Red Dead Redemption Dawn

Chapter 459: for what

【Dawn of Red Dead Redemption】【】

After having dinner with everyone, Kane began to mobilize people to go to Saint Denis. Jenny, who wanted to join in the fun, was rejected, but fortunately, Beecher's Wish has been busy recently, so she was not too disappointed.

When the uncle of the manor heard that the Abigail family was going to buy a ranch in Beecher's Wish, he excitedly said that he could help.

Although he didn't worry about food and drink during this time recently, John didn't pay him, he just treated him as a guest.

Because Arthur had told him it was best to drive him out of the manor, and the uncle was really lazy all day, it seemed impossible to ask him to do things.

So John simply let them ignore the uncle and only be responsible for the food.

As for how he gets the money, let him go.

So during this time, the uncle was trying his best to make money.

Hearing that Abigail was going to renovate the house at Beecher's Wish, he ran over and said that he could help buy materials.

After receiving the news, Maribeth also came to Beecher's Wish with the gift she bought.

The people who gradually left in the gang reunited in a special way at Beecher's Wish.

The next morning.

After Kane tapped the numbers, they boarded the ship and headed to Saint Denis.

This time, Zheng Guotian led the team, and he directed the two teams under him to load the weapons onto the boat.

There are three boxes in total, one box of weapons and two boxes of ammunition.

This time Zheng Guotian led the team mainly because it was more convenient for him to arrange accommodation there, and he was also very familiar with the situation in Saint Denis.

Zheng Guotian was a little excited when he saw a boat full of people wiping guns everywhere.

After waiting for a long time, he finally got the chance to do his own business.

He has to take advantage of this opportunity.

Zheng Guotian thought so in his heart.

On another occasion, Dutch, who had rested for a day and two nights, asked Molly to call Hosea and Arthur into the room, saying that he had something to explain.

Hosea and Arthur looked at each other, but didn't make much eye contact.

After the two went in, they found that Micah was also there.

Arthur glanced at Micah and then at Dutch, then at Hosea, who also glanced at him casually, and then Arthur asked Dutch, "What is this clown doing?"

"Be polite~ Cowboy, I'm doing things for Dutch with all my heart." Micah deliberately bit the word with one heart and one mind.

"Sit down first." Dutch picked up the cigar, lit it, took a puff, and said to several people.

Hosea and Arthur sat down one after another.

"I have a plan." Dutch said in a calm voice after waiting for the others to sit down.

Hosea and Arthur looked at each other again, and then Hosea asked, "What's the plan?"

"The bank in Saint-Denis has always been our goal, isn't it?" Dutch said after looking around, looking at Hosea emphatically.

"Yes." Hosea nodded in response, because Hosea needed to make some concessions for Dutch's compromise.

"But I found an obstacle." Dutch spit out a cloud of mist and continued, "Bronte~"

As soon as the name came out, Hosea immediately said, "Dutch~ We don't do revenge. You said this, do you remember? You repeated it to me on the snowy mountain."

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【Dawn of Red Dead Redemption】【】

Hosea's rebuttal to Dutch was a little unhappy.

"Hey, cowboy, this is not revenge at all, put away your stupid brain." Micah immediately retorted.

"Micah~ Am I being too lenient with you during this time?" Arthur threatened Micah with a gloomy voice.

But in the face of the threat, Micah chuckled disdainfully. "Don't you think you always overestimate your abilities?"

"Enough! This is not a boxing ring!" Seeing that the two were about to turn the meeting into a brawl, Dutch shouted at the two.

"Hosea, it's not revenge, you know. Brontë is no **** to me, but we're going to rob his bank on his turf, and he won't allow a peasant like us to do that. things," Dutch explained his plans.

"I know a guy like him, and we're nothing to him, but he won't allow us to run wild on his turf, you understand? If we're going to move the bank, we're going to have to get Bronte first."

Dutch's remarks did not convince Hosea.

"I don't need to provoke him." Hosea still disagreed.

"Hosea~ I ask you to analyze it rationally, we are going to rob a bank that is undoubtedly protected by him, on his territory. He will assemble a large group of men to shoot us, and then we will need to deal with two Help people, I'm solving the danger ahead of time."

"Perhaps there is a better way," said Hosea.

"There's no better way, he already needs to deal with it clearly when he gets us. He's in our way, and if we don't deal with Bronte ahead of time, then we can't move Saint Denis. The city's bank," said Dutch.

