After the fall of Telo City, the entire Anzetta was in an uproar, but it had been expected.

Without the most elite "Eagle's Claw", how could the Luckman family resist the claws of those dragon-veined monsters, not to mention a terrifying red dragon known as the Scourge of Purgatory.

But what they didn't expect was that Telo City, known as the "City of Magnificent Wind" and standing in the northern part of the United Kingdom of Northland and had not fallen for a hundred years, would be captured so easily. Even this is no longer considered a breakthrough, but an easy occupation. Tello City can't even organize a decent resistance.

As Count Dawson was killed by a mysterious weapon, the white flag of humiliation fluttered at the city gate, and the centuries of glory of Tello City disappeared.

In the following months, the Embernest did not rush to attack North Wind Castle, the capital of the Ruckman Principality. Instead, they patiently attacked the remaining eleven cities in the Principality one by one, including Haftsburg, Turner City, May kes city.

One of the three most powerful principalities in the United Kingdom of Northland, the Principality of Lachman, was gradually eroded away in this way, which made the nobles of Anzeta countries feel in danger.

Of course, many bloody incidents occurred during this period, and there were many rumors of ogres and chimeras eating people, but under the supervision of Cassius, the Dragon Vein Families still maintained basic order.

Compared with the human soldiers in this era who will burn, kill, loot and vent their desires wantonly when encountering wars, and the noble knights who treat civilians as trivial and take pleasure in killing people, these are suppressed by the red dragon's "dictatorship law". The monsters are actually considered to have strict military discipline - at least those ogres only regard humans as delicious snacks, not objects of bullying.

However, in the Anzeta countries, through deliberate publicity, the image of the Ember Nest family members has become the same as the legendary demons. Some bards even wrote a long poem - The Ember Song.

Their evil tyrant, the "Purgatory Scourge" Cassius, has now become a symbol of original sin. According to legend, he is the dragon of Slaanesh, the dragon of rage, and even the dragon of pride. He can transform into a ferocious human body several meters high. He wantonly humiliated the beautiful girl, then changed back to his original form and swallowed her in one gulp.

The chief steward of the Burning Ember Nest, the dragon-veined ogre mage Lump, is naturally described as the embodiment of gluttony. He will greedily eat everything in sight. Every time someone trembles in front of him, this eater Human demons will chew human stumps in their mouths.

The military commander, the great goblin Doro, became the embodiment of jealousy, perhaps just to fit in with the comparison of the bards...

Cassius was noncommittal, even indifferent.

Before he completely conquered the Northern Kingdom, it was normal for such rumors to confuse right and wrong.

When he engulfs the remaining twelve kingdoms, all the noise will disappear, and he will become the only and supreme king of Anzeta.


"Wait until I deal with this old vampire."

"The next target is you, the stale northern nobles."

The red dragon breathed out a breath of sulfur-smelling hot breath and muttered to himself.

He is currently lying in the council hall of Telo City, which is spacious and bright, and can barely accommodate Cassius's huge dragon body.

The Council Hall was once the place where the government affairs of the city of Telo were decided. The aristocratic councilors in the city would gather together to discuss government affairs. This was a glorious tradition passed down from generation to generation in the city of Telo. The flying eagle on the tall stone pillar represented bravery and authority.

Now this is still the place that determines everything in Tello City, but those flying eagles no longer represent power, but a symbol of losers.

At this moment, only the red dragon decides everything here.

"Master, Mekes City has been captured."

Doro's image appears in the hall.

It can be seen that behind him is a city filled with smoke, dragon-veined monsters are constantly passing by, and gunshots can be heard in the distance.

Red Dragon nodded slightly: "Very good."

Dalena, who had been standing aside for a long time, picked up a brush and drew a cross on the word "Mex City" in the corner of the huge map of the principality in the center of the hall.

In addition, ten cities have been marked with crosses, including the city of Telo where they are now.

And Northwind Castle is surrounded by those cities alone - it is the only remaining city controlled by the Rachman Principality.

Dalena said flatteringly: "Congratulations, master, the hundreds of years of history of the Rachman Principality are coming to an end. Their vast territory will be owned by you. Your great achievements will be recorded in the annals of history. The entire Northland will be under your wings." Trembling."

"Now, the only thing left is Beifeng Castle."

Cassius suddenly asked Rumple: "Did you capture those vampire spawns when you attacked Mekes City?"

He was referring to the descendants of the Luckman family, the topmost existence among vampire spawns. They often call themselves vampires, just like the previous Baron Todd.

But speaking of Todd, this poor guy has lost his mind and turned into a complete beast under Trump's various tortures and experiments.

With the academic spirit of a mage, Trump cut him into fine minced meat bit by bit after the rounds of testing were over and the vampire lost its use value. This time he never recovered. It seems that the "immortal vampire" has also Not entirely immortal.

After several months of experiments and various tricks of play, Trump has mastered many characteristics of these vampire spawns, such as the wounds caused by running water.

He is now more interested in Duke Brad Luckman, the old vampire dormant in Northwind Castle.

Trump replied matter-of-factly: “No.”

"Only the human remains that were drained were found in the mansion of Count Kately Rackman. The eldest son had disappeared long ago. The same is true for other cities governed by Rackman's descendants. I guess they were all summoned to North Wind Castle to perform the so-called Ascension Ceremony."

"Ascension Ceremony."

Rump thought that Cassius was asking, not stating, so he said respectfully:

"Yes, Ascension Ceremony. During the interrogation of Todd Rackman, we learned about this special ceremony, which is similar to a form of sacrifice. This is the legendary ceremony that can make vampires evolve into "truly immortal beings."

"When the ceremony is completed, vampires will no longer be afraid of sunlight, will no longer have weaknesses such as running water, and will master the extremely powerful power of eclipse."

The red dragon slowly stood up and spread its wings.

"It's time to put this all to an end."

"Rump, notify all the followers of the Burning Nest, and each city will draw out their most elite troops to prepare to besiege North Wind Castle. I don't want to see a troublesome ascended vampire appear."

"This old's time to go back to where he belongs."

"Yes, master." Rump responded excitedly.

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