Red dragon: in charge of natural disasters

Chapter 25 Humans and Dragons

Cassius relied on his night vision to steadily walk out of the mine, only to find that the people had not gone far.

Although the battle just now was dangerous, it actually didn't take much time.

It would take an ordinary human being a lot of time to come out of a deep mine, let alone in such a chaotic situation.

Jinya greeted you at the entrance of the cave, bowing his waist in an extremely exaggerated manner: "My great master, your power is unstoppable. Even the most powerful monster cannot withstand your flames."

And those humans looked at the red dragon covered in blood that came out of the cave from a distance, and they all looked frightened.

The monster in the mine is already so terrifying, so to what extent should this dragon possibly defeat that monster?

They used their last strength to escape desperately.

Many people have been eaten by monsters in the mines, and some have been killed by falling rocks in the mines.

More than a hundred people originally entered the cave, but now only about fifty people were able to escape. Most of the rest were buried forever in the dark and deep mine.

Jin Ya came forward in a flattering manner and asked: "My great master, I wonder how you will deal with these despicable human beings?"

There was a hint of cunning in the kobold's eyes.

It was once enslaved by humans, and now has its chance for revenge.

"I have my own plans."

The red dragon didn't care at all, and just waved its wings with difficulty, soared into the air, and caught up with the crowd.

The crowd was in an uproar and terrified. Run even harder.

But how can running speed keep up with flying?

Soon, the shadow cast by the red dragon enveloped the panicked crowd.

However, people did not wait for the imaginary flames, nor the imaginary claws, nor the imaginary bloody mouth.

"Humans, you have violated the territory of the Ember Nest."

"But the merciful red dragon is willing to forgive your mistakes."

"This time, I will only give the culprit the punishment he deserves."

The red dragon swooped down and skimmed the ground, only catching the most conspicuous one wearing armor—that is, Hart.

Then he flew back to the cave door.

Hart, who had just been caught in the claws of the red dragon, fell heavily to the ground. He knelt on the ground for a while, not daring to stand up at all. He was so frightened that even his tongue began to tremble: "Ju, Mr. Dragon, I was wrong."

"No, no, no, you have to eat me, I, I don't taste good."

The originally arrogant and domineering slave trader was now trembling with fear.

Cassius looked down at him condescendingly and found that Hart was actually a third-level warrior. He pretended to be angry: "Who gave you the courage to invade the territory of Ember Nest and rob the dragon's gold?"

In Red Dragon's shameless propaganda, the gold mine has become his own property.

The kobold on the side felt happy when he saw the former slave owner in such a mess, and couldn't help but threaten him: "You are just a despicable human being, how dare you invade the property of the great dragon and enslave its people. There is only one fate for you - to be torn into pieces!"

Hearing the words "torn into pieces," Hart collapsed to the ground in fear.

His face was covered with snot and tears, and he kept mumbling: "I didn't do it, it was someone else who instigated me, someone else asked me to do it."

Cassius became interested when he heard someone behind him.

"who is it?"

"Tell me the name of the thief."

Hart heard that there seemed to be hope of survival, and immediately grasped at straws and answered without hesitation.

"It's Baron Todd!"

"Todd Luckman!"

Hearing this, Cassius became more interested and asked:

"From the Luckman family?"

"Is this the so-called Eagle of the North Wind, the ruler of North Wind Castle?"

Hart nodded repeatedly and rushed to answer. His tone was so sincere at the critical moment of life and death.

"Yes, yes, Lord Dragon, that's the Luckman."

Hart knelt on the ground, raised his head carefully, and burst into tears.

"Lord Dragon, you have to make the decision for me!"

"This is Baron Todd. He controlled me with evil spells, threatened me with the lives of my family, and made me have to obey his orders. That's why he came here to invade your property."

Now that the matter has come to this, Hart no longer cares about the so-called loyalty. Saving his life is the most important thing. If there is any blame, he will blame the baron.

"It's really interesting."

As far as he knew, the old Duke of the Luckman family was a vampire, and most of his descendants had become spawns or new vampires. The so-called Baron Todd was probably also a vampire - and this would become It was an opportunity for him to grasp the information about Beifeng Castle.

The red dragon grinned: "Where is the Baron Todd you mentioned now?"

Hart was stunned for a moment, then quickly replied: "Master Dragon, I can take you to find him, but you must let him compensate you for your losses."

Proper behavior of leading the party.

"Okay, but we have to wait for a while."

The red dragon grabbed the human, flapped its wings and flew up again, heading straight for the Burning Ember Nest.

Nest of Burning Embers.

Cassius landed still greeted by the flying dragon.

But this time, the wounds all over his body aroused various speculations among his family members as to who could have injured him like this. However, no one dared to speak at this time for fear of angering the injured red dragon.

The great goblin Doro also brought a group of warg cavalry to greet him at the door, with a flattering expression on his face.

The red dragon threw Nahat in front of the hobgoblin and said: "Watch this human, don't let him escape, don't let him die."

"Yes, great master, I will definitely complete the mission and will never let you down again."

The hobgoblin promised, waving his whip and giving instructions.

Immediately, several strong bugbears came forward carrying a piece of animal skin, placed the human on it, and transported it to the military camp prison.

After giving the instructions, the red dragon flew directly back to the Giant's Mouth Cave.

He went directly to the deepest part of the cave and moved away the stones that had previously blocked the entrance.

"I see, no wonder I felt palpitations before."

"It's time to clean up the hidden dangers in the nest."

Cassius said to himself.

He jumped directly into the hole.

There were lava splashing everywhere inside, and bursts of white smoke and hot steam came out.

But the scalding magma is just hot water to the red dragon, and the sulfurous heat makes him feel more at home.

After walking down for a long time, he didn't know how many meters he had dived, and finally saw another cave entrance - only blocked by the rolling lava flowing down.


The red dragon jumped out of the magma.

Magma splashed out, burning the hard rock.

It was an extremely long and narrow tunnel with no end in sight.

The entrance to the cave was only more than four meters high. The red dragon tried its best to contract its wings before he could barely enter. He continued to groping forward.

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