Red dragon: in charge of natural disasters

Chapter 324 The Battle of Ocaglar (6)

In this grand war involving more than 100,000 people, even the death of a young earl was just an insignificant corner of the battlefield and did not even cause much ripples.

The kingdom's army continues to advance, seemingly unstoppable, and all order seems to be gradually collapsing. Military orders can no longer even be transmitted to the headquarters. The private armies of each family fight on their own, at all costs to preserve their own strength.

In this chaotic situation, the most elite force of the Principality of Bosque, the private army inherited by the family for hundreds of years, finally came out in full force.

"Knights of the Lionheart! March!"

"Fight for Archduke Leo! Fight for the Principality of Bosque!"

The Grand Knight of the Knights of the Lionheart, "Knight of the Golden Lion" Maxi Stewart holds a shield in his left hand and raises a spear with the flag of Bosque in his right hand.

The flags flew in the air, and the battle roars of the Lionheart Knights were like the roar of lions, shaking the battlefield.

"Fight for Archduke Leo!"

"Fight for the Principality of Bosque!"

One hundred and twenty members of the Lionheart Knights are led by six prestigious knight captains. Almost everyone in the team is a professional of level 4 or above, and when they unite to form a neat battle formation, they are even more capable. Showing a powerful strength that far exceeds their combined strength.

The luxurious armors and dazzling shields of the Lionheart Knights quickly attracted the attention of the enemies, not only the kingdom's troops who wanted to eat this piece of fat and gain credit, but also the players who wanted to pick up corpses and get equipment. He was staring at these lion-hearted knights who were full of rich aura with red eyes.

"Damn, these elite monsters are so handsome!"

"Save me a suit of armor!"

"Hey, I really want to strip them all naked."

"It's the Lionheart Knight! Kill them, and we can get the title!"

Maxi was not afraid at all. He just raised the sword of oath in his hand and shouted an order: "All the lion-hearted knights obey the order and protect the connection!"

The Lionheart Knights simultaneously raised their silver swords, which glowed with dazzling light. As the holy oath spell took effect, radiant chains connected them. Each knight group led by a senior knight captain was connected together. Twenty people formed a small group, and these groups were jointly connected to the "Golden Lion" Knight's sword.

In the end, these more than 120 people were closely connected, and they raised their heavy shields one after another, forming an indestructible and glorious fortress that focused on the battlefield.

They integrate offense and defense, take care of each other, and have their own division of labor.

Damage hitting any one of the members will be distributed to the entire Order.

And their attacks can also be superimposed on a certain member, showing unimaginable power.

This also allows the Lion-Hearted Knights to become mobile fortresses on the battlefield, which can be defended and destroyed. This is what is known as the "Lion Barrier" in the North.

"Kill them all!"

"For the King of Embers!"

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Accompanied by the roar of gunfire, the hobgoblins and tiefling infantrymen poured bullets at them frantically.

However, ripples of spells appeared on the silver shields of the Lionheart Knights, sparking a dazzling brilliance that actually blocked all these powerful bullets shot by the most advanced semi-automatic rifles.

The kingdom's troops had never seen such a defense before.

The ogre grenadiers threw grenades one after another, trying to throw them into the knights' battle formation, thereby causing a lot of damage from within them.

And the players have endless methods, including spears, hammers, poison cans, Molotov cocktails, even the smelly leather pants of the kobolds, and the feces of the flying dragons. Anyway, anything that can cause some damage will be thrown out by them as weapons. .

Of course, they have their own explanations.

War is inherently diverse.

But that glorious shield actually appeared directly above the legion, blocking debris from all directions and making the players' plans fail.

It is worthy of being the most elite force of the Bosque family, and under the leadership of Maxi, the Lionheart Knights maintained their formation and marched steadily, their sharp spears piercing all monsters and players blocking their path.

They miraculously stabilized the defense lines of the surrounding coalition forces, and even had a faint tendency to push back.

"Damn, what a hard turtle shell!"

"How can we fight like this? Is there any Tu Xingsun here to dig into the ground?"

"Where's the wild warlock? Come out and save me. Give me a nine-ring spell!"

"No, no, no, no, no, who knows whether her nine-ring spell will hit teammates or opponents."

The players were talking a lot and were helpless with the "Lion Fortress" in front of them, and came up with many strange methods.

The kingdom's commanders are also troubled by this. The ogre's heavy artillery should be able to blast away their defenses, but now the two sides are fighting together, and those hundreds of kilograms of cannonballs can easily cause unnecessary damage to their own side. Kill.

"Let them see the ways of nature

"I'm coming! Ouch——"

The naked Brother Shengguang roared.

With the addition of [Giant Transformation Technique], he lay on the ground in a strange posture, turned into a huge giant bear, jumped down from the top of the slope, and rushed towards the group of lion-hearted knights.


The Lionheart Knights raised their spears in unison.

The giant bear transformed by Brother Shengguang was punched with dozens of holes in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, the transformation spell failed, and the naked buttocks of Brother Shengguang slowly fell off like meat on a skewer, lying on the silver shield of the Lionheart Knight, and blood also flowed down.

"Disgusting thing, an opponent with no sense of honor."

Maxi shook off the body hanging on the spear with a look of disgust on his face and raised the flag.

"Destroy them!"

"We are invincible!"

"We are descendants of lions!"

The Lionheart Knights also cheered and shouted, and they even sang the high-melody "Song of the Lion of the North" as if they had triumphed.

Faced with such a determined and powerful team, it seems that there is nothing the Burning Ember Kingdom's army can do.

Suddenly, the air became hot and twisted, and sparks flew in the air. The hobgoblins, tieflings and even ogres all made way for a wide path.

Neat, dull footsteps sounded.

I saw dragon-born holy warriors dressed in gorgeous red armor, with flames shining all over their bodies, approaching in formation. Under their heavy helmets, pairs of golden, shimmering pupils were revealed, full of fanaticism.

"Implementing rule with an iron fist——"

"The Dragon Lord is above all else——"

"For the King of Embers!"

At the front of the team, Anthony raised his flaming sword high and roared. The red dragon scales on his face were bulging, making him look particularly ferocious.

It's the Dragonborn Holy Warrior!

In the sky above the battle formation, there seemed to be an illusory dragon shadow slowly waving its wings, glaring at the enemies below.

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