In larger towns such as Beifeng Castle and Telo City, people's lives have undergone earth-shaking changes.

The several factories left by the Mechanicus continued to expand with the support of policies, and magical steam machinery gradually became known to the people.

Tall chimneys rise from the ground, far exceeding the low buildings in the past, and emit thick black smoke - so much so that the kingdom's spellcasters often use wind-making spells to disperse the haze over the city.

After the former serfs were liberated, many of them rushed from the countryside to the towns and became low-level workers in large factories. They endure the heaviest work and endure the harsh environment of polluted air, but at least they don't have to worry about the most basic food and clothing issues, let alone dying at home on a snowy night because there is no coal.

Cheap, large and filling mixtures made from potatoes, wheat, etc. in food manufacturing plants have become the first choice for many poor people to fill their stomachs.

The so-called "luncheon meat" made from leftovers, starch, and additives has also allowed many people from poor backgrounds to taste meat for the first time. During festivals and celebrations, families often get together to open the precious luncheon meat. Canned food, enjoy this rare delicious taste.

Due to the characteristics of the magic net, the exhaust gases emitted by these machines are far less deadly than those in the "Industrial Revolution" in the previous life, and can be regularly expelled through magic. Therefore, the treatment of workers is much better than those short-lived ghosts in previous history. Although they are tired, they are also It won't become a complete consumable.

Under the rule of the kingdom, people from all walks of life have different thoughts.

The former Northland nobles missed the generous treatment and elegant life in the past. They often gathered in dark taverns to talk loudly, comment on the current situation, accuse the current society of moral decay, and vent their dissatisfaction with the kingdom. The former Principality of Lachman was about to be described by them as A perfect utopia.

They often talk about "back when Grand Duke Lachman was in power" and "think about the time when my family was prosperous", and they have the demeanor of old men from the previous dynasty.

Although they talk very powerfully, once the guards or Nocturne people arrive, they will immediately disperse. After several nobles were thrown into jail on charges of "spreading rumors and slander", even such gatherings became rare.

Although the old aristocrats complained about their current tiring life, they still had to work to make ends meet.

Ordinary citizens quickly adapted to this kind of life. Under the kingdom's system, it was not only easier for them to meet their food and clothing needs, but they also had more channels for advancement. Various positions that were once the privileges of the nobility were now the goals that ordinary people strived for.

In this new era, the greatest hope of a citizen of Beifeng Castle is to pass the examination and become a clerk or tax officer. Even if he fails, he should try to become a factory manager. Some people also found another way and relied on their good physical fitness to participate in the assessment at the Dragon Oath Hall or the Red Scale Garrison.

The liberated serfs were grateful. Although under the inertia of thinking, they still do not understand the meaning of freedom, and are more accustomed to obeying the so-called "noble masters". But they have changed subtly, and gradually become loyal supporters of the kingdom's order. After all, they can barely fill their stomachs.

Of course, as a force transformed from the Burning Nest, a considerable part of the kingdom's ruling class are monster dependents. They occupy a special position in the kingdom and despise humans as the "conquered".

These dependents often follow the old ideas of the past, believing that the weak only deserve to be humiliated by the strong.

Despite the constraints of the kingdom, their ferocious nature cannot be changed. There are also many frictions between humans and monsters, and even shocking murders. Although these incidents will be quelled by the city guards, this is more like a cover-up.

Many residents feel uneasy about this situation, and the monsters are dissatisfied with being on an equal footing with these weak humans.

Tieflings, who are between "monsters" and "humans", often become the mediators in the middle.

Trump has often struggled to resolve racial conflicts. He has handled several sensational cases and executed many monsters who oppressed and harmed human beings. However, he has also sometimes deliberately concealed the truth or even killed people to silence them. .

For example, in the "bugbear murder case" that resulted in the death of nearly ten people, Trump strictly enforced the law, killed chickens to scare monkeys, and sent the bugbear to the guillotine without hesitation.

In a certain "suburban beggar disappearance case" that was suspected to be caused by a chimera, Trump used magic to cover up the truth and only gave the chimera the symbolic punishment of grounding.

Because in his view, both dependents and humans are just tools to make the kingdom stronger and part of the red dragon's great blueprint - his only criterion for making trade-offs is the kingdom's highest interests, the so-called identity, empathy The heart is not worth mentioning in the eyes of the ogre. As an archmage, he has long been separated from his original identity.

Trump's various policies and guidelines were basically discussed with players during the internal beta, and were improved and perfected by the Kingdom's think tank before being implemented.

Among the thousands of internal beta players, there are also more than a dozen players with experience in historical research and work experience in government agencies. Their thinking is particularly advanced when it comes to the Northland, where productivity is close to that of the Middle Ages. Even Trump values ​​those players.

In terms of military affairs, as the players left, the upgrading of ordnance suddenly stopped, but this also gave the kingdom's army sufficient time to practice and formulate tactics based on the current armaments.

Tactics such as the ground-to-air combination between the hobgoblin troops and the flying dragons, and the coordinated operations of line soldiers, artillery, and cavalry have all been developed through exploration.

Although most of them are still very crude, they can already have a crushing advantage over the northern troops of the same era.

The "On War" that the players copied and presented before leaving was regarded as a treasure by the hobgoblin warlord Doro. He often asked human scribes to read to him in his spare time, and asked his generals to figure it out together. He even I took this opportunity to learn a lot of common language vocabulary.

Generally speaking, society still maintains basic stability.

In the past three years, no matter how much unknown darkness is hidden behind the kingdom, and no matter how much horrific bloodshed is buried under the establishment of this new order, there is no doubt that this emerging country is still developing vigorously. And it has turned into a behemoth in dormancy that can shake the entire Northland alone, even when the red dragon is sleeping.

Just waiting for an opportunity to completely release this long-suppressed power.

To borrow a line from A Tale of Two Cities: “It was the best of times and it was the worst of times.”

The wheels of time are rolling forward, and anyone who does not conform to the order of the kingdom will be mercilessly run over and turned into chaos everywhere.

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