Red dragon: in charge of natural disasters

Chapter 31 North Wind Eagle Guard (2)

The Chimera completed its dive, with great results.

This was just one impact, but it knocked down three Eagle Guards, causing many monsters in the Burning Nest to burst into enthusiastic cheers. Even the two-legged flying dragon, which had always been unruly and only submitted to the red dragon, raised its head and screamed.


The three-headed monsters were so proud that all three heads let out a hearty roar.

It vibrated its wings vigorously and climbed up again along the airflow, trying to make the next impact.

"Monster, your opponent is me!"

A dark shadow passed behind the Chimera.

The combination of Alger's superb riding skills and the giant eagle's flying skills allowed the giant eagle to fly on the airflow of the Chimera's flight, which also put them in the blind spot where the Chimera could not see.

He leaned forward and swung the sharp sword in his hand, slicing the Chimera's tough fur.

Blood splashed in mid-air.


The chimera let out an angry howl as she felt the hurt in her back.

Immediately afterwards, the Chimera turned rapidly in the air and slapped the original back position with its thick dragon tail.


Alger called to his partner and crossed his legs.

The giant eagle immediately understood and rolled sideways in the air, nimbly dodging the blow.

The dragon's tail waved in the air, and the Chimera was furious. While speeding up its flight, it twisted the dragon's head and breathed out scorching flames at the Eagle Guard behind it.


Flames burned in the air.

But the Chimera's neck obviously doesn't rotate in all directions.

Alger controlled the giant eagle with one hand, and with just a slight turn to the side, he avoided the flame breath, and with the advantage of mobility, he flew diagonally to the attack blind spot directly above the Chimera.

"If you master the sky, you master everything." The old instructor often told them.

Seeing the Eagle Guard following closely behind her, the Chimera swooped down again.


Relying on its familiarity with the terrain, it instantly spread its dragon wings and made an emergency stop, hoping to make the Eagle Guard fall headlong onto the rock wall.

However, Alger didn't agree with this.

He just followed the Chimera leisurely, turning around calmly.

But this time when he turned around, his sharp eyes like an eagle noticed some different details.

The Chimera's left wing was half a beat too slow in unfolding.

But it was at this moment that Alger was keenly aware of it.

"It's got an old wound on its left wing!"

Alger said excitedly.

He stroked his feathers lightly, and the giant eagle screamed in the air and swooped down.


This time the sword blade cut across the Chimera's hindquarters.

Alger was very patient when dealing with large monsters.

He never expects to kill with one blow, but rather wants to take advantage of his mobility and slowly bleed the opponent.

When facing this kind of monster, a patient hunter can often harvest trophies, while an impatient green man often loses his life when the monster inadvertently tramples on him.

Except, of course, for the barbarians.

Knowing that Chimera's wings had old injuries and could not easily change direction, the Eagle Guard captain's attack became even more unscrupulous.

This time, the giant eagle actually hovered on its belly.

"A flood of action!"

Alger's muscles bulged and his movements suddenly sped up.

In just a few seconds, he swung his swords several times in succession. Each sword cut through the tough and thick lion skin, penetrated deep into the flesh and blood, and even touched the soft internal organs of the Chimera.


The Chimera let out a cry of pain, then endured the severe pain and struck down with its sharp claws.

But at this time, the giant eagle knight had come to his side and discovered the next flaw.

"Cut with the trend!"

Alger had just finished his sword strike, and then slashed sideways, accurately slicing away the Chimera's sharp claws that were slapping down.

The Chimera howled again and raised its three heads.

Eagle feathers flew and blood splattered everywhere.

With Alger's superb skills, the giant eagle flew over the Chimera's back, sides, and abdomen again and again in the air. His giant sword caused the monster's blood to splatter again and again, but the Chimera didn't even have a feather. Hard to come across.

This is the difference between a beast and a warrior.

The flying dragons flapped their wings and stepped forward, wanting to help.

But they cannot protect themselves.

Soon, each bipedal flying dragon was surrounded and harassed by a small formation of seven or eight Eagle Guards. They could only roar helplessly and furiously, and stabbed everywhere with their tails.

"Eager, enter on the left side."

There was a hint of excitement in Alger's tone. Every time he killed such a large monster, his blood would rush.

"I want this guy's wings cut off!"


With a sharp eagle scream, Alger and the giant eagle turned into a black shadow and swooped down, flying towards the already dizzy Chimera.

Just when his big sword was about to cut off the dragon's wing——


A blazing fireball rushed from the ground towards the giant eagle.

The ogre magician Rumpu has been observing on the ground for a long time, waiting for an opportunity for them to relax.


Alger shouted and twisted his body to adjust his direction.

The giant eagle unexpectedly turned sideways during its dive, narrowly escaping the bombardment of the fireball again.

Only the feathers on the right wing were swept by the flames, leaving a black mark.

However, at this time, he had already adjusted once in the air, and his posture was a bit awkward.

The Chimera also came to his senses and realized that this was a rare opportunity, but the scars that kept accumulating made it almost lose its mind, and it just wanted to vent its long-accumulated anger. It roared and swung its lion claws. "Bang!" Suddenly, the eagle feathers flew and blood splashed. The giant eagle and the knight on it were knocked out more than ten meters. But even under such an attack, Alger still clamped his legs and did not fall from the giant eagle while spinning and rolling in the air. "Eagle, right!" However, not only did he not fall, he even adjusted his center of gravity to help the injured giant eagle maintain balance, spread his wings and maintained the most basic flight. Seeing that Alger was still in the air, the Chimera became even more angry and rushed forward again. "Eagle Guards assemble!" "This Chimera is almost dead!" Alger raised his long sword. The Eagle Guards who were fighting with the flying dragons around immediately dispersed, gradually surrounded the Chimera from all directions, and prepared to harass it again in formation. Arrows were shot from all directions, and occasionally they had to deal with the lance charge from behind.

Chimera was already covered in wounds and could not bear the heavy burden.

Although Chimera was not very smart, it knew that if it continued like this, the situation would be bad. It really could not stand the invasion of these hateful "flies".

So, the three heads of Chimera let out a hoarse roar at the same time. It bluffed and attacked several times, and took the opportunity when the Eagle Guards dodged and scattered, and turned around and fled.

It wanted to escape to the cave and defend it.

Alger instantly saw Chimera's intention.

"He wants to escape!"

"Eagle Guards, prepare to charge in groups!"

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