Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 897: 1 silk vitality

Looking down from the clouds, even though the clouds were thick and heavy, like a black sea in the tossing, countless rays of light still flashed through. The electric light illuminates the nearby clouds, the scene is strange and spectacular.

At the same time, there were also bursts of thunder, one after another, endlessly.

From this we can see how violent the wind and rain below are.

In the face of the power of nature, all human forces are small and ridiculous.

Whether it is a war fortress, or a curse wizard, whether it is a lich or a dragon, they are not opponents of the forces of nature.

Just like no one can beat earthquakes and tsunamis.

Lorraine looked at it and couldn't help but hesitate.

At this moment, I saw that the enemy's nine war fortresses had already rushed over, unabated, and seeing their momentum, it seemed that they were going to fight Lorraine and the others.

Several strands of black smoke emerged from the windows and doorways of the war fortress, and scattered behind the war fortress.

At the same time, there were screams.

When everyone looked at it, they couldn't help but feel shocked.

They all knew that it was not a dark cloud, but a large number of liches.

Yes, there are many liches.

Due to the large number of people, it looks like black smoke from a distance.

The black smoke rolled and twisted in the air, constantly changing its shape, and galloping towards this side.

The enemy is about to rush over!

When everyone saw this, they couldn't help but feel nervous, and held the weapon in their hands tightly.

Just look at the fortress of war, nine to one.

What's more, even if everyone here has nine lives and four hands, they can't do as many lich as a swarm.

At this time, several red fireballs roared past the throne of God Seal from the window. Fortunately, the hit rate of this group of liches is really not very good. However, the magic cannon of the War Fortress was originally the opponent's fixed target. "It's normal for the witches to be inaccurate. Vera is a genius who can increase his hit rate by hundreds of percent by burning gold. There is only one in the world, uh. Maybe two.

(Under the heavy reward, the little gangster Leo changed from a four arithmetic calculations that didn’t know how to deal with complicated equity allocation. I believe that as long as there are gold coins, this trivial ballistics is also in his eyes. A piece of cake.)

At this time, the several war fortresses in the rear were also rushing over.

Seeing that the situation is critical, Lorraine gritted his teeth immediately, and then sternly ordered: "Give my order, rush down, rush down to the clouds!"

At first, his voice was swallowed by the screams of the lich outside, the howling of magic bullets, and the thunder from a distance.

Lorraine raised his voice immediately and shouted: "All the war fortresses rush down, rush under the clouds!"

His voice was extremely high, and immediately overwhelmed all the surrounding sounds, resounding throughout the hall.

Everyone turned their heads and looked at him steadily, with incredible gods in their eyes.

This is not surprising, although most of them do not know magic, but looking at the clouds underneath, dark clouds are rolling, lightning and thunder. But I also know that the situation there is critical.

Once rushed down, it would be equivalent to putting oneself in the violent thunder and lightning pan of nature. As long as you are not careful, even if it's just a single head of lightning hit by the smallest thunder and lightning, it will definitely knock a person into a burst of meaty coke n!

Not long after Lester and Osheed joined forces in a thunderstorm, they killed a large group of liches.

No one knows how powerful the lightning is?

Anyway, the unlucky ghost struck by lightning has never heard of any survivors. Otherwise, he would not say "Let you thunder and thunder" when cursing others.

I rushed into the dark clouds, um, "Well, at least it's so happy.

At this moment, the attack on the other side suddenly stopped.

The liches who were flying towards here also stopped. The magic cannon on the opposite side stopped firing, and even those war fortresses no longer approached, but suddenly braked and hovered in the air.

The liches were quiet.

Everyone couldn't help but feel inexplicable for a while: "The enemy gave up? But obviously they are going to catch up."

Today, Kong was quiet all of a sudden, except for the howling wind and the deep thunder, no sound was heard. The lich on the opposite side seemed to be dead.

The air became extremely depressed. Everyone feels heavy.

"What's wrong with these liches?" someone asked strangely.

That voice is extremely low" as if he was afraid of breaking the silence. Unconsciously, it even became a little sharp.

If in normal times, this situation would be laughed at by the bad bunch of ruffians taking the opportunity to laugh loudly. But at this time, all the people next to him did not laugh.

Because they also have a sense of anxiety in their hearts n!

It's like an ant who smells of humidity in the air and knows it will rain soon and is busy moving.

They are all keenly aware that the unknown danger is coming.

The unknown danger is even more terrifying than the thunderstorm on the soles of the feet.

At this time, the liches hovered in the air, looking down at the people of Lorraine. The bleak green light flickered in their eyes.

Although those eyes were not clear at all, everyone still clearly felt the mocking **** sè emanating from the opponent's eyes.

