Red Dragon Emperor

Chapter 478: The Fall of the Abyss Lord

"Hahaha! Red Dragon! You are dead!" The gluttonous eater - Lagerforth's eyes were so fat that they were narrowed into slits, shooting out an extremely vicious gaze.

He stared at the red dragon with vicious eyes, and swept away the void storm behind the red dragon, as if he had foreseen the scene where the red dragon was sucked into the void storm and died in pain and wailing.

Jose felt the situation on his back, and the high-speed spinning magic energy of the void storm hit his body, which was far denser than the most rapid rainstorm and raindrops, and the power was huge, like bullets hitting his body.

Fortunately, the red dragon's dragon scales are hard enough, and its magic resistance is also very strong, which makes him less affected than the glutton imagined.

Although the impact is small, it is also influential.

In a battle with a master of Red Dragon's level, even if it is a slight advantage, in the end, it may snowball and become the key to determining the outcome of the battle.

"The gluttonous eater is strengthened by the demon tide. If I face him head-on, the probability of me successfully beheading him is less than five percent," Red Dragon thought in his mind.

Jose felt the pain brought by the void storm. The pain not only did not make him lose his mind, but made his mind clearer.

Thousands of thoughts flashed through his mind, and the red dragon turned his heart, instead of advancing, retreated, approaching the void storm.

The abnormal behavior of the red dragon made the glutton stunned, but it didn't take long for the glutton to react and catch up.

The void storm is very dangerous, but for the god-level powerhouse, as long as they don't enter the core of the storm, their lives will not be in danger.

The closer the red dragon got to the center of the void storm, the more intense the pain of being torn apart was, as if a sharp blade was scratching his body.

Jose ignored the strange feeling brought by the void storm and stared at the glutton.

Fighting in a hostile environment like Netherstorm, where one wrong step can mean death, requires a clear head over a strong fist.

It was with this in mind that the Red Dragon took the initiative to enter the void storm to maximize the mentally handicapped disadvantages brought by the demon tide to gluttons.

"Weak lizard! Come! Face me! Face the mighty Lagerforth! Quack quack!" The glutton made an ugly laugh.

Jose turned a deaf ear to this and continued to act according to the plan he had drawn up in his mind.

He flew silently, brushing against the edge of the void storm, and headed towards the other end of the void storm.

The void storm has a large range, and the powerful magic impact slows down the speed. It took the red dragon half an hour to reach the predetermined position.

Jose sensed the changes in the surrounding storm, and realized that the time was ripe. He slowed down to let the glutton approach, then turned around suddenly, and sprayed violent dragon flames at the glutton.

The glutton has been chasing the "runaway" red dragon, but he didn't want the red dragon to turn around and attack suddenly. He was caught off guard and propped up his magic shield in a panic.

The fierce dragon flames rushed on the magic shield like a tsunami, and the burning flames drowned the abyss lord.

Seeing the light piston, the red dragon looked at the glutton swallowed by the dragon flames, his eyes filled with strong killing intent.

He understands that the dragon flames can't kill the glutton, and even the magic defense of the glutton cannot be broken through, and the reason why he uses the red dragon dragon flame instead of the more powerful Yaoyang dragon dragon breath is to use the flame flame Light obstructs the glutton's vision.

"Lagerfuss! Your doomsday is here!" Jose didn't retreat but advanced, flapping his wings and rushing towards the glutton, looking like he was going to fight the abyss lord hand to hand.

As a powerful dragon species blessed by Io, Yaoyang Dragon has the potential to create new dragon species and become a dragon king. It has no obvious shortcomings in terms of physical body or magic power.

Due to the lack of racial magic accumulation, the magic power cannot exert its full strength. Even the red dragon's decades of magic research can only exert 70% of its strength.

However, there is no limit to the accumulation of physical strength. The red dragon has experienced many battles. Even though the red dragon got used to the fighting style of the mage after becoming a mage, it never thought of giving up the advantage of the dragon's physical strength and continued to fight. train.

Today, in terms of physical strength, the red dragon is even stronger than the most powerful power dragon among the legendary dragon species.

Physical strength has not been used before, and that is because magic is enough to solve the problem.

Facing the glutton, magic alone cannot deal with the enemy, so naturally they resorted to hand-to-hand combat.

The gluttonous person shot out the terrible abyss demonic energy, and scattered the surrounding dragon flames, but he didn't see the outside situation clearly, and saw the red dragon that had already rushed in front of him.

Jose stretched out his tough dragon claws, the tip of the dragon claws tore apart the void storm, pulled out a white thread in the void storm, and attacked the glutton's heart with a terrifying force enough to smash the mountains.

The glutton couldn't react in a hurry, and stretched out his hand to stop it. Before touching the red dragon, he felt the terrifying heat emanating from the red dragon.

