It is different from the players who are aimless and have no tactics at all, chasing the coalition soldiers on the periphery.

The tiefling troops had already formed a tight offensive formation, and through the gap created by the players, they penetrated directly into the three thousand coalition forces like an extremely sharp blade.

Metrorash rushed to the front of the team, his armor was stained with blood, and almost no one dared to approach him.

He raised the bloody sword in his hand.

[Guide Divine Power: Terror Appears]

A dark night light suddenly enveloped the surroundings.

Metrorash channels the darkest emotions and condenses them into a breath of magical coercion, an ability unique to Oathbreaker.

The coalition soldiers were shrouded in darkness. They threw off their armor and fell into instinctive panic.

"No, don't come here!"


"Run away!"

"The devil, he is the devil incarnate!"

Blood splashed on his face, and the corners of Metrolash's mouth slightly raised: "Is the devil incarnate?"

This seemed to bring back some memories for him.

He was silent for only a moment, and then said calmly: "Since you all hope that I am, then I'll be fine."

Metrorash strode forward, swung the blood-stained sword in his hand, and unleashed streaks of blood-scarlet light—the bloody holy slash that belonged exclusively to Oathbreaker.

Accompanied by shrill screams, the lives of the coalition soldiers were ruthlessly harvested by death.

The soldiers fled in all directions as if they were avoiding demons. Even the tieflings under his command felt a little unfamiliar with the terrifying leader in front of them, so they could only shoot some arrows after them.

Damakos stepped forward quickly and said worriedly: "Captain, are you okay?"


"I couldn't have been nicer."

As he spoke, Metrorash raised his sword high again.

[Guide Divine Power: Control the Undead]

Corpses slowly climbed up one after another. They picked up their stumps and bumped them against their bodies. There was a flickering light in their empty eyes, and they roared low and rushed towards their living comrades.


"O Gods"

"He really is the devil!"

"This devil resurrected them! He can control the undead!"

Seeing their former comrades turning into undead and rushing towards them, the familiar faces full of desire for flesh and blood, the psychological defenses of the coalition soldiers were completely defeated. They fled desperately. After all, no one wanted to become such a ghost. look.

Metrorash slowly lowered his blood-stained sword.

"The effect is not bad."

There was a glint in his pure black eyes with no irises, and his ram-like curved horns were covered with blood. At this moment, he looked like a real devil from hell.

Controlling the undead is an ability he has never used before, but now Metrorash has long been freed from the psychological burden.

Since he is a descendant of the evil dragon, even so.

It doesn’t matter.

Metrolash looked around, but was shocked to find that even his companions - there was a hint of fear in the depths of their eyes.

But he deliberately pretended not to see it and just calmly ordered: "Keep pushing."

Under the offensive spearheaded by the undead, the tieflings quickly chased the crying and fleeing coalition soldiers to the command position of the Bosque family.

Compared to the commander-in-chief, Andre Bosque was more like a vanguard charging into the battle. After the war started, he rushed to the front line alone, leaving all the heavy command matters to his nobles.

As for the pampered nobles, they watched the undead approaching gradually, and suddenly became extremely frightened. One of them even fainted from fear on the spot.

In their eyes, war is often an elegant art rather than a cruel killing.

The order the nobles received from the Bosque family was also the same - there was no need to fight to the death, as long as they retained their own strength.

However, now that enemies are coming all the way, the situation has far exceeded their expectations.

Baron Matthew's voice trembled: "What should we do?"

Viscount Luton on the side whispered: "How about we surrender?"

"But I don't think they will abide by the sacred aristocratic agreement."

"These are the descendants of the evil dragon."

The undead roared and approached, and the tieflings stood ready with weapons in hand.

Metrolash just took a few steps forward slowly and pointed his sword at the military tent from a distance:

"Everyone, surrender without killing."

The sound was not loud, but extremely clear.

There was silence for a while in the military tent, and then there was a rustling sound.

Baron Matthew finally couldn't bear the tremendous pressure, staggered out of the back door, turned over and jumped onto his horse.

"You damn devils!

"Go to hell!"

He cursed loudly as he galloped his horse.

Metrolash did not speak anymore, but stared coldly at the nobleman on horseback, raising the long sword that shone with magic light.

【Crazy Crown】

A twisted jagged crown appeared on Baron Matthew's head, and his eyes suddenly flashed with madness.

He fell uncontrollably from his horse and danced on the ground.

Metrolash walked forward slowly and looked down at him.

"You really have courage."

Baron Matthew rolled on the ground and roared crazily: "One day, I will kill all of you!"


With a sharp sword strike, the crazy Baron Matthew was nailed to the ground.

The remaining nobles in the camp watched this bloody scene and couldn't help but let out a cry of surprise.

But it's not over yet.

Metrorash pulled out the bloody sword.

But the broken body on the ground slowly squirmed, and it stood up tremblingly, with a ghostly light shining in its empty eye sockets - Baron Matthew was transformed into an undead.

Suddenly, the nobles fell silent.

Metrorash drove the undead to the camp and repeated calmly: "Everyone, surrender without killing."

He paused.

"At least - I won't turn you into this."

Sweat dripped from Viscount Luton's head. He finally couldn't bear the pressure and fell to his knees with a plop. With tears streaming down his face, he said: "I surrender! I surrender! Please don't turn me into an undead!"

"I surrender too, I just ask you to spare my life!"

"Our Terman family is willing to pay the ransom!"

"The Fate family requests cooperation."

"On behalf of the Chris family, I pay tribute to the Lord of Embers."

With Viscount Luton setting an example, the nobles in the camp knelt down and begged for mercy, wailing and crying constantly.

Metrorash nodded slightly.

"That would be rude."

The tieflings tied up the kneeling nobles.

Damakos stepped forward and reported cautiously: "Captain. No, sir, all the troops on the right wing of the coalition have fled. Those players are chasing the remaining soldiers. Should we cooperate with Mr. Trump and launch an attack on the enemy's central army from the flank?" attack."

Metrolash shook his head: "No, we will retreat directly."

Damacosta was stunned: "But sir, we"

There was a hint of joking in Metrolash's pure black eyes: "Retreat directly. We want to invite these nobles to watch a grand ceremony."

"Yes, sir."

Although Damachus was a little puzzled, he still obeyed the order and led the frightened nobles back to the north of the pass.

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