Red Dead Redemption

Chapter 122: Take the initiative to fight S.H.I.E.L.D. (3) and fly! Master Hong!

Board the plane, go.

Hate was the last to come up, and the helicopter landing gear creaked suddenly.

Datou disliked the tunnel and said, "You should run over by yourself."

Abomination bent down deeply, slamming the mace between his legs, making him shut up quickly.

Frank piloted the helicopter to fly straight, and soon stopped at the top of a tall building after entering the city.

After getting off the plane, the six were facing a brightly lit building in the distance.

Rand Building.

Bo Tu, Mrs. Gao and Alexandra sat around in a luxuriously decorated office, the atmosphere was extremely dignified.

The constant reports from their subordinates indicated that they were surrounded.

Alexandra raised her eyes slightly and said coldly, "Did you both realize that you were being followed?"

Mrs. Gao's face was sinking: "What do you mean, are we still the one who brought them here?"

As the only male present, Bo Tuo reconciled: "This is not anyone's problem, the enemy is indeed eyeing us, from the first day, all the forces we exposed in New York were quickly swept away, which made us have to Concentrate their strength, but even if they are far overseas, they can still find our stronghold accurately and accurately, we have long known that this is a very powerful group of enemies."

Alexandra got up and said with her hands behind her back: "SHIELD, we all know that they are very powerful and mysterious, but the important thing is, what are we going to do now?"

Bo Tu thought for a while, and said, "They suddenly launched a violent siege attack overseas, just to let us get together again to discuss how to deal with it. This way, it is also convenient for them to catch the three of us in one go. Now we will either be arrested or flee. Go out or kill it, we don't have a choice."

Mrs. Gao turned her head and looked downstairs through the gap in the curtains. She saw that several nearby streets were blocked by the sudden appearance of many police officers. Yu and a helicopter are coming.

She sighed: "Can't we negotiate? Maybe we can find a place to cooperate."

"High!" Alexandra turned her head and snorted softly, "Abandon your meaningless thought of moderation, this is a war, the enemy is forcing us to enter a decisive battle as soon as possible, think about Murakami, think about Sowanda, For hundreds of years, this is an unprecedented crisis before us. If we lose, it is a real death!"

Bo Tu glanced at Mrs. Gao and said, "Yes, don't forget why we left that place back then, I don't know what you think, anyway, I haven't lived enough."

Mrs. Gao shook her head helplessly, as if to put away her thoughts.

She said: "Then fight, and let your people come out together. If they want a decisive battle, then give them a decisive battle."

Bodo and Alexandra nodded at the same time.

Alexandra: "I've killed that trash president of Rand, and this place belongs to us now."

The Rand Group has been infiltrated by Alexandra for a long time, and the people who have been hiding here quickly rushed out after receiving the order. Some of them went directly from staff to killers, but more people did come from the basement. Running out fully armed, it doesn't seem to be worse than the S.H.I.E.L.D. action team.

In the blink of an eye, the SHIELD personnel had not fully spread out, and they had already sealed the door first, and then firmly occupied every floor of the building.

Putting down her headphones, Alexandra suddenly smiled at the two of them: "Okay, two, I don't think we need to be so serious, although Murakami and Sowanda are dead, but I have good news and bad news here. , which do you want to hear first?"

Bo Tu said calmly, "Bad news."

"Well, the bad news isn't particularly bad because I've planted bombs on every floor of this building, and if we can't escape, then when they show up, we can turn them around and kill them all."

Madam Gao said coldly, "Aren't we also dead?"

At this time, gunshots suddenly came from outside the building, and S.H.I.E.L.D. began to attack inward.

The three of them moved their ears, and then they didn't listen.

"So this is bad news." Alexandra smiled. "Let's talk about the good news, I found the location of the keel."


Bo Tu and Mrs. Gao stood up instantly, with excitement on their faces.

When they escaped from Kunlun, they took part of the keel with them. In the past few hundred years, these keels have been consumed a lot, and every remaining point is extremely precious.

In other words, the keel is equivalent to their life.

The keel is gone, and their lives will come to an end.

Bo Tu said he didn't live enough, so why not Mrs. Gao and Alexandra? Even if there are ghosts, then the souls of Murakami and Sowanda must be roaring around them: Find a way to save Lao Tzu! !

"Where?!" The two asked in unison again.

Alexandra pointed to her feet.

"Just around here, I have opened a tunnel under the Land Building, but there is no time right now, otherwise I should be able to dig it out soon."

Bo Tu and Mrs. Gao glanced at each other at any time, and their expressions of excitement did not diminish, but different colors flashed in their eyes.

If there was no SHIELD siege today, would Alexandra choose to tell them the news?

Both of them have doubts in their hearts, but at this time, it is not appropriate to ask questions.

The gunfire on the first floor of the building was more intense, and Lan Lexandra said: "I just want you to know that no matter how many people die tonight, even if we lose everything, as long as we are still alive, we can still get back together. . A piece of keel let us create a union, and now, we are about to have a whole keel, what is this? This represents a whole world!"

On the roof of the building in the distance, Hong Fei listened to the sudden burst of gunfire. Looking far into the distance, he saw the S.H.I.E.L.D. secret service team fiercely rushed into the building and started a gun battle with the enemy. At the same time, he saw Patton, Natasha, Ma Special and Luke were also mixed in, and Luke, who was able to resist bullets, was the first to charge.

It didn't take long for S.H.I.E.L.D. to have rushed up several floors, and it seemed that it wouldn't take long to take down the Rand Building.

At this time, the big head suddenly said: "Boss, found the target, they are at the top."

The ball covering his head is not only for bulletproofing, but also acts as a HUD display screen, and it is almost a 360-degree full-surround super large screen. He has hacked into the RAND Group and the surrounding network.

