Red dragon: in charge of natural disasters

Chapter 41 Bloodline Gift (IV)


Cassius read the next name.

As the military leader of the Burning Nest, the Hobgoblin is also the designer of ditches, fences, gates, protective towers, pits and other defensive facilities in the Rock Fortress. Doro really needs to increase his strength as a guarantee.

The hobgoblin commander breathed a sigh of relief.

This at least proves that his status in the Ember Nest has not declined too much - after all, this creature's love for power is even greater than its fanaticism for war.

Doro climbed up the boulder and knelt down on one knee to wait.

Blood poured into his mouth.


This is the only thing the hobgoblin feels.

The blood entered his throat, like hot lava, churning in his body, burning every inch of his body. He finally felt Trump's pain.

But he still knelt down on one knee and trembled all over, clenching his teeth until he was about to break them.

"I won't die here."

"I'm going to climb higher - at least higher than that stupid ogre."

This was the only thought that the hobgoblin had at the moment.

The hobgoblin's originally red skin was made translucent by the scorching elemental energy, giving off a faint red light.

His body was moving rhythmically.

Every heartbeat and every breath pumps the dragon's blood throughout his body, and his pulsating blood vessels can even be seen through his already somewhat transparent body.

"Perhaps the effect on non-dragon-veined creatures is more obvious."

Cassius calmly watched the changes in the hobgoblin and concluded secretly.


Finally, the hobgoblin couldn't stand the burning heat all over his body and couldn't help but scream.

His body began to expand dramatically, and scaly bumps appeared under his skin.

As the roar became more and more heartbreaking, the hobgoblin grew rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

His height grew from about 1.8 meters to 2.5 meters, and his scarlet scales burst through his fragile skin, exposing him to the air with white smoke.

"Hoo, hoo"

He grinned slightly and blew out bursts of white smoke.

The long and pointed yellow teeth are as sharp as dragon teeth.

His scales even spread to his face, with frills appearing on his ears and blending into the scales on his cheeks, and two slightly raised horns sprouted from the top of his forehead.

The Dragon Veined Hobgoblin was born.

His body underwent earth-shaking changes, his strength increased dramatically, and his size was even comparable to that of an ordinary ogre.

It's just that as a creature that is more inclined to fight with the legion, he has not awakened the breath of fire. He only has the ability to cast the magic "Fire Arrow". At the same time, he has a thick scale armor to protect his body and has higher resistance to heat.

The hobgoblins, who originally had a lifespan similar to that of humans, and often did not live to die naturally due to their love of war, have now become "immortal species" with a lifespan of about three hundred years - although this is still short-lived in the eyes of the dragon.

【Dragon-veined Great Goblin Commander】

Challenge level: 7 (2900xp)

"Thank you for your generous gift."

"I can't wait to go to the battlefield and taste the enemy's blood."

Doro gasped.

His already red face flushed with excitement.

The hobgoblin commander felt that his body was filled with unprecedented power. As a creature born with a love for war, he had the urge to vent all this power on the battlefield.


Cassius said.

Without the support of spells, it would be very rare for Doro to achieve these improvements.


Cassius read out the next name.

The largest wyvern in the group heard the call and became excited.

It was drooling with sticky saliva, jumped up onto the boulder excitedly, leaned on the stone surface with the wing bones of its forelimbs, and even swung its thick tail with poisonous barbs rhythmically.

Of course, this is not a name native to this world, it is just a little bit of bad taste for Cassius.

After he "killed the chicken to scare the monkey", he randomly assigned the largest of the remaining flying dragons to take over as the new leader of the flying dragon group.

As a creature with low intelligence, flying dragons often have no names.

When Cassius saw the wyvern's forelimbs on the ground, he thought of the famous Smaug in the movie of his previous life, and gave him this name on a whim.

The flying dragon called "Shimaoge" screamed excitedly, and the mucus dripping from its mouth dripped on the stone surface.

These beasts have the blood of dragons and griffins, and covet the blood of true dragons.

The blood melts into the mouth.

The front wings of the bipedal dragon supported the ground and let out a low roar.

Although there is dragon blood in its body, the blood has been diluted for countless generations and has become extremely sparse, and cannot be compared with the red dragon's gifted blood.

Therefore, when the blood filled with violent elements poured into the body, the beast was still in pain.

As the blood surged in its body, the flying dragon rolled directly on the boulder.

It made a shrill neighing sound.

The sound was noisy and sharp, like metal fragments rubbing against each other, making the monsters watching feel miserable.

Fei Long's body is also expanding visibly to the naked eye.

From more than five meters long to more than six meters long, and until it grows to more than seven meters long, the expansion tends to stagnate.

Hard scarlet scales grew on the wrinkled skin that was originally covered in mucus, and those fleshy protrusions gradually turned into horny spikes. The mouth that could only spit out foul-smelling mucus could also spit out scorching flames.

The flying dragon seemed to be a little closer to the real dragon.

But it is still thin and weak, with its front legs on the ground.

[Atavistic Wyvern]

Challenge level: 8 (3900xp)

"Not bad, at least it won't be beaten to a pulp by the North Wind Eagle Guard."

Casius commented expressionlessly.

The Wyvern spewed a flame into the sky, then jumped off the boulder and raised its head proudly to its companions. It can only be said that it is worthy of being called a beast.

At this time, there was not much dragon blood in the shallow pit.

Only a thin layer remained.

The blood flowed slowly.

It exuded an attractive fishy smell.

According to the previous standards, it should be able to be bestowed again.

At this moment, thousands of eyes in the valley were staring at the remaining blood. They were panting, their eyes were fanatical, and their eyes were about to burst into fire.

After watching the transformation several times, this blood has become an absolute symbol of power in their eyes.

Although the transformation was painful, how could this little pain be compared with the incomparably powerful power?

And now, the undisputed highest-ranking people in the Burning Embers Nest have finished enjoying the food.

Do they also have a chance to get a share?

The valley is still silent, but the breathing is getting heavier, and the thumping heartbeat is getting more obvious, like a heavy drumbeat.

The goblin's forehead is dripping with sweat, flowing down his fur to the corners of his eyes, but he still doesn't blink, staring at the pool of blood.

The lizardman stood motionless in the dark corner, observing secretly, staring at the blood like a dead object.

The dragon stretched its neck, opened its mouth slightly, and mucus flowed down from both sides. Alas, its ferocious head was full of desire.

Who will be the lucky one?

They are all looking forward to it.

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