Red dragon: in charge of natural disasters

Chapter 1 The boss is actually myself


A huge roar came from afar.

It made the mountain peaks tremble, the earth trembled, birds and beasts fled in fear, and the young animals sleeping deep in the cave suddenly woke up and were at a loss.


"What happened?"

Lin Kai seemed to have just woken up from a nightmare, and his mind was not yet clear.

But there was no familiar room in front of him, nor was there any technologically advanced game room or supporting equipment.

Instead, there was a dark and warm cave, solid rock, and even a few gold coins scattered inside.

"This is where?"

Lin Kai felt a splitting headache, and countless memories flooded into his mind. There is magic like a fantasy novel, and there is also the experience of being a player in a previous life.

He only remembered that he accepted the task of brushing the fingers of the Hill Giant from a wealthy player, and went to the Canyon of the Giants to play for more than eight consecutive hours.

In the end, because my body couldn't bear it, I had no choice but to hang up and sleep for a while before getting ready and entering the game room to fight again.

As a result, as soon as I opened my eyes, I was in this ghost place inexplicably, and my body was a little strange.

He climbed up with difficulty, subconsciously walking on all fours, and came to the puddle not far away.


The "beast" in front of me is covered with fine red scales, and its golden vertical pupils can make people feel ferocious and cruel.

The body of more than three meters long is still a little immature like a cub, but many parts have begun to show ferocity. The fine fangs, sharp claws and thick and powerful limbs are the best proof.

Yes, this is a baby dragon.

And it is the most powerful and cruel red dragon among the five colored dragons.

The breath of sulfur filled his mouth, and it felt like there was a volcano buried deep in his throat, ready to erupt at any time. This made Lin Kai feel very uncomfortable.

He couldn't help sneezing, and bursts of steaming heat and smoke suddenly came out of his nostrils.

A translucent blue light curtain suddenly appeared in front of him.

【Young Red Dragon】

Name: Cassius Claudius Noricius

Template: NPC (there are still ten years, one day and eighteen hours until the server is launched)

Category: Large dragon, lawful neutral

Ac: 18 (natural armor)


Strength - 21

Agility - 10

Physique - 18

Intelligence - 12

Perception - 11

Charm - 14

Skill Proficiencies: Stealth +4, Perception +8, Hunting +2, Escape +4, Knowledge (Future) +4

Damage Immunity: Fire

Senses: Blindsight 10 feet, darkvision 60 feet, passive perception 14 feet

Language: Draconic, Common Language

Actions: bite, claw, tail strike, flying, breath attack (fire)

Expertise: None

Challenge Level: 6 (2100 XP)

Evaluation: "The powerful claws and sharp teeth of red dragons are enough to become a nightmare for adventurers. They also often use breath attacks or other special physical attacks, as well as magic they have mastered since ancient times. Even when facing young red dragons, Don’t underestimate it, otherwise it will become a nightmare in your life.”

"I traveled to Erezegai?"

"And turned into Brother Kai?"

After browsing this information for a long time, Lin Kai, or Cassius, finally clarified his thoughts and understood the current situation.

And fell into the memories of his past life.

"Erezega" is a holographic game based on the Dungeons and Dragons (DND) of the last century.

This game has an unknown origin and publisher, but it possesses technology that can be called black technology. It claims to be able to create a real world for players, and it has the highest number of people online at the same time in the world, hundreds of millions.

From ordinary people to social elites and even giants in business and politics, countless people are immersed in it, and some even live in the game warehouse all day long except for eating and sleeping.

And around this epic masterpiece, a huge market has also emerged. Each game update will even lead to changes in the world market. A legendary piece of equipment can be sold for tens of millions, which can be called the masterpiece of the new century. Bitcoin, which also makes more people join this game one after another - he is one of them.

The so-called "Brother Kai" is what he is now, his real name is Cassius Claudius Noricius, the first world boss of Erezegai version 1.0 [Anzeta Storm], and the Abyss. The extremely evil red dragon who signed a contract with the devil.

He has numerous titles, including Ember Fire, Mountain Flame, Player Life Reaper, and Beginner’s Nightmare.

In the early days of the game, in the [Winter's Fury] mission, thousands of players who had just entered the game were tortured to the point of death by the red dragon's flames, and suffered from the fact that the red dragon soared in the sky and was difficult to harm.

There were dozens of deaths per person, and the charred corpses of players were piled up in huge piles. Among them were many future famous professional players. In the end, they had to survive by killing themselves and performing suicide attacks.

