Red Dead Redemption

Chapter 140: Imitate the master, follow your heart

With the cracking sound, the glass of the dome was smashed by a sword, and Hong Fei descended from the sky in his battle armor, and landed in front of Drekov with a bang.

In an instant, the gentle-looking old guy jumped up from his chair in shock.

He is indeed not young anymore, his hair is completely white, and even his eyebrows tend to turn white. He wears a pair of golden glasses on the bridge of his nose, his cheeks are chubby and trembling, his neck is almost gone, and his head is like a small vat Put it directly on a large vat.

If they met him elsewhere, it would be hard for anyone to think that such a person would be the head and leader of the world's top secret agent training bases like the Red Room.

The key point is that the behavior of the Red House really violates the moral code and destroys public order and good customs.

As soon as Drekov got up, the imitator who stood not far away and placed a statue-like imitation master moved.

Her faceplate is decorated with skull patterns, which looks very intimidating, and her first move is to take off the metal round shield on her back and throw it at Hong Fei.

Her throwing power was obviously not small, and the black shield came to Hong Fei in an instant. The sharp edge of the shield could easily cut through many objects.

When Hong Fei raised his arm, his five fingers immediately pinched the shield, and his body remained motionless.

But at the same time, he also noticed that the power conveyed from the shield is obviously not small. Although this master of imitation has been greatly changed and different from the comics, his strength is still top-notch.

Hong Fei turned his hand and threw the shield at Drekov's neck. If he couldn't stop it, the old guy would be dead in the next second.

Hong Fei was not disappointed by the next reaction of the master imitator. She suddenly took out a pair of bows and arrows from behind and pulled the strings. The sharp metal arrows instantly became big, and the sharp arrows instantly hit the edge of the black round shield. , the shield immediately pressed against Drekov's neck and he had a real brush with him.

Immediately following, the imitation master quickly shot arrows one after another, Hong Fei temporarily gave up Drekov, turned his head and rushed to the imitation master.

His body movements are not large, and it can even be said that it is hard to see him using exaggerated limb swings to dodge the arrows, but simply shaking his head, raising his legs, turning sideways, etc., has already caused the arrows to always stick to his body and stagger. Pass.

Under the eyes of the **** of death, the speed of the bullet has become slow, and the arrow is fast, but it can never hurt him.

The main lethal ability of these arrows is not in the penetration, but in the arrows that flash with different rays of light. In Hawkeye, these arrows are used by him superbly, and the imitation master in front of him seems to be similar.

It's just that the Avengers are not famous yet, and the Red Room has actually allowed him to learn the skills of Hawkeye, and there is also the US team that was active decades ago.

In Drekov's eyes, Hong Fei's steps were full of strangeness, except that he could always avoid the arrows that flashed like a phantom in his eyes, and his movement speed was amazing.

If such a combat ability can be learned by the imitation master, then her strength can be greatly improved.

Thinking of this, Drekov glanced at the imitation master and had full confidence in her learning ability.

Hong Fei was about to get close, imitating the master to stop shooting, the **** bow shook, and the curved body of the bow straightened instantly.

Too bad it's a curved samurai sword.

Hong Fei gave up dual-wielding weapons, simply drew out the horizontal sword, and quickly slashed down by drawing the sword.


The katana sword that imitated the master was instantly made two sections, and the horizontal sword continued to move towards her neck with unabated power.

At this time, she didn't hesitate at all. She stepped back and stretched out her hand. Suddenly, the round shield embedded in the wall beside Drykov trembled twice and flew back into her hand.

This is of course not a means of shielding or spiritual power, but an ability purely brought about by technology.

Starting with the black shield, her style suddenly changed.

I saw that she first curled up to hide behind the shield, the horizontal knife came, and immediately heard a loud bang.

The shield is correct, and the horizontal knife is of course all right.

Hong Fei knew that this shield was definitely not the original, but it was definitely not an ordinary metal.

After intercepting a blow, Master Mimic didn't move his upper body, but his long legs suddenly lifted, and because the shield was obliquely blocking him, the kick-up movement at this time became very obscure, and the place where she attacked was nowhere else.

Lifting the yin legs, it sounds ugly, but it is actually very useful, regardless of whether it is male or female.

But such a move could not be concealed from Master Hong, who was more proficient in this way than her.

Hong Fei started behind, but his speed was faster, because he had already made a similar judgment. There were many plans in his mind for the opponent's reaction. When the reality favored some possible options, those impossible options Instantly clear, and when the result is certain, the correct response will be clear at a glance.

After the move was integrated into his instinct, when Hong Fei was thinking about it, his body had already responded, and when he decided to hit a certain target, his body had already completed the hitting process.

So imitating the master's rise and fall, Hong Fei lifted his foot instantly, and the sole of his foot directly kicked the opponent's calf in the face.

How to come, how to go back.

When faced with such a confrontation, ordinary people would be stunned, experts would be surprised even if they were calm, and top opponents would continue to fight without distractions, but there were very few top players. And imitation masters are not of any kind. Because her battle has countless possibilities under the transformation of Drekov, and these possibilities are not formed by talent or instinct, but by technological chips and scientific calculations that are not mixed with emotion.

So failure is nothing, just continue to "count".

Before she could stand still, her arms slammed down with the shield at the same time.

