Red dragon: in charge of natural disasters

Chapter 391 Negotiation and Miracle

Cassius nodded slightly in greeting.

But he looked beyond the envoy to the dozens of boxes of gold behind him.

The strong ogres were struggling to carry the box to the steam locomotive that had been waiting for a long time - this new type of transportation was already used in many places.

Even the ogres felt the heavy weight in the box and vaguely guessed that it was gold, but the presence of the red dragon dispelled all their delusions.


"It is indeed two million gold coins. It seems that your sincerity is more than I imagined."

Sahise took out her silk scarf and wiped the sweat from her forehead, then raised her scepter and bowed again.

"Of course, His Majesty attaches great importance to your empire, and he also hopes that we can achieve peaceful and friendly relations, so he sent me here this time."

"This is the sincerity of the Thracian Kingdom and the sincerity given by His Majesty Wilhelm."

Before he finished speaking, Sahisei took out a parchment scroll that had been prepared from the interlayer of his robe and slowly unfolded it.

Inscribed on it are lines of magical text in Common Language, the general content of which is: The Kingdom of Thrace and the Ember Empire have concluded a peace treaty and will not invade each other within one year.

However, Cassius' eyes darkened, and the dragon power around him dispersed like a substance.

“Fraud on the contract—I’m afraid that’s not a good thing, right?”

"As a descendant of Aragorn I, don't you even have the most basic integrity?"

"Your Majesty, what do you mean?"

Sahise's hands were shaking like chaff, sweat dripping down his face.

He secretly blamed their king for being so smart that he thought of this way to protect the kingdom's territory.

"Where's the Catapa Hills I want?"

Cassius asked bluntly.

Sahise barely stood up straight and replied: "Your Majesty, the Catpa area is too barren and desolate to deserve this great contract. We may be able to use other methods to make up for it."


Cassius said coldly.

"You think I care about the land?"

"The Ember Empire cannot be choked by any country."

"If the Kingdom of Thrace is unwilling to hand over the Katpa region, then I would rather form a military alliance with the Kingdom of Cassander and take this land back from your hands!"

Cassius's tone paused for a moment, and he slowly stood up from the venue, showing a ferocious smile.

"By that time, you will not only lose the Catpa area, but also the two-thirds of the territory north of the Glory Mountains."

"Your Majesty, your Majesty, calm down!"

The hurricane formed by the dragon's power surged in, and Sahisei fell backward with a plop, and the contract in his hand suddenly dimmed, and then turned into ashes.

"You, you misunderstood. This is really a misunderstanding. This is not the final contract, it is just one of the proposals proposed by the Kingdom of Thracia!"

He hurriedly took out another parchment scroll from his arms, raised it high, and hurriedly unfolded it.

This time the contract finally clearly stated:

"The Kingdom of Thracia donated the Cathor region to the Burning Ember Empire."

"Signed by: Wilhelm Aragon"

"Your Majesty, this is the real contract of our Thracian Kingdom!"

It turned out that although Wilhelm and the ministers of the Thracian Kingdom did not value the barren Katpa area, they were not willing to hand it over easily.

This would not only undermine the majesty of the kingdom, but also make the Ember Empire pose a greater threat to them.

As a result, they made different contracts, allowing Sahise to argue with each other and strive to retain the territory of the kingdom, allowing them to continue to control the throat leading to the Anzeta Wilderness.

Now, seeing that there was no hope of persuasion, Sahisei took out the last contract.

"Your Majesty, what do you think?"

"not so good."

Cassius sneered.

"As expected of a former Frenchman, he is really arrogant and arrogant deep in his bones. He made so many contracts to deceive me - do you really think that the empire does not dare to go to war with you?"

Sahise quickly defended, "Of course not, Your Majesty, we always uphold the principles of peace and integrity, and treat you and..."

"Haha, do you really think I don't know the situation in the south?"

Cassius interrupted him again and walked forward step by step.

"I heard that the situation on your front line is very bad. Your army retreated hundreds of kilometers north under the attack of General Taimur of the Kingdom of Cassander. You lost several cities one after another, and even the royal capital was threatened."


A huge shadow enveloped Sahise.

"Thrace is already in such a mess, who gave you the courage to bargain with me?"


"Yes, Your Majesty."

Sahise's lips trembled.

After a long time, he struggled to get up from the ground, straightened his clothes, and asked carefully: "Then, what else do you want?"

Cassius said calmly:

"However, you are really lucky. Although I am dissatisfied with your arrogance, I do not want the Kingdom of Cassander to win."

"You should thank me. My request may even be beneficial to you."

Sahisei was a little confused and could only shut up and wait.

Finally, Cassius's voice sounded.

"In addition to the ownership of the Carter Territory required by the contract, you also need to purchase weapons from the empire."

"When the transaction is completed, I will naturally sign this contract."

Before he finished speaking, the contract flew up from Sahisei's hand and landed in front of the red dragon.

Immediately afterwards, under the escort of the tiefling guards, Sahisa and his envoys were invited outside the venue.

"Please go this way, His Majesty has made arrangements."

Strangely, the guards originally stationed at the altar lined up and left.

While walking on the road, Sahise was still frightened by the power and aggressiveness of the red dragon.

But he was still a little strange and asked Dayev beside him: "Why does he let us buy weapons?"

"I thought - His Majesty would directly ask us to hand over the gold coins."

Dayev was silent for a while before tentatively answering:


"Does he really want us to win?"


Suddenly, the ground beneath his feet shook violently.

There was a muffled rumble on the ground, smoke and dust billowed in, and another long dragon roar came from mid-air.

Sahisei turned his head subconsciously and saw that the place where the Isdalia Great Altar originally existed was shrouded in dirt and dust, but a huge black shadow actually appeared in the smoke.

When the smoke and dust dissipated, an even more incredible sight appeared -

The ground in the distance suddenly rose nearly a hundred meters, forming a tall mountain platform, lifting the entire altar into the air, allowing anyone in Istaliya to look up at the pyramid.

And Cassius stood at the top of the altar, looking down at the earth indifferently, as if he had just done an insignificant thing.

At this moment, it was like a miracle.

"Long live His Majesty Cassius!"

"Long live the Empire!"

"This is your Majesty's power!"

"What the hell? Can this leader of this camp hammer down a miracle with his bare hands?"

The humans, monsters and players in the city of Isdalia looked up at the spectacle of the "Altar in the Sky" and shouted loudly.

Sahise looked up at the spectacular scene blankly, with a dull expression.

As a mage, he naturally understood that shaping the environment on this scale was at least a nine-ring spell - but the emperor cast it so easily, without even consuming much.

This is the ultimate individual power.

"Amauna Tower."

"Fortunately, fortunately we concluded a peace treaty."

After a long silence, Sahisei patted his chest with lingering fear, involuntarily feeling grateful that he had not acted recklessly just now. (End of chapter)

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