Red Dead Redemption Dawn

Chapter 500: festival arrangement

On the docks of Saint-Denis, people die every day.

Every day, people are thrown into the Komasa River and the Nalahechi River. Most of their corpses will be eaten by swamp crocodiles, and the uneaten corpses will follow the river to the Iron Lake or the Iron Lake. Inner Sea, the water of this lake is almost comparable to the entire Moraine State.

The bootleg business in Saint-Denis City is being impacted by John's brutal invasion, so the number of bootleggers thrown into the river during this period is rapidly increasing.

According to John's instructions, Nick hit the bootleg wine market in Saint Denis with lower prices and better quality.

During this period of time, many traders lost money and went bankrupt, and the entire bootlegging market was reshuffled by John's brutal invasion.

The remaining bootleggers, who were not small in size, even joined forces to make a fuss in front of the new Mafia leader Guido Mattelli.

And because the bootlegger's commission is indeed an objective income under Bronte's regulations, when these bootleggers unite, Guido also pays enough attention.

In order to appease this group of bootleggers who were deprived of the market, Guido called a meeting for them.

The location is in the Forest of the Blue Sea Manor.

Nick was also invited to this meeting.

Although it turned out that Nick and Guido had finished negotiating the day before, according to the management, they still had to come to participate.

There were more than forty bootleggers remaining, and hundreds of people came, so the hall couldn't accommodate so many people, so Guido arranged them all in the backyard.

Because he is the biggest gang leader in Saint-Denis City and the richest gang leader, this meeting was arranged luxuriously.

This shocked the group of bootleggers who hadn't seen much in the world. A party of this level is not something ordinary people can organize and participate in.

Getting drunk before the meeting even started because of the high-quality drinks and desserts provided at the meeting.

Most of these bootleggers are reckless, and they will naturally cause trouble if they drink too much, and Guido will naturally not spoil them, but he will not execute them in his manor. Instead, he dumped this group of drunken and rowdy bootleggers in his underground cell, and he probably wouldn't be released until the meeting was over and he sobered up.

The gathering of hundreds of people removed nearly a quarter at once.

And this move also restrained the rest of the people.

Two hours into the party, Guido's men motioned the bootleggers to their seats.

Then the owner of the manor, the new leader of the mafia, Guido Matley and Nick, appeared on the main seat after they were all done.

"Let me introduce myself, my name is Guido Mattelli. Some of you may or may not know me, but it doesn't matter. From now on, you will get to know me again. I am the mafia leader of Saint Denis City, and Leader of all of you."

Guido's self-introduction was simple and clear, and it also made the remaining bootleggers re-acquainted with the new mafia leader who was less than forty years old.

"I know that everyone's business has been affected more or less during this period, but what I want to say is that whether you admit it or not, many of your bootleggers are indeed rubbish, and it's not okay to give them to dogs. The kind you drink."

"And the new bootlegger, that is, the gentleman next to me, he is the bootlegger you have been trying to get rid of recently." Guido introduced Nick sitting on his left in a flat tone.

As soon as Guido finished speaking, the eyes of all the bootleggers were on Nick, and most of them looked fierce. And Nick was wearing the British suit that John gave him last time, smoking a cigar calmly, and didn't care about the eyes of the bootleggers around him.

Let's go and give it a try. 】

"I would like to ask this gentleman, my friend disappeared recently, I have not received any information from him, before he left, he said he would go to you for an explanation. May I know how my friend Alright?" One of the bootleggers raised his hand and said to Nick.

Nick glanced at him and thought for a while, "I have dealt with a lot of people recently, most of them are armed with weapons to stop my vehicle on the street or break into my villa with a long gun. I welcome anyone who comes to me, But the premise is to wait for my invitation at the door, not to break into my villa with weapons. I don't know what your friend looks like, and I don't know whose friend he is. If your friend disappears, there is a high probability He can be found in the stomach of a swamp alligator."

Hearing such a blunt answer, the bootlegger just took a deep look at Nick and sat down.

