Red Dead Redemption

Chapter 671: perfect answer

Red Dead Redemption Chapter 671 The Perfect Answer

Kama Taj.

Five people sit opposite each other, two on the left and three on the right.

On the left, Hong Fei and Wanda are more relaxed, while the three on the right are a little nervous.

Especially America, who was the protagonist of the negotiation, her small buttocks gently pressed against the edge of the chair, and her fist on the mountain was clenched unconsciously, as if she might stand up and run directly at any time.

In particular, Wanda always glanced at her from time to time, which immediately reminded her of the monsters that the other party had photographed to kidnap her, and the anxiety in her heart became more and more intense.

As the Supreme Mage at this time, Xiao Wang coughed lightly and spoke first.

"Mr. Hong, and Ms. Wanda, since it's a negotiation, I don't know which side of us will make the request first?"

Wanda said nothing and looked at Hong Fei.

Hong Fei received the signal and said, "I'm an elder, so you come first."

Strange frowned and was about to refuse, but Xiao Wang didn't give him a chance to pretend at all. He directly pressed his arm and said quickly, "Okay, let's talk first."

Strange sighed in disappointment. Facing Hong Fei's smiling eyes, he felt even more uncomfortable.

America also looked at Strange's profile, inexplicably feeling that he was a little unreliable.

Upon seeing this, Hong Fei directly omitted his inner activities and said directly: "Didn't you negotiate with Dormammu before, why do you seem to be very unprofessional now?"

"It's because I negotiated with Dormammu that I now feel that the scene is a little abnormal." Strange groaned softly.

Hong Fei grinned: "I have a solution. Why don't you switch your positions with Dormammu. Thinking in another position will make you feel that the current negotiation is normal."

"Deceiving Kangxi"

Strange's problem is mainly because he has not seen the real horror of Hong Fei and Wanda, so he is very aggrieved and even dissatisfied with his inferior position in the negotiation.

Even though the former Dormammu was far stronger than him, under the **** and blessing of the Time Stone, he was born invincible. Instead, Dormammu, who seemed much stronger, was tossed by him, until the end. Retreat and walk away.

This is the gap.

In comparison, Xiao Wang's performance was much better. Although he didn't know how powerful Hong Fei and Wanda were, he was more able to accept negotiation instead of fighting to solve problems.

"Cough! Strange, don't talk." Xiao Wang reminded.

"He was the first..."


"Well, you are the Supreme Mage, you have the final say."

Xiao Wang nodded in satisfaction, turned to look at the other side, and said sincerely: "Our conditions are not too much, and I believe that the two of them are very happy to see, that is, when they get what they want. , can ensure that America's personal safety will not be harmed, and I hope that after you get this power, you can learn the knowledge of the multiverse in Kama Taj, and avoid causing chaos or even destruction of the multiverse."

When the words fell, Wanda was about to speak, but Hong Fei gently waved his hand to stop her, and turned his attention to America.

I saw that when the little girl heard Xiao Wang's words, she lowered her head slightly, and her expression became complicated.

Hong Fei smiled and said, "Xiao Wang, I don't think she agrees with your conditions very much?"

Hearing this, Xiao Wang hurriedly looked over.

Under the gazes of many eyes, America bit her lip lightly, and said with difficulty: "I... well, I don't agree with it very much, because I also hope that I can retain my ability, and I want to rely on it to find me. My family, but...I didn't choose right?" Finally, she raised her head with tears in her eyes.

This scene seemed to hit the hearts of Xiao Wang and Strange in an instant, and the magicians of the two hero camps suddenly burst into a sense of justice, with frowning and complicated eyes.

Xiao Wang is still able to restrain his inexplicable justice, because the current situation itself cannot help them flood their own heroism.

But Strange seemed more willing to follow his heart.

"If you don't want to, we can not talk about it. Even if we really want to fight, we are not without any chance..."

Xiao Wang immediately frowned: "That's not the best way to solve the problem."

"Of course, but I also don't think it is necessary to compromise with any foreign invaders and saboteurs within the scope of the Supreme Mage's responsibilities. Ancient One Mage never did that."

Hong Fei said at this time: "You are right, but the question is, are you as strong as Gu Yi?"

Strange turned his eyes and looked at Hong Fei without showing his timidity: "I don't think the difference is big."

Xiao Wang was also a little unhappy when he heard such words. Gu Yi was a god-like existence in his cognition. How could Strange dare to be so arrogant?

Hong Fei looked at Strange, looked at it for a moment and then smiled: "It's the first time I've seen you, but I didn't expect you to be so courageous. I underestimated you."

Strange raised his chin: "You really underestimate me."

Hong Fei suddenly raised his hand and snapped his fingers.

The house fell silent for a while.

After a while, Strange said strangely: "Are you imitating Thanos? That's not a good target, he died twice..."