Obviously the liches thought that Lorraine was already a turtle in the urn, and victory was about to come.

The look of the liches made everyone feel more upset.

At this moment, I suddenly heard a stern sound coming from behind. The sound was like a strange whistle, across the sky, and clearly spread to everyone's ears.

At the same time that the whistle sounded, the air suddenly seemed to stagnate, becoming extremely heavy.

Everyone felt that their hearts were pressed against a heavy boulder, and they all could not breathe.

A group of Terran warriors couldn't help but miss each other. All of them are elites of the Hundred Wars, each of them keen on the six senses, they are all fighting instincts honed in life and death.

They all knew clearly that such a powerful pressure had already come from just the sound.

That person is definitely a powerful person.

The more everyone present.

They turned their heads and looked around, only to see a thin gray line on the sky behind.

The thin line is slowly extending here little by little. Moreover, there is a faint light grayish light on the top of the thin line.

If you look closely, it will still appear, the thin line is not really true, just because the light at the top is so fast that it even tears the air apart, forming a wake of air. It's like a white wake formed by a ship passing over the water.

The thin line is so fast. When it passed by, the clouds on both sides were all torn into fragments by something in an instant, either turned into fine flocs, or disappeared without a trace.

Its speed was so fast that it doubled in front of everyone's eyes in a moment.

At this moment, the liches, whether in mid-air or in the fortress of the war, all neatly arranged their clothes, and then stood with their hands down. It looks like an obedient elementary school student.

When everyone saw their appearance, they couldn't help being stunned for a while.

Lester couldn't help but frowned and said: "Who is this*? Such a shit? There is a war here? How can they become so honest all at once? Even if they meet their godfather, they don't necessarily have such a kiss."

Osheed listened beside him, and couldn't help but glanced at him strangely, and said, "What logic?

Why is it a godfather, not a real father? "

Lester sneered, and said: "Many people don’t necessarily want to be filial when they meet their own fathers, or they may wish to beat them. But you’ve seen it before. Scolded?"

O'Hid was taken aback, and then he thought about it seriously, and finally had to nod in admiration, and said, "Incisive and incisive!"

Lester smiled triumphantly and said, "It's nothing, it's just a little insight of my many years of life. Not only do we have to be high in magic, but also in thinking, and occasionally we have to learn a little philosophy or something. . Do you say it, hahahaha"

But the old guy didn't mention a word, he learned these words from Lorraine.

At this time, Leo, who looked at the window for a long time, was beside him and said, "Is he very stylish? Who is he*?"

Lorraine smiled and said, "Who else can make these puppies be so obedient besides the old bone rod of the high priest?"

After he finished speaking, he suddenly realized something.

Immediately several people looked at each other in the same way.

Then, in the next second, they already yelled in unison: "High priest n! It's high priest n!"

All of them are right up to n!

Except for the High Priest of the Undead, Kalimdor, Beatrice was once on the throne of God Seal and is now a strong one.

Which one in this world has such a powerful power, and which one can make those liches with higher eyes be respectful and respectful as gods?

For the dark wizards who admire the strong and hegemony, this is the respect for them who cannot be far away.

At this time, everyone in the war fort also understood.

These rough men who have always been not afraid of the sky and the ground immediately all jumped three feet high, pulling their throats, like killing a chicken, and shouting loudly.

"Chong, go down, go under the clouds!"

At this time, they also did not care much, and did not think about whether it would become an electric grilled chicken steak in the dark clouds.

"Heaven does evil, something can be violated, and man does evil and cannot live. In the face of the violent thunderstorm, there may be only a glimmer of life, but in the face of the nightmares and shadows of mankind for thousands of years, they are even the same. There is no life.

It's not that these guys are timid, but they know that even if they add up all of them and multiply them by two, they really can't beat the undead high priest.

Even though the oldest of them, Obahem, he listened to the undead high priest who used to be the only strong man who used to be the throne of the gods and is now the only strong man. He grew up listening to his story, and he still wore the crotch from Obahem. when.

In the face of such a powerful enemy, an old monster who has lived for two thousand years, even if he is fully prepared, the elites of three to five thousand levels must be destroyed if he wants to use his faintness. danger.

Not to mention that now, there are only a few dozen people, and among them, there is only one nanny and barely three outputs. The rest are tanks and hunters. How is this battle?

There is neither a pastor who will resurrect you nor a spiritual healer. If you die, you are really dead.

Lorraine and the others are all elites. The meaning of the elite is to fight as soon as possible.

Run if you can't beat it.

People who only know the stumbling will not have the opportunity to mix experience points to the elite level.

Because they didn't wait to upgrade, they had already been beaten to death by others. People who can fight will always meet those who can't.

