Red dragon: in charge of natural disasters

Chapter 10 The Sorrow of Beifeng Castle

Gold coins were dripping from the corner of the red dragon's mouth, while Chimera was watching all this from outside the cave. In her greedy eyes, there was not only distress for the lost treasure, but also a trace of resentment, but this emotion was fleeting and could not be ignored. Dare to reveal it in front of the red dragon.

Cassius noticed all this, but he didn't care. He even felt a sense of accomplishment as he transformed into a tauren.

For such a chaotic and evil monster, giving favors is useless, because it is impossible for the Chimera to be unconditionally loyal to itself. Once given the opportunity, it will try its best to devour its master and ascend to power.

To use an old saying from the past life, it is called "awe of power but not morality", and this is the case for this kind of monster.

The only thing the red dragon can do is to use its power and maintain its powerful power, so that it can only be a dependent forever and never have a chance to stand up.

[Metal scales upgraded to full level (5230/5000)]

[Acquire new feature [Golden Scales]]

[Gilted Scales] Ac+3 Constitution+1

[You have swallowed too much gold element, and the flowing gold will adhere to your body surface and deep in your heart.

You can actively activate [Gold-plated Shell], and the gold in your body will form a plating on your body surface, greatly increasing your armor value and changing the appearance of your scales to gold. ]

"Can you turn your scales into gold?"

Cassius suddenly had some strange thoughts in his mind.

Because in his memory, there should be no golden dragons in Anzetta.

Is it possible to...

In any case, the number of life-saving things has increased, and the red dragon is very happy.

He ignored Chimera's resentful gaze and continued to let it guide him as he explored the Giant's Mouth Cave.

"Isn't it over yet?"

Cassius thought.

This place was far more complicated than he imagined. There were many extremely deep places in it, which made people suspect that this was not a natural formation, but the creation of some dwarf craftsmen.

In the narrow cave not far away, bursts of hot white smoke were sprayed out, and some magma splashed out, which made the red dragon feel a little friendly.

"Keep walking in."

Cassius motioned for the Chimera to lead the way.

But this life-hungry beast just kept whimpering and begging for mercy, and refused to go in no matter what.

"Master, it's hot and dangerous."

"will die."

After all, it surrendered to the red dragon to save its life.

Instead of losing his life in the magma, it doesn't have the fire resistance of a red dragon.

"Strange place."

"However, the elemental reaction is so intense, so we should wait until we are fully confident before going in to explore."

"As for the name, it's called Bottomless Cave."

Cassius thought for a moment and decided to put it aside for the time being. After all, he was just a young red dragon no matter what.

He can hardly even fight for the throne in this wilderness, let alone face the unknown monsters underground. If advanced monsters like beholders appear, he has no confidence in defeating them.

"You should leave first."

"Thank you, Master."

The Chimera breathed a sigh of relief.

It didn't even care about its injuries and ran to the cave where it hid the treasure, quickly transferring the remaining hundreds of gold coins.

Even ignoring his nearly broken wings, he took his gold coins and flew to the opposite side, finding a place to bury these treasures.

"As expected of a guy with dragon blood."

"What a treasure."

Cassius couldn't help but shake his head in disdain.

In this way, Cassius used the outer cave of the Giant's Mouth Cave as his first lair, and temporarily sealed the inner passage with rocks.

The Chimera was driven by Cassius to a small cave on the opposite side of the rock wall. As a servant of the red dragon, it guarded his home and courtyard.

In Cassius's view, the treatment he gave was already very good. At least he left some savings for it, right? Many modern companies don't have this kind of treatment...

"Magic trick!"

As Cassius's spell fell, the one cubic foot area in the corner of the cave became clean and tidy, and the blood stains that had become fishy disappeared.

This red dragon is like a cleaner, using magic to clean the cave inch by inch.

"This brainless beast can really destroy the place. This cave must be a 'Blessed Land Cave' in cultivation novels, but it turned it into a slaughterhouse." Cassius looked at the bloody ground. Couldn't help but complain.

There was another pile of bones in front of him. The red dragon was about to clean them out of the cave, but he saw the skull with goat horns inside again.

The skull didn't look very old, maybe a few weeks, and there were still some pieces of meat left on it, and there were flies buzzing around it.

It can be judged that it is a tiefling from its human-like body shape and broken tailbone.

Tieflings are derived from human blood and have roughly the same body shape as humans.

However, the devil's bloodline has left a clear imprint on their appearance. They have horns on their heads and a thick tail four to five feet long behind them. Their eyes are entirely single color, and their skin is covered in various colors.

These ethnic groups with hell blood usually gather in human towns. They are not necessarily inherently evil, but they can always see the distrust and discrimination in the eyes of others.

Cassius thought for a moment and recalled the quest line in his previous life: "It's true that they are tieflings. Are they the ones in the [Death of the North Wind Castle] quest?"

【The Sorrow of Beifeng Castle】

[Northwind Castle, also known as Kvarnaz Castle, is a city located on the border of the United Kingdom of Northland, facing the Storm Slope to the north. There are more than 30,000 people in the city, including more than 1,000 Tieflings, who are noble Luckmans. The territory under the rule of the earl. ]

[However, a hundred years ago, the old Duke Brad Luckman suffered from the loss of life and made a contract with the evil necromancer, transforming himself into an immortal vampire. Now he wakes up again and agrees to dedicate a thousand lives to the Necromancer within ten years and complete the great ascension. ]

[In the following months, many people in the city disappeared inexplicably, and even their bodies were not found. Brat Luckman took the opportunity to convene a meeting and delivered a notorious "bloody speech", shirking all responsibilities on the tiefling tribe known as the "Devil's Children", claiming that they were sacrificing their lives for the devil. Sacrifice human life. ]

[So, a "just" massacre began. Angry people rushed into the city and tied the unsuspecting tieflings to the stake. No matter men, women, old or young, they were all burned alive on the charge of liaison with the devil. die. ]

[Medrarash, the tiefling paladin of the original city defense force, resisted to the death and escaped the capture of the Duke's soldiers. He led three hundred remaining ethnic groups to flee to the north, near the Storm Slope, and established the tiefling Refugee camp "Broken House". ]

One of the main tasks of the player in the early stage is to cooperate with the tiefling to expose the true face of Duke Luckman and kill this brutal vampire.

And Beifeng Castle is also the most important "main city".

"Is the tiefling refugee camp near this territory? Maybe I can use this quest line... to occupy Northwind Castle."

You must know that this is the player's main city. Once you occupy this city, you will almost gain control of the player. From the perspective of Cassius, who has experienced several versions of the previous life and knows the importance of players, the benefits are simply too great.

Thinking of this, the red dragon called Chimera again, pointed at the wreckage on the ground and asked:

"Where did you meet these creatures."

The chimera stepped forward, sniffed it with the lion's head, and replied: "Humans with horns are not delicious."

Cassius looked at the Chimera's broken wings. It seemed that it no longer had the ability to fly long distances.

He thought that there was no need to worry, and since his power was not strong enough, he could first bring the surrounding creatures under his command.

"Go back and recuperate first."

"Yes, Master."

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