Red dragon: in charge of natural disasters

Chapter 367 Dragon Contract Warlock (Part 2)

Hearing this, Cassius twisted his neck slightly and asked, "Then why do you think I will help you?"

Misha replied seriously: "Because you are a good person."

"Good guy?"


Cassius suddenly laughed, as if he had heard some big joke.

But Misha's tone was obviously not joking.

In the ten years since he came to this world, he has been called countless names by people - dragon, butcher, tyrant, destroyer and even god, but no one has ever called him a so-called "good guy".

The red dragon stood up, fluttered its broad wings, stared at Misha not far away with interest, and continued to ask: "Why do you say that?"

"Aren't you afraid that I am also a guy like Leo Bosque?"

Misha suddenly panicked, but still replied: "No, you won't be like that."

"You are different from them."

"What's the difference?"

Cassius asked next.

Misha thought for a moment before continuing: "My grandfather John once told me that you are the best gentleman in Anzetta. Although you are a dragon, you are more like a good person than those nobles."


The red dragon tilted his head.

"He often told me that under the rule of the nobles in the North, he didn't have enough to eat, and he often had to worry about freezing to death in the winter and starving to death. But in your territory, he can have enough to eat, and he still has enough energy to save money. I’m fed too.”

"And if it weren't for you, I might have become a slave to those nobles and wouldn't have been adopted by him."

Misha's words were simple and unsophisticated, yet seemed extremely sincere.

The red dragon nodded, his expression quite exciting.

Cassius actually didn't have much sympathy for the people of the North, he just believed that establishing such a new order would be more beneficial to him in gaining power and developing his power.

Now, the benefits seem to be showing.

Cassius slowly took a few steps forward and said, "Misha, I admire you very much."

"So. What do you want? Power enough to kill Leo Bossk?"

"Yes, Your Majesty."

"I wanted to kill him myself."

Misha said loudly, her brown eyes sparkling with fire again.

But the next question was beyond her expectation.

Cassius looked at her with his pale golden eyes:

"So...what's next?"

"What will you do after you complete your revenge?"


Misha was suddenly confused.

She is a child after all, and although she is smart and precocious, she has not yet seriously considered her future life.

Misha fell into deep thought, and the past scenes replayed in her mind like a revolving lantern.

——Taught by Old John how to speak, played in the streets of Beifeng Castle, studied in a temporary school run by the Kingdom, witnessed the death of Old John during the Magul Incident, received help from Chief Minister Trump, and has been here until now. King of Jhin.

She began to think again, what would her experience have been like if she had really been sold as a slave? Based on her knowledge of nobles, she must be in great pain.

Misha suddenly discovered that the red dragon and his kingdom had changed her life.

If Old John were still alive, he would probably let her make a living in the kingdom.

"His Majesty Cassius, please bless us that this business trip will go smoothly."

"His Majesty Cassius bless the war."

"His Majesty Cassius"

Old John's nagging voice seemed to appear in her mind again, and the laughter of the uncles in the caravan also echoed in her ears.

She had been abandoned and trafficked.

Old John is her only relative, and the kingdom is her only home.

Thinking of this, Misha raised her head firmly and said in a childish voice: "Your Majesty, I, I am willing to always be loyal to the kingdom and repay your kindness."

"With Old John's share."

Misha added secretly in her mind.

"Very well, Misha."

Cassius nodded again, spread his broad wings, and cast a huge shadow.

"I will not hesitate to give power to anyone who is loyal to the kingdom, let alone a genius like you."

He ordered in a low voice: "Close your eyes."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Misha closed her eyes obediently.

The red dragon roared softly, its mouth filled with hot white smoke.

Brilliant flames erupted from the air holes on its neck and tail, and the dragon crystal on its chest released an extremely dazzling light, causing the air in the hall to become hot and distorted.

For this rare legendary seedling, Cassius certainly wanted to devote more power to create a new camp sub-profession.

【Bloodline Gift】

A stream of flames containing terrifying energy merged into Misha's petite body like a shimmering thread.

The seed representing the power of the ancestral dragon merged into Misha's veins and gradually integrated into her blood, bringing about the most complete sublimation of life levels.

At the same time, it also connected the power of the red dragon with her, forming some kind of contract-like effect.


Misha's face was pale, and sweat was oozing from her body, and then the water was evaporated.

Even though she has a special "child of the element" physique, she still seems a little powerless when facing the red dragon's blazing flames.

Cassius did not transform Misa into a dragon. After all, she was just a child, and her body and will were too fragile to withstand the pain of complete dragon transformation.

What's more, Cassius also wants to make some changes for his new career.

Therefore, he embodied the power of the gift inside his body, transformed Misha's blood vessels into magical basal blood vessels, and gradually transformed her heart into a hot, vital dragon's heart.

With the transfer of power, a red contract gradually appeared on Misha's back - it was the contract naturally formed by the magic network.


Finally, those magic lines suddenly lit up.

Along with the sharp scream, Misha's whole body burned with blazing flames, and the power contained in her talent was completely released under the stimulation of the dragon's blood, showing the terrifying power of the "Elepsy Witch" in her previous life.

If it were not for Cassius's control and suppression, these flames might spread hundreds or thousands of meters, even enough to burn down a city.

This gift lasted for nearly thirty minutes, and during the process, Misha fainted from the pain. She lay weakly on the ground, and her clothes were burned to ashes.

After all, Misha's appearance was affected by the blood of the red dragon.

——Her original brown pupils transformed into dark golden vertical pupils, faint traces of scales appeared on her forehead, and two dragon horns only about the size of a thumb grew on the top of her head.

Complex red lines appeared on her back and neck.

The corners of his eyes were also tinged with a fire-like color.

However, despite the earth-shaking changes in her essence, she still maintains the general appearance of a human being, at least more in line with human aesthetics than those red-scaled conquerors who became half-dragons.

Cassius folded his wings and stared at the unconscious Misha quietly.

"This feeling."

"It's like a contract was made."

[The construction of camp advanced sub-career is completed. ]

Career advancement requirements:

Join the [Kingdom of Burning Embers] camp and become a dependent of the camp leader [King of Burning Embers - Cassius].

Possess a certain level of dragon bloodline, possess a level 3 or above of warlock or pact warlock, and possess an affinity to the fire element of ordinary or above.

[Please name the camp sub-profession——]

Cassius looked at the red lines on Misha's body that were like a contract, and felt the feeling of being empowered by the contract.

[Named: [Dragon Pact Warlock]] (End of this chapter)

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