Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 905:  Intimidation

Everyone quarreled for a long time." Only then did they reach an agreement-let Lorraine, who made the most credit in this action, decide the whereabouts of the war fort.

They are all extremely spicy too. All of them have made up their minds. "Wait a minute and see how Lorraine's decision is? In case it doesn't agree with his own mind. At that time," it won't be too late to argue.

Everyone turned their heads over to "want to find Lorraine. But after looking for a circle", they didn't see Lorraine at all.

Everyone couldn't help but feel strange: the big guys here are about to fry the pan." Where did the ruffian go?

And again and again

, "Dizzy" Dizzy" Don't move.

,. Lorraine groaned in a low voice, "and then continued to rest his head on Claudia's plump tuǐ." A happy smile appeared on his face.

Claudia looked at his smile. I could not help but hate in my heart. "Knowing that this ruffian is deliberately mopping oil again. But she sighed helplessly," and then moved a little bit twice" and adjusted her posture. In order to let Lorraine sleep more on her tuǐ Be more comfortable.

Next to him, Deira chuckled lightly, "and then stretched out a pink fist" to beat him softly and rhythmically. Give him two massages from time to time.

On the other side, "Adele was also holding the tea carefully" and it was a little bit cooler. Then it gently brought him to his lips.

Lorraine took a drink. "I immediately felt that cup of black tea was full of aroma, "sweet in the bitterness, and bitter in the sweetness," the slightly astringent and sweet taste, in a split second, "there were several rolls between the tongue" "even if you swallow it" but net teeth There is still a trace of fragrance in between.

He immediately sighed comfortably: This is life! Even if it is the sultan of Thors, his happy life is nothing more than that.

But then he couldn't help but hesitate. "It is said that "the girls who have lived by the sultans are all extremely undressed" are just wearing a light veil.

and. In that palace, "all the rest are eunuchs except the sultan." They have never seen a man. Everyone is hungry and thirsty like walking through the Great Desert on foot. Not to mention seeing the water. Even after seeing the urine, I will drink it desperately.

That is the harem that I am most yearning for. One day there is a chance, "You must go to see and know" carefully to visit and study. Maybe I can learn some advanced management experience.

Just when he was comfortably enjoying the service of a few beauties," there was a sound of footsteps outside.

Then" someone shouted loudly, "Lorraine" Lorraine" Where are you? ".

, "Boss, come out.

I saw you. ,.

, "Earl" Earl. where are you? ,.


The few people couldn't help but all were stunned: "A few people deliberately hid on this high tower in order to hide quietly." Why is there someone else here?

Lorraine couldn't help being quite annoyed" said, "Dai Er" go and see who is so short-eyed, "swear him back."

Adele raised her pretty face and smiled sweetly" and shook her head slightly.

Lorraine immediately reacted. "Listen to the voice just now, "There is clearly Lester's voice." If you let Adele go out. No matter how reluctant she is, she is too embarrassed to let her grandfather. Flattened.

Lorraine couldn't help sighing," said: "This daughter has grown up." It really is outgoing."

Adele listened," she couldn't help but raise her eyebrows.

I won’t wait for her to speak.” Lorraine had already said again at this moment: “But “I like n”.

Saying," she put it in her white hand.

Adele couldn't help taking a sip. But he lowered his head and made no sound.

Lorraine turned to Deira and said, "Liya. It's better to go no matter who it is."

Just say...

Deira smiled sweetly." Then he said: "Just say" Sir Ferguson blocked the High Priest's three blows. "He was seriously injured" and he needs to rest well. No matter what," don't bother easily. right? ".

After saying "lean slightly" and stood up.

Lorraine laughed," said, "Yes, that's right. ,.

Seeing her towering Feng tún "raised his hand immediately" and slapped her fragrant tún heavily. Immediately caused a jade muscle tremor.

Deira couldn't help but exclaimed in a low voice, "turned his head back and waved his fan fist"

Demonstrated viciously at him" and then walked towards the door.

At this time, "Those people seem to have found a place." The door panel has been shot by them.

Deira couldn't help frowning. Loudly said: "Here is coming".

It seems to say something, "you can stop the other party" and make less noise.

Immediately, I heard someone shout loudly outside: "Boss," Don't hide. Xiaobai has already smelled you. You can't escape. Our policy. You also know "Frank and lenient." Sit down in prison. Strictly resist "Go home for the New Year."

Listening to his nonsense, Deira couldn't help being amused for a while. "Where did this little hooligan learn these messy things?

She thought," she reached out and opened the door.

Before she could say anything, everyone outside the door immediately cheered, "The door is open." The door opened.

! .

Immediately after" "Hula, with a sound", the big guys have poured in.

Deira couldn't be more prepared," he was immediately pushed aside.

She looked at those people. I couldn't help but sighed with a headache, "Finally found a place"

Let Lorraine take a good rest. All this was ruined.

Although Lorraine didn't say clearly, "And as always, he laughed with them in a group"

But they all knew he was exhausted "for a while."

