Red dragon: in charge of natural disasters

Chapter 29 Eye of the Storm King

Cassius stretched his wings and swept over the crumbling stone bridge.

But instead of running away, he flew in the direction of the storm giant's body.

The hurricane blew him left and right, and the swaying lightning arcs chased him. Lightning struck behind him one after another, carving out deep charred pits one after another in the ruins.

The red dragon tried its best to dodge in the wild air currents, flapped its wings with all its strength against the violent storm, and flew crookedly towards the center of the storm.

The closer you get to the center, the more intense the reaction of the surrounding elements becomes, and arcs are even densely distributed in every inch of the air.

After a few breaths passed, the red dragon was covered in wounds.

Although protected by several spells, due to such a violent elemental reaction, scorched black scars appeared on his body.

The golden scales were also corroded by acid rain, leaving dense pits, and even the surface of his body was surrounded by electric arcs. Every time he waved his wings, his body would make a sizzling sound.

Finally, he was only ten meters away from the body.


Another bolt of lightning as thick as a bowl struck Cassius, so fast that he was unaware of it.

[Spell Invalid Barrier]

The invisible barrier emerged and shattered after barely resisting the lightning, saving his life again and leaving Cassius feeling frightened.

He couldn't waste any more time.


The red dragon let out a long, childish roar, but it was almost a roar, and even his voice was a little hoarse.

Immediately afterwards, it flapped its wings with all its strength, relying on its powerful body to resist the increasingly violent storm, and finally managed to fly close to the body of the storm giant.

"Gotta get there!"

Cassius roared.

At this moment, the violent thunder has turned into purgatory, surrounding him layer by layer. As long as he takes half a step, he will instantly turn into charcoal.

There was no way out for him to retreat.

Cassius ignored the incoming thunder and just stared into the storm giant's eyes.

The storm giant's eye was made of amber, surrounded by bright lightning, which contained unimaginable terrifying power.

That was not just the remains of a giant, it was clearly a terrifying magical relic!

This is the most intuitive manifestation of the storm giant's great power in controlling natural disasters during his lifetime, and it is also the executor of the storm giant's realization of his last prophecy - to bring about the most complete destruction.

It was it that launched this terrifying spell.

"Come down here!"

Cassius's muscles bulged and he tried his best.

Just before the thunder was about to swarm in and swallow up the red dragon - he actually tore the eye out of the storm giant's eye socket and held it tightly in his claws.


In an instant, the eye of the storm giant triggered the surrounding thunder and lightning, creating a terrifying vortex of lightning energy in the magic network.

The red dragon's whole body twitched, and its flesh and blood vaporized.

A dazzling and dazzling thunder light emerged from the gaps between his claws, making the palms of his hands transparent, and even the bones in his body could be seen clearly.

But he still held it tightly, because he knew that if he let go, he might end up dead without a burial, being turned into ashes by the thunder around him.

One second.

Two seconds.

Three seconds.

A few breaths passed.

As the red dragon breathed heavily, the light in its claws gradually dimmed.


In an instant, the incoming thunder subsided like an ebbing tide, while the billowing dark clouds in mid-air gradually dissipated under the blow of the wind.

The strong storm hit the walls left and right in the cave, slowly lost its strength and returned to calm.

Everything returns to darkness and tranquility.

It's just that the previously majestic tomb has now been reduced to rubble and ruins, just like any cave that has experienced collapse, and the afterglow of the ancient giant empire can no longer be seen from it.

"it's over--"

Cassius breathed out a deep breath of hot, sulphurous breath.

He spread his paws carefully.

On the thick claws, much of the flesh and blood was burnt black, and the scales were melted into ugly lumps, but the red dragon didn't care about this, his eyes were full of anticipation and excitement.

The blue amber-like "eyes" lie quietly in the palm of your hand, like a beautiful crystal gem that can be inlaid on any noble lady's dress.

Only the faintly flickering blue light could barely remind Cassius of the terrifying thunder just now and the terrifying storm that shocked him.

[The ancient storm surrenders to your power. ]

[You obtain the legendary equipment——[Eye of the Storm King]]

【Eye of the Storm King】

Quality: Legend

Creator: Landetta Hurricane Algates

Introduction: The legendary druid and storm giant elder Landeta once noticed the shining stars and the deep ocean in the empty castle, seeking all the marks and signs left by Annan. The storm giants can control the weather and change the fate of millions of creatures in an instant, but they know that even intervening in many things is ultimately futile.

Therefore, Randetta buried his life's collection underground, sealed the great power comparable to natural disasters in his eyes, and silently waited for himself to be dusted and forgotten together with the remains of the empire. Of course, if there is an impolite intruder, Randetta will not mind giving him the most complete death.

"The enraged storm giants will bring about more complete destruction. This is my final prophecy. - Rand Tower"


【Revenge Storm】-charge release

【Control the weather】-once a week

[Storm Reverberation Body]: Contact causes additional lightning damage. After multiple stacks, there is a chance to summon thunder and lightning, and obtain a certain lightning immunity effect.

【Storm of Vengeance】

Nine-ring conjuration spell

A churning dark cloud will spread from a point you can see to a radius of 120 meters, filling the area with lightning, thunder and howling winds. All creatures under the cloud will have There is a chance of falling into a state of persistent deafness.

Revenge Storm will have different effects depending on the control. Acid rain will fall from the clouds, lightning will be summoned from the clouds, hail will pour down from the clouds, and strong winds and ice rain will hit the area under the clouds, causing damage to the area. Heavy masking. Strong winds in the area will automatically blow away any magical or non-magical smoke and other similar phenomena in the area.

【Control Weather】

Eighth Ring Transformation Spell

You can control the weather conditions within 5 miles of yourself during the duration of the spell. You can freely change conditions such as precipitation, temperature, and wind, and you can spend a certain amount of time creating extreme weather such as hail, thick fog, and blizzards. When the spell ends, the weather will gradually return to normal.


"I can only say that it is a relic of the legendary Druid."

The red dragon couldn't help but widen his eyes, his pupils opened extremely wide, and he could even clearly see the deep orange, flame-like irises inside.


Cassius only had two words to comment on this equipment.

With just this [Eye of the Storm King], his risk-taking adventure paid off. If this piece of equipment was placed on the black market in the previous life, it would not be an exaggeration to sell it for a sky-high price of hundreds of millions of dollars.

[Revenge Storm] is a noble nine-ring top-level spell. It is no exaggeration to say that as long as it is cast, it can easily determine the direction of a battle.

[Control the weather] is also an extremely precious eighth-level high-level spell, and it also has a wide range of adaptability.

Even the additional [Storm Reverberation Body] is a weapon for close combat.

Cassius held the blue gem tightly in his claws, for fear of losing it. For the first time, he felt what the Chimera felt when he was busy transferring the gold coins.


Huge boulders fell from the dome, almost hitting the red dragon's head, and then hit the ground, turning into rubble flying everywhere.

Cassius looked up and was shocked to find that the cracks in the cave roof were becoming more profound and obvious, and they were rapidly spreading toward the heart like a spider web.

"No, this underground world is about to collapse!"

"Run away!"

The red dragon hurriedly flapped its wings and flew, struggling to avoid the falling boulders in the air. Fortunately, after experiencing improved agility, he was far more powerful than the ordinary red dragon.

On the one hand, he felt the joy of obtaining the treasure, and on the other hand, he felt the helplessness of being in danger again. Cassius was in pain and happiness.

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