Even with the protection of the abyssal devil energy, the terrifying high temperature on Yaoyanglong's body had a bad effect on the glutton. The high temperature made him unable to open his eyes. At the same time, he stretched out the red dragon's hand, and felt a strong tingling sensation. .

Knowing that what he was about to touch was a red-hot soldering iron, the glutton still had to take the initiative to send his hand up. Once he couldn't stop the red dragon's attack, he would be hit by the red dragon at the heart of the devil.

The lesser of two evils, the overeat has no choice.

The high temperature on the dragon's claws already made the hairs on Gluttony's chest stand on end. Just before the attack was imminent, Gluttony almost blocked the dragon's claws again, but what he didn't expect was that he came from the red dragon. On the dragon claw, I felt a powerful force not weaker than myself.

The glutton's face changed suddenly, he found that his hasty block could not stop the red dragon's claws, the dragon claws only slowed down, and continued to attack the heart.

As a powerful abyss lord, Gluttony also stands out in the endless fights, and his combat experience has been integrated into instinct.

He didn't choose to continue to block, but tried his best to push the red dragon claw aside.

The tip of the burning dragon claw pierced the glutton's skin, but was pulled aside under the glutton's great force. The dragon claw left three claw marks on the glutton's chest and took away a piece of flesh on the arm.

The glutton was injured, but no blood flowed out, because the red dragon's claw was not just an ordinary physical attack, but a high-temperature flame was burning on the dragon claw, and the terrifying high temperature instantly scorched and carbonized the wound.

For the first time in thousands of years, the Glutton was so close to death that the red dragon's claws would have pierced his heart.

The surprise attack failed to kill the powerful enemy. Jose felt a little regretful in his heart, but he had already expected the ending. How could the abyss lord, who was comparable to the gods and evils, be killed so easily.

The red dragon felt regretful in his heart, but he didn't stop for a moment. After the attack of the dragon's claws failed, the dragon's tail swung like a whip towards the glutton's head.

For a demon, although the head is not as important as the heart, it is second only to the heart.

Once the head is severely injured and the consciousness becomes dull, it is easy for the enemy to seize the opportunity and die instantly.


The dragon's tail lashed fiercely at the raised arm of the glutton. The fat on the glutton's arm swelled like waves under the huge impact of the dragon's tail, and the tough demon skin left a scorched mark in Yaoyanglong's high temperature.

The glutton was frightened and angry, not only because of the Red Dragon's powerful melee combat ability, but also because he suddenly found that he and the Red Dragon had switched positions.

At this moment, the red dragon is on the periphery of the void storm, and his back is facing the core of the void storm, and a powerful storm is tearing from behind, and the tearing sensation has involved a lot of his energy.

This is exactly the plan of the red dragon, flying along the edge of the storm, flying from one end to the other end of the storm, and swapping the positions of the two sides.

If it was before the demonic tide, the glutton might still be vigilant, but the demonic tide gave him great power and took away most of his sanity.

He fell into the trap, and it was too late.

"Roar..." The glutton let out an angry roar, but he quickly shut his mouth halfway through the roar, because the red dragon sprayed out the long-brewed dragon flames at close range.

The dragon's breath smeared his face at close range, submerging the glutton's head.

The glutton burst out the abyssal energy with all his strength, and the abyssal energy wrapped his head, preventing his head from being hurt by the dragon flames.

He wasn't injured, but the glutton was still terrified, because the dragon flames that contained terrifying fire elemental energy blocked his vision and hindered his spiritual power.

He is out of sight!

When he couldn't see his opponent, the Gluttonous Man fought fiercely, risking his life with his hands, without any defense, and hit the red dragon with all his strength, trying to force the red dragon back.

Jose faced it calmly, blocking the glutton's attack with his dragon claws.

Breathing out the dragon's breath, the dragon's claws blocked the double fists of the glutton, and the dragon's tail had just attacked for a round, which was the stage when the old power was not used up and the new power was not born, but the red dragon still had a pair of dragon wings.

If you ask which part of the dragon's body is the most powerful, some scholars who have studied the dragon must say without hesitation: it is the dragon's wings.

The dragon wings look thin, but in fact they provide enough power for the giant dragon to fly. This powerful force can not only be used for flying, but also for fighting the enemy. The power of the dragon wings even beats Sweep over the dragon's tail.

Under normal circumstances, giant dragons would not use dragon wings to slap, because dragon wings are too important and do not have strong muscle protection.

If the dragon's wings are injured in battle, the dragon will lose the ability to fly into the air.

Therefore, the dragon wing slap is only used in emergency situations where the weak are tormented or killed.

Jose's situation at this time is somewhere in between. On the one hand, the opponent is very strong enough to make him fight for his life; Time to open wide.

