Red Dead Redemption

Chapter 499: Hong Fei asked 3 questions and was open and honest


A loud bang echoed in the hole.

Bruce watched the TV through gritted teeth, then slowly retracted his numb palms.

He dared to swear to God that what Hong Fei said was definitely a lie!

Because, he had heard Hong Fei say the name of the team "Justice League", and even Hong Fei invited him, but he refused at the time.

At that time, Hong Fei said that he was the only one in the Justice League.

Listen to this name, Justice League, does it have a half-cent relationship with Hong Fei?


The moment Bruce heard the word, he felt inexplicably familiar, and he even felt as if something had been stolen from him.


The more obvious evidence, isn't it the same surprised Superman on TV?

Now he really wants to tug at Hong Fei's ear and yell: "You damned guy doesn't even tell anyone a lie?" !

Hong Fei: Lie? What lie? As long as I open the MLM master three-piece set, even if I say that the earth is square, there will definitely be people who will believe it!

At the scene, when they heard what Hong Fei's team said, everyone whispered.

But the most they talk about is not what the "Justice League" is, but Hong Fei... Who is it?

There are very few people who know him. All over the world, apart from those present, the only people who really know him as ordinary people are the group of police friends watching TV in the lobby of the Queens Police Department in New York City at this time.

"Why is Hong there?"

"Is he a superhero?"

"Have I worked with superheroes?"

Except for the teammates who were talking about it, the rest of the people cast all kinds of complicated eyes on them.

After all, Hong Fei can appear in that place, and he is teammates with Superman. No matter how weak he is, he is definitely not an ordinary person.

One of the most surprising is definitely Hong Fei's former patrol teammate Cora, a policewoman.

She opened her mouth in surprise, and after a while, she pouted, "No wonder he has been asking for leave since he joined the company!"

Outside the crowded line, George Johnson, a police officer with a thin body like a teenager, stared blankly at Hong Fei, who was smiling on the screen. It was hard for him to imagine that this person who made a deep impression on him because he did not discriminate against him, It would be Superman's teammate.

At the hearing, seeing people's doubts, Hong Fei smiled.

"Sorry, I forgot that most of you don't know me, so please allow me to introduce myself first."

When he turned around, his clothes suddenly changed into a police uniform.

"I'm the newest sheriff of the Queens District Police Department in New York City. Maybe some media at the scene have reported this incident. After all, you describe me as the youngest and fastest-promoting star sheriff?"

At this moment, regardless of the scene or in front of the TV, the memories of some people were awakened, and they really found the same memory as the face in front of them.

However, isn't he a policeman, why is he Superman's teammate?

Hong Fei lowered his head and patted his police uniform. When he looked up again, the police uniform quickly changed, and the nanomaterial changed its appearance as quickly as the scales of a fish. In a short while, he was wrapped in battle armor from head to toe.

In an instant, people in countless places suddenly gasped for breath.

The bottom is red, the yellow dragon pattern is wrapped around the body, and the diamond-shaped eyes are full of white.

This set of battle armor is not to say that everyone in the world knows it, but at least it has been spread all over the land of the ugly country.

After all, this suit of armor represents a man who can turn into a dragon, drive away a tsunami, save millions, defeat Poseidon, and at the same time kill Zeus in a single move.

Hong Fei opened his arms, and the light in the eyes on his visor changed slightly like his eyes.

"So now, everyone should know me?"

There was an uproar.

Outside the Capitol, the police and military gathered for orders were dumbfounded.

No matter how arrogant they are, they don't think they can fight against someone who is suspected of killing Zeus.

Even, as long as the other party becomes that thousand-meter-long dragon, one paw can trample them all to death!

So, inside and outside the Capitol, a sense of despair gradually spread.

Maybe there were people who thought of obeying first and then confrontation at first, but now, they just feel that the world is not worth it.

On the stage, Bai Long smiled and said: "Well, from everyone's expressions, I think you should all know him, then let him speak to everyone on behalf of the Justice League."

Hong Fei put away his armor.

Look straight ahead at the camera and hold up three fingers

"Today, we are open and honest, and we will say all the good and bad things together, so as to save future troubles. I want to say three main points, or three questions."

