Red Dragon Emperor

Chapter 469: The Forgotten Land, Searching for Demonic Traces

The journey went smoothly, and Jose followed the god attendant who came to pick him up, entered the Kingdom of God, and teleported to a milky white hall.

The milky white hall exudes a slight sacred radiance. There are two sculptures of spreading angels at the door, and the walls are carved with complicated patterns, which set off the majesty and sacredness of the hall.

"My lord, God will be waiting for you in the hall," the attendant received and guided with a gesture of invitation to the door.

Jose nodded, and walked towards the huge door of the sacred hall.

After crossing the threshold, the red dragon saw the scene inside the hall.

Two columns of thick stone pillars lined the two sides of the hall like guards, supporting a luxurious dome carved with reliefs. Beams of platinum light beams sprinkled from the dome.

Jose's mind was not disturbed, but he woke up immediately, slightly surprised in his heart: "This song can actually affect the mind."

The red dragon didn't think much, and shifted his gaze to the end of the hall, where a crystal ball bigger than the head of the red dragon was suspended at the end of the hall out of thin air, about three floors above the ground.

Beside the crystal ball, there is also an old man who is also floating in the air. The old man is cleaning the crystal ball.

This old man has white beard and hair, and is dressed in a plain milky white robe, looking like a refined and easy-going old man next door.

But the red dragon felt that there was a majestic energy hidden in the old man's body, which made people palpitate.

This moment, this situation, this scene.

Needless to say, the identity of the old man, he is the master of the divine kingdom here, the god of light and justice, the sage of the god of glory, and his god name is Harriman.

Jose learns something about Harriman the Radiant Sage.

The sage of Hui Yao was originally the high priest of the God of Light and Justice in a certain plane. His plane was invaded by the abyss. He tried his best and sacrificed himself but failed to save the plane.

Although the plane could not be saved, the spirit of the sage Hui Yao moved the God of Light and Justice. After his death in battle, he brought his soul back to the Kingdom of God, transformed it into an angel, and focused on cultivating it.

In the end, the sage Hui Yao made great achievements with his strength, and by chance, he became the god of light and justice in the form of an angel.

"Your Excellency Harriman, here I come," Jose thought, and appeared a hundred meters behind Huiyao Sage.

The sage Hui Yao heard the voice of the red dragon, turned around and looked at the red dragon up and down, and couldn't help but marvel in his heart: "It is indeed the genius of the red dragon in the mouth of the Lord God."

Long before the red dragon left, he had already received a message from the Alliance of the Gods. He had learned the news that the red dragon was coming, and he also knew the purpose of the red dragon's arrival.

Without any nonsense, the sage Hui Yao stretched out a hand: "Bring something."

Jose took out a small bottle, which contained the blood of the Maw of Darkness.

The little bottle flew up from the red dragon's hand and flew towards the sage Huiyao.

Sage Hui Yao took the bottle, opened the cork and smelled it, and made a judgment in his heart: "Yes, it smells like that guy from the Maw of Darkness."

He turned to face the crystal ball, and poured the Dark Maw's blood from the vial onto the crystal ball.

"This crystal ball is my artifact, the Crystal Pupil Orb. I will use the power of the artifact to locate the Throat of Darkness for you," the sage Hui Yao said after finishing speaking.

Jose stood where he was, watching the Radiant Sage activate the artifact.

This was the first time he had seen an artifact other than the Scepter of Havoc, so he couldn't help but take a closer look at the Crystal Eye Orb.

In the real world, real artifacts are not as bad as those described in the novels of third-rate knights, and the protagonist can pick them up when he goes out.

The casting process of real artifacts is extremely cumbersome, and the materials required are all rare treasures. Even the most inferior accessories are priceless, such as the horns of demigods and demons.

Without certain strength and status, most people would not even be able to see this level of material surface.

But the material is not the most precious. The most precious thing is the ray of divinity that endows the artifact with eternal characteristics. This divinity must come from the pure divinity of the god itself, not the mixed and inferior divinity condensed on the wild gods of the island.

You must know that the amount of divinity is directly related to the strength of the gods,

For a deity to strip itself of its divinity is tantamount to self-mutilation.

With so much divinity stripped away, the gods can't bear it.

In addition, the amount of divinity invested in the process of casting the artifact is directly related to the strength of the artifact.

