"Frost is coming!"

"Long live the Ember Kingdom!"

The war situation became increasingly chaotic. The army of Burning Ember Kingdom and the Frost Giant troops were fighting together. It was like a continuation of the battle between dragons and giants tens of thousands of years ago. The Burning Ember Familia with the blood of the red dragon and the Frost Giants with the blood of the giants continued. Fighting each other, they freely poured out the brutal power buried deep in their blood.

"It's time to end this."

Cassius stood on the top of the mountain, watching the tragic battle from a high position.

This human nobleman, who had been ignored by the giant, shone with tiny magical auras all over his body. His figure expanded rapidly, and finally turned into a huge body of twenty meters long - a red dragon.

Cassius was not in a hurry to join the battle. The surging and frantic power of magic surged in his body. Dozens of long-prepared spells were instantly activated under the influence of super magic - Heavenly Tribulation Dragon Eye, Jiaoruo Wandering Dragon , energy scales, immortal reverse scales, protection from energy damage, enhanced attributes, advanced shield technique

Accompanied by powerful mana fluctuations, dazzling magic auras reflected on the red dragon's body, bursting out with astonishing power.

This is the spellcasting ability of the True Dragon Warlock, coupled with the red dragon's own abundant magic equipment, making the spell intensity of his whole body reach an exaggerated level.


A long dragon roar came from the top of the mountain.

Both the Burning Embers and the Frost Giants all looked up.

It's just that their moods are different. Some are excited and excited, as if witnessing the arrival of gods, while others are worried and frightened.

Even Baya, who had always been reckless, was stunned at this moment:

"How could something like this exist in Anzetta? It's only been sixty years."

The frost giant priest even prayed repeatedly: "Sire Solem, is this, is this still a dragon from the Third Age?"

The red dragon hangs high on the top of the mountain, slowly waving its wings, and a disembodied golden vertical pupil hangs between its crown-like swept horns, as if it can see through everything, shocking any intelligent creature.

The surface of his huge and strong body was covered with golden and red scales, and there were energy fragments like star fragments surrounding him. There was even a layer of lightning coating, and all kinds of strange and dazzling energy wrapped around his body.

Every time the red dragon flaps its wings, thunder and lightning and the roar of fire will appear in the air. Even the weather is controlled, and rolling clouds of steam follow closely behind.

"The frost giant who overestimates his abilities."

"Not only will you lose the glory of your ancestors, but you will also lose everything in the future!"

After issuing the final declaration, Cassius flew across the sky. Different from the strong and clumsy impression that the red dragon always left on people, this red dragon not only had a strong body, but also showed a more terrifying appearance. speed.


The air was suddenly cut through, and there was a harsh scream.

The twenty-meter-long body turned into a huge afterimage and swooped down, cutting the sky like a bright red scalpel. Before the frost giants could recover from the shock, the red dragon rushed in The enemy is in formation.

Cassius ran rampant as if he were in no man's land. Any giant who was about to come into contact with his body would be engulfed by thunder and flames in an instant.

His body often turns into overflowing thunder and fire, like a moving natural disaster.

The frost giants struggled to throw spears, hand axes and even poisonous arrows. These methods were particularly effective for hunting white dragons, but they were all in vain in front of Cassius, and they were almost all blocked by the heavy spells.

During the time when the red dragon broke in, almost every breath was accompanied by the death of at least several frost giant warriors.

This level of unilateral slaughter was simply unimaginable to the frost giants who were always accustomed to crushing their enemies.


There was another crisp collision sound.

Doro's blood-fire battle ax actually shattered into pieces. He could no longer withstand Kasa's ax blow and was almost beheaded.

But he showed no sign of depression, and even laughed out loud proudly: "Hahaha! Stupid big guy, I have told you long ago that the master will not leave you a way to survive!"

"Even if you are lucky enough to kill me, you frost giants will still be exterminated!"

Kasa clenched the Winter's Roar in his hand and looked at the battlefield in the distance, staring at the red dragon that was like the god of death among the frost giant troops.

Unexpectedly, the frost giant's face did not show fear, nervousness, or despair as Doro had expected—it was instead filled with surging fighting spirit.

He picked up Winter's Roar with a grin, and even licked the blood seeping out of the corner of his mouth.

"Is it finally this time?"

"Do you know-"

"Besides the Bone Breaker, do I have another nickname?"

Doro was particularly wary of Kasa's abnormal behavior, but couldn't help but ask: "What?"

"Children of Winter!"

The frost giant rubbed the Winter's Roar in his hand, peeling off the blood-stained metal shell, revealing the purest essence inside - a battle ax condensed from pure ice crystals, containing unimaginable magic. strength.

Thorem, the god of frost giants and cold, disappeared with Annan after the collapse of the giant empire. However, before falling into a long sleep, the protective Thor divided his insignificant bit of divine power into hundreds of parts. Give it to his remaining descendants, and what Kasa holds is one of them - the purest power of eternal frost.

There was a light in his eyes, and a biting chill emanated from his whole body, surrounded by a layer of cold divine light.

Kasa held the winter tightly and roared like a demigod on earth.

The frost giant's blood was cold, but the fighting spirit in his heart was hot. He roared towards the sky.

"Red dragon! Your superficial magic cannot scare the great frost giant warrior!"

"In the name of Thorem, the god of cold and father of the frost giants, I will grant you eternal death!"

"Your strong body will be frozen into ice and then crushed to pieces!"

"Your head will become the most eye-catching collection in my honor room!"

And with his roar, the cold wind howled and danced in response to him, and the fierce blizzard swept in again, lifting him up.

The frost giant priests also hurriedly recited ancient spells and blessed him with various powerful blessing spells, making the cold wind howl even more.

The cold wind screamed in the air, and there was some kind of call from the ancient wilderness. The voice seemed a little urgent.

"Did you hear that?"

"Father God knows your name. You are not going to die soon, red dragon!"

Kasa triumphantly made a gesture of listening, laughed, and flew into the sky riding the blizzard.

As a true frost giant, and perhaps even a chosen one by the God of Cold, his ability to control the cold wind is far better than that of Oliver who is half-assed.

The blizzard surrounding him lurked murderous intent, and there were many ice cones containing a high concentration of eternal frost power. Even if Cassius took one, he would definitely not be in trouble.

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