Red Dead Redemption

Chapter 184: New York War (8) Golden Cicada escapes and waits for settlement

On the top of the Stark Building, Loki looked at the big scene that suddenly appeared in the sky. He didn't feel excited or excited because of it. Instead, he smiled slightly, and his eyes were thoughtful.

Loki: Why do I feel something is wrong?

In the clear sea of ​​gold and purple, the figures of the two leaders also quickly retreated back immediately.

Sol stepped back laterally, stabilized his body after more than a hundred meters, then turned and landed on the tower.

On the other side, Hong Fei's body was like a kite with a broken string, falling rapidly towards the ground in a parabola.

In the short period of time when no one had time to rescue, Hong Fei had already smashed into the ruins that had long since turned into broken walls. In an instant, his body was deeply buried by the collapsed stone slabs of the building, and a large cloud of gray smoke and dust rose up one after another.

Seeing this, Loki breathed a sigh of relief.

Thor stood on the top of the tower, looking at the ruins, his eyes suddenly turned red.

In a blink of an eye, he saw Loki smiling on the top floor of the Stark Building, and a nameless fire burned in his chest.

I saw him swinging Thor's Hammer, and after thousands of thunderbolts killed the Zeta Swiss soldiers pouring out of the space gate, they slammed the hammer and rushed towards Loki.

On the side of Loki's face, the two brothers soon fought together. After a while, Loki was forced to jump off the rooftop and continued to command the invasion of the army in the Qitarui airship.

In the sky, Frank and the others rushed towards the ruins. On the ground, Steve was also stunned for a while, then he carried his shield and ran all the way.

Before arriving at the ruins, they looked at the stone pile more than ten meters high in silence.

Without a word of hatred, after a roar, he turned around and climbed the wall of the high-rise building and quickly lifted into the air, smashing all the Qitarui airships directly.

Jessica gave full play to her powerful strength and rose into the air to quickly move the slate from top to bottom. Most of the rest of the people joined the ranks when they saw this, and even Steve rushed up to help unwillingly.

After a while, Frank suddenly said, "Stop it, it's not the time yet, our enemies haven't retreated yet."

"But..." Jessica was indignant.

Frank said flatly: "No buts, everything has priorities, and now our target is those **** aliens! Big head, you say!"

Datou: "It's like this, the boss's life signal has not disappeared. Although it is a little weak, it is very stable. His armor has been repairing his injuries, so he is currently recovering."

Hearing this, Yelena, Steve and the others couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

Frank: "So now you are standing here busy and it doesn't help at all, our battlefield is in the sky!"

The group immediately turned their heads and rose into the air.

Steve stood on the ruins, gasping for breath, and finally showed a relieved smile on his face, he threw the stone in his hand, and said, "Okay, then you can rest for a while, and I will wait until the war is over. I'll dig you again!" After that, he turned around and charged towards the nearest Chitauri.

A Kun-style fighter plane hovered above the sky.

The equipment on the fighter plane presented the entire scene in Fury's eyes.

"Barton, he lost?"

"Yes, sir."

"do you died?"

"I don't know, sir."

Fury paused for a few seconds: "Join the battle, take the time to go over and confirm."

"no problem."

In the S.H.I.E.L.D. base, Fury frowned and looked unhappy. He said, "Hill, you come to preside over the support deployment, and I'll report to the World Security Council."

Hill nodded, took the main seat after Fury left, and then frowned at the ruins on a certain screen in front of him.


The goddess Sif stood on the edge of the Rainbow Bridge, her eyes fell on the shining galaxy, thousands of stars were reflected in her eyes, but her face did not look very happy.

Heimdall stood in his place leaning on the big sword, his eyes turned to her slightly, and the corners of his mouth raised slightly: "Can you see it?"

Sif shook her head: "Of course I can't see it, and I'm not you. I don't have a pair of eyes that can see all the corners of the Nine Realms."

Heimdall sighed when he heard the words, "No, I'm not that powerful, some places are sealed and shrouded by mysterious power, I can't see or find such areas, otherwise there would be no Loki and The Frost Giant thing happened."

Sif nodded slightly, then her brows suddenly twitched, followed by a flush on her face.

Heimdall looked at her trembling back slightly, and then turned his eyes to the sea of ​​stars. His eyes came to the earth through the space barrier, and he clearly saw the scene of Sol and Hong Fei fighting. As a result, there was a hint of surprise and shock in his eyes.

He knew about Hong Fei. Since Thor was banished to Earth after being sealed by Odin, Heimdall has never given up monitoring the prince. Of course, this kind of monitoring is actually a different kind of protection. Therefore, when Sol and Hong Fei met, Heimdall knew about Hong Fei's existence, and he would occasionally pay attention to Hong Fei's movements after that.

However, he obviously did not expect that Hong Fei would be able to show an evenly matched appearance in the battle with Sol.

Besides, Hong Fei's sword...