And Guido waited for the questioning in this scene to be completed before continuing to say, "Returning to the question just now, there is a large market for bootleg liquor in Saint Denis, which is big enough to meet the sales needs of so many of you. But the private liquor of many of you The quality of the wine varies and my friend just weeds out these substandard bootleggers.”

"I understand your needs, so I decided that the price of bootleg wine sold by my friend will be uniform, and his bootleg wine will be slightly more expensive than yours. This price adjustment is also to give you some profit margins for qualified products, but I also don't want my friend to be jealous because he sells so much bootleg wine. People come to him with weapons all day long and ask for an explanation. After tonight, I will not allow this to happen."

"Also, his bootleg wine production in the East District will be fixed at the existing tavern supply, and he will no longer expand in the East District, and in the West District~ if your inferior products have the ability to enter the West District, he will not deliberately lower prices to suppress them. All the competition It will be presented in terms of quality rather than who has more people or whose weapons are more advanced."

"Does anyone have anything else to ask?" Guido looked at the group of bootleggers after finishing speaking.

"Dear Mr. Mattley, I know your friend is a bootlegger, and I don't doubt the quality of his bootlegger after this period of time, but I want to know how to guard against your friend's words not counting? His men Wouldn't the group of sellers in the market continue to help him expand the East Side out of greed?" A bootlegger asked his own question.

"Good question. As Mattley said earlier, the current sellers under my management have a fixed amount of bootleg alcohol every month, no more or no less. So you don't have to worry about this issue , and the price of moonshine in the East District is much lower than that in the West District, my bootlegging will develop towards the more profitable West District instead of the East District, although there is still a lot of market share in the East District, I will not participate in the competition anymore." Nick answered the question.

The reason for confirming the amount of bootleg alcohol flowing to the East District is that these bootleggers are indeed too dangerous. Even if Nick and his team are strong, they will lose a lot of manpower during this period. Although the group of bootleggers lost more, human lives are not for consumption.

With their families cut off, they have nothing to lose, which drives desperate bootleggers pretty wild.

So Nick's decision was a compromise, partly because the city of Saint-Denis was indeed big enough, and the drunks in this city could make enough for all of them.

There is no need to consume his own manpower for more shares. The task John gave him is not to dominate the family, but to stabilize his own bootleg wine market.

During this period of time, Nick found that if he continued to expand unscrupulously, the final result may be that dozens of people transferred by John would die here.

And the bootleggers in Saint-Denis are endless.

But Nick knew clearly that he couldn't be the first to propose such a compromise proposal in this bootlegging war, and he had to be tough enough. Otherwise, this group of bootleggers will retaliate even more frantically until Nick and his products have completely withdrawn from the city of Saint-Denis.

During this period of time, Nick lost more than 20 manpower, and John kept transferring people to Saint Denis City, and more bootleggers died in Saint Denis City, so Nick has actually been holding on during this period of time.

To this day, the bootleggers of Saint-Denis City have left the problem to the person who is suitable for giving opinions and solving it, the underground emperor of Saint-Denis City, Guido Mattelli.

It is impossible for Mattley to not know what happened among the bootleggers during this period, but he has been watching, waiting for Nick to ask him for help, but he did not expect that the bootleggers in Saint Denis City would be the first to fail , not on Nick's side.

When those bootleggers jointly asked Mattley to solve it, Mattley even had the urge to curse, how many people are there on Nick's side? Even if the people under him are powerful, are you afraid that your group of forty or fifty bootleggers won't be able to exhaust him?

But since the matter was thrown in front of him, he wouldn't refuse, it just didn't meet his expectations.

The price of Nick's bootleg wine increased, and the increased part was handed over to Mattley, which was what John planned to hand over to the other party. Both of John and Nick knew in the letter that there is no interest and only friendship with Mattley, and it is impossible to be stable for a long time.

Moreover, John and Guido do not have much friendship, but more of human affection.

And during this time, in order to keep the morale of the men going to Saint-Denis from being afraid, John compensated those sacrificed men with extremely generous compensation.

