Red Dragon Emperor

Chapter 360 The Palace in Lava

Chapter 360 Palace in Lava

While waiting, half a month passed.

Guardian Spirit Keith Buck finally repaired himself, and the hole in his chest turned into a ruby ​​that appeared from nowhere, emitting dazzling brilliance.

"Done!" Keith Buck put his hands on the ground and stood up from the ground.

Hearing the commotion outside, the saucy master Claranance walked out of the mansion and looked at the other side of the guardian spirit, where various puppet parts were piled up.

The red dragon's head emerged from a pile of parts. His face was stained with oil that he didn't know where. He looked at Keith Buck who had completed repairs.

At this time, the guardian spirit has not only been repaired, but also has a strange sword on its back. The blade of the sword is sharp metal, and the inside is translucent crystal. The crystal is engraved with complex magic runes.

Keith Buck looked at the busy red dragon with interest: "Little red dragon, are you taking it back to get it done?"

"Okay," Jose put the unfinished puppet into the dimensional bag.

During this one-month waiting period, Red Dragon had nothing to do, collecting a large number of parts and thinking about making a puppet.

Guardian Spirit Keith Buck looked interesting and gave some pointers.

Over time, Red Dragon learned a lot of puppet knowledge. Although it was elementary knowledge, it also provided many fantastic ideas.

After a while, Jose finished packing the parts on the ground and cast a cleaning technique on himself, and his whole body was immediately clean.

"Sir Keith Buck, how do we enter the place of inheritance?"

"Follow me," the guardian spirit said as he led the way.

"According to the process planned by the Great Emperor, only the Fire of False Crown can transport people into the Core. However, the Devil's Archduke broke the space, which caused a loophole in the protection of the Core. We can follow the gap left by the Devil to enter. .”

A strange look flashed in Jose's eyes, and he was quite surprised by the words of the guardian spirit. The guardian spirit actually led the two of them to exploit the loophole. This was completely different from the stereotyped puppets he had in mind who only followed the orders of their master.

Sensing the unusual gazes of the two trialists, Keith Buck shrugged: "Don't look at me like that, now is not the time to abide by the inheritance process."

"The Flame of the False Crown betrayed me. The inheritance process left by the emperor has been paralyzed. Changes must be made. I think even if Emperor Hasile is alive, he will agree with my approach."

Jose recognized the words of the guardian spirit and couldn't help but nod. At the same time, he admired Emperor Hasile's methods.

Making a puppet like Keith Buck with the ability to think independently is not much different from creating life.

This already belongs to the authority of the Creator.

"Okay, we're here," the guardian spirit led Yilong Yimage to the edge of the underground space, facing a piece of collapsed rubble.

Jose looked at the gravel. From the outside, it looked like a collapsed mountain, nothing special about it.

On the other side, the guardian spirit held the hilt of the sword with both hands, raised it high, and stabbed down with the tip of the sword.


The tip of the sword sank into the surface rock. Starting from the body of the sword, the cracks spread towards the collapsed mountain wall, and an invisible wave of energy rippled in all directions.

At this time, Jose noticed something unusual. The space barrier here was much weaker than in other places.

"This is the loophole created by the Devil Archduke Kukdinni."

"Then what are you waiting for? Let's go in," Master Saobao couldn't wait and took a step forward.

Jose said: "Wait a minute, the guy from False Crown Fire is not dead yet. If he follows us in, causing trouble is the second most important thing. It would be bad if he releases Cook Dinni."

"You can let the Rock of Perseverance take care of it," said the guardian spirit, summoning the Rock of Perseverance.

After a few words of explanation, the guardian spirit opened the portal and took the lead to get into the portal.

Jose and Saobao Master followed closely behind.

After a period of dizziness, Jose regained his sight and quickly alerted his surroundings.


"Looking around clearly, Jose couldn't help but marvel.

A huge bubble-shaped magic barrier isolates the flowing lava from the outside. The magnificent palace is suspended in the bubble. The palace in the bubble is mainly golden and red. Huge magic crystals rotate on the top of the palace, and floating rings can be seen everywhere.

The three of them were on a huge platform outside the palace. The platform and the palace gate were connected by a translucent crystal bridge. The crystal bridge was scattered with puppet remains, which looked a little lonely against the red light of the lava.

