Red Dragon Emperor

Chapter 217 Do it!

On the fourth day before the founding ceremony, the enemies who had been hiding for a long time finally couldn't bear to attack. The place they chose to attack was not Oka City, but a small village near the edge of the Modo Peak Forest in the Triangle Plain.

The setting sun has already sunk into the horizon, night is coming, and the wind at the end of winter brings a biting chill.

On the triangular plain next to the Mordo Peak Forest, about thirty wolf cavalry galloped across the farmland covered with a thin layer of light snow. Holding the blade in his hand, his slightly frowned brows were filled with anger and murderous intent.

Not long ago, Xunlin Town received news that the wild boar village in its jurisdiction was attacked by unknown persons, and the situation was critical.

After receiving the news, Hasa Bloodclaw, the supreme commander in charge of patrolling the forest town area, immediately dispatched the most mobile gnoll wolf cavalry unit and ordered the gnoll unit to support the wild boar village and strangle the enemy.

In the team, the Gnoll recruit asked loudly to the captain in front of him: "Captain, who is the enemy who attacked this time?"

"Dead man!" the wolf cavalry captain roared, with suppressed anger in his tone.

In fact, he didn't know the answer to the team members' questions, but he had absolute confidence that no matter who the attackers were, they would all be dead soon.

No one can challenge the majesty of a real dragon on the Triangle Plain!

"Guys! Speed ​​up! The people of the kingdom are being harmed by the enemy! Let me take their heads off!"

The captain of the gnoll wolf cavalry raised the whip in his hand, and the whip hit the wolf's buttocks under his crotch. The wolf immediately increased his speed and rushed far away: "For the great real dragon!"

Infected by the captain's fanatical shout, all the gnolls and wolf cavalry shouted together: "For the great real dragon!"

In the twilight, the gnoll team galloped forward quickly.

What used to be more than an hour's journey is now half an hour away.

In the distance, the wolf cavalry saw the wild boar village on the flat ground in the distance. There were a dozen low houses in a circle of dry thorny walls. The houses used mud as walls and straw as roofs.

An ordinary wild boar village, although not rich, is calm and peaceful. This is the previous impression of the wild boar village in the hearts of the wolf man wolf cavalry.

Now, the peace and tranquility of the wild boar village has been destroyed by outsiders. From far away, the gnolls smelled the strong smell of blood wafting in the wind and saw the peaceful village again. A bad feeling surged in their hearts. premonition.

"We're late!"

Running to the gate of the village, the gnolls and wolf cavalry reined in their horses together, and saw the corpse of the wild boar lying at the gate of the village. The corpse of the wild boar was lying quietly in a pool of blood, and the frightened faces seemed to tell the misfortune they had encountered.

Seeing the wild boar villagers in a pool of blood, the Gnoll recruits couldn't help but get bloody and furious: "Damn it! If you have the ability to come at us! What kind of ability is it to hurt civilians who have no resistance!"

"Stay vigilant!" Compared to the angry recruit, Captain Gnoll was also angry, but the anger didn't affect his reason.

"The third team, the eight of you search around the village, looking for traces of the enemy."

"The rest get off the wolf, stay alert around, keep in formation, follow me into the village, be careful, the enemy may not have left!"

Everyone acted according to the captain's order, dismounted from the wolf, held the sharp blade tightly, covered each other and walked into the village, while walking, keeping an eye on the houses on both sides.

Wargs have a more sensitive sense of smell than gnolls. These loyal mounts and companions of gnolls sniff their noses to distinguish odor molecules in the air.

The captain of the wolf man also paid attention to the performance of the wolf, and found that the nose of the wolf did not play its due role, and his mood was dignified.

He understood that the smell of blood in the air was too strong, and the strong smell of blood affected the wolf's sense of smell.

The wolf's sense of smell can't detect the enemy in advance and play an early warning role, so it has to take the next step.

Captain Gnoll made a gesture to his subordinate at the side. The subordinate understood, walked to the nearest house, and kicked hard on the closed door.


Under the vigorous kick of the jackal professional, the door of the room was kicked open and hit the wall behind the door hard.

