After being promoted, Cassius jumped off the dark cliff, hoping to gain some trophies from the Green-footed Dragon Snake.

But he came to the bottom of the cliff and looked around.

But suddenly I found that things were far from that simple.

Because there are not only the bodies of the Green-footed Dragon Snake on the ground, but also more huge and ancient skeletons scattered around.

Each of these skeletons is more than ten meters long. From the ferocious snake-shaped skull and narrow spine, it can be seen that these skeletons are all green-footed dragon snakes.

And there are hundreds of them!

The huge skeleton almost occupied the entire ground at the bottom of the cliff, paving a rather spectacular road of bones. The corpse of the green-footed dragon snake was inconspicuous among them.

Hundreds of green-footed dragon snakes.

What kind of concept is this?

Just a blue-footed dragon snake, the red dragon already had to use all possible means to win with great difficulty.

And ten green-footed dragon snakes swarmed up, and the violent thunder was enough to electrocute the red dragon into charcoal.

And what about the hundreds of green-footed dragon snakes?

It is no exaggeration to say that this is enough to easily destroy a human kingdom.

"The oldest of these skeletons is probably thousands of years old and is about to turn into ashes."

"What the hell is this place?"

Cassius felt his scalp numb and couldn't help but exhale a breath of sulfur-smelling hot breath.

At this moment, he no longer paid attention to the dead green-footed dragon snake, he only wanted to explore the secrets of this terrible road.


The claws of his feet stepped on those ancient skeletons, making a crisp sound.

The red dragon tiptoed on the road of bones, walking step by step towards the depths of the dark road.

There are towering cliffs on both sides of the road, which is almost straight.

I kept walking for a long time.

At the end of the road is a huge stone door.

There are thick stone pillars on both sides with characters engraved on them.

The stone gate does not have too many decorations. It is just carved with simple patterns. The carvings are not very exquisite, but they give people a sense of strength and primitive wildness coming from the wilderness. You can barely tell that the pattern is a bird in the storm. Eye.

"Storm giant?"

Cassius couldn't help but mutter to himself.

The wind shield of the ancient giant empire also lasted for a long time, and the storm giant was the highest rank among the giants.

These storm giants are rare in number. They live in a corner of the world far away from mortals, recalling the glory of the past. They are hidden prophets who are good at deep thinking.

He carefully observed the words on the stone pillars on both sides.

"Ancient Giant Language"

The red dragon does not know these ancient languages, and they may have died with the passing of the giant empire.

However, the translucent blue panel quietly unfolded.

[The wisdom of the warlock enables you to trace things further back. ]

[The words in front of you evoke the deepest memories of your blood. ]

[The memory of the protracted war between dragons and giants that lasted for several generations has been deeply rooted in your blood and flowing in every vein of your body]

Cassius fell into a trance and fell into a haze.

He saw a terrifying army of dragons, their densely packed wings enough to cover the sky.

The giants are waiting, their huge bodies occupying the horizon.

The two grappled together, shocking the world.

Carrying out the most primitive collision.

The storm giant throws thunder with endless power, the cloud giant creates rolling clouds, and the stone giant lifts boulders like hills.

[You gain valuable knowledge from ancient times. ]

[Acquire skill proficiency items [Ancient Dragon Language +4], [Ancient Giant Language +2]]

When Red Dragon woke up, he already had a lot of inherited knowledge in his mind.

Cassius stared at the words on the stone pillar and read them softly:

"I pursue the great relics and recover the legacies lost when the empire fell.

Only to find out in the end that God has abandoned us.

I have seen the rise and fall of royal families and the victory and defeat of wars, and I am tired of the endless battle between good and evil.

So I descended from the sky and sank into the abyss of the earth. The weapons of the past would guard the door for me.

All things that come from afar, please remain humble.

Don't disturb my sleep.

Otherwise, the enraged storm giant will bring even more complete destruction.

This is my final prophecy as a prophet.

——Storm Giant Elder Lander's Tower rests here. "

After reading this text, or an epitaph.

Cassius's breathing couldn't help but become a little rapid. He took a deep breath and once again blew out a piece of white smoke that smelled of sulfur.

"This is a storm giant's tomb, and those green-footed dragon snakes are just gatekeepers for him."

"What a luxury."

"In other words, there may be extremely precious treasures in this tomb."

The greed that originated from the depths of the red dragon's bloodline and from Tiamat was urging him over and over again to open this stone door.

“But the epitaph foretold that he would bring even more complete destruction.”

"It's better to be careful."

After all, Cassius is not the purebred red dragon with a brain full of muscles in the adventure story, but reason still prevails.

But this does not mean that he has given up exploring this tomb, but it means that he is prepared to wait until his body is fully recovered and all preparations are complete before he considers further exploration.

So, the red dragon temporarily lived here.

Yes, he stayed.

Cassius first returned to the place where he fought with the Green-footed Dragon Snake, preparing to eat the broken body into his belly.

The Green-footed Dragon Snake is very powerful, so its muscles are particularly chewy and have a tingling sensation of lightning. This is because it is a magical monster and contains special energy in its body.

"Like the spicy hot pot I had in my previous life."

Cassius said as he chewed.

This is the highest evaluation Red Dragon has given to food in this world so far.

The dragon can easily digest half his body weight in meat per day, and he can convert food into elemental energy and store it for later use.

Much of this stored energy is used in its breath weapon, as well as in the many growth spurts it will experience throughout its life.

In this way, the red dragon sometimes ate the green-footed dragon snake meat, sometimes studied the words on the stone pillars, and sometimes lay on the pile of bones and fell asleep.

Several days passed.

The troglodyte huddles in a crack in the cave ceiling.

This giant worm-like monster is completely green and black, blending in with the background.

They wait quietly in the cave.

Whenever prey approaches, the burrowing claw monster will stand up, spread out its four hooked tentacles, and reveal a hungry beak flapping in the middle.

However, just when it was waiting for prey to arrive like a dead thing, a bloody mouth suddenly appeared and tore it out of the cave.

The soft and elastic body struggled for a moment before being stuffed into its mouth by thick and powerful claws.

“Chicken flavor, crunchy and crunchy.”

Cassius commented as he chewed the rather malleable meat.

This monster is like a god of death to ordinary explorers, but to the red dragon it is just a nice snack.

Now the scales on the red dragon's body are bright and smooth, its wounds have all healed, its energy is very high, and all its magic spells have been restored.

"It's time to look at that so-called 'destruction'."

Cassius continued to chew the troglodyte, thinking to himself.

In the memory of the previous life, someone once obtained legendary level equipment from a cave somewhere in the North, and this is probably the rumored location.

And after he killed the Green-footed Dragon Snake, he felt as if a mechanism had been triggered, as if some kind of power was brewing, and it was likely to completely destroy this place, and by then, he would have completely lost this precious opportunity.

But for me, who is still in the growth stage and surrounded by powerful enemies, this kind of substantial improvement is definitely something that can only be met but not sought.

"Bo Yi Bo, the bicycle becomes a motorcycle."

Cassius gritted his teeth and thought as he felt his body full of energy and magic energy.

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