Red dragon: in charge of natural disasters

Chapter 33 North Wind Eagle Guard (4)

Alger swooped down quickly, taking advantage of the red dragon's bulky and clumsy disadvantage, preparing to fly past its side to launch an attack, and then circled around to the blind spot behind it.

"Destroy the enemy first"

Cassius's vertical pupils flashed with purple mana light, and he could see directly through Alger's flight direction, and his strong and powerful claws followed his flight path.


Alger clamped his legs together, tightened the reins on the giant eagle, forced its body to the right, completed a change of direction in a high-speed dive, and finally barely escaped the slap.


There was a sound cutting through the air from behind.

Alger piloted the giant eagle and flew to the side, his brows furrowed and his heart pounding.

He raised his head and looked into the distance. The dozen or so surviving Eagle Guards had not yet escaped from sight, and behind them were flying dragons roaring in pursuit.

"At least, hold on until they completely escape."

Alger murmured to himself.

He seemed to be flying around the door of death.

The monster in front of him was unusually agile, unlike a real red dragon. Moreover, it seemed to be able to understand the direction of its attack, making it difficult for ordinary feint harassment tactics to work.

And Cassius also became interested in this extremely mobile giant eagle knight.

"As annoying as flies."

"But it's a good unit."

He stared at the giant eagle flying rapidly around, blowing out a breath of hot sulfurous breath.

Alger continued to fly around, trying to find flaws in the red dragon, and finally he discovered the blind spot in its vision.

"right here!"

He swooped down again, relentlessly.

Alger wielded his silver sword in both hands and used the force of his dive to slash at the red dragon's body.


Not only did he not cause any harm to the red dragon, he actually made his arms numb from the shock.

The scale that was struck turned into a lustrous golden color, and the blow was as if it had struck a piece of metal.

"The body of the reverberating storm!"

Cassius roared softly, and lightning suddenly released from his claws, quickly covering his body.

Alger immediately drew his sword to avoid it, but the electric current had already been transmitted to his body along the silver sword, and also flowed through the giant eagle's body.

A sharp eagle whistle sounded.

The feathers on the giant eagle's body exploded and stood up, and its whole body was even surrounded by fine arcs of electricity, which made its body feel a sharp pain, followed by paralysis and weakness all over the body.

"It's obviously a red dragon, how is that possible?"

As a warrior, Alger had a strong physique. Although he was in pain, he would not be seriously injured by this fleeting electric current.

He reluctantly controlled the giant eagle to prevent it from losing balance and falling, but every time he waved his wings, there was an explosion of electricity from the giant eagle, so he could only try to reduce his movements and glide at low speed in mid-air.

"It's the caster!"

This red dragon is a spell caster!

And this lightning is by no means a natural spell of the red dragon, but something learned!

Alger secretly thought to himself that there was nothing worse than being an enemy of a Dragon Mage or Dragon Warlock.

He turned his head, only to find that the red dragon grinned with sharp teeth, and its golden pupils flashed with a shocking light.

Alarm bells rang in his heart, and he subconsciously wanted to close his eyes, but in the end he couldn't escape the speed of the spell.

"Phantom power!"

A heavy, hot iron chain wrapped around Alger's body.

He really wanted to think it was an illusion, but the severe burning pain in his body couldn't be faked. It was difficult to resist this suggestion without special training.

The more convinced the caster is in the illusion created by the power of the phantom, the more real and logical the phantom becomes.

Now, in Alger's eyes, his body was covered with black burn marks, and the chains were even quenched with fire.

He and the giant eagle fell together under the drag of the chains.

"no no!"

"This is fake!"

"I haven't had my revenge yet, how can I be here?"

"It's over!"

Alger shouted loudly, his throat hoarse.

He resisted the pain that was about to incinerate him, closed his eyes tightly, and controlled the giant eagle to glide with its wings using only his sense of airflow. He was able to avoid this spell with his strong will.

When he opened his eyes again, there was nothing in front of him.

The chains, the flames, the scars, all disappeared.

Even Cassius, who was high in the sky, was a little surprised.

"Good guy, the spells are in effect and you can still save. You are really the captain of Beifeng Castle."

Seeing such a brilliant performance, Cassius finally remembered the origin of this giant eagle knight.

The famous gatekeeper boss in his previous life, the leader of the North Wind Eagle Guard, Alger Yeoman, known as "Eagle's Claw" and "Rachman's Sharp Sword".

He led the Eagle Guard to participate in the siege and massacre of tieflings many times. He was the notorious executioner under Duke Blood and the future death knight.

Alger lost his parents when he was young. Under the deliberate guidance of Duke Blood, he firmly believed that tieflings had sacrificed his parents to the devil. Therefore, he was bewitched to become a dead soldier of the Luckman family. He swore lifelong loyalty and participated in the creation of The tragic "Tiefling Camp Massacre".

But when Alger finally came close to the truth about the death of his parents, Duke Brad, whom he once trusted so much and was willing to sacrifice his life for, turned him into an unconscious death knight, letting him control the bone eagle and wander around forever. Outside the Duke's Palace.

Thinking of this, Cassius decided to spare his life.

It's not out of so-called mercy, it's just to pave the way for his plan to capture Beifong Castle. After all, those goblins and kobolds were nothing more than cheap consumables in his mind, and a few dead ones were not worth mentioning at all.

And such a personal guard who grew up in Beifeng Castle and has followed the Duke for many years is also a giant eagle knight who is very expensive to train. His value can be imagined. Cassius can definitely squeeze a lot of benefits from him. .

The red dragon flew across the sky and rushed behind the giant eagle knight who was gliding slowly.

Before he could react, Cassius cast twin spells, pointing at two targets at the same time.

"Sleep spell!"

A flash of mana flashed, and the knight who was unable to resist fell into a deep sleep with his giant eagle, fell from the sky, and was then forcibly picked up by the red dragon's strong claws.

Originally, with Alger's strength, the sleep spell had no effect on him, but after the exhaustion of the battle, he was close to running out of gas and had no way to resist.

"As long as you are immune to the illusion..."

"Can you still be exempted from the hard control?"

Cassius threw it to the ground and couldn't help but said.

[Based on your own strength and the enemy's "sleeping" state, you can observe the following information]

[Head of the North Wind Eagle Guard]

Name: Alger Yeoman

Category: Medium humanoid (human), lawful neutral

AC: 18 (fine plate armor)

Speed: Fly 90 feet, move 30 feet on the ground

Strength - 17

Agility - 16


Intelligence - 11

Perception - 13

Charm - 12

Occupational level: Warrior (Eagle Knight) Level 8

Mount: Anzeta subspecies giant eagle (level 4)

Military weapons: long sword, dagger, greatsword, longbow, heavy crossbow, lance

Simple weapons: dagger, short bow, light crossbow

Skill Proficiencies: Riding +14, Martial +9, Hunting +7, Athletics +6, Perception +4, Leadership +4, Survival +4, Investigation +2, Tracking +4, Stealth +4

Senses: Passive Perception 14

Language: lingua franca

Actions: swarm attack, commander's surprise attack, dive attack, mid-air emergency stop, rapid turn, slashing attack, piercing attack, wave of action, breath recovery

Feats: Alertness, Cleave, Master of Great Weapons, Use of Heavy Armor, Expert Rider, Master of Flying

Combat equipment: Silver Sword of Howling Eagle, Northwind Castle standard plate armor, Eagle Guard Cloak

Challenge Level: 9 (5,000xp)

“What a luxurious panel.”

Cassius clicked his tongue in surprise.

In principle, the death knight is a paladin, but it’s just for reference, so don’t worry about it (escape)

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