The cold wind blew through the door of the rock fortress, and the cold air rushing out of the gap made the gatekeeper goblin sneeze.

"Damn, it's so cold..."


The goblin next to him echoed, he couldn't help rubbing his red nose, but accidentally scratched a long mark on his face with his claws.


The goblin screamed.

Blood beads flowed out, but quickly solidified.

After several months, many of the followers of the Burning Embers Nest have shown "dragonization" characteristics. Although these changes are not as strong as their leader, they also show some unique characteristics of red dragons.

For example, the occasional sparse scales, sharp claws, frills on the ears, and a preference for warm or even hot climates...

The red dragon that has been sleeping in the cave for a long time is like a huge radiation source, influencing and transforming all the followers in the Burning Embers Nest with the gift of blood.

Cassius is still lying on his side in the cave, his huge body slowly rising and falling.

After the weather turned cold, as a red dragon who liked heat, he was tired of going out and preferred to stay in the cave, eating and sleeping all day like any native red dragon of Erezega.

Casius stretched lazily and slowly opened his eyes: "But some things still need to be done."

He called softly in dragon language:


The three-headed monster immediately flew out of a cave in the rock wall, lying in front of Casius like a loyal dog, waiting for the master's order.

Since accepting the "blood gift" last time, this unruly beast has become particularly obedient, even making Casius feel uncomfortable.

Casius continued to say in dragon language: "Take me to find those tieflings."


But seeing the three heads of the chimera tilted in confusion.

The red dragon was speechless for a while, picked up an old skull with horns from the corner of the cave, and put it in front of the chimera.

"Take me to find these people."

The lion head of the chimera came up and sniffed carefully, and then said in the still unskilled dragon language:

"Long horns, humans, not delicious."

Casius said impatiently: "That's them, take me there."

Seeing this, the chimera quickly bent down obediently, indicating that it would obey the order.

"Yes, master."

It then roared and flapped its wings and flew up.

The chimera flew out of the warm cave, left the wide giant valley, and came to the high sky with wind and snow.

Casius followed closely behind, flying in the wind and snow.

In a clearing covered by layers of mountains, many simple tents were stationed on the snow. Not far away, the spacious cave was brightly lit and surrounded by walls barely piled with stones on all sides - this is the shelter called "Ruinous House" by the tieflings.

Those tieflings with long horns on their heads and red skin live here.

The mountains can protect them from being discovered by pursuers, but they cannot protect them from the severe cold and snow.

The tieflings still wore ragged clothes in the severe cold. The men chopped trees and chopped wood in the forest in the snow and wind. The women built a bonfire in front of the tent and roasted the prey they hunted. The children also picked up some dry wood and dead grass nearby to add fuel to the bonfire and do some work within their ability.

Several injured tieflings were arranged in a warmer cave and wrapped in several layers of animal skins and grass wool, but these measures still could not prevent their breathing from becoming weaker and weaker, and their eyelids were about to close.

"Medrolash, we can't survive the winter if this goes on."

"The wounded are almost dying, we have to go to the nearby town."

A female voice with a hoarse voice came from the cold.

The tiefling called "Medrolash" turned his head.

There were traces of burns on his tough face, and his tall body was covered with bloodstained armor, which also had many marks of being hit and dented.

At this moment, his tone was heavy: "Lerissa, you still have illusions about those humans." The female tiefling shook her head and defended: "No, I don't." Medrash interrupted her rudely, and his tone became increasingly fierce: "Those pitchforks, stakes, those burning houses, those naked bodies hanging at the city gates, the cheers and curses of the citizens, haven't you understood their true colors?" "This is human, Leresha." "If we go to any town now, we will not wait for wine to be entertained, but will only wait for ruthless expulsion-and the pursuit of the old vampire's lackeys." Leresha's voice trembled, with a hint of crying: "They just don't know the truth, but maybe, maybe we can resolve this misunderstanding and explain it to them." "You should understand the way humans see us, son of the devil." Those cold black eyes seemed to pierce her heart, and the sudden seriousness in his voice also shocked her. Medrash continued: "One person is curious, two people are a conspiracy." His tone paused. "Three people are cursed."

"When all of them were incited to wield the butcher's knife against us, there was no misunderstanding anymore."

After Medorash finished speaking, he ignored the sobbing Leresa and silently wiped his bloodstained silver sword.

His weather-beaten face was reflected on the polished sword.

With curved horns like ram's horns, pure black eyes with no irises, sharp canine teeth, and red skin, he still roughly looks like a human, but the devil's bloodline still leaves a clear imprint on his appearance.

"What a naive guy."

Metrolash couldn't help but recall his past life, the memories of pain and suffering.

When he was in Beifeng Castle, when he was young, he was often looked at and whispered about because of his status as a "Descendant of the Devil". He always endured violence and insults on the street, and always saw the distrust and fear in the eyes of others.

But he still has human friends he can trust.

This is a blessing.

It is also a cruel fate.

The sincere care from his companions made the former Metrolash still have kindness and trust in his heart.

In this way, he joined the city guard, became a paladin at a young age, and swore an oath of redemption.

--Paladins of the Oath of Redemption face evil creatures in the hope of converting their enemies to the light of day, resorting to violence only at the last moment.

And they will never kill their enemies unless doing so will obviously save other lives.

Young tieflings believe that anyone can be redeemed and that all can walk the path of mercy and justice.

Metrolash believes that he can correct all prejudices against his devil blood in the world with his kind actions, and he seems to be moving towards this goal.

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