Red dragon: in charge of natural disasters

Chapter 154 Trump's New Pendant

The dragon-veined ogre magician Lang Pu waited for a long time before he slowly flew from the city and landed with a crash.

It can be seen that his flying skills are much more skillful than before, and he can control them freely.

Lump stared greedily at the unconscious mages, his mouth almost drooling. To him, and even to the entire Ember Kingdom, every mage is a valuable and reusable resource.

Yes, resources - the rich magic knowledge in the minds of mages and their extremely intelligent brains are all very useful to Rumple.

Lang Pu came to the red dragon, his face full of joy of the harvest, and he said respectfully:

"Congratulations, master, your wisdom makes me ashamed. You managed to catch all the rats hiding in the gutter."

Cassius nodded slightly.

"I'll leave these mages to you, make good use of their value, and let them become the help of the Ember Nest."

"Yes, Master."

Trump grinned, a smile that could not be concealed on his ugly face.

Cassius noticed that Trump was inexplicably excited and suddenly became curious.

Could it be that all these mages were eaten by him?

So Cassius asked casually: "Rump, how did you deal with Bennett who was captured earlier and his mage apprentices?"

After hearing this, Trump also realized that Red Dragon suspected himself of cannibalism. After all, there had been precedents for it.

He quickly replied:

"Master, please rest assured that our 'Tower of the Giant Wise Man' has a complete set of procedures, and there will never be any stealing."

Trump opened up his chatterbox and introduced it endlessly.

"First, we will strip them of all their magic items, and these will be put into the warehouse of the Ember Kingdom, which is your treasure house.

"Next, we will torture them to extract confessions, and at the same time use power words to interrogate the spell knowledge and intelligence in the minds of these casters."

"Finally, when they are physically and mentally exhausted and most vulnerable, we can use charm spells on them to completely break through their psychological defenses to ensure complete control over them."

Cassius was either sleeping or studying spells on weekdays. He didn't pay much attention to the specific affairs of the Kingdom of Burning Ember, leaving all of them to these close men.

After hearing this, he also had a somewhat clear understanding of Trump's operations.

"Then where did they go in the end?"

"Those mage apprentices have basically become handymen in the tower. Their life and death, and even the thoughts in their hearts are in my hands. I can eliminate them immediately if I find any clues, and there will never be any special situations."

"As for Bennett, the senior mage from Victoria Harbor"

Trump lowered his head, his tone slightly hesitant, but he continued to speak.

"His spellcasting ability is too strong and difficult to control. Even if he succeeds, the risk is very high and he can easily become a destabilizing factor in the kingdom."

"So my subordinate made the decision to kill him and made a piece of magic equipment. Master, please understand that I have just finished testing this equipment and haven't had time to report it to you."

The dragon-veined ogre lifted up his cloak, revealing the new pendant on his chest.

——It was a human skull, and there was even a bright red, wet, fresh brain, which was solidified by the power of space magic. The two sides were connected by necklaces made of mithril, hanging from the ogre's thick body. neck.

Against Trump's huge body, this skull really looks like a small pendant.


Listening to Rumple's ashamed words and looking at his twisted expression, even Cassius was speechless for a moment.

【Bennett’s Wisdom】

Quality: Rare

Creator: Lump

Introduction: The ogre magician Rumple had a good chat with Bennett. He admired the wisdom of this noble wizard from Victoria Harbor and made him a confidant. Bennett was very lucky, thinking that he would be released by his "friend", but he only waited for Trump's butcher knife - Trump did not even use the most convenient mallet because he was afraid of damaging that precious brain.

In this way, through a series of careful experiments, Trump hung the wisdom of this "confidant" around his neck forever. When the wind blows through the gap in the skull, please listen closely. You may still hear Bennett's cry before he died: "Trump - why did you kill me?"

Effect: Intelligence +3

Proficiencies: Arcane +4, Knowledge +4, Research +3

You can store the spells that Bennett learned during his lifetime, which are equivalent to extra spell slots and can be released and used at any time, including [Force Wall], [Monster Immobilization], [Protection from Energy Damage], etc. The number of spells that can be stored There are four, and it takes a day to enter them in advance.

After browsing the information about this piece of equipment, Cassius looked at Trump with an increasingly weird expression. This guy definitely has the potential to be a perverted boss.

"Intelligence bonus, spell storage."

"If you ignore his appearance, this is definitely the magic weapon of a mage."

Cassius sighed in his heart.

However, this piece of equipment has little effect on him, and his spellcasting does not rely on intelligence.

And the [Bennett's Wisdom] equipped by Trump, which he personally crafted, has an intelligence bonus that can reach a terrifying 20 points. This is already the pinnacle of wisdom for mortal beings. Above that are those who have mastered the profound knowledge. Spells, a great mage who can affect the world.

This is a huge improvement, and it’s no wonder Trump is so excited.

Cassius felt Lump's mood under the pressure of blood. He was indeed guilty, nervous, and uneasy.

Thinking of this, Cassius said calmly: "If you conduct experiments of this level in the future, you must report to me in advance. This will not happen next time."

"Yes, Master."

Trump knelt on the ground and replied quickly.

"I'll leave these mages to you and drain them of their value."

"My subordinates will definitely complete the mission!"

After discovering that Cassius was not angry and that he could get a new batch of mages as experimental subjects, Rumple was surprisingly happy.

Especially "Grey Eagle" Schroeder, Trump has been paying attention to him since the Arcane Monastery, and has long coveted his powerful spells, such as [Ice Storm].

After bidding farewell to Cassius, Rumple left in a hurry with the mages.

Even Cassius looked at them with pity because they were about to experience inhuman torture. After all, the hundreds of experiments Trump was conducting at the same time were no joke.

After losing its master, the completed [Wagnard Dragon-binding Array] still remained in place, temporarily suppressed by the power of the [Kingdom Domain], quietly waiting for its next activation.

"The Lionheart Knights of the Bosque family will be arriving soon."

"Schroeder, I really want to thank you for helping me catch this fat fish."

Cassius thought to himself.

The Lionheart Knights are the absolute elite force of the Bosque family. When they are thrown into the battlefield, even the Dragon Vein family members are difficult to deal with. In the battle of Trier, only seven people came to support, which caused a lot of damage to Doro. Trouble, the enemies within the Burning Kingdom have a high rating.

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