Red Dead Redemption

Chapter 615: Dragon and Phoenix Dance (middle)

The sky and the earth changed colors in an instant, and the gilt-like light filled the four fields.

A huge sphere stood in the center of the town, and the rune chain wrapped on the outside was spinning rapidly. Although the violent energy had been sealed, it still conveyed a breathtaking coercion just by sight.

Those parents hugged their children and fled far away, for fear that the next second would suddenly change and endanger their lives.

Fortunately, this abnormal sphere disappeared suddenly in the rotation, leaving people looking at the bare grass and staring at each other.

In Alaska, when the power of the phoenix broke out, Charles, who was surveying the terrain and choosing the school site with Eric and others, suddenly felt a sense of it, and turned to look into the distance.

Eric asked, "What's wrong?"

Charles frowned for a while and didn't respond.

Eric also noticed the difference and immediately became vigilant.

After a while, Charles shook his head: "It always feels like something happened, but it seems like nothing happened."

Eric grinned: "Are you kidding me?"

"No, Eric, my gut tells me that something must be happening that I don't know about."

"Very important?"

"This... should be alright?"

If the two had not known each other for many years, Eric would have wanted to give him a big fight right away.

Charles smiled awkwardly: "I'd better call Ruiwen and ask, otherwise I'm really worried."

"Do you think there is a signal here?"

"So I have to trouble you to send me down the mountain."

"Charles! I'm Magneto! Not your flying machine!"

"It's a lot of work, help!"

starry sky.

I don't know how many light years away from the solar system.

Hong Feishan evacuated from the inside of the seal, reaching out and aiming at Jean Grey, who had been in a coma from the beginning.

The seal shrinks rapidly.

Seeing this, the power of the phoenix is ​​also violently erupting, and the surging energy is like a fire from the sky, and the filial piety is endless.

A golden-red crack suddenly appeared on Jean Grey's face.

Hong Fei continued to suppress the seal inward with one hand, while the other hand penetrated the void and pressed against Jean Grey's back.

In an instant, the phoenix screamed fiercely and fiercely, and then the billowing energy rushed towards Hong Fei's arm like a tsunami.

Hong Fei frowned and did not back down.

The moment the two touched, the clothes were instantly annihilated, and the skin quickly turned red.

In addition to its extremely powerful destructive power, the Phoenix Force also has an extremely high temperature.

The feeling that these two brought to Hong Fei was far stronger than when he first accepted the fusion of dragon power.

Even if they are both fragments, the power of the phoenix is ​​far superior to the power of the dragon.

Assuming that Hong Fei only has pure dragon power now, then he may not be able to extract the power of the phoenix from Jean Grey's body today.

Centering on the place covered by the palm, the rune chain spreads close to Jean Grey's young body.

In the blink of an eye, when she was about to be completely sealed, the power of the phoenix, which was constantly exerting force on Hong Fei's arm, finally realized it. It suddenly turned its direction and rushed in from the seal that was about to be closed.

As long as he re-incorporates himself into Jean Grey's body, then Hong Fei's seal will also seal it in it. It is not so easy to strip it from the host.

But after this scene happened, Hong Fei did not stop it.

Because after just a short breath of time, the power of the phoenix that rushed into it suddenly fell down and tried to rush out.

But at this time it was really too late, Hong Fei turned his palm, and the last seal gap was completely filled.

The power of the phoenix collided with the seal, and the rune chain clattered continuously.

It turned out that Hong Fei just put his palm on Jean Grey's body not only to put a seal on her to protect her, but also to silently transform the space where her body was into a portal.

The portal to the dimension of the Dragon King!

Therefore, the power of the phoenix was suddenly divided into three parts at this time!

The first part erupted in an instant when it was with Hong Fei, and they were sealed inside the big sphere.

The second part is just wanting to return to the host body, but was introduced into the dragon dimension by Hong Fei stealthily.

And the last part was still in Jean Grey's body.

Hong Fei pushed with both hands, Jean Grey was pushed away, the sealing sphere was broken, and the Phoenix Force in it turned his head and was about to fly away into the distance.

But a gigantic mouth suddenly opened, swallowing them and the celestial meteorites and other substances in the surrounding starry sky.

At this point, there are still two parts of the power of the phoenix.

In the dimension of the dragon.

The two parts of the phoenix powers collided after the confluence, but the space Hong Fei divided for it in advance made it impossible for it to roam freely in it. The invisible confinement makes it more and more manic.

The scattered free-state energies quickly approach each other.

After a violent spatial fluctuation, a golden phoenix with a splendid body suddenly opened its huge and beautiful wings, its slender neck was raised high, and a red-gold crown was born on the top, and its tail feathers longer than the body dragged. Swaying lightly behind him.

At the same time, the "prison" Hong Fei set up for it was self-defeating.