Hong Fei nodded: "Well, don't worry, wait a minute, let them warm up first."


The floor below exploded violently, more than a dozen figures tumbled and fell from the upper floor, and the flames shot into the sky instantly.

The fire trucks that had been waiting nearby immediately began to put out the flames, and more SHIELD members poured into the building.

"Sad!" Hong Fei sighed.

Frank said: "How do you guess the people in the hand union will escape?"

Hong Fei looked at the sky, the helicopter had already surrounded the building.

"You can't walk in the sky. Fury's preparations were good, and they didn't leave a helicopter. So it's either underground, or disguised as a crowd to escape, or simply stay in the building and wait until S.H.I.E.L.D. relaxes its vigilance before leaving. , but the latter two are more difficult, so I guess it is the first."

As if to confirm Hong Fei's conjecture, Datou said again: "Boss, the target is downstairs."

Hong Fei turned to look at Frank and raised his eyebrows.

Abomination sat on the side playing with the mace, and he looked like he couldn't help but want a big fight.

Jessica was in action for the first time, and she was still stroking her gear while standing aside, apparently not yet.

Ivan stood silently, with a cigar in his mouth, which he was used to smoking for a while.

Frank: "Aren't we going yet, aren't you afraid they'll run away?"

"Although what I said about S.H.I.E.L.D. is worthless, the hand is weaker than them. Although those three guys are a bit strong, the reason why they live for a long time is not because of how strong they are. It's not that simple to run away under your nose."

Hearing this, Frank simply stepped and sat on the edge of the rooftop.

Six figures lined up on the dark roof, and no one noticed their existence.

In the building, Barton, Natasha, Coulson, and Rumlow each led an action team and rushed upwards from the four directions of the building.

The enemies they encountered were also varied and varied.

Some are no different from modern elite soldiers, while others wear masks and knives as ninjas.

No matter what kind it is, it should not be underestimated, because those ninjas can appear unexpectedly, disappear unexpectedly, and they occupy the favorable terrain that they are familiar with.

Hill is downstairs in overall command.

She looked at the building topographic map and thermal imaging in front of her and issued orders continuously, which provided extremely favorable intelligence support for the operations of the four teams.

"It was found that the target was moving down the stairwell in the southeast quickly, Barton, Natasha, you go to intercept first, I will send people to support quickly. Coulson, Rumlow, you take over the teams of Barton and Natasha respectively, continue Move up."


After leaving the team, Barton and Natasha converged in the southeast, and the two quickly charged upward.

For a moment, Barton, who was rushing in front, suddenly kicked the steps in front of him and flew back. At the same time, he did not forget to pull Natasha back.


A sharply curved edge slashed in front of the two of them in an instant, and the blade easily cut off Natasha's fluttering red hair.

The two of them stepped back all the way until they got close to the fire door. Looking up, they saw Bo Tu came out of the corner of the stairs with a penetrating smile on their faces.

In the next second, Natasha drew her gun very quickly and shot, and Patton also opened the black bow in his hand.

Bo Tu rolled on the spot, and the two of them shifted their gazes.

At this moment, two strong invisible forces arrived instantly, and Natasha and Barton, together with the fire door behind them, were hit and flew out backwards.

There was a sudden clatter in this archive-like room.

Two comatose figures were lying on the ground, and Barton was pinned down by the collapsed cabinet.

At the entrance of the stairs, Mrs. Gao retracted her arms and walked over with her hands behind her back.

Alexandra, who appeared last, said: "I've seen pictures of them, they should be elites in S.H.I.E.L.D., cut off their heads and threw them down."

Hearing this, Natasha gritted her teeth and raised the muzzle, and at the same time kicked away the cabinet that was pressing on Patton.

Mrs. Gao was about to shoot, but Barton fired an arrow, and she could only dodge first.

Bo Tu dodged bullets, and Natasha took the opportunity to roll aside to avoid the enemy's sight.

She raised her head and made eye contact with Barton, but before there was a result, the filing cabinet beside the two suddenly pushed them towards the other cabinet, but helplessly, the two appeared again.

On one side were knives and hands, on the other were guns and arrows, but the former prevailed.

Back to back, Natasha and Barton could feel a strong heartbeat for each other.

"Dear Miss Natasha, do you need a little help?"

The sudden sound made the five confronting people look up at the speakers on the ceiling and the surveillance camera in the corner at the same time.

Except for Natasha, Barton, Alexandra and others have never heard Hong Fei's voice.

What is even more exaggerated now is that Hong Fei did not change his voice, but used his original voice directly.

This surprised Natasha even more.

Barton cast a suspicious look, and Natasha opened her mouth and shouted, "Come on!"



Hong Fei snapped his fingers.

Abomination jumped out with his mace for the first time, and he could dash out nearly 100 meters with every jump.

The remaining five people stepped on the edge of the rooftop at the same time, and the head armor quickly rose at the same time.

Except for Hong, the reactors in the chests of the four people lit up, ion currents spewed from their hands and feet, and their bodies floated in the air.

Hong Fei looked at Jessica for the first time.

Jessica immediately fell back to the ground and quibble: "I'm just trying."


With an order, the five of them soared into the sky at the same time, and in an instant they caught up with the hatred running on the roof.

That's right, the night that Jessica could fly, she released her skill card generously, so Master Hong can fly too!

The armor powered by the three reactors flew the fastest, Hong Fei was half a position behind, and Jessica was a full position behind.

Even though Hong Fei had flown secretly a few times before, the feeling of realizing true freedom and flying wherever he wanted without any external force and only relying on his physical body still made him unbearable.

Although it consumes a lot of energy, it is definitely worth it!

[Passive Skill Card: Free Flying] (Blue) - Jessica Jones: "I have already held down Newton's coffin board, fly freely!"

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