The leaders of the clan issued orders, and a heavy horn sounded.


"Crush them!"

Smoke and dust billowed, and the earth shook.

The satyrs played the panpipes and played a magic suite that made the monsters even more enthusiastic, but this tune was "the Mass" taught to them by a boring bard player.

Under this majestic and soul-shaking passionate tune, a group of monsters with claws and teeth are charging at humans, which is quite ironic.

The kobolds and goblins at the front swarmed forward and frantically attacked the defense line of the "Eagle Claw" gun and shield soldiers.

Hundreds of archers behind the gun and shield soldiers fired rounds of arrows. Before these dragon-veined monsters could rush forward, many casualties occurred.

But the kobolds and goblins that followed did not hesitate to step over, and even stepped on the corpses of their companions. They were still rushing forward, and even arrows could not stop their fearless charge.

But even if he rushes in front of the gun and shield soldiers, he will be easily stabbed to death by the spear.

After being protected by the kobold and goblin legions at the cost of their lives, a line regiment composed of more than 300 dragon-veined hobgoblins followed the drums, silently, and marched in neat steps.

Under the soaring music, even if a hobgoblin in the team is shot down by an arrow from the enemy, the others behind him will not hesitate to make up for it.

Fortunately, most of the hobgoblins wore leather armor and were often protected by scales. Ordinary arrows could not kill them easily, so the losses during the journey were not much.

When they were only fifty steps away from the spear and shield soldiers, the hobgoblins stopped and raised their spears.


Doro let out a wild roar.


As gunfire roared, acrid smoke filled the battlefield, obscuring sight.

On the coalition front, the thin shields of the gun and shield soldiers were like paper in the face of the powerful projectiles, and they were punched with dense holes. The soldiers in burqas behind them also had many bullets hit them. Fall down.

The "Enemy-Destroying Fire" modified by the artificer's magic is far more powerful than the musket in history, and every shot will create a thick smoke screen.

Just this salvo caused heavy losses to the spear and shield soldiers in the front row of the "Eagle Claw" regiment, with more than 200 casualties.

"Tempus is on"

"How could these monsters form such an army?"

Robert observed the occupation from behind, mumbling in disbelief.

His line of sight was blocked by the billowing smoke, and he could not see the Hobgoblin Line Regiment that was clumsily loading ammunition, but he was still experienced in the battlefield and keenly guessed that an attack of this level would probably take a long time to prepare.

"North Wind Winged Cavalry, prepare to charge!"

The messenger quickly conveyed the signal to the front line.

The hussars wore heavy plate armor, carried lances with the Gray Eagle standard, and had wings like outstretched wings on their backs.

This wing decoration is not purely a decoration. When the North Wind Winged Cavalry charges, the wings behind it will cut through the air and make a screaming sound, disturbing the opponent's horse and causing great psychological pressure to the enemy.

"They can't stop it."

Robert had great confidence in his cavalry.

This cavalry has been fighting for many years, and countless enemies have fled under the scream of their wings, leading to defeat.

"For the sake of the Duke, charge!"

Smoke and dust billowed and the earth trembled.

More than four hundred winged cavalry galloped on the flat wasteland, the wing decorations behind them screamed, and the horses' hooves staggered on the ground, making a dull sound.

"Wind-making technique!"

The coalition's spellcasters created gusts of wind and blew away the smoke.

However, the smoke slowly dissipated, and what greeted the cavalry were not only the line regiments that were loading ammunition, but also the hill-like ground dragon beasts.


The earth dragon beasts let out a dull roar, and even the earth shook under their steps.

Under the cover of these behemoths, the hussars raised their heads blankly, with a look of horror on their faces that were originally full of fighting spirit.

These battle-hardened horses instinctively neighed in fear, even causing the knights on their backs to fall.

But they had already charged within thirty steps and could not stop at all.

They had no choice but to rush forward.


The Earth Dragon Beast roared and broke into the tight charge formation of the cavalry.

With just one encounter, several cavalrymen were easily crushed by his claws and turned into a blur of flesh and blood.

Many more cavalrymen crashed into the huge body uncontrollably. However, even if the lances pierced the rough and thick skin of the dragon beast, they could not penetrate deep. They could only watch the hill-like dragon beast crash into it. , and then plunged into darkness.

Doro could no longer restrain his desire to kill and came to the front line in person.

This dragon-veined goblin is three meters tall. Although he is not wearing armor, his muscular body is covered with hard scales that cannot be penetrated by ordinary swords.

His hands held a heavy ax more than five meters long - the "Bloodfire Battle Axe"

This was a long-handled battle axe. The rough ax head was stained with blood. It was said that when it was completed, it took twelve goblins to carry it to the military camp. But the powerful power of the dragon's veins allows Doluo to dance with great force.

The current dragon-veined hobgoblin is a complete killing machine.

Doluo's eyes were red, and hot white smoke came out of his nostrils. He easily jumped onto the dragon beast with his giant ax in hand.


"I'm going to - crush you!"

With the whistling sound in the air, the blood-fire battle ax drew a semicircular arc in the air, and the huge force split a winged cavalry directly in the waist.

However, it was not over yet. The ax continued to slash, killing three people one after another, and the ax was soaked in warm fresh blood.

"Good. That's it."

Blood splashed onto the hobgoblin's frantic face, but he licked it, savoring the smell of blood mixed with rust in his mouth.

"go to hell!"

Doro raised his battle ax high and chopped the knights who couldn't dodge from head to toe, including men and horses.

Wielding a giant axe, he was like a meat grinder, working tirelessly and crazily to harvest the lives of the surrounding cavalry. There were broken limbs everywhere he went, making the hussars run around like hunted lambs. Avoid this scary guy.

The line regiments had already loaded their ammunition and were firing freely at the cavalry. Although their hit rate against high-speed moving targets was not high, they still caused many cavalry to fall off their horses.

"Tempus on top"

"It's really a bunch of monsters."

Robert observed the chaotic battle situation, his face gradually became serious, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

The winged cavalry he was so proud of were vulnerable to this group of unreasonable and brutal monsters.

Now, he needs to rethink his strategy.

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