At this moment, Xiao Wang suddenly grabbed his arm and cried out in horror: "Strange, you..."

Strange broke free: "Don't do this, what's wrong with you?"

Xiao Wang shook his head again and again, his round eyes quickly pointed at his legs.

Strange bowed his head, and the superfluous expression on his face instantly subsided, leaving only a deep sense of surprise and consternation.

I saw that the lower half of his legs were slowly disappearing, and they were spreading upwards synchronously. The legs that disappeared were quickly turned into black ashes as if they had been snapped by Thanos, and soon disappeared without a trace.

On the side, America, who had never seen such a sober face before, was also stunned, and there was no need to say anything about the horror in her eyes.

In this short moment, all the ashes had spread to Strange's chest.

He immediately looked up at Hong Fei: "What did you do?"

"I want to see if I really underestimate you."

Xiao Wang looked at Strange's cheek with a black line clinging to it, and he couldn't care about anything else, and pleaded with Hong Fei: "Sorry, Mr. Hong, it was his fault just now, can you please let it go? This time he...

Hong Fei: "No."

"But, don't you know Master Gu Yi? He is the successor of the Supreme Master appointed by Master Gu Yi."

Hong Fei shook his head: "I know Gu Yi, but I don't think any of Gu Yi's decisions are correct because of this. No matter how wise people are, there will always be mistakes in their long lives. I think You are more suitable to be a Supreme Mage than him. Although your strength is a little worse, it is also the easiest thing to make up for. On the contrary, it is the character. How much trouble Taj has caused. What do you think?"

Xiao Wang was taken aback by what he said, and then he said, "I didn't think about it that way, no matter what, he is..."

Wanda interrupted him suddenly and pointed in Strange's direction: "I don't think you need to say anything."

The king turned back.

Strange was completely gone.

Xiao Wang stood up in shock.

"He... he died?!"

Hong Fei: "Not dead."

Hearing this, everyone looked over.

Hong Fei spread his hands: "What? Is it weird? I'm just teaching my disobedient nephew a lesson. There's no need to kill him directly, right?"

It's a beautiful thing to say, but it's really scary.

"Then... where did he go?"

"He's there, but you can't touch it or see it."

Xiao Wang couldn't believe it, but judging from the situation just now, Strange didn't even resist at all, and he certainly couldn't fight against it.

Hong Fei knocked on the table: "Sit down and have a good talk. After the talk, he will come back. Now that you are the Supreme Mage, shouldn't you have to have him to make a decision?"

Xiao Wang sat down nervously, not because he accepted Hong Fei's explanation, but because he had no choice.

Hong Fei said: "The conditions you put forward are really not difficult, I can do it."

"Really?" Xiao Wang couldn't help but doubt, Hong Fei agreed too simply.

Hong Fei smiled: "You can only trust me."

Xiao Wang opened his mouth and found that he couldn't refute at all.

The reality is indeed like this. No matter what Hong Fei says, whether it is true or deceitful, they will not be able to verify the authenticity until the last step. Even if Hong Fei told a lie in the end and America died because of it, it would be too late for them to do anything.

Therefore, the outcome of the negotiation has been doomed from the very beginning.

America flinched, before speaking.

Hong Fei: "If you have something to say, say it now. If you don't say it now, it will be too late."

Xiao Wang also turned her head towards her with an encouraging look. After hesitating, she whispered, "After you get my power, can you help me find my family?"

"Okay, give me your memories of them, and if I see them, I'll bring them to you."

Suddenly, she let out a long breath and said, "It's not it's 'them'. I don't know how to share my memory with you, but you can read my memory."

Hong Fei raised his eyebrows, telepathy invaded America's brain, and the other party closed his eyes immediately.

After a while, Hong Fei ended his telepathy and breathed out silently.

Needless to say, in the past, many things that Hong Fei encountered in the Marvel Universe were quite outrageous, but in most cases, the basic laws were very suitable for most of them.

But over time, the more he developed, the easier it was for him to see some minority phenomena.

A few phenomena by themselves have no right or wrong orientation.

But it always appears frequently, and there is a very deliberate emphasis on it.

It's like pressing your head to make you accept something for which you didn't feel anything at all.

I've understood it and have always accepted it, but you can't force me to say it in a way that's almost forcible in an inexplicable manner.

For example, you were going to wash the dishes, but suddenly your mother asked you to do the dishes, and you suddenly didn't want to do the dishes.

The reality is the same, you are not even my mother, what identity do you use to let me do this and that?

Now, the deliberateness and emphasis felt by Hong Fei did not originate from a specific person, but from the universe.

If it continues to develop like this, it is estimated that this universe can no longer be wanted.

"I'll keep an eye out. Any other questions?"

Xiao Wang and America shook their heads one after another.

Hong Fei got up.

"Then it's settled, I'll give you an hour to do psychological construction, and an hour later, come and see me yourself." +Bookmark+

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