Not to mention "He still stubbornly resisted the three fierce attacks of the high priest. His laughter on the surface was just to make everyone no longer worry about it. In fact, "every time he acted." I couldn't help but frowned. "Even the muffled sound that couldn't help but showed the true condition of his body.

The two Adele heard that the voice behind them was wrong. "They couldn't help but exclaimed in a low voice, "I don't care much." They put Lorraine aside, and then hurriedly stood up.

Although everyone did not do those strange things that were very pornographic, violent, and rarely unsuitable." But the ones just now were too ambiguous. "If you let everyone watch them," you will lose face in the future.

Lorraine was gently put down by them, but the back of his head was heavily knocked on the blanket," he couldn't help groaning.

As Deira expected, "The battle with the high priest. It did hurt his bones and internal organs." Although Obahem had shown him a few, "But as long as he was not paying attention, it was painful." Go straight into the bone.

However, seeing their caring eyes, "He is a mouthful of white teeth" smiled.

Signaled that he was okay.

At this time, everyone has arrived in [Room].

Lester looked at the tea next to him, couldn't help but snorted coldly, and said, "You're quite free." Do you know that we are arguing in front of us? ,.

Lorraine couldn't help sighing as he watched his big feet step on the blanket "step by step". Originally, there was nothing good in this war fort." I managed to find two clean blankets. This time they were all reimbursed.

He smiled bitterly. Then he said, "Master, if someone calls Lester "Obahem"

Or maybe St. Paul’s "or Osheed" is called "I don't think" there is anything else in this world that they can't solve...

Several people listened to his flattery. Can't help but have some Long Yan Xiaoyue.

Lorraine said, "I have to stand up on the side", but worked hard a few times. "Fei Dan did not get up, but instead caused a violent cough.

Deira and Claudia saw that they "stretched out their hands at the same time", they were about to lift Lorraine from the ground.

But immediately, Adele pulled them away. Then he said angrily: "No. You just sit here and talk to them. Really, let people live? Don't you know how many injuries he has? Run over if there is nothing to do."

She said, "Kneeling and sitting next to Lorraine" and then carefully patted a pillow loose, "and then placed it behind Lorraine" and made him sit up.

The people next to him saw "I couldn't help but feel embarrassed." Yes, "Able to be a high priest with three blows" without dying is already as hard as a cockroach. He is exactly the one who needs to rest." People like himself just charged like this. "Come here" does not seem appropriate.

Seeing Lorraine sitting against the wall of blame, "Obachm coughed slightly at this time" and said, "In fact, this is how things are...

He said briefly what happened. Then he said: "This matter. Everyone is really noisy.

And it also matters a lot.

But it’s really no way to make such noisy "noisy". You have a lot of ideas. "So everyone is looking for you." I just want you to think of a way out...

Finished. Spread his hands" and looked at Lorraine seriously.

Lorraine listened," he couldn't help but ponder: This war fortress is indeed extremely sensitive.

No matter who it is in the hands of, "all will become a trump card. It will even change the political landscape of the entire Big Six."

"Warburg in hand" I have the world, something like "the undefeated things in the East like taking the "Kwai Hua Baodian"" is not impossible.

Although he was also thinking about "driving the war fortress back to Ruman. But when the time came," the militant of the Grand Duke. This war fortress will definitely be driven out in the first place," and the city of Markhan will be bombarded wildly.

Give it to other countries "like Almohad" and they will definitely open a war fort to bomb Ruman City.

Give it to the magicians? With the backing of a war fortress, they "will definitely go to Vandino" to demand equality. Human rights or something.

And to the Holy See, "you don't even have to think about it." They will definitely use the war fortress to shine the light of God across the earth. They even engage in a unity of church and state. All the officials will be laid off. Where else are you going? Looking for food? Where else do you go to embezzle and accept bribes? How can you go to public funds to eat and drink to drive consumption?

That thing is like the Lord of the Rings. Whoever took it" Everyone wanted to take it as their own. Never take it out again.

And "besides this question" there is one more important thing.

To resist the future soon after. The joint invasion of Immortal and Shinro" they had to build as many war forts as possible.

In fact, "Even now" has fallen far behind the Semitic. To know. This time alone, they have already dispatched nearly 20 war fortresses in order to chase and intercept themselves. In addition, there are 6 more completed "that cumulatively" will definitely not be less than 100 n!

It looks like "When the war fortress explodes, they will have at least one hundred and fifty.

On my own side, "but in this short period of time. From nothing" even basic knowledge. At least one hundred have come out.

This is an extremely difficult task n!

Therefore, the ownership of this war fortress is also extremely troublesome.

While he was pondering," Bu Bai also secretly wanted to squeeze in from behind.

But Hua immediately saw Claudia's bright apricot eyes" staring at him closely.

It couldn't help but startled. Immediately, I felt quite guilty. Lorraine originally rested here, but it went out of Lorraine's whereabouts.

