Red Dragon Emperor

Chapter 367: Patton’s Revenge (Part 2)

The ping ping of iron tools echoed in the forest.

In the blink of an eye, Barton fought against the enemy orcs several times, but no one could take advantage of his opponent.

The gnoll ranger waved his short blade to deflect the incoming grappling hook, and stabbed out the long sword in his hand, pointing directly at the orc's throat, but the orc retreated to avoid it.

The pointed ears of the gnoll twitched slightly, and in his ears came the roar of the wind wolf companion, the roar of the lizard man warrior, and the sound of the bow drawn by the hostile gnoll ranger, and he couldn't help but feel anxious.

The wind wolf is a medium extraordinary beast with strong muscles and sharp claws. Its strength is much stronger than that of ordinary mid-level professionals. However, it was at a disadvantage when faced with the joint siege of the hostile jackal rangers and lizard warriors.

At this time, Feng Lang had already been hit by an arrow.

The enemy is very cunning and will not fight head-on with the wind wolf. The lizardman warriors are in front, while the jackals are shooting cold arrows from behind.

The wounds on Feng Lang's body continued to increase.

If this continues, within ten minutes, Wind Wolf will be affected by excessive blood loss. Once the enemy seizes the opportunity...

Listening to the roaring whines of his animal companions, Barton was anxious and his brain was working rapidly, thinking of ways to turn the tide of the battle.

The orc opponent in front of him was very conservative and did not want to confront him head-on. He was obviously waiting for his companions to deal with the wind wolf before attacking with more.

In terms of strength, Barton is better than the Orcs, but it is by no means an overwhelming advantage. Coupled with the Orcs' conservative style of play, they will not be able to achieve a decisive victory in a short time.

Time is running out!

Barton was furious and was going to activate the secret skill passed down from his family. Even though the secret skill would have serious consequences, he couldn't control it so much at the moment.

Suddenly, he had an idea.

"If I remember correctly..." With this thought in his mind, Barton swung his blade away from the orc's long sword and quickly retreated.

"Hahaha! Coward! Are you going to abandon your little pet and run away?!" The orc used words to stimulate his opponent, laughed and chased after him, sticking to his opponent to prevent him from escaping.

Our own side has a great advantage. We only need to wait for two partners to deal with the wind wolf. If the three of them join forces to encircle them, there is a high chance that they can keep the enemy behind.

The heads of high-level professionals are very valuable.

Due to the claw hook, the Jackal "dare not" reveal his back to the enemy and could only retreat while fighting, which greatly slowed down his escape speed.

"You eggless trash! You actually ran away alone! It's just..." While chasing, the orc taunted, and all kinds of vicious words came out of his mouth.

"Red Nest bastard! I will fight with you!" After being greeted by the orcs about his female relatives at home, the jackal ranger Barton could no longer suppress the anger in his heart.

He concentrated all his strength, attached a faint layer of energy fluorescence to the blade, and stabbed the orc with all his strength.

Ranger’s secret skill—Snake Strike!

The gnoll changed his normal behavior of running away and suddenly attacked. The orc was startled and quickly dodged sideways.

Then, the gnolls launched a violent attack, and their long swords danced into a wall, pressing against the orcs.

The orc was in a serious mood and did not dare to accept the attack from the Jackal Ranger, but he also understood that this kind of attack consumes a lot of energy. As long as he can survive the immediate difficulty, the subsequent battle will be much easier.

Perhaps he can defeat the powerful enemy in front of him without the help of his opponent.

However, the Jackal Ranger did not counterattack randomly, but used the offensive as a cover to force the orcs to the position in their memory.

Calculating mentally but not intentionally, finally...

Under the fierce attack of the gnolls, the orcs took a step back and stepped on the knee-high grass.

The moment the feet hit the ground, a chill rushed from the soles of the feet to Tianling Gai. The orc's scalp was numb, but it was too late to react.


The mechanism arranged in the grass was triggered, the animal trap was closed, the sharp saw teeth bit the orc's feet, and the specially made spikes penetrated deeply into the flesh and bones of the orc.

"Ah!" The orc couldn't help but cry out in pain.

"Successful!" Barton was overjoyed.

The Whispering Forest is the territory of the Empire. The Third Army has laid a large number of traps in the Whispering Forest. In order to prevent the traps from harming its own people, the military has created a special trap distribution map.

Of course, in order to prevent the trap distribution map from being leaked, not everyone is qualified to memorize it.

