Red dragon: in charge of natural disasters

Chapter 12 The Arcane Monastery

In the tense atmosphere, Cassius finally said:

"I see that you have a unique bone structure and are extremely smart. You are a talent, no, a magic talent. Are you willing to become my follower?"

Lamp felt relieved and stopped the fireball spell he was building.

He replied quite flatteringly: "From the perspective of submitting to the strong, I am of course willing to become your follower. After all, you are a powerful red dragon."

But before the red dragon could reply, he raised his head tentatively and whispered:

"But I also want to know, what benefits will becoming your follower bring to me and my tribe?"

"This ogre is really hard to fool. He is very smart. If it were an original red dragon, it would have been blasted into slag by a breath of fire. Only I have a keen eye for pearls."

Casius couldn't help but complain secretly.

But considering the scarcity of spellcasters, the red dragon decided to be courteous to the ogre. He spoke with the momentum of a leader in his previous life and slowly said: "I can see that you are different from ordinary ogres. You are very smart and pursue knowledge and wisdom." Rump nodded with some satisfaction. Who can understand the bitterness of being among a group of ogres who only know how to eat? "But are you willing to spend the rest of your life eating and sleeping in this narrow valley?"

"Are you willing to only associate with these people of the same race, and be turned into a bounty by the adventurers who break into the valley one day in the future?"

Seeing that the ogre was somewhat moved, Cassius continued to increase his strength, bewitching the ogre like a devil from hell:

"Don't you want to control more powerful forces, see a wider world, and let your name be sung in the mouths of bards?"

"Submit to me, I can provide you with endless food, unimaginable power, and knowledge as vast as the stars, so that your talents can really play a role, and I will build a great empire."

The red dragon paused: "Imagine that you will become part of my great blueprint."

Casius's pie is getting bigger and bigger. Anyway, it's just a boast, the more the better.

"I, I..."

The ogre was so excited that he couldn't speak.

Rump pondered, with a hint of hesitation in his eyes.

These words had a great impact on him. As an ogre, he began to think for the first time whether there is any other meaning in life besides eating.

His ogre tribesmen had already gathered around, but they were afraid that the boss would be angry and did not dare to disturb him. However, they could not help but cheer when they heard the word "food":

"Submission! Submission!"


Although they could not understand other words, they could hear food.

"Now, I need an answer."

"Are you willing to become my dependent?"

Casius's tone was passionate.

Finally, Rump's eyes became firm. He raised his head, half-knelt down with his fat body, and said solemnly:

"Gods bear witness that I, Rump, the Lord of the Ogres of the Gluttonous Valley, the smartest ogre in the world, am willing to become your dependent and conquer the world for you."

The red dragon was not moved by this rather "grand" scene of loyalty, but felt a little dry in the mouth.

He thought to himself that this smart man had stayed in the mountains for too long and had not experienced the beatings of human society. Even with 17 points of intelligence, he was still fooled.

"Casius, your master, remember this name."

"Yes, my noble master, I am willing to be your sword in your hand, your shield in front of you, and charge into battle."

The ogre was excited and wanted to continue his lines, as if he had fallen into the fantasy of a "great blueprint".

"Don't talk like that."

Casius interrupted Rump's improvisation.

It was strange to hear an ogre who was three meters tall and weighed one ton speaking in such a bard-like tone.

"Yes, master."

The ogre magician wiped the sweat from his forehead.

"Oh! Oh oh oh!"

The ogres cheered again, waving their miscellaneous maces, wooden clubs and big bone clubs.

In fact, they didn't know what happened, but they vaguely knew that there seemed to be a new boss on top.

And according to the second smartest ogre in the tribe, Big Head, they can eat more, which makes these greedy guys very happy.

We have a new leader! "

The "smart guy" in the ogre team cheered.

Lamp corrected seriously: "It's not the new leader, it's the master, or His Majesty."

"Okay, old leader."

Lamp couldn't stand it anymore and raised the stick in his hand again.

"Old leader, why are you hitting me?"



Leading the ogres to move into the territory, the red dragon asked the ogre magician curiously:

"Where did you learn the spells and those books?"

Lamp touched his head and recalled for a moment before answering:

"A few months ago, I ate a wizard in a carriage. He was tender and delicious. There were many books in his carriage."

Recalling the past, the ogre couldn't help licking his lips, and an intoxicated expression appeared on his ugly face. It seems that even wisdom can hardly change the nature of these gluttonous incarnations of ogres.

"Under my hands, it's best not to eat humanoid creatures."

"Yes, master. "

Lamp looked a little disappointed. Those tender mages were obviously delicious, but for the "great blueprint" in his mind, he had to accept this harsh request for the ogre.

But for Cassius, this is a necessary requirement. It's not out of pity, but because he plans to recruit a large number of players under his command in the future. If his family members still retain the bad habit of cannibalism, they may not be eliminated by the players.

"By the way, take me to see that carriage."

The red dragon looked a little weird. He had already guessed what was going on.

Following Lang Pu to the hidden place in the valley, Cassius saw the dilapidated carriage.

Although it has been idle for a long time, the exquisite gilt pattern decoration still exudes a luxurious atmosphere, and there is also a gilt medal inlaid on the inner wall of the carriage - the pattern is an eye representing true knowledge and two crossed staffs.

"As expected, it's the Arcane Monastery, or a senior membership medal."

"Tsk, tsk, it's really a waste of time."

Cassius sighed secretly.

The Arcane Monastery, a well-known mage organization in later generations, was founded by the famous legendary archmage Trafalenlo.

Members will meet regularly to share magic knowledge, exchange research results, and sometimes take the opportunity to seek help and eradicate evil. Its branches are all over Erezege, and there seems to be one in Anzeta.

Cassius laments that the goddess of fate is unpredictable.

An aristocratic mage apprentice with high hopes, a member of the Arcane Hermitage, and the expectations of countless people. However, he does not have much magical ability, but he suffers from the mage's arrogance.

He disobeyed orders, refused the help of his family, and went out on his own to take risks. He may have said something like: "My fate is up to me, I can't help it."

He wants to gain a foothold in the wilderness, kill monsters, rescue the princess, seize treasures, gain merit, and create his own legendary adventure story.

As a result, before the poor apprentice had gone far, he was knocked unconscious by the ogre who was beating the autumn wind everywhere, and he swallowed it in one gulp.

In the end, not only the box of precious books he carried with him, but also the expensive magic equipment passed down by his family were also cheapened by others.

In the end, it was a mistake that made his murderer, a crude and ugly ogre, Lang Pu, become a rare ogre magician.

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