Red dragon: in charge of natural disasters

Chapter 21 Exploring the Cave

"Boss, it's hard to get out of this hellish place. Do we really want to go in again?"

The archer warrior Kelu stared at the dark mine in front of him, still feeling a little frightened.

Hart was wearing leather armor and was applying sword oil to the long sword in his hand: "The Baron has given an order. If we don't dig out the gold, we will all die."

Scar, the barbarian wearing a bearskin, said displeasedly: "Sir, Baron, he is just a shabby boy, what qualifications do you have to let us die?

He snorted coldly: "If it weren't for the sake of gold, I would have given up my burden long ago!"

Crewe also echoed: "That's right, if I had known earlier, I would have taken the gold and ran away."

Hart had finished wiping his sword at this time, stood up and said seriously: "That is not some young boy who offended the North Wind Eagle. Who can survive in this world? Do you think you can outrun the Eagle Guard?"

Scarface said angrily: "I don't care what the eagle is, even if the dragon comes, it can't treat us as cannon fodder."

Hart just said: "Save your energy. What we have done is to put our heads on our waists. We finally have a legitimate identity. We can't waste our climb on this thigh."

"That accident was just an accident. Even if there is really a monster that eats so much, it should go to sleep."

"What's more -" He changed the subject.

"I also asked for a lot of serfs from the baron. Ah, no, according to the official statement of the kingdom, 'loyal and honest farmers' are called miners."

He looked behind him, and saw more than a hundred thin humans carrying backpacks arriving one after another, walking numbly under the whips of the supervisors on both sides. The salary for recruitment was only a few words - rice included, and you will not die of hunger.

However, what awaits them is not a job to avoid starvation, but a deep and dark mine and unknown monsters lurking in it.

"Grab the spear yourself," Hatter greeted.

"This is a special gift from Lord Baron to you for self-defense."

"If you encounter a monster, you will die if you retreat. Don't be afraid, just throw a spear at it."

"If someone dies, don't worry. The Baron will remember his merits, reduce his family's taxes, and compensate his family with food."

"Oh, by the way, get the pickaxe too."

These serfs were the cannon fodder he specially recruited from the baron. Naturally, in such a dangerous place, he could not let his men go first, let alone take the lead.

According to his experience of walking in the wilderness for many years, the best way to deal with large monsters is to throw spears. As long as there are enough people, the huge mammoth can be easily killed.

And even if it fails, with these cannon fodder at the bottom and letting the monsters fill their stomachs, they will not come back to catch up.

"Get in!"

"Hurry in! Don't wait!"

The miners who were deceived picked up weapons and walked toward the cave in disorder.

Even if someone realizes something is wrong and wants to escape, they have to obey orders under the merciless whips of the overseers.

But why do dozens of people armed with weapons show no resistance when faced with a few people?

Maybe this is something deep-rooted in my heart...

Facing an unknown territory, the people in front who were forced to take the lead raised their torches tremblingly, and under the coercion of whips and swords, they moved forward to explore.

Scar, who was following the serf group, marveled: "When it comes to slave trading, these noble men are still the most powerful."

“You don’t even need to bring in the goods, you can sell everyone.”

"Stop talking nonsense and come in quickly."

Soon, Hart and his team all entered the mine, leaving only a few soldiers at the door to respond.

What they didn't realize was that something else was quietly following them into the mine.

What he didn't even realize was that there was a spell called invisibility, which allowed him to completely disappear and not be discovered by ordinary mortals.

"Boss, I feel a little strange."

Crewe's senses were quite sharp, and he always felt that something was wrong, but he looked around and found nothing.

"Don't be paranoid here. We haven't gone very far yet and there is still a long way to go." Scar said disdainfully.

Hart just walked lightly behind and said in a deep voice: "Speak softly and watch the situation in front."

Walking downwards along the simple signboards built previously, the group gradually reached the depths of the mine.

The space inside is very spacious. This is where the kobolds worked hard before. The ground is still scattered with broken pickaxes, mine carts for transportation and ore that accidentally fell out.

A "miner" couldn't help but pick up the gold ore on the ground and smuggle it into his rough linen clothes.

However, this move was discovered by the sharp-eyed Scar.

The barbarian stepped forward, lifted the man's thin body up, shook it twice, and the sparkling golden ore fell out.

"What a mean thing like a kobold."

Scar threw him to the ground with one hand, stepped forward and crushed his arm with his foot, causing the man to scream in pain.

"Remember, everything here is the property of the Baron."

“You are here to mine, not to steal.

"Another violation..."

"Haha, you will never come out of this mine in your lifetime."

Scar grinned. He liked the feeling of taking control of other people's lives. It was one of the few pastimes in his life as a slave trader.

At the end of the team, Hart was indeed carefully observing the damage to the mine - the wooden door that had been violently knocked open, the stove that was squeezed and deformed, human limbs and fragments, and the fence that was torn and broken by huge force.

Looking at these marks, cold sweat broke out on Hart's head.

"A very scary monster."

"The strength may not be inferior to that of a frost giant."

For him, this was already a high praise. After all, those giants who came with the cold wind were one of the most terrifying enemies of the North Kingdom.

Hearing Scar on the side preaching, Hart was even more furious. He rushed forward and said to him in a low voice:

"The monster is probably still here."

"If you want to die, just say so and don't involve me."

"But, boss, our gold..."

This barbarian who was speechless and advocated violence wanted to reply, but there was a strange noise in the cave.

"Stop talking and listen carefully." Hart frowned.

"Dong dong..."

"Dong dong..."

A heavy, footsteps-like sound echoed in the dark mine, making people's hearts beat fast.

"This sound is coming from the rock wall." Hart thought.

He looked around the cliff, but it was still dark.

"in front of."

"on the left."

"No, it's from above." Crewe said solemnly.

This sound seemed to be traveling around and surrounding the mine, making it impossible for everyone to determine its source or direction.

It’s just that the sound seems to be getting closer and closer...

The crowd became chaotic and noisy, and soon someone wanted to return to the surface again, and this time even the overseers couldn't help but panic.

"Don't panic, pick up your weapons."

Hart's back was already wet with sweat. He had never been in close contact with the "monster" before, and the chaotic situation in front of him was beyond his expectation.

"Do not be afraid, raise your torches."

"It's over. This is definitely not an ordinary monster, but a terrifying hunter. It is causing panic and wants to catch us all." Hart thought.

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