“I’m not a lunatic like you!”

Although Zefa was poked at the dark side of his heart.

But who doesn’t have a dark side or two.

And what really determines a person is behavior.

But I didn’t expect that this man even knew about Power Rock.

That is the very high secret of the experimental base of the headquarters of the Navy.

You can imagine how important it is to have him a former admiral stationed for a long time and be in charge of escort work.

“You are… I saw your thoughts, and not long ago the World Government recruited His Majesty Qiwu Hai of Weibur! ”

Wren held up a drop of blood in his hand.

That blood belonged to Zefa.

Zefa wondered what a drop of blood could contain.

But Wren’s resolute look.

As well as accurately spelling the pirate’s name.

Zefa had no doubts.

He did know something about him.

“After this war, if there is another vacancy in His Majesty’s Seven Wuhai, do you think the World Government will bring up the old matter again? Once revisited, what is the pass rate? Wren’s words left Zefa speechless.

The look also gradually became ugly, if that was the result…

He didn’t know if he could take it.

“Besides, you only have three minutes.”

“After three minutes of cooling, the blood completely loses the activity of the last return to light, even if I am willing to save you at that time, you can only become an ordinary person.”

“If you insist on denial, don’t want to know what cooperation we can establish, you can ignore me.”

Wren is relaxed and relaxed.

Zefa frowned.

But no more denials.

“What do you want?”

“It’s the same as you want, if it’s different, a strong person like you, even if you die, will not survive!” I want to end this era! This world! I want order to be what it really should be! ”

Wren is honest about this.

“Are you crazy? Want to single-handedly pry the whole world?! Zefa was momentarily frightened by Wren’s crazy idea.

This is crazier than his desire to get rid of the dark side of some famous sea thieves.

End the era and the world?!

Even the world government does not dare to say so!

That means that the whole world may be the enemy!

“When people live, they have to do something.”

“But it shouldn’t be self-destruction.”

“Everyone wants to live, everyone wants to be happy, but there are some things that someone has to do! Even if…… The result is death. ”

“You’re crazy!! An extreme maniac! Zefa could see this moment, and Wren’s eyes were extremely hot.

This is also a man seeking the way to death.

Looks young though.

But weather-beaten eyes.

How similar to him.

But he is pure dead ash.

And he is in the dead ash, and with sporadic fire.

“It’s rude to say that, I’m here to help you achieve your dreams!” Build real order, but the process will be a little dark, can you afford it? ”

“I didn’t promise you anything.”

“I know, but you’ll want to know! My plan can end the era of pirates and create a prosperous peace, since you are all pursuing death, and not burning again at the end! Your childhood dream… It’s a hero! ”

When Zefa heard this, his expression was moved.

He couldn’t refuse, knowing that this man was seducing himself.

But at this moment, the dead and silent heart was restless.

His madness, infected himself!

He did want to know what kind of order could change the world and end the era of sea thieves.

It’s a question he’s pondered for decades.

But there was never an answer.

Will the answer be in this man?

“Do you really have a way to end this era?!” Zefa couldn’t help but ask.

“There is…”

“I don’t know anything about you, how to trust you …”

“You don’t need to trust, you are just a pawn of mine, after I say it, you can make another choice.”

“How dare you think…” Zefa has lived for so many years.

No one had ever confronted him and said that he was going to be used as a pawn.

But in case it is really possible ….

And it’s just a plan, it’s nothing to listen to.

“More than thinking, I will put it into action, you want to know… So now relax your mind and remove all domineering defense mechanisms and instincts … Welcome to my Blood Pool repository… Share my plan…”

When Zefa heard this, he hesitated for a few seconds and did so.

If he wanted to kill himself, he didn’t need any small actions.

Wren said, and many tiny lines of blood spread out from his head, connecting to Zefa’s brain.

Gradually, Zefa’s eyes turned red.

And froze for a full half minute.

Within half a minute, he fell into an information illusion created by Wren.

A crazy plan, everything poured into his mind.

Zefa’s expression went from curiosity at first, to surprise, then fear, and finally fanaticism, relief…

He couldn’t imagine when this plan began.

What will the world become!!

I’m afraid they will all be considered demons, freaks!

But…… If successful, perhaps the era he plans to depict can really come!

If you can be a part of this great plan!

Being used as a pawn doesn’t seem to be unacceptable.

Moreover, this plan is the same with him or without him!

But after seeing it, he wanted to burn the last drop of blood for this.

Because that’s the answer he couldn’t figure out for decades, no matter how much he thought about it.

“I regret it… There are some things that should not be seen, and if I don’t say yes, you won’t keep me alive. Zefa finished reading it.

The heart boils, and it calms down incomparably.

At the moment, it is only superficially strong and calm.

Got the plan.

If he can’t be used to him.

He knew Wren wouldn’t keep him alive.

After all, if it is himself, he will not leave Wren alive….

“Don’t think so optimistically, you promised… It’s almost nine deaths! ”

“Hahaha! Indeed! Zefa suddenly smiled with relief!

After all, you still have to die!

It’s better to choose a crazy way to die, but it seems like the right way!

To live under the banner of a world government that has long lost its justice.

Does it really make sense? No!

“I have one last question!”

“Excuse me.”

“What are you doing this for?”

“My brother likes to grow flowers… As an older brother, isn’t it my duty to provide an environment where you can grow flowers quietly…”

Zefa was stunned, never thought about it.

The answer will be so… Plain!

“Sakaski… You have a good brother! My wife and children… I used to love flowers and plants… But they’re gone, but perhaps, others still have a chance…”

(Is it feasible to come late at night and ask for a monthly pass, a flower, and an evaluation ticket?) )

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