Only high-ranking or above, or captains leading a group of soldiers are qualified to view trap maps, and Barton is a high-level ranger qualified to memorize trap distribution maps.

After some temptation, the orcs were finally led into a trap, laying the foundation for victory in one fell swoop.

"Go to hell!" With a roar, Barton thrust out his long sword, and the sharp tip of the sword cut through the air, bringing out the sound of howling wind.

The orc reluctantly blocked, and at the same time shouted: "Wait! I surrender!"

Patton ignored it and continued to attack with his sword.

"Only a dead enemy is a good enemy," this is what Lord Hog Riverpaw, the commander of the Empire's Third Legion, taught his soldiers.

The orc defended with all his strength and was able to parry the gnoll's attack for a while, but he understood that with his injured foot, he could not defeat the gnoll or escape anyway, and he did not feel pain in the injured area.

This is not a good thing!

Applying poison to bear traps is a consistent practice of the Third Legion.

After so many years of fighting, the Red Nest side also understands that if there is no special antidote, the poisoned person will die of the poison if they cannot return to their own fortress.

As for their companions, the lizard man and the jackal man had abandoned him and fled after noticing the situation here. The sound of the wind wolf's angry pursuit getting farther and farther away was the best proof.

"I surrender! I am valuable! I know the attack plan of Storm Raid Fortress!" the orc shouted very fast.

The Stormrage Fortress is one of the many military fortresses built by Red Nest on the border of the Fusei Empire. It is called the Stormrage Fortress because the main battle clan of the fortress is the Stormrage Orc tribe. It is also called the Stormrage Fortress because it ranks seventh from south to north. Become Fortress No. 7.

Fortress No. 7 is the current fortress of Barton's enemy, the ogre Godard Boneshatter.

Barton stopped his offensive, and the sword blade that stabbed the orc's chest stopped on the surface of the leather armor. The blade had already pierced the skin. If the orc had been a little later, he would have been a corpse by now.

Seeing that the gnolls stopped attacking, the orcs secretly breathed a sigh of relief and threw away the weapons in their hands.

Seeing the orc throw the sword and grappling hook rope several meters away, Barton breathed a sigh of relief, but the sword in his hand was still pressed against the orc's chest.

There was no need for the gnolls to ask questions. The orcs quickly took the initiative and confessed: "I know the attack plan of the Raid Fortress, and I am willing to explain this plan in exchange for my life."

"Why should I trust you?"

The orcs spoke directly: "The Ravager Orc clan plans to lead the Bonecrushing Ogres and Bloodthirsty Lizardmen through a secret channel to launch a surprise attack on you. They have been planning this for a long time, and our team is here to explore the path. Advance team, please let me go, this information can do great service for you, including a knighthood."

Hearing what the orcs say, even if the gnolls don't believe it, they have to listen to it.

"Don't try to escape, or you will know the consequences." The jackal raised the medicine bottle in his hand and chased the two enemies in the direction of escape.

If it is true as the orcs said, the hostile lizards and gnolls must not be let go!

Looking at the gnolls going away, the orc's expression changed, and finally he sighed helplessly, and lowered himself to handle the bear trap on his feet.

"Ugh~!" The animal trap was removed, the special spikes were pulled out, and the blood flowing from the wound was already an unknown black color.

the other side.

"Ah~!" The lizard man was hit in the heart by an arrow from behind. He let out a scream and fell limply in the forest.

Barton put away his bow and arrows and looked to his side. The wind wolf trotted over from a distance. The blood-stained hair on its mouth showed the fate of the hostile jackals.

"My little cutie," Barton faced the Wind Wolf companion and looked at the three arrows stuck in the Wind Wolf companion's body with distress.

After getting closer and inspecting it carefully, he breathed a sigh of relief. The place where the arrow was inserted was not a vital part, and it would heal after a period of rest.

After carefully taking out the arrows from the wind wolf and applying healing powder, the gnoll ranger returned and saw the orc sitting against the tree. The beast trap was casually discarded beside the orc.

When the orc saw the gnoll returning, he stretched out his hand and said urgently, "Give me the antidote!"

"Tell me first, what is your plan?"

"How can you guarantee that if I tell you my plan, you won't go back on your word and kill me?!"

Barton frowned: "I, Barton Demon Hunter, in the name of His Majesty the Great Imperial Emperor, promise you that as long as you tell me the full plan of the Ravager Clan, I will guarantee your life safety."

"Hmph," the orc made a disdainful voice: "I am a pirate, and the most untrustworthy thing in this world is a guarantee!"

