Red Dead Redemption

Chapter 632: Thanos in action

The Infinite Gloves were condensed by Hong Fei with chaotic particles, so when Thanos put the Infinite Gloves on, Hong Fei also knew his movements simultaneously.

Putting on the Infinity Gloves is equivalent to Thanos having obtained the Power Gem, so the next step should be the Land of Nothingness.

Hong Fei left from the dimension of the dragon, looked at the collector who was still immersed in the three gems, and shook his head slightly.

As the brother of Gao Tianzun, collectors also possess extraordinary strength and long life.

However, like Gao Tianzun, his long-term life seems to have caused them to give up their continued pursuit of strength growth, or they think their strength is enough, so the two chose a hobby for themselves as their life pursuit, and even Turn it into your own name.

What Gao Tianzun likes is competition and gambling, and what collectors like is collection.

Therefore, he doesn't necessarily want to gather six Infinity Stones to do something, but the Infinity Stones, as the top treasure in the universe, are also unquestionably attractive to him.

It's just that he knew that Thanos was also looking for the Infinity Stones, but he deliberately ignored the danger and put all the gems by his side, and he didn't know where his confidence came from.

However, for Thanos, this must have been a big surprise.

Originally, Thanos only knew that the collector had the Infinity Stones sent by Asgard for him to keep, but when he discovered the Cosmic Rubik's Cube and the Mind Scepter, he must have been greatly surprised.

All are, all he needs to look for is the Time Stone and the Soul Stone.

The Eye of Agamotto and the Time Stone are not too big of a secret, so the only thing Thanos is looking for is the Soul Stone.

Hong Fei turned his head and went straight to Vormir Star.

After half a day, as he guessed.

Thanos arrives in the Land of Nothingness aboard the Templar II and leads the Dark Fleet army.

The moment they descended, this gathering place based on the head of the gods fell into silence.

The collector did not hesitate, and immediately gathered the three items, holding the Cosmic Rubik's Cube and preparing to use the power of space to escape.

But the ebony throat, who had been waiting here under the order of Thanos early, used his mind power to control a spike that penetrated the collector's body and wrist in an instant.

The next moment, Thanos arrived.

The collector hurriedly grabbed the cosmic cube that fell to the ground.

Hearing a bang, a giant axe cut off his arm, and the collector immediately wailed.

The largest black dwarf star under Thanos pulled out his giant blade, reached out and picked up the universe cube, turned around and respectfully presented it to Thanos.

The color of Thanos is a bit strange.

Of course he saw that this was not the reality gem he had expected.

The Universe Rubik's Cube became a little pocket-sized in his hand, and he was not in a hurry to find the Reality Gem. He crushed the Rubik's Cube's shell, and after the light flickered violently, only a pile of debris and a blue gem remained in the palm of his hand.

Dive the space gem into the Infinity Gloves, and the power of space penetrates into the body, and Thanos believes that he will succeed in this trip, both physically and psychologically.

It went so well!

He looked at the collector with his broken arm on the ground.

"I think you still have something to hand over."

Cold sweat broke out on the collector's forehead again, and the glimmer of light in the depths of his eyes changed.

Seeing this, Thanos smiled slightly, stepped forward, and stepped on the collector's chest with his big feet in metal boots.

For a time, the collector's face was blue and purple, and his eyeballs were bulging.

Thanos did not continue to ask, and the collector did not take the initiative to ask for mercy, and the two seemed to be at a stalemate.

Finally, when the collector's chest sank and the bones rattled as if they could shatter at any moment, he finally responded with action.

I saw his remaining arm shake slightly, and the box containing the Reality Gem and the Mind Scepter were revealed.

And this scene also made Thanos' eyes tremble slightly.

He raised his feet from the collector's chest and held the two items left and right in his hands. After verifying the authenticity, the look in the collector's eyes couldn't help but change.

After all, Thanos never thought that he could find four Infinity Gems in such a short period of time. What's even more amazing is that, apart from his accident, there are still people who can have three Infinity Gems at the same time.

Immediately, he embedded the Reality Gem and Mind Gem into the Infinity Gloves one after another.

The power of the four Infinity Stones was applied to him at the same time, and Thanos felt an unprecedented power.

back. He asked again, "Anything else?"

The collector was startled and shook his head quickly: "No, really not at all!"

"I don't quite believe your words."

With that said, Thanos winked.

Black Dwarf, who was standing aside, raised the giant blade in both hands and slammed into the collector's neck.

The collector raised his head, and suddenly shouted, "No!"

With a muffled sound, the screaming stopped abruptly.

Then Thanos looked at his gloves contentedly, thought for a moment, and asked, "Where is she?"

Ebony throat stepped forward: "Master, we have her coordinates. According to the direction, they should want to go to Earth."

