Red dragon: in charge of natural disasters

Chapter 470 The Situation of the Empire

On the Great Altar of Isdalia, hundreds of imperial court mages gathered together and raised their staffs in unison.

Along with violent fluctuations, a huge space crack that was hundreds of meters long appeared on the top of the altar.

A huge and majestic red head protruded from it, followed by a thick neck, then broad wings and powerful forelimbs.

The supreme emperor of the Burning Ember Empire and the dragon who rules the great wasteland of Anzeta - Cassius Claudius Norixius arrived in his loyal Isdalia today.


Cassius slowly closed his eyes, feeling the long-lost feeling of controlling everything in the empire, and let out a light whistle.

"Master, welcome back."

Lang Pu stood on the lower level of the altar, respectfully welcoming the return of the red dragon.

As the Prime Minister of the Empire, only he can stand in a unique position and be the first to welcome the Emperor of the Empire.

Behind him were the two Dukes of Metrolash and Doro, who led the elite imperial army and tiefling guards respectively.

"Welcome your Majesty to return——"

The hundreds of palace mages behind him also said in unison.

The soldiers on the altar knelt down neatly, and the rifles in their hands were placed on the ground, making a crisp sound.


Bailong rushed towards him from a distance, running and flying. This time she didn't dare to get close to him. She just lay on the ground excitedly, with her thick tail wagging.

Just the movement from her nearly twenty-meter-long body made the ground tremble slightly.

Cassius looked around, and finally fixed his gaze on Imperial Prime Minister Trump.

"Rump, you should have received news about the empire's colony on the fire elemental plane."

"Yes, Master. Congratulations on another great victory. I have sent someone to record your deeds in the "History of the Burning Empire"."

The ogre knelt on the ground, his tone becoming more and more excited.

"You subdued the fire dwarves, defeated the pasha of the fire dwarf kingdom, and made the sultan sign a contract with us, which brought huge benefits to the empire. All citizens should remember your achievements and your kindness. ! I will make a new monument immediately."

"That's not what I'm talking about."

Cassius' mouth twitched slightly and he couldn't help but interrupt.

He just made a gesture, and Metrolash whispered to Doro.

Under their orders, the surrounding soldiers, guards, and court mages retreated in an orderly manner, leaving only a few important ministers—and Tinia, who didn't understand anything.

"Have you sent manpower and supplies to the colony? The living conditions there are extremely harsh, and ordinary clothes and food will be burned quickly."

"Of course, Master."

Trump replied quickly.

"We have sent a special envoy team composed of players from the Mechanicum to the Brass Fortress, and have also brought a lot of supplies with high-temperature resistance spells."

"In addition, people from the Ministry of Science and Technology are also working on weapons, clothing, and food that are suitable for the special environment of the fire elemental plane. It is expected that preliminary results will be available in about a month, which can greatly reduce the cost of spells. You don't have to worry at all."

"very good."

Cassius nodded slightly.

"The Burning War is also a rare opportunity. I appointed Serkan as the governor of the colony on the fire elemental plane. You asked him to stand firm and profit from the chaos."

"In addition, special weapons against elemental creatures are also on the agenda. This war will last for a long time."

Trump grinned an ugly smile.

"You should rest assured, Your Majesty, those guys in the military industrial group are the most greedy. They have already tasted the sweetness of selling arms. Many of them have made a lot of money, and have even formed some kind of An atmosphere of doing whatever it takes to pursue profit.”

Trump chuckled.

"In this atmosphere, if there is any opportunity to make profits, they will swarm up like a pack of hungry wolves and divide all the gold coins."

But as if he remembered something, he frowned and said, "However, in order to reduce costs, some people have begun to hide the number of workers, take advantage of legal loopholes, and even fail to pay taxes in accordance with regulations."

Cassius's expression suddenly became serious - this was a bloodthirsty monster that he had personally cultivated.

Now it has begun to show its majesty and begins to show their abominable face to the entire Fianso continent.

Although there are individual forces suppressing the formation, Cassius does not regard them as scourges, but as vicious dogs that help the empire expand outwards. But he also wants to prevent these monsters from turning into silverfish that gnaw at the foundation of the empire.

Vicious dogs need to be disciplined.

Not only let them eat flesh and blood, but also let them feel the power of the stick, lest these greedy guys can't tell who is the master.

"It seems like it's more than just a sprout."

Cassius narrowed his eyes slightly and thought in his heart.

"Trump, let the people in the Ministry of Justice work overtime to fix the loopholes as soon as possible, increase the intensity of punishment, and then bring a few examples to the court to show that they will kill the chickens to scare the monkeys and never give them the slightest chance to take advantage of the loopholes."

"Yes, Master."

Seeing that the emperor took this matter seriously, Trump quickly bowed his head and agreed.

Cassius continued: "Remember the story I told you?"

"Of course, Master, even a thousand-mile-long embankment may collapse because of a small ant hole."

Casius nodded with satisfaction, and then turned to look at Medrash: "It seems that the country has been too peaceful recently, so that some people can't control their little thoughts."

"Let 'Nocturne' see blood, they haven't tasted fresh blood for many days."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Medrolash couldn't see the change in his expression, but he just half-knelt down and made a brief and powerful response.

"Okay, I just came back from the fire element plane, I need to go back to the palace to rest for a while."

"Remember, during this time, no one should disturb me."

Casius yawned, easily tore the space in front of him with his fore claws, created a huge flame portal, and drilled in, returning to the palace he had been away from for a long time.

After several battles, he really needed to rest for a while, and by the way, he had to digest the new power.

And the empire was about to set off an uproar.

A month later, the "Imperial Company Law" was solemnly promulgated, and retroactively applied to the past, which immediately caused an uproar in the country.

But soon, several dragon blood nobles who took the lead in breaking the rules were beheaded and put on display, and some companies that walked on the edge of the law were also "cordially" greeted by Nocturne.

Even some "smart" players had all their assets confiscated and were locked up in cells for long-term labor reform.

For a time, the empire was silent, and the trend of "breaking the imperial law for gold coins" was curbed and restrained, turning into a wave of "abandoning humanity for gold coins".

In the eyes of the imperial officials, the second one can only be regarded as a normal phenomenon, and the first one is unforgivable.

Soon, some people found that they needed to be controlled by the law in Anzeta, and they could not keep slaves, evade taxes, or squeeze to death, but this was not necessarily the case in the south.

Although they still had to pay taxes to the empire, they were much freer in some unspeakable aspects.

So, they began to contact the priests of the Woking Church who "sold their souls to gold coins", and a vigorous expansion campaign against the outside world began. (End of this chapter)

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