Hong Fei stared at the scene inside, and was more and more amazed at the performance of the power of the phoenix.

Now he can be absolutely sure that, excluding external factors, the power of the phoenix is ​​indeed stronger than the power of the dragon, and it may even be much stronger in terms of the performance of the energy itself.

The reason why Wu Fengji's record is so dazzling may be precisely because she is one of the few or even the only model who has defeated the strong with the weak for hundreds of millions of years.

What supported her victory was not the power of the dragon, but herself.

Dragon Power should be proud of her.

What's more, Wu Fengji has also been the host of Phoenix's power, and is the first person to have both Phoenix's power and Dragon's power at the same time.

To be honest, the setting of the Phoenix Force in the Marvel Universe itself is more complete, the origin is clear, and the stories are numerous and complex, while the Dragon Force is usually glimpsed, and the story stage and the setting itself are not extremely high-end. .

Because of this, Hong Fei was not satisfied after obtaining the power of the dragon, because he knew that the upper limit of the power of the dragon was not as high as he imagined, so he turned to study how to smelt the power of the dragon as the core. higher level of energy.

This is the unique power of Hong that he has now.

But the power of Hong is not enough to compete with the power of the phoenix in terms of quality.

At least only after he truly reaches a certain peak stage at the multiverse level, can Hong Zhili possibly transform to the level close to that of a phoenix.

This is not self-deprecation, but the power of the phoenix is ​​very advanced.

The power of the phoenix comes from the primordial universe, born at the beginning of all things, it is a chaotic and immortal, eternal but impermanent existence, the child of the universe. It is the embodiment of life and spiritual power in the original universe, symbolizing life and emotion.

It is the connection point of all spiritual souls that exist or will exist in the infinite multiverse, and is the creator and source of spiritual power. It is the storage vessel and ruler of the life and emotional energy of future generations of the entire infinite multiverse.

Check out this setup.

High-end, atmospheric, high-grade.

I don't know how many times more powerful than "Iron Fist".

The power of the phoenix is ​​not so much a power as it is a life.

It's just that the form and way of existence of this life is completely different from human's cognition of life, and even contradicts it.

Strictly speaking, the power of the phoenix is ​​the most powerful energy life that Hong Fei has encountered so far.

The phoenix form appeared, and Hong Fei accelerated.

He took Chingley in his hands.

【Astral Projection】

Under the palm of a hand, a sleeping soul escaped from the body.

The power of the phoenix is ​​deeply imbued inside and outside of his soul, and the colorful lingering is like a god.

At the same time, the running rune chains on Chingre's body suddenly stopped, and then all went backwards.

In an instant, the power of the phoenix remaining in the flesh was pulled away by an irresistible force, and transferred into the dimension of the dragon through Hong Fei's palm.

The Phoenix Force certainly did not give up resistance.

The cracks in Jean Grey's face burst out with golden-red light.

However, the already formed rune seal is now firmly locking her body, not only isolating her body from the power of the phoenix, but also helping her weak human body absorb almost 100% of the damage.

On the other side, the flashing soul suddenly woke up, and Shuangtong's energy burst, killing Hong Fei directly.


Two dark red rays of light that condensed into substance violently burst into Jean Grey's soul. UU reading

The little figure that rushed up was suddenly pushed away by the ultimate ray, and the pair of eyes that had just opened were also suddenly closed.

The Ultimate Effect, from the DC Universe, is an energy the Phoenix Force has never seen rivaled.

Hong Fei suddenly used the ultimate effect, and the power of the phoenix was unexpected and unprepared.

As a result, the connection and fusion between it and Jean Grey's soul was instantly stripped off by Hong Fei.

Second hit!

The Phoenix Force still refused to give up and rushed towards Jean Grey's soul.

But the rune chain that suddenly filled the void in front of him once again shattered its hope.

Two seals, one locks the body and the other locks the soul.

The power of the phoenix that is currently free is only a small part, there is no hope of returning to the host body, and there is no ability to escape.


The power of the phoenix paused for a second in the air, seemed to think briefly and quickly, and immediately turned to Hong Fei.

This time the impact did not carry any intention of attacking or hurting, as if a swallow was thrown into the forest.

Of course Hong Fei knew its plan, but he didn't dodge it.

Bright light and shadow flashed across the starry sky.

The power of the phoenix entered the dimension of the dragon through Hong Fei's body, and merged with the power of the phoenix that was introduced and forcibly attracted by the design.

The phoenix suspended in the dimensional space became more and more solid, and the radiant energy light dispelled the darkness of nothingness, and the slightly flapping wings easily rolled up a storm that was enough to destroy the galaxy.

Hong Fei physically entered the dimension of the dragon.

Phoenix's head turned, his eyes suddenly lit up, and extremely full of energy flowed along the outer corners of his eyes, floating in the air.

His child is golden and his eyes are sharp.

Burning like fire, shining like light.

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