"It's inevitable." Micah agreed.

"Does this have your part to say?" Arthur said to him mockingly.

"You can always make people feel more disgusted with you, cowboy." Micah said with a chuckle.

"It's decided. Before I come back, Hosea, don't let them run around. Arthur, you go to a place with me." Dutch got up and prepared to leave.

Arthur nodded.

"Boss~ I think I can go with you too." Micah looked at the backs of the two and said aloud.

"Protect the camp." Dutch said to Micah without a clue.

"Okay." Micah said sullenly. He thought he could participate in the meeting, and he had a high probability of entering the power center of the Van der Linde Gang. But unfortunately, Dutch didn't seem to put him and Arthur in the same position.

Arthur and Dutch rode their horses to their destination.

"Dutch, it won't be an accident this time." Arthur said to Dutch in front of him on a horse.

"No, I will plan everything." Dutch responded confidently.

"Dutch, can I ask, is this action because of the bank or the last time he played you at the tram stop." Arthur asked again.

"Everything, does that matter? Our goal is the bank, and Bronte controls everything in Saint Denis, Arthur." Dutch asked rhetorically.

"I just don't think revenge is worth it," Arthur said.

"Arthur, I know you and Hosea have big opinions about me, but you have to know what we're after. A freer and better society," said Dutch.

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【Dawn of Red Dead Redemption】【】

"That's impossible, Dutch, the world has changed from the past, we have to recognize the reality." Arthur disagreed.

"Damn it, is that what you and Hosea are saying? That's why you let Susan and Strauss go? Did you leave so easily in the end?" Dutch asked.

"They don't have much fighting power. We will only kill them if we go on like this. I won't go because I have nowhere to go." Arthur did not deny his and Hosea's recent plans.

"Arthur! I can protect you, just like before, why are you losing confidence in me recently? Think I'm getting old?" Anger could be heard in Dutch's tone.

"This has nothing to do with confidence, Dutch. It's just that they will be safer and our actions will be faster and faster, whether it's retreating, transferring, or attacking." Arthur used Hosea's excuse to retort.

"Very good~ I think so too, so I agree with the two of you to let them go, but for the next thing, I hope you can support it unconditionally. Do you understand, Arthur?" Dutch looked side by side with him Arthur asked.

"Okay~ I will." Arthur looked at Dutch and nodded.

"Very good, Arthur. I hope you can do what you say." Dutch nodded in satisfaction.

"Where are we going now?" Arthur asked.

"Lagras, I know a boatman over there, Thomas. He knows the waters in this area like the back of his hand," Dutch responded.

"We need a boat? What to do?"

"He must have known we had escaped since the last time Bronte played us. He must have guarded his estate in case of our retaliation, and even the streets must have been full of patrolling police, but if We're going to visit him by water from the swamp, and we're sure to beat him."

"Well, it makes sense." Arthur nodded.

"This is the most recent approval of my plan. Arthur, it makes me feel like I'm back in the past." Dutch said with a sigh.

"I've been following you, you don't have to question that, Dutch." Arthur responded I hope this will always be the case. "Dutch said and accelerated his pace.

"Dutch~ can I ask, what are we going to do in the end? We already have enough money." Arthur didn't hide that he already knew how much Dutch had.

"Arthur, you have to understand that you and I are both abandoned by this world. There are more than three states wanting us. We are destined to not live like normal people. Even if you hide for a while, you will eventually be caught. Found, you know? We can only keep going until we are caught. Arthur, you shouldn't die like a dingo on the road. Stay with me at the last moment before you die You will have a wonderful life, because your life is full of legendary experiences that ordinary people should not have."

"I understand, I never thought I could live the life of an ordinary person." Arthur also responded seriously.

"I'm glad you can understand, Arthur, we are still the same as before, I will find a new cook in the future, the kind that can use a gun." Dutch responded happily, Arthur's answer made him very satisfied, he himself Thought to persuade Arthur.

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【Dawn of Red Dead Redemption】【】

"Then I hope the new cook's level is better than Pearson's." Arthur could only hopefully say.

"This time I will let him make some dishes that satisfy you, and I will also raise the standard of ingredients, because now we do have this condition, Arthur, I have found a chef with superb cooking skills." Dutch also responded with a smile. .

The two then ran towards their destination.

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Recommend the new book of the city **** Lao Shi:

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