Red dragon: in charge of natural disasters

Chapter 444: Fire Element Plane


Instantly, the world in front of Cassius turned black and white, and everything around him fell silent, leaving only a narrow pipe.

He entered the etheric plane.

The inner plane is a plane dominated by material laws, and each elemental plane is connected to the main material world through the etheric channels in it.

"I'm in the etheric plane again."

Cassius looked at the black and white landscape around him and let the power of the spell drive him to his destination.

The energy tide in the distance was particularly intense, but the teleportation spell could penetrate it and directly descend to the destination.

However, Cassius thought for a moment, and actually flapped his wings hard, taking the initiative to walk out of the "safe zone" formed by the etheric channel.


The sound of tearing silk resounded, and the energy around seemed to be roaring and roaring.

And the fire dwarf in his claws was still wailing.

"Your Majesty Cassius!"

"Wait! Let me out first!"

"My Lord, this is very dangerous! The violent elemental tide will tear us to pieces!"

The red dragon sneered: "Haha, isn't this taking you back home?"

"Don't worry, guide, I will ensure your safety."

The sound of air friction bursting rang out.

His huge dragon body continued to break through the constraints of space, and finally he could see the dangerous world in the distance filled with flames and emitting endless heat energy.

As the red dragon gradually approached, the surrounding wind carrying flames became more and more fierce.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The explosions caused by energy collisions occurred around him again and again, and the violent elemental tides surged like a tide.

The inner plane is a place of natural energy and pure elements, in extreme states and conditions.

They are the bricks that build the universe and the basic matter and energy in their original form.

When used as a travel destination, the inner plane is most hostile to creatures from the material plane.

Unprepared travelers were extremely helpless in the face of such a powerful force. In the worst case, they would be extinguished like candles in a strong wind.

However, as a red dragon with ancestral blood, Cassius was not afraid, and even felt sincerely comfortable.

"Is this the energy of the fire elemental plane? This is interesting!"


Cassius whistled softly, and the flames surged in his pale golden vertical pupils.

He suddenly tightened his wings, dragging a brilliant flame behind him.

A piercing scream sounded.

Then came the "crash" sound of objects breaking.

The red dragon just broke through the surging tide of energy, falling from the straight sky like a red meteor, and broke into the world of fire rudely.


The scorching earth shattered, and sparks and ashes flew everywhere.

The red dragon looked up at the sky, and everything he saw was red.

His red, hot dragon body seemed to have no sense of disobedience in this world, as if he had already blended into it.

This is a plane that is constantly burning, smelling of burnt flesh and ash-turned dreams.

This is the embodiment of fire - the Elemental Plane of Fire.

Everything on the Elemental Plane of Fire is ablaze with fire.

The ground is nothing more than a huge, shifting, flattened slab of flame, the air produces gossamer threads in the heat of constant firestorms, and the most common liquid is magma rather than water.

Oceans are formed by flowing flames, and mountains ooze lava.

Widespread humans are not able to live here, and this is the common home of elemental creatures such as fire children, fire dwarves, fire lizards, and fire giants.

It is a crematorium for unprepared travelers, and even for adventurers who are prepared.

The flames here do not need fuel or air to burn, but the combustibles brought will soon burn out.

Fire dominates the Elemental Plane of Fire, where only a small number of elements and other substances exist like islands in the dominant element or energy.


Casius let out a comfortable hum, stretched his wings, shook his body, and looked down at the dragon crystal on his chest.

The surrounding flames poured into it all the time, making the crystal flicker continuously.

It turned out that even the "ground" under his feet was composed of thick flames, ashes and debris.

For mortals, this is a terrible purgatory.

But for Casius, this can be said to be a resort, and the surrounding fire elements are resonating with him.

"What a great place."

The red dragon showed a hideous smile on his face, as if he was enjoying it all.


He loosened his right claw, and the fire dwarf named "Green Cardoso" fell to the ground and huddled up.

After a long time, he looked himself up and down and found that the bronze body was not damaged, so he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Moradin, God."

"Breaking through the physical body and entering the elemental plane, what a crazy journey, what a terrible experience!"

But soon, Green turned his head and looked up at the red dragon, and said carefully: "Your Majesty Cassius, you are much more powerful than I imagined to be able to enter the fire elemental plane in this way."

Back in the fire elemental plane, the hair and beard of this fire dwarf burned more vigorously.

Cassius glanced at him and just asked: "Where are we now?"

Green looked around and thought for a moment before answering: "It's the Burning Wilds, Your Majesty Cassius, this is the territory of the fire giants."

Hearing the name of the fire giants, Cassius's eyes flickered, but he quickly asked again.

"Where is the base of the empire?"

Green answered in great detail: "It is in the brass fortress of our fire dwarves."

"Your army has resisted the invasion of fire lizard predators for us many times, and you are the benefactor of all of us fire dwarves."

"Very good, then point it to me."

"Wait, your majesty"

Casius grabbed the fire dwarf in his claws again, waved his wings, raised a fiery hurricane, and soared into the sky.

The strange birds with wings of flames in the sky avoided one after another and cried out in fear.

"Is it in this direction?"

"Yes, your majesty, according to the common units of the main material world, this place should be more than 1,300 miles away from the brass fortress of our fire dwarves."

"Very good."

"It will take about an hour."

Casius waved his wings again, and the speed suddenly jumped up, cutting through the sky, and a sharp sonic boom sounded.

This is just the cruising speed of Casius.

Because the red dragon is surrounded by an energy shield and the fire dwarf is a copper-cast elemental creature, Green did not lose consciousness.

As he flew, Cassius asked, "Why did the fire giants send troops to invade you?"

In his memory of his previous life, the fire dwarves and the fire giants were enemies, and many fire dwarves were captured as slaves and worked forever.

And the fire dwarves are a species that pays special attention to fulfilling their duties - even the duties of slaves.

Some fire dwarf slaves can even be selected as supervisors to look after their compatriots.

The dedication to order is deeply imprinted on this race. They would rather wait until the contract ends and the master dies than to overthrow it actively.

And this is why Cassius is particularly interested in the fire dwarves - they are simply born cattle and horses!

This is very compatible with the Burning Empire.

Hearing Cassius's question, Green gritted his teeth and said bitterly: "You don't know that a long time ago, the fire giants were allies with us."

"We fought against the brutal rule of the fire elemental master together with the fire giants."

"We also helped build the home of the fire giants, the City of Brass, which was our proudest masterpiece and an unparalleled wonder."

"And the 'Cast Iron City' that Lady Misha visited was built by me."

"But when we finished, those despicable fire giants betrayed us and even tried to enslave us to prevent the city's secrets from leaking out."

Speaking of this, the fire dwarf's tone became more and more angry, and the flames on his body became more vigorous.

Hearing this, the red dragon's eyes suddenly lit up.

"What a despicable guy."

He echoed.

But Cassius was quite excited in his heart, and he had already had many different ideas.

Easy to coax.


They are extremely orderly, dedicated, and skilled in labor.

It's so perfect.

These fire giants are not just mean and shameless, they are simply wasting the gifts of nature! They actually want to enslave people openly and lose people's hearts in vain.

The Burning Empire is different.

The Empire can be the most "loyal" ally of the fire dwarves and guarantee that they will not enslave them in any name.

"The Empire lacks loyal allies like you."

Cassius sighed sincerely.

"Thank you for your praise, Your Majesty."

Green did not see the red dragon's sinister intentions, but thought he was praising the character of the fire dwarves, and immediately scratched his head in embarrassment.

——Seeking monthly tickets——(End of this chapter)

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