Red Dragon Emperor

Chapter 302 World Destroyer Level Boss—Eternal Night King

Jose had never seen King Eternal Night himself, not even a portrait, but when he saw the half-kneeling figure on the ground, he knew it was King Eternal Night.

The strong sense of oppression is like the cold wind coming from the pavement on a winter night, which makes people's cheeks hurt, and it is like a thick wall oppressing from all sides, the pressure is suffocating.

"It's really him."

For a moment, many thoughts flashed through Jose's mind.

The continent of Tedanore is a medium material plane. Just like a cup is too small to hold too much water, a medium material plane cannot hold too many demigods. Generally, the number is less than eight, and the specific number varies from plane to plane. And the maximum number of demigods that can be accommodated in the Tidanor continent is six.

During the Red Nest period, these six places were occupied by demigod mages - Morin, Mermaid King, Mirk Forest Elf King, Misty Forest Elf King, Orc Demigod and Red Nest Mistress.

Later, Red Nest Mistress was defeated in the struggle and was forced to flee Tidanor, thus leaving a spot vacant.

However, the demigods who tried to enter Tidanor were surprised to find that they could not enter, and the vacant quota for the Red Nest Mistress was unknowingly taken up.

Now, the identity of the infiltrated mysterious demigod has been revealed.


A hint of doubt flashed in Jose's eyes. More than half a century had passed since the Red Nest War. Since the King of Eternal Night had already been lurking in Tidanor, why did he only appear now.

Where has King Eternal Night been hiding for decades?

What did you do in the dark?

How big of a threat is it to the Kingdom of Fossey?


Jose has too many doubts in his mind, but the current situation is not the time to think about these.

He glanced at the elf king who was frozen on the tree.

Although the cooperation between the Elven King and the Forsey Kingdom is more driven by interests, it is undeniable that he played a very important and active role in the growth of the Red Dragon.

What's more, the Elf King is also the father of his disciple.

With a good personal relationship and the shackles of the covenant, Jose should avenge him both in public and in private.

hold head high!

Let out a passionate dragon cry,

The red dragon announced its arrival, and swooped down from the air towards King Yongye who was half kneeling on the ground. The dragon wings beat the air, and the speed exceeded the speed of sound, making a piercing sonic boom.

Unlike the miscellaneous fish that can be wiped out at will, the appearance of the red dragon makes King Yongye feel threatened.

He stood up, pulled out the long sword inserted into the ground, and turned to look at the swooping red dragon.

The red dragon in front of me is very different from the ordinary red dragon. The sun-like golden lines spread around the center of the chest, covering the entire chest, and even spreading on the dragon's wings.

In addition, a thin layer of flames adhered to the surface of the scales, and the whole body exuded terrifying heat, as if the sky had been set on fire.

This scene reminded King Yongye of another red dragon, and that dragon was just like the red dragon in front of him. It was fierce and powerful, and it was full of confidence in everything it did.

But obviously, the red dragon in front of him is not that one.

"The Red Dragon Clan in Taidanol is really prone to freaks. The Mistress of the Red Nest and Wings of Havoc have popped up again now."

With emotion in his heart, King Yongye's movements were not slow. He raised his hand and swung his sword. The undead wailed on the sword, and the huge sword light seemed to shoot out. The ice-blue energy condensed the moisture in the air, and it seemed to fall It snowed heavily.

The waterfall of green data in Jose's pupils refreshed rapidly, took a deep breath, opened his mouth, and fierce dragon flames spewed out from the depths of his throat.

The cone-shaped dragon flames covered the sword light, and the two completely incompatible energies collided with each other, producing fierce energy reactions. Terrifying energy fluctuations spread in all directions. winter.

"So strong!"

Real masters can judge a lot of information with just one move.

Jose judged that King Eternal Night was very strong. Even by the standards of demigods, King Eternal Night could be considered a strong man, but his combat power was only barely enough to step into the threshold of demigods.

Of course, he is not without resistance.

In an instant, many thoughts flashed through his mind.



In an instant, he made a decision in his mind, and the decision was "delay".

Try to prevent the King of Eternal Night from cursing the Dark Forest, and drag it until other demigod powerhouses from the Tidanor Continent arrive.

It is impossible for the other powerhouses not to be aware of King Yongye making such a big move, but the Red Dragon left a teleportation beacon for the sake of the covenant and arrived first.

When the other demigods arrive, no matter how strong the King of Eternal Night is, he can't beat four hands with two fists.

