Red dragon: in charge of natural disasters

Chapter 38 Bloodline Gift (I)

Cassius looked down at the followers from a high position and found a new face watching in the corner. Rump had reported to him before that it should be the so-called "Black Fang" Lizardman Tribe.

The red dragon saw that these lizardmen were quite strong, at least more suitable for the army than the current goblins and dog-headed people, so he said:

"Why are you here?"

The followers consciously made way.

The lizardman leader Ake. Longfang walked forward nervously, and the old shaman followed him calmly.

Ake knelt on the ground, took a deep breath, and then said: "We left our homes because of the monsters in the cave and fled here, and your powerful strength impressed us."

"The Black Fang Tribe is willing to submit to your huge wings and become the most loyal followers of the great red dragon."

"And this is the greatest sincerity of this tribe."

"Dedicate them all to you."

The old lizardman shaman pointed behind him with the wooden stick in his hand, and several strong lizardmen came forward carrying heavy treasure chests.

The treasure chest was opened, revealing the golden yellow.

The surrounding followers could not help but widen their eyes when they saw this scene, but they retracted their gazes in an instant.

——Because this will be the treasure that belongs exclusively to the red dragon, anyone who dares to spy will bear the wrath of the red dragon.

Even the always greedy Chimera turned away the dragon head that symbolized greed, deliberately not looking directly at it, and only glanced at it with the corner of his eyes.

Cassius, standing on the high ground, did not change his expression, and the vertical pupils reflected the glittering light of gold.

But the first thing he noticed was not the gold, but the old shaman behind the lizardman chieftain.

[Depending on your own strength and the opponent's "surrender" status, you can observe the following information]

[Lizardman Shaman]

Medium humanoid (Lizardman), absolutely neutral

Name: Koda Blackscale

AC: 13 (natural armor)

Speed: 30 feet, swim 30 feet

Strength - 15

Agility - 10

Constitution - 13

Intelligence - 12

Perception - 15

Charisma - 9

Skills: Perception +4, Stealth +4, Survival +6

Senses: Darkvision 30 feet, Passive Perception 14

Languages: Dragon Language

Actions: Multiattack, Bite, Claw

Special Abilities:

Breathhold: Lizardman can hold his breath for 15 minutes.

Transformation: Magically transform into a crocodile and maintain this form for 1 hour.

Occupational Level: Druid 5

Spellcasting (Lizardman Form Only):

As a 5th-level spellcaster, the Lizardman Shaman has prepared the following druid spells:

Cantrips: Druid Tricks, Ignite, Whip of Thorns

1st Level: Entanglement, Mist Cloud

2nd Level: Scorching Metal, Overgrown Thorns

3rd Level: Summon Animals (Reptiles Only), Plant Growth

Challenge Rating: 5 (1800 XP)

Comment: "Lizardman Shamans are the most special of the entire tribe. They are often wise and powerful, leading the entire tribe."

"A druid who came to me on his own initiative?"


Casius thought.

"That shaman, are you a spellcaster?"

The old lizardman shaman took a step forward, nodded slightly, and replied calmly: "Lord Red Dragon, I am impressed by your strength and wisdom."

"I have only taken a shallow step on the path of nature and learned some tricks."

After that, he raised the withered wooden stick in his hand and pointed to an open space.


The power of nature responded to the old shaman's call, and the magic net had a slight ripple, and the open space suddenly grew entangled vines and weeds.

Different from the arcane magic of warlocks and mages, the spells of druids are classified as divine magic. The connection between these spellcasters and the magic net still depends on the power of nature, relying on nature to activate the magic net.

Facing this kind of spellcaster who came to his door, Cassius said directly: "Very good spells, the door of the Burning Embers Nest will be open to you."

"I hope you can prove your loyalty to me."

"Praise you, great master."

The lizardmen retreated silently and returned to their dark corners again, never participating in the position disputes of other clans.

Cassius likes such sensible subordinates.

Lizardmen are absolutely neutral cold-blooded animals with lack of desires. They think that good and evil are foreign concepts and act only for survival, which is in line with Cassius's code of conduct.

In this way, when managing human cities or even players in the future, lizardmen are also an excellent choice. At least they can maintain basic order and not do bad things because of their own selfish desires.

"Simple and easy-to-use tools"

This is the high evaluation given to them by Cassius.

And conquering the lizardmen is just a small episode, and the highlight of the ceremony is next.

Bloodline Gift

Looking down at the expectant, puzzled, or anxious eyes of his followers, Cassius finally spoke slowly under the gaze of his followers:

"I once told you that my followers must not be content with being weak. I will give you powerful strength and a long life."

"And today is the time to fulfill my promise."

"I will give the best among you - the dragon vein!"

Suddenly, the followers were in an uproar, and anyone with a little wisdom felt incredible.

The ogre Rumple had tears in his eyes, moved by this gift. The kobolds, who were slightly related to the dragons, were shocked. Even the lizardmen who had been followers of the dragons were in disbelief and sighed.

"This, how is this possible!"

"That's the dragon bloodline!"

“I am amazed by the generosity of the owner.”

You must know that the blood of dragons is also extremely precious throughout Erezegai.

In addition to mating and reproduction, normal dragon vein granting must use the dragon's true blood, but every drop of true blood in their basal blood vessels is a source of magic that contains thick power. Even if the true dragon takes the initiative to grant it, it will cause He himself was seriously injured and weak for several days.

Therefore, no one would have thought that a stingy real dragon could make such a generous gift.

However, they didn't know that Cassius only needed ordinary blood as the factor of the ritual, and the remaining "bloodline gifts" were special skills obtained from achievements.

This is almost a no-brainer.

The "bloodline gifts" are divided into active gifts with significant effects and passive gifts with subtle effects. In the former case, Cassius only planned to select the outstanding ones among his followers, while in the latter case, he planned to carry out the entire Ember Nest.

In the center of the valley is a boulder more than three meters high, with a flat and spacious top.

There is a shallow pit in the middle of the boulder.

Cassius notified Trump in advance and asked him to issue instructions on his behalf not to approach the boulder.

All the family members thought it was the place where Cassius landed, so no one dared to approach it against the ban. But at this moment, they looked at the huge stone with eager eyes. This was no forbidden land, it was clearly the "Land of Promises and Gifts".

Whether it was goblins, kobolds or even flying dragons, their breathing could not help but quicken.

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