Red dragon: in charge of natural disasters

Chapter 371 Coronation and Blue Dragon

Rumple was still gushing: "Master, it took you just a few years to unify Anzeta and annihilate the frost giants in the north. This is a feat that no one in this land can match for thousands of years." ”

His tone also became more and more passionate.

"The 'King' of the same person as Northland is no longer enough to describe your greatness."

Having said this, Trump paused deliberately, lowered his head deeply, his eyes full of admiration and respect.

"My subordinates believe that you should be given the title of 'Emperor' and upgrade the Kingdom of Burning Ember to an empire - just like the once holy Fadelan. This is what all the subjects eagerly hope for."


Cassius was lost in thought, his eyes twinkling.

Trump continued to advise in a low voice: "You can conduct a coronation ceremony at the same time as the award, show the power of the Ember Kingdom to the entire Anzeta, and even the mainland, so that the resistance forces in the North will be completely destroyed."

"Furthermore, this ceremony will also make the entire Fianso aware of our existence and let them know that Anzeta is no longer closed and isolated from the world.

And we can use this as an opportunity to participate in the carving up of the legacy of the Fadland Empire - the descendants of Fadland are constantly fighting with each other, and we, who have always been isolated from the mainland, can become the external reinforcement they compete for. "

Cassius nodded slightly, already somewhat moved by his words.

What Trump said was not wrong.

The Ember Kingdom, or rather the Empire, needs to show its fangs to the world.

The current Burning Ember Kingdom has a vast territory of 2.7 million square kilometers and a total population of more than 9 million people.

Although it is only a remote corner of the vast Fianso continent, it is already a powerful force worthy of its name - not to mention that it also has a ruler who has reached the pinnacle of power in the material world, a terrifying alien dragon.

Without much hesitation, Cassius said: "In that case, let's get ready."

"However, I need a grand coronation ceremony, one that is enough to spread the name of the empire throughout the continent."

"Yes, Master!"

Trump knelt on the ground, his face already flushed with extreme excitement and joy, and he quickly left in a hurry.

As the current chief minister of the kingdom, there are still many matters waiting for Trump to deal with, and the most important one is undoubtedly the newly proposed coronation ceremony.

——However, the kingdom’s think tanks had prepared dozens of planning plans long before the war began, and even compiled a detailed planning book with more than 300 pages and hundreds of thousands of words.

It covers everything from ritual steps, etiquette to various budgets.

After Trump left, Cassius finally began to implement the idea in his mind.

With a slight thought, he took off the crown.

He took out the silver-white gem again—it was the [Wind of Bahamut]

He had previously noticed that Oszedro's silver disc did not match this gem, but it was forcibly elevated to the level of an artifact by the "Wind of Bahamut".

Under the control of force field magic, the silver-white gems were inlaid on the fine gold of the crown and slowly fused into it.

The surface of the crown glows with silver.

Their personalities are not suitable, but this is Bahamut's orderly and gentle power, which is enough to blend into everything.


[Supreme True Dragon Crown-Holy Glory]

Quality: sub-artifact

"Tsk, it's worthy of the Lord of the North Wind's divine power to upgrade the equipment to this level."

Cassius couldn't help but sigh. He stretched out his dragon body and put the crown on his head, feeling the purification of order.

Finally, he took off the crown, took out the silver gem, and carried it close to his body.

Cassius still has a coronation ceremony to attend - although the Metal Dragon side has long known about it, he does not want to expose this level of treasure to everyone's view.

Suddenly, the voice of Captain Ekmon of the Tiefling Guards came from the communicator.

"Your Majesty, Ms. Christina wants to see you."

Cassius wrinkled the scales above his eyes and exhaled a breath of sulfur-smelling hot breath impatiently.

"Why is it her again?"

No wonder Cassius was so irritable.

In recent months, the blue dragon has come no less than ten times. Each time, the guards rejected him on the grounds that "His Majesty is sleeping and recovering from his injuries" and returned angrily.

Cassius casually ordered:

"Better tell her I'm asleep."

Ekmon was silent for a moment and said helplessly: "Your Majesty, Ms. Christina said she saw Mr. Trump and a human coming out of the palace."

"Lady Christina begs you to let her come in and lie down at the door of the palace."


Cassius sighed.

"Forget it, let her in then."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Soon, a soft female voice came from outside the door.

"Your Highness Cassius"

The door slowly opened, and outside the hall was Christina in human form.

She was still wearing a long satin dress that revealed her figure, and she walked quickly into the palace almost impatiently.

Christina saluted with her skirt in one hand, and a pitiful look appeared on her bright face: "Your Majesty Cassius, you are finally willing to see me."

Cassius was lying on the throne, not even looking at her. He just said calmly: "The task assigned by Her Majesty the Dragon Queen has been completed. Is there anything else you want?"


Christina was at a loss for words, but she reacted immediately and said with a smile: "Of course I'm here to congratulate you."

"You defeated the famous 'Silver Wings' Oszedro, destroyed the coalition forces in the North, and achieved such a brilliant achievement - as your loyal ally, of course I am here to congratulate you. "

Cassius looked as usual: "Then the congratulations should be over now."

"Then. Ms. Christina, please leave now. I want to rest."

Christina's expression suddenly changed, and she quickly waved her hand and defended: "Of course not, please let me stay here for a while."


Cassius tilted his head.

Christina's body shone with tiny magical auras, and her figure expanded rapidly, transforming into the body of a young blue dragon more than ten meters long.

The blue dragon gently swayed its thick tail, stretched its sky-blue wings, and the one-horned dragon face on the tip of its nose "smiled":

"Your Majesty Cassius, according to the tradition of our five-colored dragons, after experiencing a thrilling battle, we often have to relax through all-night carnival."

"Before you take a break, why don't you have a good time?"

Immediately afterwards, the blue dragon approached the red dragon step by step, and the dark blue dragon body was still twisting deliberately.

"What bullshit tradition."

Cassius looked strange.

"Your Majesty Cassius—"

With the fluctuation of force field magic, the blue dragon suddenly flew out and rolled on the ground for more than ten times before stopping.

Just as Cassius was about to sweep him away completely, Christina, who was lying on the ground, quickly got up and raised her paws hastily, showing a forced smile.

"Wait! Your Majesty Cassius!"

"It was just an accident. This time I really brought a new decree from the Dragon Queen!"


Christina whispered: "Her Majesty the Dragon Queen said, please don't forget the previous agreement."

"I see."

Cassius replied expressionlessly.

The red dragon looked into the distance, its light golden pupils flickering, and the majestic figure with five colors and five heads seemed to appear in it.

"Is the giant dragon tyrannical? I want to see who is taken advantage of in the end."

He thought in his mind.

Christina, on the other hand, left the kingdom dejectedly with a sad face, and returned home again - the charm she was so proud of had no effect at all.

The blue dragon attendant who had been waiting for a long time comforted:

"Miss, don't be discouraged. At worst, you can ask the clan to find another male dragon with ancestral blood for you. With the power of our Faria clan, we can still do it."

Christina shook her head like a rattle, and the skin made a tiny crackling sound due to the powerful electrostatic effect.

With a sad look on her face, she kept slapping the ground to vent her anger, and said through gritted teeth:

"I don't care, this is what His Majesty the Dragon Queen personally promised. Only he can be worthy of me! And where can I find dragons like His Highness Cassius? They are all a bunch of trash!" (End of Chapter)

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