Therefore, the gods cherished the divine weapon very much, and generally concentrated their efforts to cast one for their own use.

On the other side, as the spell of the Radiant Sage proceeded, the crystal ball shimmered.

It's just that the picture on the crystal ball is always shrouded in a layer of fog, making it hard to see clearly.

"Strange!" Sage Hui Yao frowned, and the spells in his mouth became more and more urgent.


Jose sensed something was wrong from the violent fluctuations in magic power, but at this moment the sage Hui Yao was in a critical moment, so he could only wait patiently.

Suddenly, the light of the crystal ball became brighter, and then suddenly dimmed.

A thick darkness appeared in the crystal ball out of thin air, and the dark energy was about to rush out of the crystal ball.

"Not good!" The sage Hui Yao was shocked, and quickly mobilized the power of the kingdom of God to contend with the dark magic power.

A violent energy storm is blowing in the hall!

Although the energy storm was fierce, the red dragon stood still, unshakable like a mountain.

It took a long time for the dark magic power to be wiped away by the continuous divine power, and the energy storm also calmed down.

"Huh," the sage Huiyao let out a long sigh of relief with lingering fear in his heart.

Seeing that the situation had calmed down, Jose quickly asked, "Your Excellency Harriman, have you succeeded?"

The sage Hui Yao turned to look at the red dragon with a complicated expression and frowning.

Red Dragon's heart skipped a beat, feeling bad.

"Success," Sage Hui Yao nodded.

"Since... what? It succeeded?" Red Dragon was overjoyed, but at the same time was a little speechless.

Now that you've succeeded, why are you still looking sad?

"But it wasn't completely successful," Hui Yao frowned again.

Jose: ...

For a moment, the red dragon calmed down, and he decided to listen to what the person involved said first.

"what happened?"

Sage Hui Yao explained: "I used the power of the artifact and the blood you provided to locate the Maw of Darkness, but I could only see a layer of fog, which made it hard for me to see clearly."

"I guess that a certain powerful existence is helping the Maw of Darkness to cover up the prophecy magic."

"So I increased my strength and tried to break through the barriers of the fog. After breaking through the fog, I was counterattacked."

"The result is as you can see," the sage Hui Yao looked at the red dragon.

"However, the moment I broke through the fog, I managed to locate the location of the Throat of Darkness, but the location was not accurate."

"It doesn't matter, it's better than me looking around aimlessly."

Jose quickly asked, "Where is the Maw of Darkness now?"

"He is hiding in the Forgotten Land on the 542nd floor of the Abyss, but I don't know exactly where the Forgotten Land is. I just saw that there are many cracks in the ground where the Maw of Darkness is hiding."

"Okay, thank you for your help," the red dragon made a dragon salute and bid farewell.

"Wait!" Sage Hui Yao called to stop the red dragon.

"What's wrong? Is there anything else?" Red Dragon turned around with doubts in his eyes.

The sage of Hui Yao took out a talisman from his arms: "I received your reward, but I failed to provide accurate information. This talisman contains a defensive magic, which can block the full strength of the strong under the high divine power. Hit, it will be your compensation."

"Don't worry, Your Excellency. I can probably guess the source of the dark power just now. Even if another person casts the prophecy, the result will be the same."

Jose comforted the sage Hui Yao, and took the talisman in his hand unceremoniously: "Just because I urgently need a treasure to save my life, I will not be disrespectful to this talisman, and I will be grateful in the future."


"Hehe," the sage Hui Yao caressed his beard and looked at the red dragon who disappeared in the teleportation light.

"Interesting red dragon, so young to have an artifact by his side," Sage Hui Yao lamented the good luck of the red dragon in his heart.

This is his kingdom of God, and everything in God's kingdom cannot be concealed from the perception of the gods, and he feels a hot breath from the red dragon that surpasses the red dragon itself, it is a divine weapon.

Sage Hui Yao was very surprised by this.

You know, according to the statistics of the multiverse mage organization, nearly half of the gods in the Pantheon do not have artifacts. Of course, 100% of these gods without artifacts are weak divine powers. affect its own foundation.

And when the strength is above the weak level of divine power, it is not so difficult to forge artifacts, but they will not make too many, and they will never allow their own artifacts to wander outside.

As for the artifacts cast by the fallen gods, most of them are in the hands of the gods.

In this way, there will be fewer artifacts left outside.