"First, why?

I think this question is inherently ridiculous, as ridiculous as the African tribes trying to get your country to give up all rights and follow their orders, and ignorant, stupid, and greedy!

I know that this federation always likes to turn things upside down. When others reason with you, you talk about strength, and when others talk about strength with you, you have to raise a banner of reason. So, don't use any excuses like 'politics', 'human rights', 'freedom', etc. to answer my question, think about it, why did Superman give up his personal will and obey your will instead? This question means that I am reasoning with you. "

"Second, can the federal government represent all mankind? Or, can you represent all people in the entire country?

I... we, don't want to hear any more superhuman beings for human beings, this kind of argument will only make us feel that this Federation exudes disgusting hypocrisy from head to toe, from the inside out.

Well, as you often say, black lives matter.

Is the life of the Kryptonian not life?

Is the life of the crocodile, shark, and Atlantis not fatal?

Yes, there are Atlanteans here, Mela, Arthur, stand up and say hello, they are from Atlantis, the legendary submarine civilization, it is real, as far as I know, Atlantis is very dissatisfied with the behavior of human beings destroying the ocean. Of course, don't think of taking the opportunity to attack other countries. The place they want to land most is your federation, followed by your good son, an island country. "

This sentence really made everyone dumbfounded.

There is so much information that they take some time to digest.

But Hong Fei didn't have time to wait for them to think.

"Since you always like to talk about human rights in any context, let's expand the definition of human rights a little more today, but if your human rights don't include those people I just said - that is, including me The entire Justice League. Then I think, we will need to open up a whole new soil for those of us to survive, um, the right to live, there is no more advanced reason than this?"

"Third, our existence means that the world has changed. I don't want to promote some negative arguments about the world, but I want to ask you what you can do before the disaster that the supernatural and even non-human science can explain and solve. ?

Going back to the second question, the Justice League is not without humans, at least I still think of myself as a human, and, Kid Flash, stand up and say hello!

He is also human,

I am sure that our alliance was not established to pursue power and wealth, but to better exert everyone's ability and enable them to better integrate into human society. Of course, we use our own way and only to achieve our goals, instead of accepting some inexplicable people's finger-pointing, past, present and future are impossible. "

"I know there will be people who will question the Justice League's position and goals, and you will have to find ways to infiltrate, monitor and even control. I welcome you, really!"

"I don't mind spies. Since you're not afraid, why should we be afraid? If the federal government keeps targeting any or all of us, either overtly or covertly, the consequences must be what you can expect. .

Yes, this is the warning, and the most straightforward threat, and it's the simplest, quickest, and most effective way I can think of in all the time I've lived in this country, after all, I don't want the rest of my team to go through the same mentality that Superman has endured. Pressure, and I don't want to waste my words with a group of idiots in the The ugly words are over! Next, I want to tell you that I mean the whole world. Soon, mankind, the earth and even the universe will encounter an unimaginable war. My teammates and I will definitely appear on the front line of the war. This is absolutely nothing It's a matter of course, it's our own choice, you can believe it or ignore it, anyway, I never thought you could be of any help. "

"Finally, the Justice League will complete the headquarters site selection in the near future and quickly complete the construction. People all over the world can provide site selection plans. If it is finally adopted, I will give him a big surprise!"

Hong Fei finished speaking.

But instead of an explosive reaction, the scene was as silent as death.

Probably, no one can quickly process the huge amount of information carried in Hong Fei's language in such a short period of time.

Bai Long took Hong Fei's words quickly on the stage.

"I think the discussion on the second matter can be closed, for a very good reason!

You are not qualified to make Superman stop the actions of his own will. I think the general public still needs Superman's help when they suffer an accident. Likewise, you do not have the power to make Superman follow your will to use his power, just like The ant cannot ask the elephant to follow its command to steal the honey.

If anyone has a different opinion on the positioning of 'ant' and 'elephant', then I am happy to have a friendly discussion with him.

The above words are mainly aimed at certain groups, and of course I have no problem if all of you like to be seated.

Anyway, in the end you will know who is telling the truth from the beginning, and who is always lying.

The hearing is over! "

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