Thanos Dandan smiled: "Ebony throat follow me, the others will take the fleet to Earth and find those mages."

The five generals of Obsidian led away, Thanos clenched his fists, and he and Ebony Maw were immediately wrapped by the space door.

in the sea of ​​stars.

A spaceship is sailing fast.

Star-Lord has already fallen asleep, and the person in charge of the spaceship has become Rocket Raccoon, but with the assistance of the automatic flight system, it only needs to glance at it from time to time, so the Rocket is also enduring in the quiet spaceship environment at this time. Doze constantly.

Until the spaceship suddenly burst into a light blue light silently.

Rocket turned his head and saw that there seemed to be two figures in the blue light, so he undid his seatbelt abruptly, picked up the weapon beside him, turned over and landed neatly, pointing his gun at the light source and asking for a drink.

But when it saw the two figures in front of it clearly, the words stuck in its throat.


Thanos didn't respond, but Ebony Throat frowned, and with a wave of his hand, a sharp long needle stabbed at the rocket.

The rocket fired immediately.

The sound of gunfire broke out in the cabin, and suddenly woke everyone up.

When Star-Lord woke up, he immediately cursed: "Fuck, what are you doing?! This is our only spaceship! You don't have to take us all to die if you want to commit suicide!"

The rocket was unmoved.

The next moment, I heard Drax roar violently, and immediately picked up two daggers and rushed towards Thanos.

Still no need for Thanos to do anything, Drax was slapped by Ebony Throat and fainted on the spot.

Star-Lord got up and turned his head, and after seeing Thanos, he couldn't help but stunned.

Gamora stood up with an extremely complicated expression.

Thanos looked at her and said, "Our goal is about to be achieved, and it's time for you to come back."

Hearing this, Gamora's face changed suddenly, and she saw the Infinity Glove on Thanos' left hand, and when the light of the four Infinity Gems came into view, she couldn't help screaming: "This is impossible. !!"

"Nothing is impossible, Gamora, you know me, from the time you were with me, so I have done everything I wanted to do, and this time was no exception."

Thanos' voice was low, but it was like a bell in the morning and a drum in the evening.

Gamora's horrified eyes wandered back and forth on Thanos' purple face and Infinity Gloves, his eyes flashing violently.

Then, I saw that she suddenly grabbed the dagger around her waist, but instead of attacking Thanos, she turned her hand and stabbed her neck without hesitation.

"Don't!" Star-Lord shouted violently, rushing towards Gamora, but it seemed too late.


The moment Gamora's dagger was about to pierce into her body, it suddenly turned into a bunch of bubbles and annihilated.

Star Lord breathed a sigh of relief and held Gamora tightly in his arms, but he did not see the despair in Gamora's eyes.

The light of the red gem on the Infinity Gloves disappeared, and when Thanos turned his wrist, Gamora's dagger appeared in his palm.

There was a look of reminiscence in his eyes.

"I still remember that I gave it to you with my own hands. Therefore, it should not be a weapon for your suicide."

Star-Lord turned back and pointed his gun at Thanos: "I know you, Thanos, you'd better leave quickly, otherwise"

"Otherwise what?"

"I will kill you!"

The corners of Thanos' mouth rose and fell, and the red light flashed again. Except for Gamora, all the members of the Guardians of the Galaxy, including Groot, were turned into a pile of broken stones~www.wuxiaspot. com~ no! what have you done? ! Why are you killing them? ! Heartbroken, Gamora ran forward to grab Thanos' clothes and roared.

Thanos frowned slightly: "They're not dead yet."

Gamora was startled.

"But if you won't come with me, they'll be dead now."


Thanos waited calmly for her response.

Stalemate for a moment.

Gamora nodded: "You have to promise not to hurt any of them."

"After we leave, they'll recover immediately."

Gamora believed that Thanos would not lie casually, and there was no need to deceive, so she nodded.

Thanos returned the dagger to Gamora, clenched his fist again, and the three of them left immediately.

And Star Lord and others also recovered successfully at the same time.

"Gamora!" Star-Lord yelled.

Rocket: "Stop screaming, she was taken away!"

"Damn, I'm going to find her!"

The Rockets immediately retorted: "No, we are not opponents."

"Are you asking me to give up her? That's impossible! You can find a place to drop me, I'll find a new spaceship, and I'll save her myself!"

"! I didn't say that! I mean, we need to find more teammates now! Thanos is not an ordinary person, he can kill me 10,000 times by himself, not to mention that he has a whole cosmos-class fleet! Forcibly rush up, you won't even hear Gamora's voice before you die!"

Aside, Mantis and Groot also agreed with Rocket Raccoon's statement.

Star-Lord calmed down a little.

"Then where do we go to find rescuers?"

Rocket raccoon flipped into his seat and looked at the star map, his eyes suddenly fixed.

"Have you heard of Asgard?"

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