At this moment, "Claudia's eyes rolled" and everyone else was staring at Lorraine. Immediately smiled at Xiaobai." Then his right hand gently stood up like a knife, and then, slowly swept across the air.

Xiaobai immediately frightened. He immediately shrank his neck and "turned his head quickly. He ran downstairs in a swift smoke" and finally found a corner and hid.

It's not stupid. "Although Claudia just made an action", the meaning was obvious: to whip off its elephant, and give Lorraine a good nap.

At this moment, "Lester looked at Lorraine and hesitated all the time" immediately coughed lightly." He gave Adele a glance. Beckoning her to help" also blows the air.

Adele rolled her eyes to him immediately: At this moment, she remembered that she was using a beauty trick. Early in the morning, "they stood between myself and Lorraine,

Who is the one who has made trouble here?

Although she was extremely complaining in her heart, "But seeing the **** in Lester's eyes" was extremely reluctant. But still picked up the teacup. Passed it over and said with a smile: "Lorraine" let's take a sip of tea first. Otherwise let it cool. It doesn't taste good. "

Lorraine didn't care either, and reached out and took it." He took a few sips.

But what kind of person St. Paul's next to him was, he was killed abruptly from the big dyeing vat of the Holy See," he has always been extremely keen.

He only saw Lester's plan with a glance. He couldn't help being furious: Good, Lester "dare you to use this trick" and think who can't?

He also coughed immediately, "and then put on a amiable face" and said: "Lorraine. After this time," you must visit the Holy City. Mei Ya just gave birth..."

At this point, he "suddenly realized that something was wrong" hurriedly changed. "Said: "She just received a son. Just one month old. This is a happy event. You must be there. "

After finishing talking," he wiped a few drops of cold sweat on his forehead with some fear.

Lorraine couldn't help but get a shock" murmured: "So," Mei gave birth to a son?"

"Unconsciously," the voice became a little weird.

The people next to him saw "Can't help but all looked at a loss: What's the matter? When I mentioned that Mei 1ì Ya accepted a son", the atmosphere seemed a bit wrong?

Mei 1 "Ya" This seems to be the nickname of a certain lady. Who is she?

Some clever ruffians immediately reacted. "It seems that the rumor that the Pope had a hand in hand with the Ferguson is true. I don't know when they hooked up.

*" There are even children.

Look like this, "Time is definitely not short" and definitely not short!

This news is really amazing!

When I return home later, "you can gossip with those buns at home"

Tell this thing, "Don't you just drop their jaws to the ground?

But seeing Obahem and St. Paul standing next to them,"all chose to shut their mouths more intelligently.

Are you kidding?" These fanatics are more perverted.

Besides, "People just said that 1 received a meaning." It didn't say "I gave birth to a baby. I dare to say it indiscriminately. "Bunch a rumors." It will be pulled out immediately. Put on the fire frame. Playing barbecue.

Adele next to him, "but couldn't help but get angry" secretly stretched out his hand" and pinched Lorraine's waist severely.

Lorraine grinned in pain. Looking at the frost on Adele's face. But it can only be a bitter smile in her heart: she usually doesn’t take it seriously, "plays and loves to play. She also said that she has a baby, her body will lose shape"

A fat aunt with a thick waist and big ass" As a result, she heard that someone had a baby, but she felt unbalanced.

Find yourself to settle accounts?

At this time Leo listened, "I immediately yelled happily" and said: "Really? There is a small

Baby? Fat is not fat. is it fun? *"This is really great. Now I'm finally out of my head. Someone can ask me to bully me."

He said, "and rolled up his sleeves happily. I wish the kid would be right in front of him" so that he could be bullied.

Subsequently. But he also turned his head." He shouted at Lorraine: "Boss" said he thought so much for doing? Isn't it a war fortress?

What we snatched "Naturally we drove home. Then" my old man must be happy.

It will definitely give us a lot of money.

I can also "make a good face in front of Nicole. Let her know" I am also very good now. She only treats me like a child all day long. The one who always greeted me was fried pork with bamboo shoots. "

Although Leo's words were unintentional, "but the people next to them listened", he couldn't help grinning: This little fat guy is really not a fuel-efficient lamp!

These remarks are "really very it is advantageous to drive back the war fortress" and give a lot of money. And there are threats. If you don’t drive back, "Catherine is a meal of fried pork with bamboo shoots to the younger brother" but to the eldest brother, you don’t know how to clean up!

Although Osheed is a little bit more human," even though he didn't understand the little moves made by Lester and St. Paul at the beginning. But after Leo's words, he understood.

He immediately took a step forward" and said: "Boy" I have two Liliang's daughters and other daughters, "They are not married yet" and I will introduce you to you. How about?"

Lorraine immediately gave a wry smile and "hit a Mouhaha" and concealed the past casually.

He secretly said in his heart: This war fortress is extremely troublesome no matter where it is obtained.

It is necessary to maintain the balance of the big six situation" and speed up the construction. Where can I find this good place?

Suddenly, there was a flash of light in his mind," he thought of an idea. a.

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