Red Dead Redemption Dawn

Chapter 263: past

Black Raven Church is located in the heart of New Austin, below Armadillo Township, just north of Lake Don Julio.

A train from the east slowly stopped at a station not far from Armadillo Town.

Arthur pulled his horse and looked at Armadillo Town in the distance, about a few kilometers away, where he used to visit often.

But he wasn't going there now.

He mounted his horse and walked in the direction of the Raven Church.

The entire New Austin state is a very barren Gobi desert with very few towns.

Most of the time you don't meet anyone.

He walked in the deserted desert where the night was beautiful. Before it was completely dark, you could already see the stars.

If the night is completely dark, it will be more beautiful, and he will see this kind of beauty in previous years.

But he never paid attention to the charm of this place before. In his eyes, this place was a desert except for idiots.

[The book chasing app recommended to me by an old book friend who I have known for ten years, Mimi read! It’s so easy to use, I rely on this reading aloud to pass the time before driving and before going to bed, you can download it here]

Arthur took out his pocket watch and checked the time. It was half past six.

So he didn't delay, and hurried towards the destination, after more than an hour of help.

Black Raven Church, as its name suggests, is a church. But it's surrounded by cemeteries.

The church had no priests in his mind.

But when he got here, he found that the church lights were on.

He put the horse next to the tree, and then he went to the church.

The inside of the church is no different from the general church. The statue of **** is in the center of the church and is hung on the cross.

Arthur looked around at the fairly new tables and chairs, he hadn't been here in almost eight years.

"What are you looking for?"

The sound was abrupt.

Arthur looked at the sound and saw a priest in priestly clothes standing at the side door of the church.

"You're the priest here?" Arthur asked.

"Yes." The priest was a middle-aged man in his fifties and looked in good spirits.

"There was no one in this place before, I~ said it was seven or eight years ago." Arthur said while sitting casually on the chair of the church.

"It wasn't there before, but the former mayor of Armadillo Township funded this place three years ago. He hoped that a cleric would be stationed here, so I came here." The priest said and walked over.

"What are you looking for?" asked the priest.

"Ah~ I'm here to see my~ my wife and children. They were buried here, eight years ago. Just outside." Arthur pointed.

"You seem very guilty." The priest sat down beside him.

"Yes, I'm very guilty. When they were alive, I didn't take the initiative to take care of them at all." Arthur looked very sentimental.

"Actually, I'm a robber. I've killed a lot of people. My father was a robber, so I'm a robber." Then he looked at the priest and said, "Are you afraid? Father."

The priest looked at Arthur's lonely face and shook his head seriously. "No, there are many people here, but they won't tell me clearly that he is a robber."

"What are you confused about?" the priest asked kindly.

"Yes." Arthur said sadly looking at the priest's face.

"Do you mind telling me? Although I may not be able to give you an opinion that you agree with, I should be a good listener." The priest nodded slowly.

"My father was an alcoholic, a thief, and of course a robber. He went to jail three times, and then he was beaten to death again in a firefight. I was only thirteen years old, and then I met my father's friends. They took in Me, they taught me to shoot, they taught me to read, they taught me how to survive in this place."

"My father's friends were also robbers, of course, and four years later, I was involved in their robbery plan for the first time. The plan was successful, and I performed very well. It felt like~" Arthur recalled, frowning. feeling of success.

"Like~ as comfortable as having an **** with a **** for the first time, or even more comfortable than that. Father, please forgive my vulgar words." Arthur said apologetically.

"And then?" The priest shook his head for him to continue.

"For the next ten years, I have been working for them. We have gathered more and more people, we are growing slowly, and I have committed more and more sins." Arthur looked at the candlelight in front of the statue. Trapped in memory, he muttered to himself.

"I ran into my ex-wife one day, and I was drinking and making a fortune. I had a lot of money on me because we had just robbed a shipment and it happened in the afternoon."

"She's very young, very young, and pretty. But it's understandable, after all, at that time, she was a little scared and asked me in a low voice, 'Do you need service.'"

"I drank a lot at the time, of course~"

"Then she took me to her hut, which was small and on the edge of town."

"I was so excited that night, I tossed her all night. But I woke up the next day and found out that she was a girl and yes, I was her first man. Then I found out that she was still sleeping even when she fell asleep. My face was painful, and I remembered that I didn't care about her feelings at all last night. I left a sum of money, not much, only fifteen dollars, but that's an impossible price for a prostitute."

"Then I will continue to be my robber. I will continue to kill, continue to rob, and continue to make murders."

"About a year later, I passed by that town again. Then I went to look at the hut, and I saw a woman with a child on her back doing laundry, she was struggling."

"I didn't even see her face at the time. I was scared and walked away. I was only 30 years old, but I didn't leave the town. I drank in the pub in that town."

"I went to the hut again the next morning, and she saw me. I still remember her joy when she saw me. She jumped into my arms with the baby in her arms. But I just walked away calmly. Go to her and ask her why she didn't find a doctor to deal with it?"

"My tone was very cold, she looked like a child who made a mistake, she lowered her head and didn't even dare to look at my face."

"I left right after, and I didn't stay. But I left her another thirty dollars."

"After that, I would visit them every once in a while, and then stay for a few days, but I never had much affection for her. I also knew at that time that she was only sixteen years old last year."

"Then one day, when I went over again. I found that there was no one in the house, and I went to check. Then they told me that a month ago, the mother and son had been killed by robbers."

"Just for ten dollars, they told me that they buried them here. The robbers were also caught, two cowardly rats, and they were shot because there was no man in her family, and her The house was far enough away. They ended up being hanged, and no one can forgive such a cruel robber."

"I visited them once that day, but never again. Since then, I've asked to wear condoms every time I go to a prostitute, even though it's not a good feeling."

"I always thought I didn't have much affection for her, but now I found out. Every time I go to that hut, I feel very relaxed, and I leave without any regrets, but I'm actually looking forward to the next time. "

After Arthur rambled on, he turned his head and said to the priest with a guilty face, "I'm sorry for They will understand." The priest said lovingly.

"I'm guilty, Father. I've killed too many people over the years, and I've left too many families without men. I don't know how many families have lost men and have accidents because of me. I don't dare to think about it." Ya Se's tone was calm, but his face was full of sadness.

"It is not too late to repent. The Lord will not abandon those who sincerely repent," said the priest.

"No~ Father, not yet." Arthur shook his head.

The priest looked at him with a puzzled expression but did not speak.

"The only thing I have left now, I need a gun to guard. But it will only take a while, and when he sees that this era doesn't need people like us anymore. I will put down the gun and be honest Farmer." Arthur said with a sigh.

"Ah~ Then can you promise me one thing?" the priest pleaded.

"Please say."

"If it's not necessary, please don't shoot. If you shoot, try to let them survive." The priest said expectantly.

Arthur looked at the priest for a while and said, "I try to control it."

"May the Lord guide you," said the priest, crossing his hands.

"Are you resting here tonight?" the priest said again, the desert temperature at night was very low, extremely low.

"Thank you for your stay." Arthur nodded in thanks.

"Well, I'll go get you a blanket and a quilt." The priest nodded with a smile, then got up and walked to the side door.

Arthur looked at the statue of **** in front of him, and he suddenly felt that this guy was not so ugly from another angle.

Two hundred and sixty-three chapters of the past Click to download the APP of this site, massive novels, free to read!

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