
Cassius lowered his head slightly, let out a roar that shook the wasteland, waved his broad wings, and floated high in the sky.

"No, it can't be..."

"Could it be..."

An extremely arrogant idea.

Dayev raised his head and couldn't help but cover his eyes with his hands. He could barely see the scene in the sky through his fingers——

I saw hot white smoke overflowing from the red dragon's mouth, brilliant flames erupting from the air holes on his neck and tail, the dragon crystal on his chest released a dazzling light, and every scale on his body flashed with magma. of ripples.

At this moment, he was like the second sun rising in the sky, making almost everyone present unable to open their eyes.

Cassius's mighty voice came from the sky and sounded to people's ears like an oracle.

"As the emperor of the Burning Ember Empire, at this extremely grand moment..."

"I will give grace..."

"Remember, the empire will not treat any of its subjects who are loyal to the empire and contribute to it."

This time, not only the people in the venue, but also the ministers on the altar were extremely excited.

Bathed in this golden light, the humans and monster relatives from the former Ember Kingdom in the venue all became short of breath, their faces turned red, and even their hearts were beating fast.

They know what this means.

The last investiture ceremony gave birth to 237 dragon-blooded nobles. They became the leaders of the Burning Ember Kingdom at that time. They shined in various fields in the country and obtained benefits that ordinary people could not imagine.

But this time, the Red Dragon Emperor was crowned, the Ember Empire that occupied the entire territory of Anzeta was reborn, and envoys from all over Fianso gathered. The scale of the awarding of honors was definitely greater than last time, and the number of people who were lucky enough to receive the grace was It will be a lot more than last time.

Sure enough, a dozen half-dragons holding rosters and wearing gorgeous ceremonial robes appeared on the altar. They were the announcers for this award.

Trump no longer needs to worry about the investiture ceremony, because today's empire is huge, and each department has become more professional, with dedicated personnel taking care of every detail.

"With the approval of His Majesty Cassius, Duke Doro will be promoted to the rank of second-class Duke."

Amid the warm cheers of the hobgoblins and bugbears, Doro on the high platform knelt down excitedly.

"His Majesty!"

Doro made a gesture of tears of gratitude and lowered his head.

However, there was ambition in the depths of his eyes, and his eyes glanced at Trump beside him intentionally or unintentionally.

"It's just a first-class duke who got it based on his qualifications... it will be quick."

"I'll catch up with you soon."

Doro, who was kneeling on the ground, thought so.

The half-dragon attendant respectfully stepped forward and placed an imperial medal with a pair of dragon wings on Dolo's head.

Trump seemed to be aware of this long-lost, provocative look, and a smile couldn't help but appear on his lips - he sensed that the original sin of jealousy was still a familiar recipe and a familiar taste.

One after another, the most prestigious names in the country were read out by the pronunciation officer.

"Promote the Marquis of Gold Teeth to the second rank of Marquis."

"Promote Marquis Dalena to the rank of second-class Marquis."

"Promote Marquis Alger to..."

"Marquis General Charles..."

A high-ranking dragon-blooded marquis waved to everyone, then turned to face Cassius and knelt down on the altar platform.

However, these are still too far away from ordinary citizens, and anyone who pays close attention to imperial politics can guess these rewards.

But then, a grace that spanned several levels finally appeared.

"Promote Viscount Anthony to Marquis."

After the speaker finished his words, the crowd was in an uproar.

"What? Crossed two levels in a row!"

"Isn't that the Judgment Knight of Dragonsworn Temple?"

"Tsk, tsk, such a young Marquis."

"Yes, it is said that he came from a particularly humble background. He was rescued from the basement of a nobleman. He is really lucky to be favored by His Majesty."

Under the attention of everyone, Anthony looked extremely excited. He stepped onto the marble stairs step by step, climbed two levels in a row, and finally reached the platform where the Marquis was.

He knelt down to Cassius with tears in his eyes, his half-dragon face already filled with tears.

"Thank you, Your Majesty..."

A hot tear fell on the altar.

Antony was a beneficiary of the imperial system through and through.

Without the emergence of the empire, he might have spent his whole life as the male favorite of the nobles and died in a dark basement.

But now, he possesses powerful power, a noble status, and is an outstanding rising star of the empire.

Thinking of this, Anthony gritted his teeth and strengthened his determination to serve the empire, and the power of the "Dragon Oath" in his heart became stronger.

In fact, it was not beyond the expectations of some insiders in the empire that Anne had jumped two steps in a row and was granted the title of Marquis - at the level of Marquis, it was not just about one's own strength, almost every Marquis represented The imperial power behind it, and Anthony, as the spokesperson of the Dragonsworn Temple, is naturally qualified to become a marquis.

Previously, he was awarded a viscount because he joined the kingdom too late, his qualifications were not enough, and he had no outstanding achievements, making it difficult to convince the public.

After experiencing the Unification War of Anzeta, it was logical to confer him the title of Marquis.


"Promote Earl Acker to Marquis."

When the announcer finished reading the name, the two top titles of Duke and Marquis were finally conferred.

Today's empire still has only three great dukes, but the number of marquises has increased to twenty-four, which is several times larger than before.

"Call Iron Frenzy a Earl."

"Female Tian Xingjian as earl."

"The tyrant is made an earl."

The announcer read out these three names with very different styles one after another, which once again caused an uproar.

They are all players, and they were all settled directly because their camp reputation reached 10,000, and there was no behind-the-scenes operation.

"Can these fallen stars directly become counts?"

"These... lunatics."

Some people were dissatisfied with this, but others remembered the desperate attitude of the players in the battle and couldn't help but swallow their saliva.


"Praise be to Om Messiah! Ring the bell three times!"

"Glory to the royal power, heroes are immortal!"

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

On the players' side, the members of these wealthy guilds began to cheer. You must know that the identity of the earl can bring a lot of privileges, which can help them take the lead in the competition for resources.

Charlotte, on the other hand, looked gloomy and muttered:

"Damn...if I hadn't been unlucky enough to be robbed, I would also be a count."

In the envious onlookers of the people of the empire, one after another aboriginal earls appeared. They were basically promoted from the original first and second-class viscounts, and obtained the earl status through military exploits.

"It's great to join the army——"

"Yes, there are not many things in the world that are more cost-effective than noble status, powerful strength, and long life."

Some people in the venue looked at the unprecedented grand occasion on the altar and couldn't help but murmur to themselves, with jealousy and envy on their faces. (End of chapter)

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