass-produced like cakes in the future. "After that, she glanced up and down, looking at Lorraine, as if she was imagining that Lorraine was cut into a well by Lorraine with a small knife, and then placed in a glass bottle soaked in a strange solution. Then she endured it. I couldn't help but shudder, and "vomited" disgustingly. I folded my arms and rubbed them back and forth a few times.

Lorraine couldn't help being speechless for a while: Luo Linna deserves to be a magician, and she really has a vicious heart. If I knew this, I wouldn't tell her about those messy things. Just like before, guarding a big pot, cooking a little bat and toad if you have something to do, how nice!

It’s just that I want to regret it but it’s too late!

Thinking of this, Lorraine couldn't help but let out a long sigh. In order to correct the problem of Luo Linna's gold practice, which only throws messy things into the pot, I wrote a lot of things for her.

Later, she got a bargain and forced herself to write more things to her. There are all kinds of physics, chemistry, anatomy, and so on. She thought she could stop a little bit. Unexpectedly, he has changed his mind and hit his head.

Tell her something about the age, but the girl is a little crazy now. Why do women know so much? Doesn't this increase the mental burden on men?

Deira ignored Lorraine's self-pity and continued: "The above three thoughts are quite representative." As for the others, there is no other reliable idea. "

Lorraine listened and let out a long sigh of relief, and then wiped the sweat from his forehead" murmured: "It's okay, it's okay. At the very least, the autopsy had to wait until after death. I didn't say that one day I was given a little anaesthetic and I was dissected. "

Deira looked at him and suddenly couldn't help but "pushed" with a chuckle. Then Xing Miao turned and smiled: "Okay, I told you everything I know."

She paused, and then her pretty face approached Lorraine little by little, staring at Lorraine with her big bright star-like eyes, and said, "Now you can talk about it. Tell me, what are you? How do you know so many things?"

Lorraine looked at her clear and bright eyes, hesitated for a moment, and then said, "Actually, this thing is very simple..."

He paused and said seriously, "I actually come from another world."

A hint of surprise flashed through Deira's clear eyes. Dai's eyebrows raised slightly and said, "Oh...?"

Lorraine continued, "There is no magic but there are other things. That is, extremely sophisticated alchemy. The houses there are hundreds of stories high, and there are machines that allow ordinary people to fly in the sky.

There are machines that can run fast without using livestock. There are also very bright lights that can be illuminated at night, but are more economical than magic lights, and ordinary people can use them.

There are also guns that can eject deadly metal without magic. A huge bomb that can destroy a city in an instant..."

In this cold night, white clouds flew past the window, and then listened to Lorraine's dreamlike narration. Deira couldn't help but feel an untrue feeling in his heart. It seems that the whole world has also become a little distorted, and it's not really true. Feeling cold all over.

And at that moment, Lorraine's story was so calm, such a lonely voice was full of magic, as if he really came from that world.

She couldn't help but snuggled against Lorraine and hugged his arm tightly in her arms. I was afraid that one would let him leave this place without grasping, and return to the world he described.

But just at this moment, I heard Lorraine continue to say, "There is also Li Liang and Meimei who is wearing violent clothes and breathing fire, and her independent personality..."

That sentence immediately destroyed the tranquil atmosphere of the scene.

"You bastard!" Deira chuckled, then slapped his back lightly with an aversion: no matter when, this rascal destroys the atmosphere, he is definitely a good hand!

Lorraine smiled, turned his head and glanced out the window.

I saw the stars in the night sky, and the moon was far past the mid-sky position. It started to fall, and it was clear that the night was already deep.

In the sky behind, several black spots can still be seen vaguely. The liches were still there, and they followed closely behind.

Lorraine could not help but cursed lowly, but there was no other way. Even if he wanted to lie in wait, there were only Lester, Osheed, and Obachem on his side.

Obachem, the most lethal among them, could not fly, and only allowed the other two to pass to the God Seal Throne.

Let the two great wizards fight the five war fortresses and the hundreds of liches above them. That really became a meat bun and a dog.

Deira stood quietly next to him, looking at his profile faintly, letting the wind coming in through the window blow his own show up.

She secretly thought in her heart: What the ruffian said just now was nonsense and deceitful, and it was true. Look at the look of the ruffian, it must be a lie!

But then suddenly there was a movement in his heart: Gangyue said that he was wearing a violent outfit, his body breathed fire, and an independent Li Liang and beautiful.

Including himself, these women around him are all like this.

Whether in the Semites or the Humans, it is out of education and social secularity. No matter how beautiful such an independent girl is, Taobao women's clothing, Tmall, Taobao mall, Taobao's women's winter coats are attractive and even respectable, but as a wife, girlfriend, or even lover, they are not very popular.

But he didn't care, and when he saw who was fine, he encouraged him to do it boldly.

This quality can be said to be unique in this world, even impossible. But everyone turned a blind eye to the girlfriends he had had so many children.

It is true that all the women have the same personality and are extremely congenial, but Lorraine's quality of pampering and loving all the women is also one of the reasons.

After all A good man like him is really not easy to find in this world!

Could it be said that he really came from another world?

For a moment, Deira's heart was pounding: What if, what if what he said is true and he wants to go back?

Lorraine turned his head, looked at Deira’s jade-like pretty face, and stretched out a big lazy waist, saying: "Those puppies are just following far behind. It's going to happen. It's too late, let's go to sleep?" As he said, he stretched out his hand, pulled Deira, and walked towards the wall.

Deira made a hard effort, but didn't break away either. He could only smile wryly, then lowered his head and obediently followed him to the wall.

Lorraine hit a roll of blankets, after laying it out, then sat down, patted his side, looked at Deira and said, "Let's sleep."

Deira looked at it, and couldn't help biting Yingying. His pretty face turned red for a moment, almost dripping blood, and his heart was upset: this ruffian is too shameless. This hall is a big crowd.

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