This brilliant record also earned Cassius the immortal title - "Brother Kai".

Even now, the game has entered version 4.0, and the level cap has been increased to level 20. Some players have even begun to travel in the star realm, accepting employment across planes, and traversing the multiverse. The story of Brother Kai is still circulating in the world: a red dragon used his skillful human flesh barbecue technology to torture masters from all sides and turn them into monsters. Stories of piles of coke.

“Brother Kai’s BBQ is unparalleled in the world.”

But when is the current timeline?


Outside the lair, another roar interrupted Cassius's contemplation.

The powerful coercion in the air made the young dragon feel trembling, but he still resisted the idea of ​​​​escape, trotted all the way to the entrance of the cave, and quietly poked his head out to observe the situation.

In the distant sky, a huge red dragon was waving its huge wings, stirring up gusts of wind, looking down at the ground condescendingly.

That should be Cassius's current biological mother. It can be seen from the giant dragon body that is more than twenty years long that this is a powerful red dragon in its prime.

"Half-human, half-elf bastard, get out of my territory!"

"Who do you think you're facing?"

"In front of you is His Majesty Tiamat's most favored heir, the ruler of Yunding Peak, the noble and powerful red dragon Aklenia!"

The red dragon's tone was extremely conceited, which was also given by her bloodline.

Standing on the ground and confronting the dragon without fear was a warrior wearing dark golden armor, his face blurred, as if shrouded in a layer of shimmering light.

His identity as a half-elf can only be identified from the exposed semi-pointed ears, and he can barely be identified as a woman from his body shape.

She stood with her sword behind her back, her tone firm and calm: "Evil dragon, you are so arrogant and arrogant, but you cannot foresee that you will eventually die."

The half-elf stared at the giant dragon in the sky and said loudly and forcefully: "You plunder ill-gotten gains and harm innocent people. What you have done has destroyed the justice and order of the entire world."

"No matter what kind of god is standing behind you, those of us who stick to our oath will definitely make you pay the price you deserve - life!"

This is the paladin's oath of revenge!

After saying that, the half-elf drew the silver sword from his back.

The red dragon in the sky snorted and roared before fluttering its wings and pounced down.

The ferocious gaping mouth seemed to tear the tiny half-elf into pieces.

Hot flames suddenly burst out from the depths of her throat, and the air was distorted by the terrifying temperature.

"It's Rhea, the Blade of Twilight."

Cassius couldn't help but think as he finally recalled the quest line related to him.

Main mission: [Wrath in the Cold Night]

[Ten years ago, the mother of the red dragon Cassius Claudius Norixius was killed by Rhea, the traveling half-elf paladin "Blade of Twilight", and the young red dragon fled in panic. . It lurks silently in the Ansteica mountains, waiting for an opportunity to take revenge on humans.

Now, it has signed a contract with the ancient demon deep in the mountains, transformed into "burning fire", and destroyed several cities one after another. The evil dragon will lead its evil legion, break justice and order, and turn the entire Northland into a ash! ]

And now, I am afraid it is the time for the battle between the red dragon and the paladin, which is ten years before the player arrived!

In Cassius's eyes, the half-elf paladin in the distance had a level of 20, and was about to cross the threshold of legend. He even had a divine companion, and he was an out-and-out world-class powerhouse.

You know, the standard challenge level for a mature red dragon is only level 17. Even if its life level has reached Legend, it is still not enough in front of "hangbi" like the God's Holy Warrior.

What's more, this famous "Blade of Twilight" has successfully advanced to legend in the 4.0 version of the previous life, and is one of the important NPCs in the main mission of the [Elf Kingdom] series.

It seemed that my cheap mother was in bad luck.

The red dragon shook his head, he didn't have time to think so much. He just flapped his immature wings, ran and jumped back to the nest, preparing to pack up his things and run away.

Of course, before the wanderer leaves home, he still needs to openly "take" some self-reliance capital from this cheap mother.

"Your Majesty Tiamat, this is the red dragon's treasure trove."

"I hope it's not too shabby..."

Cassius blew out a breath of sulfur-smelling hot breath, shook his body slightly, and stretched his somewhat stiff wings.

Pseudo dnd, the setting of red dragon refers to 3r, with its own spellcasting level (5e flying giant lizard is really not good). In terms of player profession, it mainly refers to 5e, and there will be magic changes.

In addition, it is a game from another world! Another world!

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