Amidst their roars, Adele also knew that the situation was critical when the undead high priest arrived, and she was afraid that she could not run if she wanted to.

Under her control, the war fortress made a huge roar, tilted to an angle of nearly sixty degrees, and plunged into the thunderstorm clouds below!


In an instant he rushed into the dark clouds that were as dark as night.

At the last moment, Lorraine looked back and saw that behind him, all the liches were surprised.

Obviously, it was unexpected that everyone had such courage to face the violent lightning of nature!

Although suicide is indeed much faster than letting them catch.

And the light spot was now not far behind them, and then stopped. Xian 1ù showed a white old man in a gray robe.

At this moment, a shock that can be almost captured by the naked eye is spreading from his body.

Lorraine and him looked at each other, and saw that instead of being angry, a curious **** flashed through his eyes, and he kept looking at himself.

Immediately after that, a strange light flashed in his eyes. Lorraine couldn't help but shook, and suddenly felt a bang in his mind, as if a mouth had been made and someone was peeping. Countless things poured out like a rushing river.

He didn't know his heart well, and hurriedly bit his tongue. A great pain came over immediately.

But despite this," he still felt that the sight of the undead high priest still locked himself tightly, and he was unable to look away at all.

Lorraine couldn't help but groan secretly.

At this moment, the war fortress has been submerged in the dark clouds and Dangping." His sight was blocked by the rising clouds.

Lorraine suddenly let out a long sigh of relief, almost falling to the ground.

That high priest is worthy of being a nightmare of mankind." The ultimate ss. Just a glance at each other, he feels completely violent.

And this is just an ordinary glance. Only from this we can know how powerful the high priest is.

At this moment, a thunderous sound exploded in my ears.

Lorraine suddenly dizzy in his mind and almost didn't sit down on the ground.

The outside world suddenly became extremely quiet. All the sounds disappeared, and there was only a buzzing sound.

Lorraine felt the war fort under him shake violently, as if on a ship, throwing him high from the floor, and then hit the floor again. Then it rolled on the floor like a gourd.

Lorraine hurriedly reached out and grabbed it randomly around. Suddenly caught something, then grabbed it tightly, and finally stabilized his figure.

He shook his head and opened his eyes desperately, trying to see the surroundings clearly.

But in the midst of the dark clouds, there was pitch black all around, and nothing could be seen clearly.

At this moment, a bright lightning flashed across the night sky.

At that moment, the situation in the hall was extremely bright.

Only then did Lorraine discover that it was Deira's little tuǐ that he was holding tightly. Beside her, Vera was turning her head, her pretty face was full of anxiety, she was saying something to herself eagerly, but she couldn't hear anything.

After a while, I felt a roar in my ears. The voice of the outside world gradually came in.

"Master, it doesn't matter to you? Does it matter?" In the darkness, Vera's voice came from low to high.

Next to him, Deira also looked concerned.

Lorraine grinned immediately and said, "It's okay. I was just shocked by the thunder just now."

As he spoke, he instinctively turned his head and looked around.

At this time, another bolt of lightning flashed across the sky.

Lorraine was able to see clearly through the light of the lightning. At this time, everyone had curled up behind their shelter. Those bunkers were originally used by everyone to resist the magic cannon. At this time, they were used to keep out the wind and rain. Although the effect was a little worse, they still worked.

Lorraine let go of his heart. Then I noticed that the jade tuǐ that was as smooth and smooth as a white lotus root in his hand.

At this time, the lightning had gone out.

He immediately reached out and stroked Deira's crystal-like little tuǐ lightly. Lorraine couldn't help but sigh deeply. It was because of a jade-like beauty that he felt the beauty of life. It was also willing to go through hardships and death.

Deira couldn't help but trembled and couldn't help but exclaimed in a low voice.

For some reason, Vera hurriedly asked: "What's the matter? What's the matter?"

Deira cursed secretly in his heart: This dead bastard, really hasn't lost his The heart is up.

It's really an asshole. Could it be that I really owed him in my previous life?

He immediately replied vaguely: "There is nothing more, I was just bitten by a mosquito."

Vera couldn't help but let out a sigh of surprise, and then looked out the window, and saw a raging wind and heavy rain.

That violent storm, through the window, rushed into the hall, and poured all the people through. How could there be mosquitoes at this time?

At this moment, I heard a low singing, and saw a faint light flashing. Although the light was not strong, it brightened the hall.

At this moment, another lightning bolt blasted outside the window.

The lightning passed through the light in the hall for an instant, illuminating the entire hall like daylight, and also illuminating the pale faces of everyone.

Although they escaped the pursuit of the high priest, they are not much safer now. They are already in a thunderstorm! a.

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