Having made up his mind, Jose no longer rushed to attack, and flew in the sky, keeping a distance and harassing with long-range 0 magic.

Faye's great advantage is his long hands.

The red dragon turns into a fireball Gatling, and dense fireballs fall from the sky, like a waterfall of fireballs pouring down.

Quantitative changes lead to qualitative changes. Even the King of Eternal Night did not dare to underestimate the small fireball technique. He raised his sword to prop up an ice blue magic barrier.

Boom boom boom!

The ice-blue enchantment was immovable in the fireball explosion, and the goal of the red dragon had also been achieved, and King Eternal Night had no time to curse Mirkwood.

King Yongye knew in his heart that he would not be able to successfully curse the Misty Forest and turn the entire area into a paradise for the undead despite the interference of the red dragon, so he simply gave up on this goal.

"Slaughter him, it seems good to have one more Necromancer Dragon."

Thinking of this, King Eternal Night's frost-covered armor emitted puffs of black smoke. The black smoke ignored the fireball falling from the sky, went upstream, and wailed silently towards the red dragon.

When the black smoke flew closer, what kind of black smoke was that? It was clearly a wraith.

The corner of Jose's mouth curled up into a smile. In the past, he would have had a lot of trouble dealing with these wraiths who were good at mental attacks.

And now... the red dragon let the wraith approach.

When the wraith was less than a hundred meters away, Jose could clearly see the wailing expression on the head of the wraith.

He opened his mouth, and a vortex of nothingness was born in his throat. The vortex exuded a terrifying attraction, and the surrounding air was quickly engulfed to form a white cyclone.

Wraiths were also unable to escape the attraction of the vortex, and were swallowed by the vortex of nothingness like a sheep in the mouth of a tiger.

[Glutton's Throat] is the nemesis of the pure energy body like Wraith!

The connection with the wraith spirit was broken, and King Yongye was stunned for a moment. He thought that the wraith spirit attack would fail, but he never expected to be swallowed by the red dragon.

"Back to you!"

A puff of thick black smoke spewed out from the dragon's roar. This puff of black smoke was exactly the energy gathered after all the wraiths were digested, and this puff of energy attacked the original launcher in turn.

King Yongye swung his sword again, and the thick black smoke was cut in half by the ice-blue sword energy and dissipated in the air.

Suddenly, a strong elemental energy fluctuation came from the eastern sky at this time.

Jose was overjoyed.

That is the direction of Yangfan Port!

The demigod, Moore Lin, has arrived.

In addition, Jose also sensed that there is another aura besides Moore in the direction of Yangfan Port. This aura is not as strong as Moore, but it should not be underestimated.

At this time, the red dragon was even less anxious to attack.

When the two helpers arrive, it is safe to fight together.

Only ten seconds passed between sensing the breath and seeing the flying figure of Morlin.

After another ten seconds, Morin finally arrived at the scene, followed by the elf who came a step behind.

This elf has brilliant blond hair, no need to guess, he is the king of the elves in the Misty Forest, one of the three high-ranking elves, the sun elf king.

In the sky, the Red Dragon, Moorlin, and Sun Elf King stood in a three-legged posture, staring at the King of Eternal Night on the ground. Although they didn't fight each other, the invisible collision made the air freeze.

The Red Dragon was expressionless, Moorelin was very calm, and the Sun Elf King had mixed feelings.

He looked at the frozen Moon Elf King, and then at the King of Eternal Night, with complicated eyes: "Murphy Sark, you shouldn't be back!"

Under the pressure of the three demigods joining forces, King Eternal Night stood on the ground with one sword in his hand, like an eternal iceberg.

"You all have to die!" The voice was like a biting cold wind, making people shudder.

The ancient hatred cannot be resolved with words, and the opposition between the living and the dead is not changed by the will of the people.

Nothing to talk about.

Jose, Moorlin, and Sun Elf King represent the three major powers of Forsyth Kingdom, Pompeii Empire, and Misty Forest respectively. There may be conflicts and conflicts of interest among the three major powers, but in the face of the Eternal Night King who represents the dead At that time, the positions of the three major forces were the same.

With just one look, one dragon, one person and one elf reached an agreement.

Do it!

Almost at the same time, the three of them launched an attack together, and the first move was a killer move.

A sword appeared in the Sun Elf King's hand at some point, and he swung the sword, and a huge golden sword light descended from the sky, as if to poke a big hole out of the earth.