Those who were injured also got a share. According to Kenny's arrest, the compensation alone cost more than 10,000 yuan during this period.

However, no one from the solatium family objected, and no one proposed to reduce the amount, because after discussion and analysis, everyone found that as long as the bootlegging business in Saint-Denis City stabilized.

Then it only takes four months to earn back the comfort money.

"These sacrifices are necessary," Kane was the first to say after reading Nick's letter.

John has more and more business in his hands, and he basically doesn't have much free time during this time, running between Heishui Town and Rhodes in various ways. Luckily Nick took care of everything in Saint-Denis, otherwise there might have been one more destination for his work.

Because everyone is very busy, it is more and more impossible to realize the previous operation of throwing away the shopkeeper. The pressure of work makes John only vent on three women during this time.

This made the three women look radiant during this period of time, with visible happiness on their faces, causing the unmarried women in the manor to see him as if they wanted to come up to test the authenticity.

And Lambert, Kane and others also feel sincere admiration and envy for John's terrifying physical fitness.

Kane even teased John while chatting and drinking tea, "Tsk tsk~ Your body is really stronger than a male brown bear and a male bull. Your continuous workload during this time will put everyone in the hospital. You just can't see a problem."

Kane talked about John's physical fitness with the word 'submit' all over his face

"How is the sales of our cigarette brand during this period?" John ignored the ridicule and asked how the works he worked on during this period.

"Fortunately, regarding the reports from the health center and hospital in Heishui Town, smoking causes lung disease, which has actually increased the sales of the product. The sales of violets are very good, and many women prefer them. It can be regarded as a relatively successful brand." Kane smiled and introduced John's cigarettes.

"What about the cowboy cigarettes?"

"After the taste has been increased, it has increased, and most of them are new smokers. The new members still recognize your tobacco." Kane continued.

"It still hasn't achieved that effect." Listening to Kane's report, John knew that the sales volume was average, and even part of this cigarette was consumed internally. Most of the hundreds of people under him smoke the cigarettes he designed, and it is not known who recommended them or they spontaneously.

But that led to John's frustration being magnified by the kindness.

"By the way, what are you going to do for Thanksgiving?" Kane asked suddenly.

"I don't know, I haven't." John replied honestly.

This answer made Kane's eyes reveal a very surprised expression.

"Most of them are family members who eat a turkey and drink some juice, and I have never arranged for a family of this size." John looked at Kane's expression and lied.

"I'm celebrating the Spring Festival," John said in his heart, looking at Kane's relieved expression.

"Then you discuss it with Ms. Anna, she should know how to arrange it, and let Nick come back then?" Kane asked again.

Kane asked these questions ahead of time because it was next week.

"Of course, I'll write to him tomorrow and ask him to come back one day early after he arranges his work. It shouldn't be a problem for Zheng Guotian to handle affairs for a few days by himself.

"It's estimated that Zheng can't ask for it, and they don't have Thanksgiving?" Kane nodded and said.

"Well~ Their festival is next month, and Zheng Guotian and Zhao An will be given three more days off then." John responded.

"En~" Kane nodded and he didn't understand these things, after all, the customs are different in different countries. UU reading

"Do the workers led by the thieves give them a vacation?" Kane asked again, and from his tone he didn't seem to be giving them a vacation.

How can work be important during vacation?

"Let's let it go, the Qing people don't need it, they just let them take over this festival, just give them something to eat at night. I'll make it up for them next month."

"I have notified them these days, by the way, I heard that your adopted daughter is back from vacation?" Kane asked suddenly.

"Um~ not an adopted daughter? I'm just responsible for subsidizing her schooling and daily necessities. I'm not suitable to be her father, I have never been." Kane said that it was the Triss who was saved by Beecher's wish and was sent by John. The one from the old girls' college.

She wrote ten days ago that the school was going to be on vacation for a month, so she wanted to come back to see John's manor and spend Thanksgiving by the way.

Ordinarily, she should be on the way now, and it is estimated that she will arrive in Heishui Town in the next few days.

The rare leisure time was spent chatting between the two.

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