Like the red dragon and Master Sao Bao, the guardian spirit had never arrived here before, so it looked around curiously.

After a while, no danger was noticed.

"Let's go, the moment of destiny has arrived," the guardian spirit held a sword in one hand and strode towards the palace, filled with fighting spirit.

Jose and Mr. Saobao chanted spells quickly, blessing themselves with various buffing magics and protective magics.

The red dragon activated the Heart of the Phoenix in advance, propped up the fire element barrier, and also took the time to give the guardian spirit several buffing spells.

Soon, the three of them arrived at the huge palace gate.

The door was ajar, and the guardian spirit pushed the door open directly.

Jose looked inside the palace. The corridor, made of the same material as the Crystal Bridge, stretched from the feet to the distance. At the end was a huge circular platform. At the end of the platform, facing the gate, was a high throne.

Seeing the throne, a scene from ancient times seemed to appear in his mind. Emperor Hasilei was sitting on the throne. With a thought, the huge empire spanning hundreds of planes was shaken.

However, the most eye-catching thing in the hall is not the throne, but the devil on the platform in front of the throne.

On the edge of the circular platform, there are nine equally spaced crystal pillars. At the top of the crystal pillars are nine beast-shaped statues of different shapes. The beast-shaped statues spit out red rays from their mouths. The nine rays shoot at the devil and turn into talismans. Wen chains bind the devil.

It is the devil Archduke Kukdinni who has been missing for thousands of years!

Kukdinni had his back to the door, and Jose could not see the front, but judging from the spikes on his shoulders and dark green skin, this devil must have a ferocious face.

Perhaps sensing someone coming in, the devil struggled violently, but no matter how hard the devil struggled, he could not break free of the rune chains.

"I am……"

The guardian spirit Keith Buck did not give the Archduke the Devil a chance to confuse everyone, and roared angrily: "Kukdinni! Your death has come!"

When the enemies saw each other, they were extremely jealous. The guardian spirit strode forward and charged, holding the sword high in the hand. Energy gathered on the strange sword, and the crystal sword emitted a dazzling light.

The next moment, the guardian spirit appeared behind the Devil Archduke and slashed at him with his big sword.

The strange sword hit the devil, the rune chain that bound the devil was broken, and the sword slashed on the devil's back.

Without any hindrance, the body of the Devil Archduke was cut in half, and scarlet demon blood was sprinkled on the platform.

"No, Keith Buck is too impulsive," the slutty master shrank his pupils, not happy about the death of the Devil Archduke.

When the guardian spirit cut off the body of the Devil's Archduke, it also destroyed the rune chains. How could the Devil's Archduke with the evil-level combat power die so easily?

However, the remaining body of the Devil Archduke only twitched twice, and then there was no movement.

"Just... just died like that?!" Jose was also in disbelief.

"My sword is not an ordinary sword. It is a soul-cutting sword made by Emperor Hashilai himself. It can cut off the body and even the soul." The guardian spirit put away the strange sword and sprayed flames from his hand, killing the devil. The remains of the Grand Duke were burned to ashes.

Almost at the same time, Jose and the handsome master looked at each other and distanced themselves.

The obstacles in the path of inheritance have been cleared, and the fragile agreement between the two has come to an end.

Master Sao Bao touched the staff in his hand and looked at the red dragon warily: "Sir Jose, to be honest, I admire you very much, but when things have come to this point, there is nothing we can do about it."

Jose's muscles tensed up, guarding against a sudden attack from the slutty master: "You are impatient too, so be it. From now on, we will each use our own methods to compete fairly. No matter what the outcome is, no one should blame anyone."

"That's fine," Master Sao Bao nodded.

Both sides are wary of each other and are approaching the throne. Although they have made promises to each other, no one can guarantee that the other will keep their promises.

Walk to the platform in front of the throne, with Jose on the left and Sao Bao on the right, and start searching.

After a while, neither of them found anything, so they couldn't help but look at each other.

"Sir Keith Barker, what is going on?"

"Don't look at me, I don't know what's going on. I don't know anything about this place, just like I didn't expect that Kukdinni would be tied up and unable to move." The guardian spirit spread its hands, expressing that it was helpless.

After a pause, he continued: "You did not come in through the normal trial process, so it is normal that you cannot trigger the inheritance."