The wolf man's wolf partner was also acting together. The moment the door opened, the wolf rushed in.

Nothing happened.

The jackal waited for a second before entering the room, and came out after a while, shaking his head: "There are no enemies, and there are no survivors."

The houses were kicked open one after another, and everyone found nothing.

When they came to the center of the village, the gnolls who took turns kicking the door came out with very ugly faces: "Captain, you'd better come in and take a look."

Captain Gnoll obeyed his words, stepped into the door that his subordinate let go, and seeing the scene in the room, he could hardly suppress the anger in his heart.

In this small house, there was a terrifying mutilated corpse lying on the floor. The corpses were scattered all over the room one by one. Judging from the traces left on the corpse, it must have been subjected to inhuman abuse before death.

Captain Gnoll saw the corpse's distorted head in pain and recognized his identity: "It's the head of Tani Village."

Turning his head to look at the door corner of the room behind him, he found the reason why the village chief of the wild boar was abused inhumanely. There were two human corpses lying there.

One of the bodies had its head blown off with a club, and the other had its chest dented.

Obviously, the two bodies were the attackers.

Captain Gnoll squatted down and rummaged through the corpse's clothes, looking for clues that could prove the identity of the corpse.


After a while, he got something. He took out a pocket-sized stone statue from a corpse's clothes pocket. This is a strange stone statue with a human head, a fish-man body, and an octopus tail.

He recognized at a glance that this was the stone statue of the evil god that his superiors had introduced, and he had to be extra vigilant.

"Damn! Yes, the cultists!" He threw the statue of the evil god against the wall, and the statue was smashed to pieces.

"Captain! We have found the enemy's escape route!"

Hearing the shouts from outside the door, the captain of the gnolls came out of the house and ordered loudly: "All go to the wolves! Let's chase! The night is the world of the gnolls! How dare this group of damned cultists make trouble in our territory! It's courting death!"

drive drive drive!

All the jackals filed out from the gate of the village, circled around to the back of the village, and followed the cleaning trails on the snow.

After chasing for a while, the leader of the Wolfman Wolf Cavalry felt that something was wrong. After chasing for so long, no one, whether it was the Wolf or the Wolf himself, could smell the enemy.

Judging from the intermittent traces of escape, they did not pursue the wrong direction, so there was only one explanation—the enemy had been smeared with medicinal powder to cover up their breath.

"Guys! Be careful! These enemies are cunning!"

After chasing for a while, everyone came to the edge of Moduo Peak Forest, and they found that the cultists had escaped into Moduo Peak Forest.


From the enemy's point of view, Modo Peak Forest is undoubtedly a wise choice.

On the one hand, the terrain of the Moduo Peak Forest is complex, and it is easier to escape the hunt of the wolf cavalry than the triangular plain of Yimapingchuan.

On the other hand, the lush forest can block the harpy's line of sight, thereby avoiding being spotted by patrolling harpies.

"Wait?! Our harpies..."

A bad premonition arose in the leader of the wolf cavalry, the wolf cavalry was the main force to deal with the enemy, and the harpies were the main force to investigate.

As early as the Jackal set off, the Harpy also set off together, and the speed was of course faster than the wolf cavalry running.

However, no trace of the Harpy has been seen so far.


Just as he was thinking, an arrow shot out from the dense forest.

As a mid-level professional, the Captain of the Wolf Man Wolf Cavalry reacted quickly, swiping his knife and knocking at the incoming arrows.

"Enemy attack!"


Mordo Peaks, Oka City.

In the palace lined with huge stone pillars, the red dragon sits on the throne, and the dog below is reporting the latest news.

"Master, I finally couldn't sit still and showed up first."

You Gou's face was as dark as water: "Just now, there was an attack on the edge of Moduo Peak Forest. A group of outlaws from the cult ambushed the hunting gnoll wolf cavalry. In the face of absolute strength, their plot was thwarted."

Jose said indifferently: "How was the result of the battle?"

"We killed one harpy scout, eight gnolls, five wolves, and wiped out twenty-one enemies."

"What is the strength of the enemy leader?"

