Red Dead Redemption Dawn

Chapter 474: power and corruption

John took Ofina to Alisa's manor. This time, Ofina didn't have to play with Alisa's son, because John's purpose this time was very simple and fast.

Mrs. Alisa was still elegant, and she took out a letter of commission, a sheriff's badge, and documents.

"It's so fast." John said, looking at the badge and letter of appointment on the table.

"It's just a temporary letter of appointment, and the position is not big. The sheriffs of the districts have also been notified that you can go and get some police information you need." Alyssa said.

"What are you going to do now?"

"Of course I'm going to take up the post. Where is this place?" John asked Alisa after taking the letter of appointment and putting it away.

"The southeast corner of the East District, an old area."

John nodded when he heard it, and then took Ofina to the destination by car.

Half an hour later, the carriage stopped in front of a dilapidated small building. John looked at the dilapidated building suspiciously, and Ofina was also surprised.

"Are you sure the address is correct?" Ofina asked him.

"It says so, it should be right, go in and have a look." John sighed and walked in.

The inside of this small building is as it looks, without any surprises.

When you go in, you can get a job, there are several cells, and there is a basement, and there are five cells in the basement.

Two middle-aged and elderly people in their forties and fifties with potbellies and wearing police uniforms were sleeping, and one of them ran into the cell to sleep.

The cell came with clean quilts, tables and chairs, and it looked like they had moved in.

"The environment is good." John said a little funny.

"I slept soundly." Ofina continued.

John walked to the table and knocked **** the table.

'Winter Dongdong'

"Get up!" John yelled.

The middle-aged man lying on the table was dissatisfied that his nap was interrupted.

He raised his head and glanced at John, "Who the **** are you? The thing was stolen? Go and write the story yourself. I'll help you find out that kid took it when I have time."

He randomly threw out a stack of blank paper and asked John to write what was stolen.

"Do you know this?" John smiled and took out the police badge and the appointment document.

"Huh?" The old police officer looked at the things in front of him in surprise, then he picked up the letter of appointment and flipped through it to ensure the authenticity.

"Oh~ Shet~!

After the police officer confirmed, he immediately got up in a panic, and then turned his head to wake up his partner who was sleeping soundly in the cell.

"Brock! You lazy, stupid pig, get up!"

Following his roar, the police officer in the cell immediately got up.

"Alex, what's wrong with you? It's not time to get off work yet." Then he saw two people standing beside his teammates.

"This is the new Sheriff Wick, come here, you useless idiot." Alex yelled at him quickly.

Brock reluctantly walked out of the cell after hearing this.

"Brock, the police are reporting to you, Sheriff Wick." He didn't have much doubt about Wick's identity, because Alex had confirmed it.

"Just the two of you? How did this police station become like this?" John asked why it was dilapidated.

"It's just the two of us~ there are two who didn't come. They are on duty at night. The factory was established six years ago, and the urban area was planned. So it was abandoned." Alex explained.

"Then why wasn't this police station withdrawn?" John asked the reason.

"How do I know, maybe there are regulations above." Alex said quite bachelor.

"Okay, are there any eucalyptus that have not been dealt with here?" John casually flipped through the police station's files.

Alex and Bullock look at me and I look at you.

Seeing their appearance, John had no choice but to say to them, "It's okay, you go on, I'm not here to supervise you."

After speaking, John was about to turn around and leave, but just as he turned around, he then turned around and took out fifty dollars and said to them, "Repair the outside of the house a little bit, and replace it with a new brand, a bigger one, so that people know that this is a Police station."

"Okay, Sergeant Wick, I'll find someone to get it right away." Alex nodded immediately.

"Okay, let's continue."

This time John really left after speaking.

"Just leave?" Ofina asked curiously.

"Otherwise? I'm just a temporary worker, and I'm not really a sheriff here." John explained.

"Where are you going now?" Ofina asked again.

"Go to the West End, to Henry's site." John responded.

Then the two came to the West District, which was very large and subdivided into three urban areas. And John was in the Bertrand neighborhood, and he went straight to the police station here. After showing the police badge, the police station did not stop John's request to see the sheriff here.

"You want to see me?" The sheriff is a middle-aged man in his forties with a mustache and looks quite dignified.

"Yes, Sheriff Elance, my name is John Wick, and I am the newly appointed sheriff of Saint-Denis City. Here is my police badge and certificate." John introduced himself.

"Well, what do you want me for?" The sheriff nodded after seeing the certificate and badge, and asked his purpose.

"Sheriff Alans, you are familiar with these gangs in your jurisdiction." John introduced the three gangs that worked beside Henry.