"Well, by the way, the emperor told me that there is a final test here. If you can find this test, you may be able to trigger the inheritance. You should look for it more carefully. I'm leaving to settle the score with the guy from False Crown Fire. went."

After saying that, the guardian spirit strode away and walked out of the gate, and soon the breath disappeared.

Jose and the Sao Bao Master looked at each other and unanimously set their sights on the high throne. The throne was not big and was made according to a normal human body shape, but the material was very precious. The main material was golden, just like gold, but it was more precious than gold. .

"Moving this adamantine throne back, this adventure will be worth it," Master Sao Bao licked his lips and walked towards the throne stairs.

Jose stretched out a wing and placed it between Master Sao Bao and the throne, stopping Master Sao Bao.

The handsome master's eyes suddenly became sharp: "Sir Jose, what do you mean?"

"For the sake of fighting side by side before, I have to remind you."

Jose then said: "Why is the Devil Archduke imprisoned? Before you understand the situation, I don't recommend you to sit on it."

As he spoke, Jose glanced around the hall.

There is nothing in this hall except the ground, the throne and the nine pillars. The most suspicious thing is the throne.

Master Yilong Yi stared at the throne and frowned.

The guardian spirit acted so quickly that the red dragon and the Sao Bao Master had no time to ask about the situation, and Kukdingni was killed.

What happened after the devil Archduke Kukdinni entered the hall?

Why was the mechanism of the nine crystal pillars triggered?

How to trigger the inheritance left by the Great Emperor?

Jose had so many questions in his mind.

"What Sir Keith Buck said before he left reminded me that we didn't get here through normal means. Don't get the inheritance. Instead, we ended up with the same fate as the Devil Archduke, imprisoned by rune chains."

Recalling the scene of the rune chain locking the Devil Archduke, Jose felt solemnly: "The Devil Archduke is a powerful god after all. We are just demigods. If the mechanism is triggered, we may be dead."

"If you want to sit on it, I won't stop you, but wait until I'm far away before you go."

After saying that, Jose retreated towards the door.

"The bold ones will be starved to death, and the timid ones will be starved to death. Maybe this throne is the medium that triggers the inheritance," Master Sao Bao shouted at the red dragon.

Jose ignored him and continued to retreat toward the door.

In the end, Master Saobao still didn't have the courage to sit on the throne in person.

He gritted his teeth and summoned a fire elemental, asking the fire elemental to sit on the throne while he quickly retreated.


Jose heard the movement behind him and turned around to see the animal-shaped statue at the top of the nine crystal pillars emitting red rays. The rays focused on Master Saobao, tied him up, lifted him up, and suspended him in the middle of the hall.

The red dragon frowned. Even though Master Sao Bao was very careful, he was still bound by the rune chains.

Think about it, what is the identity of Emperor Hasilei? Anyone can sit on his throne!

"However, Clannan's experience also proves that the throne is not the medium that triggers inheritance, so where is the real medium?"

"Hey! You just left like that, help me!"

"Hey! Don't leave!"


Jose ignored the shouts behind him, turned on digital vision, and scanned the mysterious and beautiful hall, but found nothing unusual.

"By the way, down below."

Jose stood on the edge of the Crystal Bridge, stuck his head out and looked down, seeing the flowing red liquid.


The next moment, he overturned his previous thoughts: "No, it's not lava, it's liquid fire element energy."

The red dragon discovered that the liquid fire element energy was flowing. Observing the direction of the energy, he saw that the liquid fire element flowed into a crystal pipe.

"Strange magical technology, but it doesn't look like a place where inheritance is hidden..." Jose walked out of the door.

He made up his mind that even if he gave up the inheritance of Emperor Hasile, he would not take risks like the slutty master.

Life is the most important thing!

"Hey! Jose! Come back!"

"Just stay there!"

Jose turned back and added: "Don't worry, if I get the inheritance, I will come back and let you go."

After saying that, the red dragon walked out of the door.

Walking outside the door, Jose observed his surroundings carefully.


He discovered that there were actually words on the palace door, but he was in such a hurry that he didn't notice it when he came in.

Looking closer, I saw that the door was inscribed with German characters.

He read it word by word: "I, the Great Emperor Hashilai, have fought and conquered all my life..."

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