Heimdall looked at Sif's back.

Sif took a deep breath, her face quickly returned to normal, and at the same time her clenched fists slowly loosened.

Without waiting for Heimdall to ask, she took the initiative to say, "I can clearly feel that he has awakened the part of my divine power, and he even actively activated the blessing of the father of the gods."

After a pause, Sif continued, "Twice."

Heimdall: "I didn't see it last time, but I saw the picture just now. You should be right. He even almost drew with Thor."

Sif suddenly turned her head, with shock and doubt in her eyes.

Heimdall nodded: "Although I can't really see all the corners of the Nine Realms, I don't think my eyes deceived me in the picture just now."

Sif was stunned, "How is that possible?"

"The fact is, um, there is a very powerful energy in his body, and he is completely transforming this energy into a part of himself. Although this process is very slow, he is making progress all the time." Heimdall finished, At the end he added: "That was the power he gained after you left Midgard."

Sif frowned slightly and asked again, "What about Sol?"

"He won."

"It's not surprising." Sif shook her head, then stared into Heimdall's eyes: "You know what I'm asking?"

Immediately, Heimdall's eyes moved slightly.

The two faced each other for a while before Heimdall finally said, "Well, you already know that, right? You saw it yourself."

Hearing this, Sif paused for a while, then smiled suddenly, and a bit of freedom appeared in her expression: "Yes, you're right, I already knew that."

Seeing this, Heimdall couldn't help laughing, but he couldn't help sighing inwardly: Young Thor probably didn't know what kind of difficulties and obstacles he would encounter in his love with a Midgardian.

What is Hong Fei doing?

He took a shower in the room he had lived in for a long time on the top floor of his building in Queens.

On the right arm of the Nano Armor, there were lacerations in the opposite direction of the shoulder. These ruptured wounds extended all the way to the chest. This was because Hong Fei held the sword in his right hand, so the right arm suffered the greatest impact.

Fortunately, one of the characteristics of the nano armor is self-healing, so these armor scars are not serious.

Putting away the battle armor, the clothes below had already been shattered into strips of cloth or even silk threads. When these tatters fell from the body, Hong Fei's body was finally completely exposed.

Every inch of his skin turned an extremely abnormal red, like a cooked prawn, and even more astonishingly, his arms, with dark or light blood vessels under the red skin, were like cobwebs It emerges so clearly that it is terrifying at first glance.

Undoubtedly, this is the aftermath of the continuous battle just now.

The state of being evenly matched is indeed worthy of the name. Hong Fei didn't suffer much damage when he collided with Sol, and he could even continue to fight.

However, it is completely unnecessary now, because the completion of the Qitarui invasion is already very high, and if the stalemate continues, Hong Fei will not be able to take away a victory from the "evenly matched" state, and he is really hot now, and also very tired.

At this moment, Hong Fei only felt as if he was in a huge steel-making furnace, and seemed to be immersed in red magma. Every breath pouring into his lungs was not the air he needed to survive, but the scorching hot air. magma.

This is the scorching heat from the inside out.

For the first time, he turned on the air conditioner and turned it to the lowest level, then ripped off the only remaining cloth strips, rushed into the bathroom, and poured cold water down from the top of his head.

In an instant, it was like cold water pouring on flint, a sizzling sound came from his skin, and the water that first touched the skin instantly vaporized.

In the blink of an eye, a thick mist has risen in the bathroom.

After a long time, the temperature finally began to drop, the mist dissipated quickly, the redness on the skin gradually faded, and the blood vessels on the arms also dimmed slightly.

After washing away the sweat, Hong Fei reached out to open the bathroom door while wiping his wet hair with a towel.

Suddenly, his right hand suddenly lifted.


In the muffled sound, he grabbed the baseball bat, his right leg had already been raised, and he was just about to hit... Mei?

The two were stunned at the same After seeing Hong Fei clearly, Mei was stunned on the spot, and then her eyes slid down her face as if uncontrollable. Tightening, continuing down, her mouth opened wide, her face flushed red, even redder than Hong Fei just now.

After a short exclamation, she covered her mouth, turned her head and hurried away, and Hong Fei soon heard the sound of smashing the door.

Hong Fei blinked, put down his baseball bat, and said to himself, "I'm careless.

Who would have thought that May would still stay here when the Chitauri army had already invaded New York.

He came to the window and looked up into the distance. Above the sky, there seemed to be endless Zeta Swiss soldiers at the other end of the dark space door.

On the human side, in addition to Sol, Tony and others, it is Hong Fei's seven-member group, and even the seven-member group's performance is even more conspicuous than Fury's favored Avengers, because they are more numerous and cooperate more tacitly.

Shaking his head gently, Hong Fei changed his clothes and lay down on the sofa to rest.

The energy boost that bad things should have brought him hasn't begun to settle.

You can fight whatever you like outside, as long as you don't kill the Chitarians.

If it is not settled, Hong Fei will not go out.


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