If what the red dragon got was an artifact made with only a small amount of divinity, then the sage Hui Yao would not be so surprised, but in his senses, the artifact on the red dragon even surpassed the crystal pupils he personally used Orb.

"However, if the artifact is too strong, it may not be a good thing."


Jose left the Kingdom of God and was directly teleported to the Forgotten Land on the 542nd floor of the abyss.

The red dragon flew under the dead gray sky, high in the air, the wind was like a knife, and it slashed on the hard scales of the red dragon one after another, making a knocking sound.

He felt the fierce wind hitting his body, and made a judgment in his heart, the legendary powerhouse couldn't even fly in this ghost place.

Looking around, I saw that the earth was devastated, the ground was full of craters left by large magic, the mountain peaks were broken in the middle, the river stopped flowing, and the river water fell into the cracks in the earth, and I don't know where it flowed.

Not to mention demons on the earth, even abyssal plants with strong vitality are rare to see.

"Oh, forgotten land," Jose murmured.

Speaking of this forgotten land, it has a lot of background, it is an ancient battlefield.

A long, long time ago, an exceptionally powerful demon lord was born in the bottomless abyss. This demon lord was once recognized as the strongest in the abyss. At his peak, he could compete with the god of light and justice and the lord of the nine hells.

It is Demogorgon, the two-headed baboon known as the Devil Prince!

Later, the power made Demo Gogan swell, trying to unify the abyss and accept all the demon lords as subordinates, and he, who is known as the demon prince, also has the ability to do this.

But somehow, the demon lords who were scattered in a mess suddenly united and jointly defeated Demogorgon.

The forgotten land on the 542nd floor of the abyss was the battlefield where the demon lord and Demogorgon fought.

That earth-shattering war destroyed everything, and its influence remains to this day. As a result, the 542nd layer of abyss is not suitable for all creatures to survive, and it has become a forgotten land. This is also the origin of the name of the forgotten land.

"The Maw of Darkness chose a good place to hide. Not to mention adventurers, there is not even a single devil in this ghostly place. If you want to ask for information, you can't find anyone." Jose frowned slightly, feeling a little distressed.

Each layer of abyss is a world, the world is big and small, the area of ​​the forgotten land is very large, comparable to a giant plane.

A giant plane also means that the area of ​​this world is at least a hundred times larger than that of Tidanore.

One can imagine the difficulty of finding an abyss lord who deliberately hides himself in such a vast land.

"Fortunately, I still have some clues, so I won't run around without a head," the terrain picture given by the sage Hui Yao emerged in Jose's mind.

On the ground, three huge ravines intersect, and the Maw of Darkness is hidden in the ravines.

The terrain is very characteristic, and you can recognize it when you encounter it.

But even with the terrain as an indicator, you can't run around.

Jose identified the direction, drew up the best flight route in his mind, and acted along the flight route.

While flying, he scanned the ground on both sides with his digital vision.

Out of caution, the red dragon also specially buffed itself with magic such as invisibility and anti-magic barrier, so as not to be discovered by the detection magic left outside by the Maw of Darkness.

A day passed.

A week passed.

On the tenth day, Jose made an unexpected discovery, but he did not find any clues to the Maw of Darkness.

"What's that?" Red Dragon's digital vision] found a plant on the ground, which was a bit abnormal.

The red dragon fell to the earth and landed in front of the plants.

This is a magic-draining thorn. This plant can absorb the magic energy in the air and has tenacious vitality. It is one of the countless plants that can take root in the Forgotten Land.

The vitality of the magic-absorbing thorns is so strong, but this column of magic-absorbing thorns is dead.

Unnatural death.

"The branches are rotten and black, but the roots are full of vitality and died of external infection," Jose sniffed his nose, inhaled the odor molecules into the nasal cavity, and judged the information recorded in the odor.

"It's the stench of the undead!"

The red dragon made an instant judgment in his heart. A powerful undead passed by here, and inadvertently came across the magic thorn.

Jose looked around again, and found several traces left by the undead.

The traces are still fresh, never more than three days old.

"Accidentally leaking the magic power of the undead can lead to the death of the magic-draining thorn. This undead is at least a god-level evil."

"Coincidence? Or a competitor who obtained information about the Maw of Darkness through other means?" The red dragon flew into the sky while thinking.

Either way, he had to prepare for the worst.

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