Red Dead Redemption Dawn

Chapter 496: suspend plan

【Red Dead Dawn】【】

The pasture of Beecher's Wish entered the night, and the uncle told a story that sounded the most normal in that era.

A gunman who became famous at a young age finds a gunman who has been famous for many years but just wants to live a good life.

Under the persecution of the young gunman, the old gunman had no choice but to fight, but he died under the gun of the young man after not shooting for many years.

"What mission did Calloway accept in the end?" John asked curiously.

"No~ I don't know, that group of businessmen only told so much, and this is also a story that has a lot of influence on me, so I remember most of this story." The uncle took a sip of brandy.

"Very good story, maybe this story can be used in many places. Maybe I should write this story down for that writer." John picked up a piece of beef with a fork and put it into his mouth.

"Then uncle is this story that made you become a gunman?" Marybeth wrote and drew in her notebook. She obviously did not forget her dream, a home.

"No, I became a shooter because I was fired by the tavern owner." The uncle said sincerely.

ˉ▽ ̄~) Cut~~As expected." Marston said mockingly.

"Do you know anyone else's?" John asked again.

"I have heard of some names, but I don't know the specifics. They may know clearly by themselves." The uncle responded honestly.

"Indeed, but they may be too dangerous, um. Ordinary people may not be able to approach them." John nodded.

"Marston, are you interested in becoming a reporter part-time?" John changed the subject and looked at Marston.

John's words stunned the others, and then Marston shook his head, "No~ I'm not interested, I've never done this stuff, and I have to take care of this big ranch, sorry~ Abigail won't let me to do this."

John sounded reasonable, and then stopped asking, but talked about the progress of Arthur and others.

"Still on the run, sometimes I can't believe I'm out of that gang. These days I wake up every day in bed and I can't believe I'm in a big house. Oh my **** it's crazy isn't it ? Thank you again, John!" Marston told the fact that he broke away from the gang.

"Sometimes I don't really believe that I can live in this kind of place." Kieran also said his opinion softly.

"It's okay, our life will get better and better." Abigail said to everyone with a happy face.

John also smiled and blessed everyone, and then left Beecher's Wish with Marybeth and Su Xiaoxiao to go to his manor.

On the way, Su Xiaoxiao asked, "Do you like these stories?"

"Well~ It's good to know about the past. Is this history? It's very distinctive." John said casually.

"By the way, Marybeth, how is your writing?" John asked looking at Marybeth in the carriage.

"It's still being created, but it's always a mess. I have many beautiful ideas when I'm writing, but I can't describe them." Marybeth has great respect for John, especially after John gave her a simple and decent job become more respectful.

"Take your time, it will be fine." John comforted casually.

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【Red Dead Dawn】【】


"We should even give up robbing that bank now, at least we don't cover up before going to Saint-Denis City." Hosea said to Dach.

"Are you so scared?" Dach asked with a chuckle.

"It's not a question of scaring or not. During this period of time, I found that not only what Micah said, but also that I was followed by similar people. Do you have any? That city is now full of Pinkerton detectives. We If this plan is still carried out, then we will all die, they must have laid a net!" Hosea was not provoked, but calmly responded to Dach.

"Arthur, what's your opinion?" Seeing that Daqi didn't answer for a while, Hosea turned his head and asked Arthur.

"Uh~ I think, if what Micah said is true, I think we can calm down first. Charles and I went to get a carriage yesterday and bought a lot of money. I also got some clues from him. There are quite a few detectives searching for something, we should calm down first." Arthur also expressed his thoughts.

Because it is normal, although all the basic work is ready during this period, but the gang members have been targeted by more than Micah during this period.

Hosea and Javier have also been followed, which is obviously very abnormal.

After Micah came back the next day with a hangover, he told Dutch that he was being targeted, and Hosea and Javier had said similar things to Arthur some time ago.

So it's obviously inappropriate to rob banks now.

Dutch thought for a while and then said, "Well, let's not cause trouble in Saint-Denis City during this time, and if we do, we must make sure we can escape. Let's keep a low profile first, and after a while, we will decide when to act .It (the bank) will be our target, it will just take a while, understand?"

"Understood!" Everyone replied in unison.

"Very good~ But don't forget, get as much material as you can. Alright, that's all for today, let's go." Dach said, and the crowd immediately dispersed.

There is always wine in the camp, and there is no shortage of canned vegetables.

The quality of life in the camp is very good, at least much better than before, because there is no need to pretend to be too poor, so the current Van der Linde gang looks very strong.

Arthur walked to the campfire with a cigarette in his mouth, Javier was sharpening his knife, Charles was making some arrows, and Micah was looking at the fire and wondering what he was thinking.

"Hey~ Arthur." Javier greeted him in a low voice when he saw him coming over.

"Hey Javier." Arthur casually handed Javier a cigarette.

"Thank you~" Javier took it and said thank you, and then continued to sharpen the knife. After touching it for a while, Javier suddenly said, "Arthur, there is a letter in your room, which is from your ex-girlfriend Mary Lington. Hosea."

"Really? Thank you." Arthur got up immediately when he heard the name, and then walked to his own room, which he shared with Hosea. UU reading

After entering, I saw Hosea was working as if he was repairing clocks.

"Hosea~" Arthur knocked on the door frame.

Hosea put down the tools in his hand and asked, "What's the matter? Arthur."

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【Red Dead Dawn】【】

"Javier just told me that I have a letter?" Arthur asked.

"Oh~ yes, I put it on your bedside table, go and have a look." Hosea said and then continued to fiddle with his clock.

Arthur turned and walked into his room, picked up the letter, and read it carefully. There were not many words on it, and he just asked Arthur to see her.

Arthur looked at the address on the letter and then at the time, it was only seven o'clock in the afternoon. After thinking for a while, he picked up his hat and prepared to go out.

Hosea looked at Arthur's actions and looked at his leaving back with deep meaning.

"Oh shit~ I went to meet widows again, has Arthur always had this hobby? Will there be any women who like his stinky face?" Micah, who was warming up, looked at Arthur and asked Javier.

"Shut up~ Micah~" Lenny who had just arrived at the campfire shouted.

"Hey, boy, did you and Bill make a big deal? Did it succeed?" Micah didn't care about Lenny's defense of Arthur.

"It's okay, a carriage full of supplies, and Bill and I picked out some expensive and sad things." Then Lenny talked about the process of going to work with Bill.

The people in the camp seemed quite harmonious.

Arthur, on the other hand, ran towards the address on the envelope.

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