"Ah~ There are indeed these three gangs on my side, what's wrong?" Sergeant Alans asked.

John was a little puzzled by his sluggish attitude, so he tentatively asked, "Sheriff Alans, haven't you received some instructions from Director Gattuso today?"

[To be honest, I have been using Yeguo to read and update books recently, switch sources, read aloud with many timbres, and both Android and Apple can be used. 】

"Oh~ the chief said that I should try my best to help a new chief of police, and that's you. What's the matter?" Sergeant Elance said that this was indeed the case.

"Then you should understand that I'm working for Director Gattuso again, so ~ can we be more straightforward?" John looked around, and there was no one else in the office except him.

Sergeant Alans looked at John playfully and said, "Hehe~Young sheriff, young Mr. Wick, I know you have to do things, but you have to understand that I also have to do things, and I also want to eat and get paid. We all have to do our own thing, you understand?"

Hearing this, John probably understood, and he said with some disappointment, "Sheriff Alans, that is, as long as I leave the police station, the three gangs will get the fact that I'm investigating them?"

"Approximately." Elance leaned back and praised.

"Well, honest greed, but aren't you afraid that Director Gattuso will be dissatisfied with you?" John asked.

"I'm afraid~ but that's something later, and I don't intend to admit that I told them, and it will be nothing in the end." Sergeant Alans continued, "They will give me a tribute every month. I am an honest person, so I will also provide them with some necessary clues."

"How much is a common problem in big cities?" John asked directly.

"Three hundred dollars." Alans said directly.

"how long?"

"It depends on how long you do it," Alans said.

"Tomorrow at noon, around twelve o'clock." John roughly said the time.

"I'll let them know when it's finally unavoidable," Sergeant Elance said.

"Late news, very good." John didn't hesitate, and directly handed over the money to Elans.

"What do you want?" Elance asked after putting the money in his pocket unceremoniously.

"All the crimes of the three gangs over the years, including suspected ones, including closed ones." John said his request.

"Oh~ That's really big." Elans stood up with a smile, "Wait a minute~"

Ofina and John waited in the office for about ten minutes, and a young police officer came in with a stack of documents.

"Sergeant Alans said that these materials are what the two of you need, and you can watch them freely in the office, but he will not accompany you when he is going to have lunch." The policeman put down the materials and walked out.

"Is this a big city?" Ofina mocked.

"It's probably the case in any city at any time. Corruption is always inevitable, especially those with power in their hands." John also sighed.

"Do you know~Ofina, this phenomenon is still the same even after two hundred years have passed. The accompaniment of power is corruption. No matter how righteous and clean it is, it cannot get rid of its symbiont."

"You seem to hate this phenomenon?" Ofina felt that John's tone was a little different.

"Yes, I hate hypocritical justice. I've heard such a joke. Want to hear it?" John said seriously.

"Of course~" Ofina said very cooperatively.

"One day, the lion sued the antelope in court. The reason was that when the lion wanted to eat the antelope, the antelope resisted and bit the lion."

"So the lion went to the court to sue the antelope for intentional injury, but the court was a bigger and stronger lion, so the court sentenced the antelope guilty and ordered the antelope to cut off its limbs and give the lion as compensation."

"In this way, after many years, the lion died of old age. So the court issued a notice that 'justice may be late, but it will never be absent.' and announced that the antelope whose limbs had been eaten by the lion was innocent that year, and the lion also got Just punishment."

"Hahaha~" Ofina laughed loudly regardless of her image, "Who told such a stupid joke? Is the last sentence of justice deceiving oneself?"

"It's for you and me, and for those who work hard."

"Okay Don't talk about this, help me see how many things these three gangs have committed, and how many cases are related to them." John motioned her to sit down.

Ofina also sat down and began to help John sift through the cases that could arrest them.

On the other side, Marston also took a carriage to Mrs. Marston's estate "Beecher's Wish"

He looked at the new and large plaque on the fence, and something indescribable surged into his chest.

He walked into the ranch with his head held high, surrounded by busy workers. He also saw many Qing craftsmen laying bricks, and the rest of the workers were moving planks and stakes.

Abigail was running around to help, although it seemed to Marston that she was just running around without picking up any bricks and planks.

But seeing Abigail running away in fright, Marston felt that Abigail at this moment had an indescribable beauty.

So he yelled "Abigail!"

Abigail, who was running around, froze for a moment when she heard the familiar voice, then turned around, and saw her man standing upright not far away.

She rushed over excitedly.

Dawn of the Dead Redemption https://

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