"Master, this is what I saw."

Alger knelt on the ground and said in a deep voice.

"Very good, I know."

Cassius was lying on the highest point, combing his scales unhurriedly, as if there was no sense of urgency about facing the war.

In the Dragon Valley, all the leaders of Burning Ember Nest have arrived.

The ogre magician Rumpu, the hobgoblin leader Doro, the flying dragon leader Smaug and Chimera, the lizard people leader Akko and the shaman Koda, and the kobold warlock Golden Tooth.

There are also representatives of various racial forces recovered during the expansion, orcs, satyrs, pure-blood snakemen, basically the most prominent figures in the Burning Nest, all gathered in this valley, ready to fight.

"Anzetta has not had such a large-scale war for a long time. The last time was the battle of the Lions Alliance thirty years ago." Dalena added.

She is currently serving as a staff member and does not have any real decision-making power, but she is trying her best.

"According to Sir Alger's information, the coalition forces have now marched to the edge of the Storm Slope. The Telfa Hills area is the only place suitable for a large-scale march."

"And here—"

She spread out a sheepskin map and pointed to one of the points with her slender fingers - it was a flat and open valley, blocked by numerous mountains to the north, with only a pass leading to the storm slopes, and undulating mountains to the south. Surrounded by hills.

"The Trier Valley is the place they must pass on their way to the Dragon Valley."

"We only need to guard this pass that is easy to defend but difficult to attack - the Throat of Trier. Then we can firmly guard the storm slope and prevent the coalition forces from entering."

Cassius didn't say anything, he just glanced at the family members below him with calm eyes.

Trump pushed up his gold-rimmed glasses and said in a deep voice: "I think this is a good idea. We can set up spell traps there in advance to make their troops unmotivated and unintentional to fight."

Cassius didn't respond and just continued to look down at the family members.

There was silence all around, and most of the family members took a wait-and-see attitude.

Doluo rolled his eyes when he saw this, blew out a stream of white smoke from his nostrils in dissatisfaction, and cursed Lump, "Rump, I think you've been fooling yourself by studying those human spells all day long. Become as cowardly and worried as a human mage!

"Do we, the Ember Nest, have to defend like a tortoise against a mere group of humans?"

The hobgoblin waved the spear in his hand and shouted loudly, "We are the descendants of the great red dragon, with the blood of destruction and aggression flowing in our bodies!

"We should take the initiative and completely destroy them with fire and power! Crush their pathetic courage and bring them blood and death!"

This time his preaching received responses from many of his family members. After all, most of them were not very smart and they extremely advocated force. Doluo's words were exactly what they wanted.

Rumple snorted coldly and said disdainfully: "Ignore the natural barriers and go to fight with the enemy. Is your mind filled with goblin feces?"

"Pathetic guy."

"That's right, Mr. Rumple, those goblins are really greedy, cowardly, and stupid..." the kobold warlock Gold Teeth on the side added in time.

Although he was talking about goblins, every word he said made the hobgoblin leader tremble with anger, and his ugly face that was already red became even redder.

Doro walked up to him, looked down at him, and yelled viciously

"Gold Teeth! Get away!"

"You have no right to speak here!"

But beside Jin Ya stood the taller Trump, which gave him the courage to confront Doro. Since he had already made enemies, it would be better to disgust him again.

The kobold warlock opened his wings aggressively towards Doro, and said proudly: "Look, who has the purer blood of my master."

"Who is the real dragon vein!"

Doluo laughed angrily: "You——"


The voice of the red dragon sounded, and an invisible dragon's power filled the valley, giving every family member a strong sense of oppression.

The scene suddenly became quiet and even silent. Whether they were ogres, hobgoblins or kobolds, they all stood still and did not dare to take a breath.

"We do have to be proactive."

After hearing this, Doro suddenly looked overjoyed and glanced at Trump provocatively.

Cassius' tone paused.


"I want to give them a big gift."

The red dragon supported its huge body with its forelimbs, stood up slowly, and spread its broad wings.


The horn sounded in the Dragon Valley.

The horn made from the horn of the blue-footed dragon and snake made a heavy sound like thunder.

The hobgoblins drove the huge earth dragon beast forward, causing the ground to rumble. Tieflings and lizardman warriors were fully armed and marched in order. And in the countless mines and lairs on the high slopes of the storm, kobolds and goblins poured out like a tide.

The terrifying beast that had been dormant for many years, the Ember Nest, finally revealed its majestic claws.

In the Northland Alliance military camp, a white-gloved hand patted the map scroll.

"This is it, Trier Valley."

"Our preferred garrison location. You can go straight to the Storm Slope, and you can retreat to the Throat of Trier to prevent the pursuit of the Ember Nest. Everything is perfect."

The man who was speaking looked to be in his forties, wearing a richly decorated knight's armor, with two carefully groomed mustaches on his lips, and his face was very majestic.

His name is Robert Dudley, the youngest earl of the Principality of Luckman, the son-in-law trusted by Duke Brad Luckman, the commander-in-chief of the Three Kingdoms Alliance, and also a battle-hardened noble knight.

In the camp, a blond young man in his early twenties asked: "What if they attack from behind and block us in the valley?"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

The noble lords in the camp burst into laughter again.

The speaker was Andre Bosque, the third son of the "Lion of the North" Bosque family, and a young and promising paladin who followed the Oath of Glory.

But in addition to his personal force, his naivety and recklessness often made everyone feel a little funny, so he was nicknamed "Little Lion" in private.

Robert stroked his beard and said with a smile: "Andre, war is not a simple game. In such a war involving tens of thousands of people, mobilizing the army is not as easy as playing military chess."

His finger points to the map.

"Look here, blocked by the Lecter Mountains on the edge of the storm's high slopes, it's impossible for them to appear behind us without warning."

Andre thought for a moment and then whispered:

"I understand, Lord Robert."

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