The shield is a heavy weapon, capable of preventing and attacking, invulnerable to swords and guns when defending, and fierce and fierce when attacking. This round shield similar to Captain America's is small, but neither Captain America nor the master imitator used it as a purely defensive weapon.

The shield has a larger area and a relatively wider strike range. Coupled with her powerful strength and speed, the threat naturally increases.

To break heavy weapons, the best way is to attack with heavy weapons as well.

So what is Hong Fei's heavy weapon?


Stand on the ground with your feet on the ground. At this moment, I saw that the armor plate on the back of his body began to rise and fall rapidly from the heel, as if a giant dragon was meandering and soaring.

The strength runs through the whole body, and the qi in the body does not need to be deliberately guided. It is like a soldier who has read the general order, following Hong Fei's will and bursting with the power of the flesh.


The muffled sound was like a morning bell, and the heavy fist hit the center of the shield like a hammer. In an instant, Master Mimic took her shield to the sky, hit the wall in a blink of an eye, and fell to the ground.

The shield slammed into the ground with a clang, followed by another crack and split in half.

On the battlefield in ancient times, breaking heavy armor did not require such a precious and sharp sword, but a heavy hammer! Under a hammer, the armor may not be injured, but the damage suffered by the person under the armor is not small. Such a bombardment does not require a deep understanding of the use of power by the hammer, and he does not need to know what it is." "Strength through the back of the paper", what is the principle of "collapse" and "drilling", he only needs to use his own brute force, and leave the rest to the hammer, and the hammer will never disappoint the user!

Hong Fei doesn't have a hammer, but his fist can be turned into a hammer or even a cannon!

And the punch wasn't all due to strength and skill, his strength so far wasn't that violent.

gas. It is indeed a good thing, and after about two months of diligent repair, the total amount of it has surpassed the past. More importantly, Hong Fei's understanding, application and control of qi have improved by leaps and bounds.

It seems that just now, he no longer deliberately distracted to command the mobilization, but completely cooperated with the initiative to complete the powerful blow.

Cultivation requires not only talent, but also brains and reasoning.

The skill card allowed him to directly get chi regardless of his talent, and then he transferred his understanding of energy to his understanding of chi.

After his mastery of "Qi" officially started, as the instinct of "Master Hong", his previous understanding of "Qi" and his experience in controlling it began to play a prominent role. The two were compatible, and there was absolutely no reason to continue standing still.

In addition, he even felt that "qi" and "skill" should be a match made in heaven.

Drekov looked on, of course, he thought that the imitation master might lose, but he didn't think that he would lose so fast.

The word "imitation" has unabashedly stated the core and essence of his transformation of Antonia. Antonia has watched and parsed countless fighting videos, and she has absorbed all the fighting skills in the world, big and small. It stands to reason that no one can target her, she can target anyone.

Faced with reality, his reaction was not dissatisfied. After a second or two, he immediately rushed to his desk.

At this moment, Hong Fei turned his head and threw the horizontal knife, the afterimage swept past, and the blade penetrated his arm to fix him on the table. At this time, his palm with the ring was only a few centimeters away from the workbench.

"How could you attack me?!" This was the question he asked in his wailing.

The entire base is covered with another colorless and odorless pheromone, and all beings who have absorbed this pheromone cannot attack him, which is one of the reasons why Drykov is so safe in the Red Room.

This is somewhat similar to the purple man's ability, but what is the end of the purple man?

On the ground, a carp imitated the master and stood up neatly. Just as she was about to continue the attack, a cloud of red smoke instantly wrapped her whole body. The red mist entered the armor with her breathing, and her movements suddenly stopped. .

Hong Fei could feel her gaze and the complex emotions intertwined with sadness, pain, resentment and so on.

"wait for me."

After all, Hong Fei turned to Drekov.

At this time, Drekov was still trying to bring his palms close to the He wanted to call the group of widows who were not afraid of death to come to rescue him, but he moved a little, the sharp blade It would easily cut through his flesh and even bones, which made him even more painful.

But seeing Hong Fei approaching, he finally couldn't care about it anymore, he gritted his teeth, stretched out his hand, and half of his arm was torn apart.

Just when the ring on him was about to touch the workbench, a silver light suddenly came.

In an instant, the palm and wrist were separated and flew to the side.

"Ahhhh! Damn it! Who the **** are you?" Drekov tried his best to pounce on the table and pressed his arms to relieve himself of the pain, his forehead was instantly covered in cold sweat.

Hong Fei picked up the severed hand, took off the ring and placed it on the workbench, and pictures of girls instantly popped up on the big screen facing the desk.

With his clicks, the information of these girls kept flashing and updating, and their past, present, and possible future were all presented in Hong Fei's mind.

At this time, the gunshots were loud outside the base, and the alarm sounded.

After watching for a while, Hong Fei turned to look at Drekov, and finally spoke to him for the first time.

"I'm suddenly not going to kill you anymore."

Drykov's eyelids jumped wildly, he didn't think Hong Fei would let him go, and even his smart old head had already given the answer instinctively.

"You...what do you want to do?"

Hong Fei pointed to the big screen: "These people, they are more qualified than me and need more than me."

"You are delusional, they are my most loyal subordinates!"

Hong Fei didn't answer, but called out, "Antonia!"

Immediately, the imitation master on the side moved.

She turned her neck stiffly, and her whole person's temperament suddenly didn't match the skull mask on her face.

Drekov understood.

Hong Fei patted his face: "How do you die, they have the final say."

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