So while breathing out the dragon's breath, the red dragon flapped its powerful wings and hit the glutton's head, like two steel plates hitting the watermelon in the middle.

When the glutton noticed the strong wind coming from the dragon wings, he was already unable to block it.

Once hit in the head by dragon wing, he must be affected.

In the case of a fierce battle with a powerful enemy of the same strength, even if his movement is only a slight delay, the opponent will seize the opportunity, suffer heavy losses in one fell swoop, and even fall on the spot.

Judging from the strength displayed by the red dragon, the probability of falling on the spot is higher.

In a desperate situation, the glutton also displayed the bloodiness of the abyssal demon, and simply stopped defending. He concentrated all his strength on his hands and condensed into a huge abyssal energy ball, which was about to detonate the energy ball and perish with the red dragon.

Jose naturally wouldn't die with the glutton, his wings slapped the glutton's head fiercely.

The skull of the abyss lord was very hard, and it didn't break even under the slap of the dragon's wings, but it also made the glutton dizzy.

The drowsy glutton failed to detonate the energy ball immediately, but the red dragon also had no chance to attack the glutton's heart because the energy ball lay between them.

But Jose has so much combat experience that he has a way to deal with it in an instant.

The red dragon's figure flashed, and he started the teleportation to retreat. At the same time, just before the teleportation left, a ray of flames shot out from his fingertips, and the flames shot towards the energy ball in the glutton's hand.

The energy ball in the hands of the glutton was originally an unstable explosive. It was only because the glutton was dizzy that he did not detonate it immediately, and was disturbed by the external force of the flame, and the fragile balance was suddenly broken.


At the same moment that Jose appeared thousands of meters away, a huge explosion sounded, and the pitch-black violent abyss energy set off a storm.

The burst of abyss energy flooded the red dragon, and the red dragon propped up the [fire element barrier], and a steady stream of fire element energy was injected into the [fire element barrier] to supplement the shield to offset the consumption of abyss energy.

The red dragon was submerged by the energy frenzy, just like a reef standing in a tsunami. The situation seemed dangerous, but in fact it was as stable as Mount Tai.

Energy explosions come and go as fast as they come.

Jose saw clearly the situation after the explosion. The glutton suffered the bitter fruit of the energy explosion alone. His body was broken, his arms disappeared from the elbows, and the skin on his body was blown away by the energy explosion, exposing scarlet muscles.

Such a serious injury is also traumatic for the abyss lord, and it will not be repaired in hundreds of thousands of years.

This is not surprising.

You know, the glutton planned to use an energy explosion to kill the red dragon together, so you can imagine how powerful the explosion is.

Although he was severely injured, the glutton did not die. After all, the magic power of the explosion came from himself. Just like the red dragon is more resistant to fire element energy attacks, the abyss lord is also very resistant to abyss energy.

At this moment, the glutton still maintains a clear consciousness, and there is unprecedented despair in his heart.

The explosion severely injured him. If it was normal, he would immediately tear apart the space and escape.

However, at this time, the glutton was in the violent energy environment of the void storm.

And because his back was facing the void storm, the impact of the explosion pushed him towards the center of the void storm. He was seriously injured and weak, and he couldn't even complete the simplest short-distance teleportation in the void storm.

The glutton who lost his skin bears the tear of the void storm with his flesh and blood, which is much more painful than adding salt to the wound.

Jose didn't let the glutton suffer for too long, after the energy storm generated by the explosion passed, he immediately chased into the space storm.

Before the glutton was sucked into the center of the void storm, the red dragon caught up with him. Without any nonsense, the red dragon directly inserted its claws into the glutton's chest, taking out the still beating heart of darkness.

The heart is the source of demon power, and the pit lord is no exception.

Losing his heart, no matter how unwilling the glutton is, he can only widen his eyes full of hatred.

It's a pity that the eyes can't kill the red dragon.

"Hahaha! Lagerfuss! So what if the magic wave is strengthened! You died in my hands after all!" The red dragon looked at the distorted face of the glutton, and his heart was filled with the pleasure of killing a powerful enemy.

The emperor of the empire didn't have the habit of mocking corpses, so he quickly adjusted his mentality.

He carefully put away the priceless treasure of the heart of the abyss lord, and then cut off the head of the glutton, adhering to the principle of not wasting, and put away the corpse of the glutton.

Jose escaped from the void storm as quickly as possible, and immediately teleported back to the bloody battlefield.

A majestic red dragon appeared above the battlefield where the Soaring Dragon Alliance was fighting fiercely with the demon army.

"Weak devil reptiles! Your master is dead!" Jose looked down at the ant-like demon army on the battlefield below, lifted the head of the glutton in his hand, and roared triumphantly.

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