Red dragon: in charge of natural disasters

Chapter 413 Players' Undead Followers (Part 3)


The flying dragon circled to the ground, and Singo came over dragging the half-giant's body with one hand.

He saw the two people at the end of the queue at a glance: they were wearing red and black tuxedos, their skin was pale, and one of them was carrying a wooden coffin.

Their identities are obvious - members of "Nocturne" and vampire players.

So Singo asked tentatively.


"Huh? Isn't this Xin Gou?"

The man turned around and revealed that familiar, mean face, which made people want to punch him.

Yes, this person is one of the leaders of the Nocturne Troops, [Langli Baitiao] who is famous for all kinds of evil and evil deeds.

The miserable player carrying the coffin next to him was the cute [Night Wolf] who was tricked into entering Nocturne.

"Tsk, you guys are moving fast enough."

"To each other."

Langli Baitiao stuck his head out and looked at the huge body bag being dragged by Singo. He was so greedy that he almost drooled.

Human corpses can only be transformed into ordinary zombies, but this thing can definitely transform into monsters like "giant zombies". Not to mention, summoning them will definitely be full of momentum.

Langli Baitiao said with envy: "Damn, where did you get such a big guy? It's still fresh!"

Singo replied flatly: "I was just lucky. I cleared a bandit's den and there happened to be a half-giant boss in it."

"What a stupid European!"

"You are so lucky!"

Langli Baitiao sighed bitterly.

Singo raised his eyebrows and looked at the wooden coffin behind the Night Wolf: "Don't just blame me, I think you guys have a lot of stuff."

The coffin was more than two meters long, and it contained an unknown number of bones. It was estimated to weigh hundreds of kilograms, weighing down the Night Wolf beneath him so much that he was sweating profusely.

"Of course."

Langli Baitiao immediately puffed up his chest and patted the wooden coffin triumphantly, making the Night Wolf underneath it almost unsteady.

"We are a noble blood race, nobles in the dark night, and born immortal kings. Isn't it easy to capture all the corpses and bones?"

"see it?"

"In this coffin, three generations of Leo Bosque's ancestors are in it. I don't believe there isn't a powerful warrior in it!"

Hearing these words, even Singo couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat.

This guy is a real beast!

Not only do they want to wipe out their entire family, but they also want to drag out their ancestors as followers.

But then, he felt a little annoyed - such a good idea, he didn't think of it?

Although the burial objects in the family mausoleums of the northern nobles have been swept away, the skeletons inside are still there, and there may be a few extraordinary people inside.

However, the barbarian player in front of the team who was carrying the sarcophagus also turned his head and cursed viciously: "Damn, why did I say that there is nothing in the Bosque family mausoleum? It turns out that it was all stolen by an animal like you!"

Langli Baitiao crossed his arms and said with a mean smile: "Stealing? Can Nocturne's matter be called stealing?"

"Everyone just depends on their abilities! If I don't take these bones away, won't they all take advantage of villains like you?"


"Don't think that digging Bosque's ancestral grave is anything special. I brought eight generations of the Norton family here! The blood of the frost giants is not necessarily worse than that of a Northland lion like you!"

The strong man snorted coldly, then turned around while carrying the sarcophagus, and stopped talking to Langli Baitiao.


"I just want to say - everyone here is rubbish and doesn't understand the mysteries of the Master."

The person who came was a tall and thin man wearing an elegant suit. He even took off his hat.

His face was quite handsome, with a pair of delicate silver-framed eyes on his tall bridge of nose, but a perverted smile that was extremely inconsistent with his appearance appeared on his face.

The nickname above his head is "City in the Rain"

Suddenly, the players present began to whisper.

"Isn't this the city in the rain?"

"This pervert is indeed here."


"As expected of him!"

This [City in the Rain] is also quite famous in the forum. He took on the task of helping a little tiefling girl find her parents, but discovered on the way that her parents had died unexpectedly.

So, he shamelessly brought their corpses back to collect rewards, and resurrected her parents into zombies in front of the child. The result was of course one can imagine.

I also posted on the forum afterwards.

"I have reunited the child with her parents, why is she unhappy?" 》

"Oh, it's so hard to be a good person"

After this post, he was unanimously considered by players to be a T0-level pervert.

"This time I have gathered the power of Bosque, Luckman, and Novel Northland Royal Family to transform all their ancestors into undead followers. I will definitely be able to recast the glory of the Necromancer!"

Chengchi raised his staff in the rain, and three skeletons appeared in mid-air, floating and orbiting around him, causing all the players present to fall silent.

"Aren't you still a gravedigger?"

Langli Baitiao shouted: "Good guy, where are you playing with Pokémon?"

After a long time, Singo gently touched his palm and sighed in a low voice: "The heroes of this world are really like the crucian carp crossing the river!"

He thought that his behavior of poisoning people and stealing corpses was already considered a beast, but he didn't expect that he was nothing compared to this group of people.

The masked player standing at the front of the team was carrying a large bag of corpses and said slowly: "Haha, I just want to find a wife."

The nickname on his head was [Dead Knight]


The people present were silent again.

"Brother, be a man."

Even the beastly Langli Baitiao couldn't help but sigh and waved to the other party.

Suddenly, the iron door of the [Undead Biology Research Institute] slowly opened, and the people in line suddenly became agitated.

"Look! The door is open!"

"Okay, okay, I can't help but want to see what my future undead will look like!"

"Yeah, it really makes me look forward to it-"

"Damn, pervert, stay away from me."

"Once these ancestors of Bosk are transformed, our Nocturne will be invincible!"

The human in a white coat walked out, it was the Maxi researcher, followed by two corpse demons.

He bowed to the players with a smile and said enthusiastically: "Thank you all for visiting the Undead Research Institute. Please line up and enter in an orderly manner. Director Orest will transform the undead for you."

The [Undead Knight] standing at the front of the team was excited and was about to enter with a body bag, but was stopped by Maxi.

The two tall corpse demons behind him took a step forward aggressively, let out a dull roar, and pretended to raise the giant axe in their hands.

"Entrance fee, five gold coins."

The researcher stretched out his hand, still with a smiling expression on his face, but it looked even more creepy in the eyes of the players.

This guy is a smiling tiger!

Everyone gasped immediately.

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