At night, the snow stopped, with only a few scattered snowflakes falling, and a thick layer of snow covered the ground.

The town was dark and silent, and people closed their doors and windows and called their children back. Only the Baron's castle was brightly lit.

A name was engraved on the stone tablet at the intersection: Sige Town.

This is a small town located in the border area of ​​the Rackman family. The nearby land is open and fertile, and it is a good farming area. A hundred years ago, an ancestor of the Rackman family led his subordinates to reclaim land and established Sige Town.

This is also a prosperous town with thousands of people living here, providing a steady supply of food for the surrounding areas.

However, due to its remote geographical location, brutal monsters such as frost giants, snowmen, and even white dragons have visited one after another, so that this place has been renovated and rebuilt several times, and there are only more than 400 residents left.

Most of them are serfs who cannot leave, and the rest are small vendors, millers, grooms, and servants serving the nobles.

The Rackman family would only send unappreciated clansmen here to provide food for North Wind Castle.

Shortly after Baron Todd was sent here, rumors of "night devils" appeared in Sger Town. Many young women mysteriously disappeared at night, causing panic in the town and residents to be on tenterhooks all day long.

In the Baron's Mansion.

Baron Todd Rackman supported his chin with both hands and sat solemnly in front of a gorgeous wooden table. The silver cup on the table was filled with red viscous liquid.

"The Hateful Embers Nest"

When he mentioned this name, his face seemed to be covered with a haze.

Last time, all his subordinates sent to the mine were annihilated, and his former butler Hart was said to have been captured, with only a few insignificant serfs escaping.

He thought that this information was a lie made up by those despicable slaves, but just a few days later, the most elite Eagle Guards of the Rackman family also suffered heavy losses in the place called "Embers Nest".

He had to confirm the authenticity of this information.

The monster's lair that even the North Wind Eagle Guards could not capture was rumored to be the place where the red dragon called "Flying Flame" lurked. How could he attack it with the few guards he had?

No gold.

No army.

Only lowly and weak serfs and guards sent by the family.

Although he was not the eldest son of the family, he was also a genuine duke's son.

Could it be that he could only guard this remote place for the rest of his life, provide food for the family, and never get close to the center of power?

"I will return to North Wind Castle."

"Father will recognize me eventually."

Thinking of this, the baron's thin face became even gloomier, and a hint of hunger appeared in the depths of his pupils.

It seems that he needs to replenish some fresh food tonight to calm down.

"Baron, there is someone outside."

The guard hurriedly pushed open the door and entered, apparently with an important report.

But when he realized that he had disturbed the baron's thinking and the other party's hungry and unfriendly eyes, he immediately closed his mouth nervously.

Seeing that it was the guards coming, Todd suppressed his inner urge to bleed blood, stared at the guards, and said slowly:

"What's so important?"

"Is it so important that... you need to disturb my rest?"

The guards' scalps were tingling under Todd's gaze.

Although this baron has not been here for a long time, he is secretly called the "Bloody Baron" by everyone.

Previously, a maid stained his dress when she was packing, and then the maid mysteriously disappeared and never appeared in the town of Sage again.

Thinking of this, he replied tremblingly:

"Sir, yes, it's Hart."

"There's a man outside who calls himself Hart, and he wants to see you."

Hearing this familiar name, Todd suddenly slapped the table and stood up, and asked sternly:

"How is it possible!"

"Wasn't he captured?"

The guard shook his head in panic and quickly replied: "Sir, I don't know either."

Todd said coldly: "Bring him in."

The guard hesitated and said:

"He said... he would trouble you to go out and meet him, he has something important to offer."

The guard's voice was a little tearful.

Todd thought of the gold and troops he had lost, and the rumor that Hart had been captured, and he was immediately annoyed, and laughed in anger:

"Okay, okay, okay!"

"Where is he, then I'll go and see it myself."

"See how this deserter who came to the door, my dear subordinate, is doing."

Baron Todd's tone was a little gnashing of teeth.

"Yes, sir."

The guard was terrified, but he still obeyed the order and led the baron out of the mansion.

The baron's mansion was newly built not long ago and the area was not very large. After passing through the hall and the narrow passage of dozens of meters, the two arrived at the door.

The man outside was ragged and unkempt. If you didn't look closely, you might think he was an orc. He didn't look like the high-spirited butler.

But Todd smelled the familiar smell of blood on him and confirmed in an instant that this was Hart.

The baron spoke first, with sarcasm in his words:

"Hart, long time no see."

"Isn't this the subordinate I once trusted the most? The one who promised to bring me gold."

"Why did you disappear for so long and come back here again."

Hart looked nervous: "Baron, I have important information to report to you."

"Oh? What's going on?"

Todd looked at him with a half-smile, with hatred and hunger in his eyes, and his sanity was disappearing.

It just so happened that he hadn't eaten blood for a long time, and Hart, who was worthless after reporting the information, would become his next meal.

"Please also ask your subordinates to avoid this."

Hart's voice trembled.


"You all stand down."

The baron agreed to this request, dismissed the surrounding guards, and accompanied Hart to a hidden and uninhabited place in the back garden of the baron's mansion, which was in line with his own ideas.

In his opinion, Hart was asking for death.

Baron Todd's pupils had turned scarlet, and he sneered: "Go ahead, Hart, I'm curious how you will defend yourself."

Hart's voice trembled even more, and the forced smile on his face was uglier than crying.

He said word for word:

"The giant dragon has arrived."

Before Baron Todd could react, he said in surprise:


However, the next moment, he found that a huge shadow instantly enveloped him, his wings covering most of the night sky in front of him, and also blocking the pouring moonlight.

The red dragon looked down at the baron condescendingly, its ferocious head seemed to be smiling but not smiling, and its golden vertical pupils glowed faintly in the darkness.

"Do you need me to repeat it for you? The Baron I have never met."

"The dragon has arrived."

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