"What do you want?"

"You give me the antidote. After the detoxification, I will tell you the plan, and then we will go our separate ways."


Barton put his sword on the orc's neck: "You have no right to negotiate! Say it! If you don't say it, I will kill you!"

The orc said with a ferocious smile: "Kill! Don't blame me for not reminding you. The Ravager clan's plan is perfect. Once they succeed, several towns will be reduced to a sea of ​​fire!"


Barton was angry, but had to worry about the threat of the orcs: "You tell me some plans first, otherwise how will I know whether your plans are true or false."

This time, the orcs did not refuse: "The Stormrage Clan found a passage that can bypass the Whispering Forest and lead directly to the interior of the empire."

"This is impossible! The Third Legion's defense in the Whispering Forest will be impeccable!"

"Yes, you have managed the Whispering Forest very well. It is like an iron wall that keeps the Red Nest army out, but what if it is underground?!"

Barton's heart tightened and he stared at the orc: "The Underdark?"

The orc showed no sign of weakness and looked at the gnoll: "Antidote!"

"Last question, how did you know about such a confidential plan? Are you a senior member of the Ravager clan?"


The orc quickly waved his hand to deny: "I am a friend of the son of the chief of the Stormrage clan. I once worked on the same pirate ship as him. Later, I couldn't survive on the stormy sea. I followed him to the Red Nest and came to the Stormrage Fortress. His plan was Revealed drunkenly.”

"I am just a pirate. I have no sense of belonging to the Red Nest, and I have no relatives in the Red Nest. There is no pressure at all to betray the Red Nest. You can rest assured that the information I tell you is true."

"Okay, I've answered your question. Give me the antidote."

"I don't have the antidote!"

The orc's face changed drastically, and he roared angrily: "You lied to me?!"

"Don't worry," Barton took a step back and took out the medicine bottle shown earlier from his arms: "Although this cannot completely detoxify, it can slow down the spread of the venom. It is specially prepared by the legion to prevent its own people from being accidentally injured by traps. The real The antidote is only available within the legion, and you have to go back with me to survive."

After saying that, the jackal threw the medicine bottle over.

The orc caught the medicine bottle, his expression changed, but he couldn't care less. He pulled out the stopper, poured out the small black particles inside, and swallowed it.

The moment the pill entered his mouth, his expression changed. The black pill was too bitter and had a strange smell.

"Bah, bah, bah! What kind of pills are these made of?! Why does it still smell like shit?!"

Seeing the weird look on the Jackal's face, the orc frowned and asked, "Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Oh, this pill is crushed and applied externally."


After a lot of trouble, the gnolls returned to the legion with the orc pirates whose hands were tied, handed the orcs to their superiors, and then went to exchange them for officers.

The orc pirates were taken to the interrogation room and awaited interrogation by specialized personnel.

Faced with a plan that threatened towns within the Empire, Legion interrogators moved quickly and soon reached the interrogation room.


The follow-up to the orc pirates, the gnolls - Barton didn't know, that was a problem that the big guys in the legion should worry about.

He handed over the ears of the enemy soldiers to those who exchanged military honors. After receiving the military honors, he returned to the camp.

This is a forest camp. The wood within fifty meters around the outpost has been cleared away. The third legion used local materials, sharpened one end of the felled logs, and nailed them into the earth under the huge force of the ogre. They formed a circle and made a two-story-high wall. Four arrow towers were built on the four sides of the wall. Soldiers were on duty day and night on the arrow towers.

The remaining wood was used to build huts within the wall for the soldiers to live in.

Due to limited space within the camp, large numbers of soldiers were crammed into the same room.

As a high-level ranger who is well-known throughout the Third Legion, Barton Demon Hunter has a separate room. Although the room is a bit smaller, the living conditions are still much better than those of ordinary soldiers.

After returning to the warm hut, he lay down peacefully.

After lying in the grass all night and having a fierce battle, he was already very tired.

Back in the safety of camp, he quickly fell asleep.

Two days later, Patton received a secret order and gathered with the camp elite in the town of Taji in the rear.

Although Taji Town is also considered a border town, it is not the frontline town and is still behind Wolf Heart Fortress.

However, in such a rear town, a large number of elite soldiers of the Third Army were concentrated.

The soldiers and acquaintances were talking a lot, speculating on the purpose of his group gathering here, and Barton had a rough guess in his mind that the gathering here might be related to the orc pirates he had brought back before.

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