Moore Lin also showed his true skills, the arcane energy surged in his hands, the energy was compressed to the extreme, and turned into an extremely condensed arcane energy ball, the arcane energy ball came first, and attacked the King of Eternal Night, Low-key and deadly.

Jose directly triggered the magic memory, and the burning star burst stored in the red box activated.

The sky burned instantly, and a burning rock ball larger than a football field appeared out of thin air. The surface of the rock ball was covered with cracks, and through the cracks, the lava-like liquid energy inside the rock ball could be seen.

Facing the joint attack of the three and a half gods, even King Yongye dared not hold him back.

The runes on the thick armor covered with frost lit up, and the densely packed twisted runes looked like little tadpoles. The little tadpoles actually broke away from the surface of the armor and continued to enlarge to form a huge barrier of ominous runes, sealing the whole body in ice. The big trees are protected.

Morlin's arcane energy ball was blocked, and the rune barrier remained unchanged.

The golden sword light of the Sun Elf King hit the barrier and shattered.

The red dragon's star blast hit the rune barrier.


There was a loud bang, brilliant light and extreme heat erupted together, a mushroom cloud rose flat, and the ring-shaped shock wave knocked down the trees like dominoes.

"it's useless."

Moorlin propped up the enchantment of arcane energy, standing still in the heat wave of the explosion: "The armor on the King of Eternal Night is called the Sigh of the Stars, and every single piece is legendary equipment, and a complete set is even more unbearable." Biji artifact, if we can't break the armor on his body with one blow, we won't be able to hurt him."

Obviously, Moorlin's words were for the red dragon who was facing the King of Eternal Night for the first time.

A dragon, a man, and an elf secretly discussed how to cooperate, and strive to end the scourge of King Yongye here.

After a while, the aftermath of the explosion dissipated, revealing the ruined forest below, like a ring-shaped tree run over by a wheel. In the center of a tree, a large pit with a diameter of one thousand meters and a depth of one hundred meters appeared on the ground. , The frozen tree is like an isolated island in the ocean.

At this time, everyone had already discussed the results and came up with a set of cooperation plans.

However, at this moment, Morin's face changed, and he looked up at the sky.

Vaguely, José also had some kind of strange feeling, which was a reminder of the will of the Tedanore plane: non-native demigods were forcibly entering Tedanore.

The relationship between the plane and the creatures inside the plane is like a mother and a child. The demigod born in the plane is his own son, and the son will naturally open the door when he returns home, while the foreign demigod will encounter resistance when he enters, which in turn will give him Those who are strong on this plane can gain a certain amount of reaction time.

With a move in his heart, Jose blesses himself with auxiliary magic, and looks beyond the barrier of the plane through an unknown distance.

Outside the barrier of the plane, a strange creature with a human head, a murloc upper body, and an octopus lower body is forcibly entering Tydanor.

"It's the evil god that the Church of Salvation believes in!"

The Church of Salvation used to fight side by side with the subordinates of the Eternal Night King in the Underdark region, that is to say, the Eternal Night King and the evil god are allies.

The King of Eternal Night had premeditated, killed the Moon Elf King, and immediately notified the evil god after the demigod quota was vacated.

Although I don't know the specific plans of the two, it is right to stop what the enemy wants to do.

Jose was about to lift off to stop it, when suddenly, something happened outside the barrier of the plane.

Just as the evil god stretched his arms into the plane barrier, trying to forcibly tear away the resistance of the plane, the void behind him fluctuated, and a red shadow appeared out of thin air.

hold head high!

In a trance, Jose heard an angry dragon chant, which was very familiar.

Who is it if it's not the Red Nest Mistress!

"Damn traitor! Today is the day you fall!" Savannah roared, her wings were burning with flames, and she stretched out a dragon claw to attack the evil god.

The praying mantis catches the cicada and the oriole is behind.

The evil god is trying his best to break through the resistance of the plane, guarding against the obstruction of the demigods inside the plane, where he thinks that there will be enemies outside the plane who will suddenly attack.

The hostess of the red nest was already a level stronger than the evil god, and coupled with the sudden attack, the evil god was caught off guard and injured all of a sudden.

But this evil god also has two brushes, forcing the red nest mistress back at the cost of being injured again, and fled to the void.

The mother of the Red Nest wanted to catch up, but she looked back at the Tedanor plane and hesitated.

The enemy can be hunted down later if he runs away, but if he misses the place of Tidanol demigod, it will be difficult to find another opportunity in the future.

After weighing for a moment, Savannah made up her mind decisively and plunged into the plane barrier.

"Tedanor! I, Savannah, are back!"

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