"Middle-level fighters, according to reports, the enemy is crazy, but facing our well-trained fighters, their madness hastened their demise. Half of the fighters were injured in the initial sneak attack."

After a pause, Ego added: "However, before the ambush, these damn cultists destroyed a wild boar village on the triangular plain."

"The wild boar village in the Triangle Plain... what is the purpose of these guys?"

The thoughts in Jose's mind were like lightning, the purpose of analysis.

A remote and backward wild boar village was slaughtered, which hardly caused any substantial damage to the Fusai Kingdom, but more than 20 members died, including many professionals.

"Provocation? Or to create fear? But why choose a wild boar village with little influence?"

He looked at the kobold under the throne: "Yigou, what do you think of this matter?"

"Your Majesty, I think our enhanced vigilance these days has worked. Now the defense strength of important towns has increased by at least three times compared to normal times. The cultists can't find a breakthrough, so they can only attack some remote villages. "

"That makes sense," Jose nodded, and then changed his voice: "However, according to my understanding, although their strength is not very strong, they are not too weak. If they are going to make trouble, take out one or two masters." Level is still okay, there is no reason for a mid-level professional to die."


The light and darkness in Jose's pupils were uncertain: "Has the source of the enemy been investigated clearly? Can you follow the clues?"

"The source has been found out. The enemy pretended to be a newly formed caravan and was active in the Triangle Plain to purchase goods. As for following the clues, sorry, Your Majesty, we have not found any valuable clues in this regard."

"Forget it, most of these guys are abandoned sons, lone wolf attackers who committed suicide, and I don't blame you if they can't be found out."

Many cult members are unreasonable lunatics, who are proud of their dedication to the "jihad". Similar lone wolf attacks do not surprise the Red Dragon.

"However, this also shows that as the founding ceremony approaches, the enemy is becoming more and more impatient. They are about to take action, or they have already taken action, but we have not discovered it."

Jose squeezed his chin, stroked the three horny things under his chin, and his thoughts were like lightning: "Including He and He, they want to destroy the founding ceremony, destroying some remote villages will not achieve their goal, because the impact of small targets is too small, They're bound to pick bigger targets, like towns."

"Attacking small villages now is to create fear, so as to force us to send troops to garrison villages, so as to disperse our troops and create favorable conditions for attacking towns."

"Well, this is a conspiracy. If we don't garrison the village, they will continue to attack the village to create fear, but if we disperse our troops, the defense strength of the town will drop...the enemy must not be allowed to succeed."

After thinking for a while, Jose came up with an idea and looked at the kobold under the throne.

"The order goes on. Starting tomorrow, the harpies will be patrolling day and night. Before the founding ceremony is over, all commercial activities in the Triangle Plain are prohibited, and businessmen are prohibited from wandering among the villages in the Triangle Plain. Once found, they will be arrested immediately. If they dare to resist... "


"Yes!" Er Gou answered the order loudly.

He fanatically looked at the red dragon, admiring the wisdom of the red dragon in his heart. The harpy cooperated with the order to ban merchants, which perfectly defuses the enemy's offensive.

Once the ban on business in the Triangle Plain is issued, the real businessmen will return to the town, and the members can only return to the town.

Because on the flat triangular plain, the harpies in the air can easily spot violators. Once found, they will face the hunt of the gnolls and wolf cavalry, and head-to-head confrontation with the state machinery of the Forsey Kingdom. This is meaningless.

After reporting some matters related to the founding ceremony, Ergou withdrew.

Even with the size of a giant dragon, the throne hall of the Red Keep seemed empty.

Jose sat alone on the throne, feeling a bit lonely, he muttered to himself: "If you want me to divide the troops, there is no way, it depends on who can't calm down first."

"However, this incident also reminded me that the defense of remote areas cannot be relaxed. The problem of the triangle plain has been solved..."

Jose raised his finger lightly, then lowered it lightly, and knocked on the throne under him with a "dang dang" sound: "The underground kingdom also needs to strengthen its vigilance. After all, the base camp of these guys is most likely in the northern dark region. It is connected to the Red Nest Crypt, so there is no guarantee that an attack will be launched from the ground."

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